64 research outputs found

    Biblical animals in the 16th-century Polish chivalry romances

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    The author focuses on biblical animals as heroes of the Polish chivalry romances of the 16th century. They play an important role in the lives of the protagonists and symbolize the main qualities of an ideal knight: courage, bravery and piety. The 16th-century Polish writers paid attention not only to the animals‘ appearance, but especially to their attitudes towards humans. Hence they can fall into two categories: the creatures associated with God and those representing evil. Such differentiation has its origins in the Bible. The animal heroes appearing in the texts under discussion include brave horses, terrifying dragons, a lion and hind who look after people, a boar that drags heroes into the gutter, a self-centred monkey, dogs saving human life or the so-called monstra biformia consisting of different members of other creatures‘ bodies.Uniwersytet w Białymstok

    Directions of changes in the flora structure in the abandoned railway areas

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    In 2007-2008, floristic studies were carried out in active railway areas in NE Poland, as well as on railway tracks, which had been abandoned at different times. Only homogeneous habitats were surveyed (the area between the tracks and a narrow transect running parallel to the tracks). Trends in the transformation of the flora in abandoned railway areas were discussed: the retreat of alien species with a short life cycle, the encroachment of native perennial plants and an increase in the number of trees

    Effect of acceptance of illness on treatment adherence in atrial fibrillation patients

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    Introduction and aim of the study: Atrial fibrillation is the most common durable type of arrhythmia. To obtain the positive effects of treatment it necessary that the patient respects the therapeutic recommendations and cooperates with the medical staff. An important factor affecting the patients adherence to the therapeutic plan is the acceptance of the illness. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of the acceptance of illness on treatment adherence in atrial fibrillation patients.Material and methods: The study involved 105 patients with atrial fibrillation (mean age72,6; SD=6,9). The study used a medication adherence questionnaire MMAS-8 (Morisky Medication Adherence Scale) and the acceptance of illness questionaire AIS (ang. Acceptance of Illness Scale). Results: In the AIS questionnaire, the respondents received an average score of 22.67 points, which corresponds to the average level of acceptance of the illness. The results showed that 25% of the patients had low, 30% had medium, and 45% had high treatment adherence. Patients with high levels of AIS achieved high levels of treatment adherence (MMAS-8 = 8), while patients with low levels of AIS achieved low treatment adherence (MMAS-8 = 5.51). Correlation analysis showed a strong, statistically significant relationship between the level of treatment adherence and the level of illness acceptance (r = 0.7408; p = 0.01).Conclusions: The acceptance of illness significantly affects the treatment adherence in atrial fibrillation patients. The higher level of AIS determines better anticoagulation and antiarrhythmic treatment adherence in atrial fibrillation patients

    Systemic treatment of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer — is there still a place for gemcitabine in the first-line setting? Experience of Polish oncology centers

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    Introduction. Despite some progress in the treatment of patients with pancreatic cancer, it is still a malignancy with a poor prognosis, which results from its rapid local growth with a tendency to infiltrate surrounding tissues and metastasize, and late diagnosis at the advanced stage. The use of multi-drug regimens and modern targeted therapies did not completely eliminate the use of gemcitabine in monotherapy, which is a therapeutic option mainly in patients with poor performance status, ineligible for more advanced therapies. This study aimed to evaluate the results of treatment with single-agent gemcitabine in everyday clinical practice in Poland and to attempt to identify the predictors of obtaining long-term responses resulting from this treatment.  Material and methods. A retrospective analysis of 167 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with single-agent gemcitabine in five oncology centers in Poland in the years 2017–2022 was conducted. Gemcitabine was used as monotherapy at an initial dose of 1000 mg/m2 of body surface area (BSA) weekly, 7 times in an 8-week cycle, then 3 times in a 4-week cycle.  Results. Median overall survival (OS) in the entire group of patients was 6.1 months (range — 0.2–32.3 months), and median progression-free survival (PFS) was 4.2 months (range — 0.2–31.3 months). A group of 60 patients was identified as “long responders” (LR), with a response of at least 6 months and a group of 107 as “short responders” (SR). Median PFS in the LR group was 9.15 months (range — 6.0–31.3 months) and in the SR group, it was 3.2 months (range — 0.2–5.8 months). Median OS was 11.6 months (range — 5.9–30.8) and 3.8 months (range — 0.2–32.3 months), respectively. In multivariate analysis, the likelihood of achieving at least a 6-month response (LR) was assessed using a logistic regression model. The model takes into account four variables: the neutrophil/lymphocyte (NLR) ratio, liver metastases, sex, and Hb level. Conclusions. The obtained results confirm that gemcitabine monotherapy is still useful in the first-line treatment of patients with advanced and metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma. An appropriate selection of patients for this treatment may improve the results while maintaining lower toxicity compared to combined treatment.

