10 research outputs found

    First results from the LUCID-Timepix spacecraft payload onboard the TechDemoSat-1 satellite in Low Earth Orbit

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    The Langton Ultimate Cosmic ray Intensity Detector (LUCID) is a payload onboard the satellite TechDemoSat-1, used to study the radiation environment in Low Earth Orbit (\sim635km). LUCID operated from 2014 to 2017, collecting over 2.1 million frames of radiation data from its five Timepix detectors on board. LUCID is one of the first uses of the Timepix detector technology in open space, with the data providing useful insight into the performance of this technology in new environments. It provides high-sensitivity imaging measurements of the mixed radiation field, with a wide dynamic range in terms of spectral response, particle type and direction. The data has been analysed using computing resources provided by GridPP, with a new machine learning algorithm that uses the Tensorflow framework. This algorithm provides a new approach to processing Medipix data, using a training set of human labelled tracks, providing greater particle classification accuracy than other algorithms. For managing the LUCID data, we have developed an online platform called Timepix Analysis Platform at School (TAPAS). This provides a swift and simple way for users to analyse data that they collect using Timepix detectors from both LUCID and other experiments. We also present some possible future uses of the LUCID data and Medipix detectors in space.Comment: Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes: II - mapping a protoplanetary disc with stable structures at 0.15 au

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    The HOYS citizen science project conducts long term, multifilter, high cadence monitoring of large YSO samples with a wide variety of professional and amateur telescopes. We present the analysis of the light curve of V1490 Cyg in the Pelican Nebula. We show that colour terms in the diverse photometric data can be calibrated out to achieve a median photometric accuracy of 0.02 mag in broadband filters, allowing detailed investigations into a variety of variability amplitudes over timescales from hours to several years. Using Gaia DR2 we estimate the distance to the Pelican Nebula to be 870 +70 −55 pc. V1490 Cyg is a quasi-periodic dipper with a period of 31.447 ± 0.011 d. The obscuring dust has homogeneous properties, and grains larger than those typical in the ISM. Larger variability on short timescales is observed in U and Rc−Hα, with U-amplitudes reaching 3 mag on timescales of hours, indicating the source is accreting. The Hα equivalent width and NIR/MIR colours place V1490 Cyg between CTTS/WTTS and transition disk objects. The material responsible for the dipping is located in a warped inner disk, about 0.15 AU from the star. This mass reservoir can be filled and emptied on time scales shorter than the period at a rate of up to 10−10 M�/yr, consistent with low levels of accretion in other T Tauri stars. Most likely the warp at this separation from the star is induced by a protoplanet in the inner accretion disk. However, we cannot fully rule out the possibility of an AA Tau-like warp, or occultations by the Hill sphere around a forming planet

    The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

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    The fourth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) has been in operation since 2014 July. This paper describes the second data release from this phase, and the 14th from SDSS overall (making this Data Release Fourteen or DR14). This release makes the data taken by SDSS-IV in its first two years of operation (2014–2016 July) public. Like all previous SDSS releases, DR14 is cumulative, including the most recent reductions and calibrations of all data taken by SDSS since the first phase began operations in 2000. New in DR14 is the first public release of data from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey; the first data from the second phase of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE-2), including stellar parameter estimates from an innovative data-driven machine-learning algorithm known as "The Cannon"; and almost twice as many data cubes from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) survey as were in the previous release (N = 2812 in total). This paper describes the location and format of the publicly available data from the SDSS-IV surveys. We provide references to the important technical papers describing how these data have been taken (both targeting and observation details) and processed for scientific use. The SDSS web site (www.sdss.org) has been updated for this release and provides links to data downloads, as well as tutorials and examples of data use. SDSS-IV is planning to continue to collect astronomical data until 2020 and will be followed by SDSS-V

    CernVM Users Workshop

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    cernatschool.org is a very small Virtual Organisation made up of secondary school and university students, and participating organisations in the Institute for Research in Schools. We use CVMFS to delpoy dependencies and Python 3 itself for custom software used for analysing radiation data from Medipix detectors. This software is designed for running on GridPP worker nodes, part of the UK based distributed computing grid. The cernatschool.org VO also uses the CernVM, for job submission and interacting with the grid. The current use for both CVMFS and the CernVM is for facilitating analysis of 3 years worth of data from the LUCID payload on TechDemoSat-1. The CernVM looks like it could be particularly useful in the future for a standard system for students to use to program and analyse data themselves with, allowing easy access to any software they might need (not necessarily using GridPP compute resources at all)

    indigo-iam/iam: INDIGO Identity and Access Management Service v1.8.2p2

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    This release fixes a privilege escalation present in all previous IAM releases. See https://advisories.egi.eu/Advisory-EGI-SVG-2023-53

    indigo-iam/iam: INDIGO Identity and Access Management Service v1.8.1p2

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    This release fixes a privilege escalation present in all previous IAM releases. See https://advisories.egi.eu/Advisory-EGI-SVG-2023-53

