896 research outputs found

    Los Arenales marĂ­timos de Ceuta-RincĂłn y su flora

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    Parametric macromodeling of integrated inductors for RF circuit design

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    Nowadays, parametric macromodeling techniques are widely used to describe electromagnetic structures. In this contribution, the application of such parametric macromodeling techniques to the design of integrated inductors and radio-frequency circuit design is investigated. In order to allow such different operations, a new modeling methodology is proposed, which improves the modeling accuracy when compared to former techniques. The new methodology is tailored to the unique characteristics of the devices under study. The obtained parametric macromodel is then used in a synthesis methodology and in the design of a voltage controlled oscillator in a 0.35-ÎŒm CMOS technologyMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TEC2013-45638-C3- 3-RJunta de AndalucĂ­a P12-TIC-148

    Nuevos datos sobre algunas especies de crisópidos de la Península Ibérica, islas Baleares e islas Canarias (Insecta, Neuroptera, Chrysopidae)

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    New data on 41 green-lacewings species belonging to the Iberian, Balearic and Canarian faunas are given. The external morphology and genitalia of <em>Chrysopa nigricostata</em> Brauer, 1850 are re-described, and the erroneous citations given for Spain and Portugal, mostly assigned now to <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> (NavĂĄs, 1918), are corrected. The species <em>Chrysopa cosmia</em> NavĂĄs, 1918 is confirmed, and its <b>valid status reinstated</b> (previously a later synonymous of <em>Chrysopa nigricostata</em>), and it is transferred to the genus <em>Cunctochrysa</em>, proposing a new combination: <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> (NavĂĄs, 1918) <b>n. comb.</b>, and a new synonymy: <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> (NavĂĄs, 1918)=(<em>Cunctochrysa bellifontensis</em> Leraut, 1988 <b>n. syn.</b>) is now proposed. Based on the single known of <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> and on the material now assigned to this species, its external and genital morphology are re-described, giving an identification key for the three European species of the genus <em>Cunctochrysa</em>, underscoring certain elements to differentiate them from one another, as well from other European species with a similar morphology and coloration (<em>Pseudomallada flavifrons, Chrysopa viridana</em> and specially <em>C. nigricostata</em>). Because of these similarities, some errors in the identification of these European species are detected. This paper draws attention on the possible confusion among these species, and it suggests checking the authenticity of its proposed synonyms. Two new combinations: <em>Pseudomallada subcostalis</em> (McLachlan, 1882) <b>n. comb.</b>, and <em>Pseudomallada fortunatus</em> (McLachlan, 1882) <b>n. comb.</b> are proposed.<br><br>Se aportan nuevos datos de 41 especies de crisĂłpidos de las Faunas IbĂ©rica, Balear y Canaria. Se redescribe la morfologĂ­a externa y genital de <em>Chrysopa nigricostata</em> Brauer, 1850 y se corrigen sus citas errĂłneas de España y Portugal, que mayoritariamente se asignan a <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> (NavĂĄs, 1918). Se revalida la especie <em>Chrysopa cosmia</em> NavĂĄs, 1918 <b>estatus vĂĄlido restaurado</b> (antes sinĂłnima posterior de <em>Chrysopa nigricostata</em>) y se transfiere al gĂ©nero <em>Cunctochrysa</em>, proponiĂ©ndose una nueva combinaciĂłn: <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> (NavĂĄs, 1918) <b>n. comb.</b>, y una nueva sinonimia: <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> (NavĂĄs, 1918)=(<em>Cunctochrysa bellifontensis</em> Leraut, 1988) <b>n. sin.</b> Sobre el Ășnico ejemplar hasta ahora conocido de <em>Cunctochrysa cosmia</em> y el nuevo material ahora a ella asignado, se redescribe su morfologĂ­a externa y genital, aportĂĄndose una clave de identificaciĂłn para las tres especies europeas del gĂ©nero <em>Cunctochrysa</em>, anotĂĄndose nuevos datos para diferenciarlas tanto entre sĂ­, como de otras especies europeas de similar morfologĂ­a y coloraciĂłn (<em>Pseudomallada flavifrons, Chrysopa viridana</em> y especialmente <em>C. nigricostata</em>). Por estas similitudes, se detectan algunos errores en la identificaciĂłn de estas especies, se llama la atenciĂłn sobre la posible confusiĂłn entre estas especies, y se sugiere revisar la autenticidad de sus sinonimias propuestas. Se establecen dos nuevas combinaciones: <em>Pseudomallada subcostalis</em> (McLachlan, 1882) <b>n. comb.</b> y <em>Pseudomallada fortunatus</em> (McLachlan, 1882) <b>n. comb.</b