    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, and systemic immune-inflammation index as clinical predictive and prognostic markers in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer receiving gemcitabine monotherapy

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    Introduction. Pancreatic cancer is characterized by an increasing incidence and still poor prognosis despite the availability of various therapeutic options, currently including single- and multi-drug chemotherapy as well as molecularly targeted therapy. Therefore, appropriate qualification for particular therapies, based mainly on clinical and histological factors, is extremely important. Inflammatory status, associated with cancer development, justifies the search for prognostic markers related to the immune system, which could be additional factors facilitating selection of appropriate therapy. This study aimed at assessing the prognostic value of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), plateletto- lymphocyte ratio (PLR), and systemic immune-inflammation index (SII) in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer undergoing gemcitabine monotherapy.  Material andmethods. A retrospective analysis of blood morphological parameters was performed in 167 patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with gemcitabine monotherapy in the first line in five oncology centers in Poland in the years 2017–2022. The NLR, PLR, and SII were calculated, and cut-off points between high and low values were defined. Clinical parameters and their distribution were assessed depending on the overall survival (OS) value equal to or greater than or less than median OS. The distribution of patients within OS intervals in relation to the categories of inflammatory markers was assessed.  Results. The median age of patients was 71 years, the majority were women (58%), with clinical stage IV (57%), and with dominant location of metastases in the liver (42.5%). The median NLR was 2.69 (range 0.5–36.65), PLR 146.54 (range 18.53–1118.57), and SII 784.75 (range 79.86–10622.67). The cut-off points were defined as 4.5625 for the NLR [125 patients (75.8%) with a value less than and 40 patients (24.3%) with a value equal to or greater], 150 for the PLR [87 (52.7%)/ 78 (47.3%)], and 897.619 for the SII [96 (58.2%)/69 (41.8%)]. Comparing the groups with OS longer than or equal to the median and OS shorter than the median, statistically significant differences were found in relation to body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.02), baseline stage (p < 0.001), and location of metastases (p < 0.001). There were statistically significantly more NLR and SII values below the cut-off points in patients with survival at least equal to median OS. Concerning the PLR, no statistically significant differences were found between groups determined by OS value.  Conclusions. We demonstrated the relationship between indicators calculated on the basis of blood count parameters and treatment results. It may indicate the predictive and prognostic importance of indices reflecting immune system status, which can be a valuable addition to the clinical criteria included in prognostic models.

    The cardiovascular mechanisms in simple obesity with and without concomitant systemic hypertension - a preliminary study