    indigo-iam/iam: INDIGO Identity and Access Management Service v1.8.3

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    <h2>Recommendations</h2> <p>It is <strong>strongly</strong> recommended to <strong>make a backup of your database</strong> before upgrading to v1.8.3 because several migrations are planned. Also, remember that for updates from versions prior to v1.7.2 you <strong>must</strong> first upgrade to v1.7.2. The migration to v1.8.3 will take an amount of time which will be proportional to the amount of currently active access tokens. This means that if you are deploying IAM with some kind of liveness and readiness probes, it's probably better to <strong>switch them off</strong> before upgrading. This migration may take a long <strong>time.</strong></p> <h2>Changed</h2> <ul> <li>Save access token value as an hash in order to use lighter db indexes and avoid conflicts by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/613</li> <li>Avoid upper case characters into VO names by @SteDev2 in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/616</li> <li>Enable Redis scope matchers and well-known endpoint caching by @federicaagostini in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/633</li> <li>Consider scope matcher based on string equality for custom scopes by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/642</li> </ul> <h2>Added</h2> <ul> <li>Add SCIM endpoint entry to well-known endpoint by @federicaagostini in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/631</li> <li>Update account AUP signature time via API by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/608</li> <li>Add new JWT profile that rename 'groups' claim with 'roles' by @enricovianello in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/637</li> <li>Add support for displaying specific language name in federation Metadata by @Sae126V in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/640</li> <li>Add missing "Reuse refresh token" box within client management page by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/650</li> <li>Add missing foreign keys to the database by @enricovianello, @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/632, https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/659</li> <li>Add OpenID Connect standard claims in ATs for WLCG JWT profile by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/651</li> </ul> <h2>Fixed</h2> <ul> <li>Allow to add certificates with the same subject DN by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/624</li> <li>Delete unsupported response types by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/610</li> <li>Fix management of tokens lifetime following RFC9068 by @federicaagostini in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/620</li> <li>Fix CERN Restore workflow by @hannahshort in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/645</li> <li>Fix authz code flow with PKCE for IAM test client application by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/653</li> <li>Fix authorization on IAM APIs such to avoid cases where access is granted to already approved scopes instead of effective token scopes by @enricovianello in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/664</li> </ul> <h2>New Contributors</h2> <ul> <li>@SteDev2 made his first contribution in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/616</li> <li>@federicaagostini made her first contributions in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/620, https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/631 and https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/633</li> <li>@Sae126V made his first contribution in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/640</li> <li>@hannahshort made her first contributions in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/645</li> </ul&gt

    indigo-iam/iam: INDIGO Identity and Access Management Service v1.8.3

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    <h2>Recommendations</h2> <p>It is <strong>strongly</strong> recommended to <strong>make a backup of your database</strong> before upgrading to v1.8.3 because several migrations are planned. Also, remember that for updates from versions prior to v1.7.2 you <strong>must</strong> first upgrade to v1.7.2. The migration to v1.8.3 will take an amount of time which will be proportional to the amount of currently active access tokens. This means that if you are deploying IAM with some kind of liveness and readiness probes, it's probably better to <strong>switch them off</strong> before upgrading. This migration may take a long <strong>time.</strong></p> <h2>Changed</h2> <ul> <li>Save access token value as an hash in order to use lighter db indexes and avoid conflicts by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/613</li> <li>Avoid upper case characters into VO names by @SteDev2 in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/616</li> <li>Enable Redis scope matchers and well-known endpoint caching by @federicaagostini in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/633</li> <li>Consider scope matcher based on string equality for custom scopes by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/642</li> </ul> <h2>Added</h2> <ul> <li>Add SCIM endpoint entry to well-known endpoint by @federicaagostini in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/631</li> <li>Update account AUP signature time via API by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/608</li> <li>Add new JWT profile that rename 'groups' claim with 'roles' by @enricovianello in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/637</li> <li>Add support for displaying specific language name in federation Metadata by @Sae126V in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/640</li> <li>Add missing "Reuse refresh token" box within client management page by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/650</li> <li>Add missing foreign keys to the database by @enricovianello, @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/632, https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/659</li> <li>Add OpenID Connect standard claims in ATs for WLCG JWT profile by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/651</li> </ul> <h2>Fixed</h2> <ul> <li>Allow to add certificates with the same subject DN by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/624</li> <li>Delete unsupported response types by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/610</li> <li>Fix management of tokens lifetime following RFC9068 by @federicaagostini in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/620</li> <li>Fix CERN Restore workflow by @hannahshort in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/645</li> <li>Fix authz code flow with PKCE for IAM test client application by @rmiccoli in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/653</li> <li>Fix authorization on IAM APIs such to avoid cases where access is granted to already approved scopes instead of effective token scopes by @enricovianello in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/664</li> </ul> <h2>New Contributors</h2> <ul> <li>@SteDev2 made his first contribution in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/616</li> <li>@federicaagostini made her first contributions in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/620, https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/631 and https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/633</li> <li>@Sae126V made his first contribution in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/640</li> <li>@hannahshort made her first contributions in https://github.com/indigo-iam/iam/pull/645</li> </ul&gt

    The Effect of a Surveillance Banner in an Attacked Computer System: Additional Evidence for the Relevance of Restrictive Deterrence in Cyberspace

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    Objectives: Test whether the presence of a surveillance message on an attacked computer system influences system trespassers’ active engagement with the compromised system (i.e., entering computer commands). The hypothesized restrictive deterrent effect is tested both in the context of a first system trespassing incident and in the progression of repeated trespassing incidents in an attacked computer system. Methods: We designed a randomized controlled trial and deployed a series of virtual target computers with known vulnerabilities into the computer network of a large public university in the United States. The target computers were set to either display or not display a surveillance banner once system trespassers infiltrated them. Results: We find that the presence of a surveillance banner in the attacked computer systems reduced the probability of commands being typed in the system during longer first system trespassing incidents. Further, we find that the probability of commands being typed during subsequent system trespassing incidents (on the same target computer) is conditioned by the presence of a surveillance banner and by whether commands have been entered during previous trespassing incidents. Conclusions: These findings offer modest support for the application of restrictive deterrence in the study of system trespassing