    Multi-site, multi-year monitoring of the oscillating Algol-type eclipsing binary CT Her

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    We present the results of a multi-site photometric campaign carried out in 2004-2008 for the Algol-type eclipsing binary system CT Her, the primary component of which shows Delta Scuti-type oscillations. Our data consist of differential light curves collected in the filters B and V which have been analysed using the method of Wilson-Devinney (PHOEBE). After identification of an adequate binary model and removal of the best-matching light curve solution, we performed a Fourier analysis of the residual B and V light curves to investigate the pulsational behaviour. We confirm the presence of rapid pulsations with a main period of 27.2 min. Up to eight significant frequencies with semi-amplitudes in the range 3 to 1 mmag were detected, all of which surprisingly lie in the frequency range 43.5-53.5 c\d. This result is independent from the choice of the primary's effective temperature (8200 or 8700 K) since the light curve models for the binary are very similar in both cases. This is yet another case of a complex frequency spectrum observed for an accreting Delta Scuti-type star (after Y Cam). In addition, we demonstrate that the amplitudes of several of these pulsation frequencies show evidence of variability on time scales as short as 1-2 years, perhaps even less. Moreover, our analysis takes into account some recently acquired spectra, from which we obtained the corresponding radial velocities for the years 2007-2009. Investigation of the O-C diagram shows that further monitoring of the epochs of eclipse minima of CT Her will cast a new light on the evolution of its orbital period.Comment: 13 pages, 13 encapsulated Postscript figures. Tables~3, 4, 9 and 12 will be available in electronic form only. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in process (2011). Replaced the abstract with its final versio

    Método para prevenir y corregir la clorosis férrica en plantas

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    Método para prevenir y corregir la clorosis férrica en plantas. La presente invención se refiere a un método para preve nir y corregir la clorosis férrica en plantas, caracterizado porque comprende aplicar una suspensión acuosa de si derita sintética al suelo en el que se cultivan las plantas, preferentemente la suspensión de siderita se aplica a ra zón de entre 0,5 y 1,0 g de siderita por kg de suelo.Españ

    Adaptive changes of the Insig1/SREBP1/SCD1 set point help adipose tissue to cope with increased storage demands of obesity.

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    The epidemic of obesity imposes unprecedented challenges on human adipose tissue (WAT) storage capacity that may benefit from adaptive mechanisms to maintain adipocyte functionality. Here, we demonstrate that changes in the regulatory feedback set point control of Insig1/SREBP1 represent an adaptive response that preserves WAT lipid homeostasis in obese and insulin-resistant states. In our experiments, we show that Insig1 mRNA expression decreases in WAT from mice with obesity-associated insulin resistance and from morbidly obese humans and in in vitro models of adipocyte insulin resistance. Insig1 downregulation is part of an adaptive response that promotes the maintenance of SREBP1 maturation and facilitates lipogenesis and availability of appropriate levels of fatty acid unsaturation, partially compensating the antilipogenic effect associated with insulin resistance. We describe for the first time the existence of this adaptive mechanism in WAT, which involves Insig1/SREBP1 and preserves the degree of lipid unsaturation under conditions of obesity-induced insulin resistance. These adaptive mechanisms contribute to maintain lipid desaturation through preferential SCD1 regulation and facilitate fat storage in WAT, despite on-going metabolic stress

    Olanzapine-Induced Hyperphagia and Weight Gain Associate with Orexigenic Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Signaling without Concomitant AMPK Phosphorylation

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    The success of antipsychotic drug treatment in patients with schizophrenia is limited by the propensity of these drugs to induce hyperphagia, weight gain and other metabolic disturbances, particularly evident for olanzapine and clozapine. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in antipsychotic-induced hyperphagia remain unclear. Here, we investigate the effect of olanzapine administration on the regulation of hypothalamic mechanisms controlling food intake, namely neuropeptide expression and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation in rats. Our results show that subchronic exposure to olanzapine upregulates neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti related protein (AgRP) and downregulates proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC). This effect was evident both in rats fed ad libitum and in pair-fed rats. Of note, despite weight gain and increased expression of orexigenic neuropeptides, subchronic administration of olanzapine decreased AMPK phosphorylation levels. This reduction in AMPK was not observed after acute administration of either olanzapine or clozapine. Overall, our data suggest that olanzapine-induced hyperphagia is mediated through appropriate changes in hypothalamic neuropeptides, and that this effect does not require concomitant AMPK activation. Our data shed new light on the hypothalamic mechanism underlying antipsychotic-induced hyperphagia and weight gain, and provide the basis for alternative targets to control energy balance