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    WSTĘP. Celem badania było porównanie reakcji sercowo-naczyniowych, zależnych między innymi od funkcji układu autonomicznego i funkcji śródbłonka u normotensyjnych chorych z otyłością prostą oraz u chorych z otyłością prostą i samoistnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym. MATERIAŁ I METODY. W badaniu uczestniczyło 82 chorych z otyłością prostą, w tym: 59 chorych z prawidłowymi wartościami ciśnienia tętniczego (wskaźnik masy ciała [BMI, body mass index]: 36,9 ± 3,9 kg/m2), oraz 23 chorych z łagodnym samoistnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym (BMI: 36,5 ± 3,0 kg/m2). Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 19 zdrowych osób (BMI: 24,7 ± 4,3 kg/m2). Oceniano wyniki testu pochyleniowego (TT, tilt test) oraz częstotliwość rytmu serca (HR, heart rate), wartość skurczowego (SBP, systolic blood pressure) i rozkurczowego (DBP, diastolic blood pressure) ciśnienia tętniczego podczas badania. W podgrupie u 19 otyłych chorych oceniano zdolność rozkurczową naczyń będącą doplerowskim wykładnikiem funkcji śródbłonka. Oceniano przepływ i wymiar naczynia w warunkach podstawowych, po 3 minutach okluzji (FMD, flow mediated dilation) oraz po podaniu nitrogliceryny (NTG-MD, nitrogliceryn mediated dilation), wyznaczając procentową zmianę średnicy naczynia (odpowiednio: FMD% i NTG-MD%). Ponadto porównano endogenną (FMD%) i egzogenną (NTG-MD%) zdolność rozkurczową tętnicy ramiennej, uwzględniając wyniki TT u badanych chorych. WYNIKI. Dodatni wynik TT stwierdzono u 10 chorych (17%) z otyłością prostą oraz u 2 (9%) otyłych chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Wyniki TT w grupie osób zdrowych były ujemne. Podczas TT jedynie u chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym wykazano niewydolność chronotropową. Równocześnie w tej grupie obserwowano nieprawidłową reakcję SBP na pochylenie - wartości SBP stopniowo zmniejszały się podczas TT u 13 (57%) badanych. Wartości FMD% były istotnie niższe u chorych z dodatnim wynikiem TP (5,5 ± 3,8%, n = 6, w tym 2 chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym) w porównaniu z chorymi, u których stwierdzano prawidłową reakcję na pochylenie (11,1 ± 6,9%, n = 13, w tym 9 chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym). WNIOSKI. U chorych z otyłością prostą stwierdza się nieprawidłową reakcję na pochylenie. Zanotowano odmienną reakcję u chorych normotensyjnych w porównaniu z chorymi z samoistnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym - jedynie u otyłych chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym wykazano niewydolność chronotropową. Wyniki obserwacji autorów artykułu sugerują, że dodatni wynik testu pochyleniowego może wiązać się z dysfunkcją śródbłonka.BACKGROUND. The aim of the study was to compare the cardiovascular reactions related to e.g. the autonomic function and the endothelial function in obese patients with systemic primary hypertension and in those without it. MATERIAL AND METHODS. 59 patients with simple obesity (BMI: 36.9 ± 3.9 kg/m2), and 23 obese patients with mild systemic hypertension (BMI: 36.5 ± 3.0 kg/m2), and 19 healthy subjects (BMI: 24.7 ± 4.3 kg/m2) were included in the study. We evaluated the tilt table test (TT) results and heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during TT. A vascular dilatation reflecting endothelial dysfunction, measuring by blood flow and arterial diameter changes before, and 3-minute after occlusion (FMD, flow mediated dilation) and after sublingual nitroglycerin intake (NTGMD, nitroglycerin mediated dilation) were evaluated in the subgroup of 19 obese individuals - percentage changes in a vessel diameter (FMD% and NTG-MD%). Both endogenous (FMD%) and exogenous (NTG-MD%) mediated dilatation of the brachial artery and the tilt table test were compared in all individuals. RESULTS. A positive TT response was observed in 10 (17%) patients with simplex obesity, in 2 (9%) patients with systemic hypertension, and non positive TT was found in controls. However, 5 (22%) hypertonic patients revealed a chronotropic incompetence during TT, and no form of this kind of response was noted in the rest of the examined group. Moreover, the hypertonic obese patients presented abnormal SBP reaction to tilting - SBP systematically decreased during TT in 13 (57%) patients. Positive TT patients (5.5 ± 3.8%, n = 6 including 2 individuals with arterial hypertension) revealed significantly decreased FMD% values when compared to negative TT patients (11.1 ± 6.9%, n = 13, including 9 patients with arterial hypertension). CONCLUSIONS. Both patients with simple obesity and with or without systemic hypertension present a different abnormal response to tilting - a chronotropic incompetence was observed in obese hypertensive patients only. Our results suggest that positive response for tilting may be associated with endothelial dysfunction

    A Mediterranean-like dietary pattern with vitamin D3 (10 µg/d) supplements reduced the rate of bone loss in older Europeans with osteoporosis at baseline: results of a 1-y randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The Mediterranean diet (MD) is widely recommended for the prevention of chronic disease, but evidence for a beneficial effect on bone health is lacking.  Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern [NU-AGE (New Dietary Strategies Addressing the Specific Needs of the Elderly Population for Healthy Aging in Europe)] on indexes of inflammation with a number of secondary endpoints, including bone mineral density (BMD) and biomarkers of bone and collagen degradation in a 1-y multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT; NU-AGE) in elderly Europeans.  Design: An RCT was undertaken across 5 European centers. Subjects in the intervention group consumed the NU-AGE diet for 1 y by receiving individually tailored dietary advice, coupled with supplies of foods including whole-grain pasta, olive oil, and a vitamin D3 supplement (10 µg/d). Participants in the control group were provided with leaflets on healthy eating available in their country.  Results: A total of 1294 participants (mean ± SD age: 70.9 ±4.0 y; 44% male) were recruited to the study and 1142 completed the 1-y trial. The Mediterranean-like dietary pattern had no effect on BMD (site-specific or whole-body); the inclusion of compliance to the intervention in the statistical model did not change the findings. There was also no effect of the intervention on the urinary biomarkers free pyridinoline or free deoxypyridinoline. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D significantly increased and parathyroid hormone decreased (P < 0.001) in the MD compared with the control group. Subgroup analysis of individuals with osteoporosis at baseline (site-specific BMD T-score ≤ −2.5 SDs) showed that the MD attenuated the expected decline in femoral neck BMD (n = 24 and 30 in MD and control groups, respectively; P = 0.04) but had no effect on lumbar spine or whole-body BMD.  Conclusions: A 1-y intervention of the Mediterranean-like diet together with vitamin D3 supplements (10 µg/d) had no effect on BMD in the normal age-related range, but it significantly reduced the rate of loss of bone at the femoral neck in individuals with osteoporosis. The NU-AGE trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01754012

    Re-examining politeness, face and the Japanese language,

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    Japanese scholarship on Linguistic Politeness has contributed to a polarised view of politeness systems, whereby some languages are considered to conform to a strongly agentivistic paradigm while others conform predominantly to the pressure of external social norms. Japanese has been presented as a typical example of the latter, which invalidates Brown and Levinson’s claims of the universality of politeness strategies. This paper re-examines the evi- dence presented to support this position and reassesses the Japanese scholars’ contribution to the critique of the then predominant model of politeness. It argues that the principles reg- ulating the use of honorific devices in Japanese are not substantially different from those of English, both being similarly strategic. On the other hand, it highlights crucial implications of the Japanese scholars’ work which were not explored exhaustively: the critique of the perva- siveness of negative strategies, the universal importance of considerations of appropriateness and the key role of positive strategies. The paper concludes that politeness (as ‘appropriateness’) is better observed, even in Japanese, in the polite stances constituted by strategic use of polite devices rather than in unmediated polite meanings conveyed by the plethora of dedicated honorifics

    White Paper on Ambient ultrafine particles: evidence for policy makers

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    Ultrafine particle, as defined by ISO/TC 146/SC 2/WG1 N 320 is “A particle sized about 100 nm in diameter or less”. The same definition applies to a nanoparticle as “A particle with a nominal diameter smaller than about 100 nm”. Ultrafine particles (UFP) is a term used in atmospheric sciences, while “nanoparticles” applies to material engineering