    Determination of diquat by flow injection-chemiluminescence

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    A simple, economic, sensitive and rapid method for the determination of the pesticide diquat was described. This new method was based on the coupling of flow injection analysis methodology and direct chemiluminescent detection; to the authors' knowledge, this approach had not been used up to now with this pesticide. It was based on its oxidation with ferricyanide in alkaline medium; significant improvements in the analytical signal were achieved by using high temperatures and quinine as sensitiser. Its high throughput (144 h(-1)), together with its low limit of detection (2 ng mL(-1)), achieved without need of preconcentration steps, permitted the reliable quantification of diquat over the linear range of (0.01-0.6) mu g mL(-1) in samples from different origins (river, tap, mineral and ground waters), even in the presence of a 40-fold concentration of paraquat, a pesticide commonly present in the commercial formulations of diquat.LĂłpez-Paz, JL.; CatalĂĄ-Icardo, M.; AntĂłn Garrido, B. (2009). Determination of diquat by flow injection-chemiluminescence. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 394(4):1073-1079. doi:10.1007/s00216-009-2609-zS107310793944Hayes WJ Jr, Laws ER Jr (1991) Handbook of pesticide toxicology, Academic Press, San DiegoUS Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/06WDW/contaminants/dw_contamfs/diquat.html (accessed in August 2008)Horwitz W (2000) Official methods of analysis of AOAC International 17th edition. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD, USAHara S, Sasaki N, Takase D, Shiotsuka S, Ogata K, Futagami K, Tamura K (2007) Anal Sci 23(5):523–531Rial Otero R, Cancho Grande B, PĂ©rez Lamela C, Simal Gandara J, Aria Estevez M (2006) J Chromatogr Sci 44(9):539–542Aramendia MA, Borau V, Lafont F, Marinas JM, Moreno JM, Porras JM, Urbano FJ (2006) Food Chem 97(1):181–188Nuñez O, Moyano E, Galceran MT (2004) Anal Chim Acta 525(2):183–190Martinez Vidal JL, Belmonte Vega A, Sanchez Lopez FJ, Garrido Frenich AJ (2004) Chromatogr A 1050(2):179–184Lee XP, Kumazawa T, Fujishiro M, Hasegawa C, Arinobu T, Seno H, Sato K (2004) J Mass Spectrom 39(10):1147–1152De Almeida RM, Yonamine M (2007) J Chromatogr B 853(1–2):260–264De Souza D, Machado SAS (2006) Electroanalysis 18(9):862–872De Souza D, Da Silva MRC, Machado SAS (2006) Electroanalysis 18(23):2305–2313PicĂł Y, Rodriguez R, Manes J (2003) Trends Anal Chem 22(3):133–151Ishiwata T (2004) Bunseki Kagaku 53(8):863–864Carneiro MC, Puignou L, GalcerĂĄn MT (2000) Anal Chim Acta 408:263Luque M, Rios A, Valcarcel M (1998) Analyst 123(11):2383–2387Perez Ruiz T, MartĂ­nez Lozano C, Tomas V (1991) Int J Environ Anal Chem 44(4):243–252Perez Ruiz T, MartĂ­nez Lozano C, Tomas V (1991) Anal Chim Acta 244(1):99–104Townshend A (1990) Analyst 115:495–500LĂłpez Paz JL, CatalĂĄ Icardo M (2008) Anal Chim Acta 625:173–179PawlicovĂĄ Z, Sahuquillo I, CatalĂĄ Icardo M, GarcĂ­a Mateo JV, MartĂ­nez Calatayud J (2006) Anal Sci 22:29–34Albert GarcĂ­a JR, CatalĂĄ Icardo M, MartĂ­nez Calatayud J (2006) Talanta 69:608–614Tomlin CDS (1997) The pesticide manual, 11th edn.The British Crop Protection CouncilUKCatalĂĄ-Icardo M, MartĂ­nez-Calatayud J (2008) Crit Rev Anal Chem 38:118–130Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. http://www.marm.es/ (accessed in September 2008)US Environmental Protection Agency. http://www.epa.gov/OGWWDW/contaminants (accessed in October 2008
