176 research outputs found

    Remote Predictive Mapping 5. Using a Lidar Derived DEM to Test the Influence of Variable Overburden Thickness and Bedrock on Drainage and Basin Morphology

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    A 4–m lidar digital elevation model (DEM) provides sufficient resolution to examine the impact of variable till cover on the incision history of multiple small (5 km2) catchments in eastern Canada.  The study site was selected because it has homogeneous bedrock geology that dips parallel to the land surface, is tectonically stable, has undergone common base level changes, and has a common ice history, with variable overburden thickness, from thin cover in the west to thick cover in the east. Basin morphometrics were compared for similar-size basins that have variable till cover thicknesses. Basins with thicker till cover are wider and show differences in hypsometries compared to those where till cover is thin. Two basins representing end members of till thickness were measured for stream discharge and water chemistry. Thick till  (> 1 m) on the eastern half of North Mountain retards infiltration sufficiently to promote overland flow and accelerate incision relative to areas with thinner till.  Till thickness and continuity therefore are expected to impede the achievement of steadiness and may also delay stream power law relationships in larger catchments until till cover has been effectively eroded.SOMMAIREUn modèle altimétrique numérique (MAN) par lidar 4 m offre une résolution suffisante pour étudier l'impact des divers dépôts de till sur l'histoire de l'érosion linéaire de multiples petits (5 km2) bassins versants dans l'Est du Canada.  Le site d'étude a été choisi parce que sa géologie est homogène et que son pendage est parallèle à la surface du sol, qu’il est tectoniquement stable, qu’il a subi des changements similaires du niveau de base d’érosion, de même qu’ une histoire glaciaire similaire, avec une épaisseur de mort-terrain variable, d’une couverture mince à l'ouest jusqu'à une couverture épaisse à l'est. La morphométrie du bassin a été comparée à celle de bassins de taille semblable aux épaisseurs de till variables.  Les bassins aux couvertures de till plus épaisses sont plus larges et montrent des différences hypsométriques comparé  à ceux aux couvertures minces.  Deux bassins représentant les termes extrêmes de l'épaisseur du till ont été mesurées quant au débit du courant et à la chimie de l'eau.  Les till épais (>1 m) sur la moitié est du mont Nord retardent l'infiltration, ce qui favorise l'écoulement en surface et accélèrent l’érosion linéaire par rapport aux zones couvertes de couches de till plus minces.  On s’attend donc à ce que l'épaisseur de la couche de till et sa continuité agissent comme une entrave à la stabilité et puissent aussi retarder les effets de la loi de puissance de l’écoulement dans les grands bassins récepteurs jusqu'à ce que la couverture de till a été effectivement érodée

    Chemical and Photometric Evolution of Extended Ultraviolet Disks: Optical Spectroscopy of M83 (NGC5236) and NGC4625

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    We present the results from the analysis of optical spectra of 31 Halpha-selected regions in the extended UV (XUV) disks of M83 (NGC5236) and NGC4625 recently discovered by GALEX. The spectra were obtained using IMACS at Las Campanas Observatory 6.5m Magellan I telescope and COSMIC at the Palomar 200-inch telescope, respectively for M83 and NGC4625. The line ratios measured indicate nebular oxygen abundances (derived from the R23 parameter) of the order of Zsun/5-Zsun/10. For most emission-line regions analyzed the line fluxes and ratios measured are best reproduced by models of photoionization by single stars with masses in the range 20-40 Msun and oxygen abundances comparable to those derived from the R23 parameter. We find indications for a relatively high N/O abundance ratio in the XUV disk of M83. Although the metallicities derived imply that these are not the first stars formed in the XUV disks, such a level of enrichment could be reached in young spiral disks only 1 Gyr after these first stars would have formed. The amount of gas in the XUV disks allow maintaining the current level of star formation for at least a few Gyr.Comment: 52 pages, 8 tables, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Improving the normalization of complex interventions: measure development based on normalization process theory (NoMAD): study protocol

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    <b>Background</b> Understanding implementation processes is key to ensuring that complex interventions in healthcare are taken up in practice and thus maximize intended benefits for service provision and (ultimately) care to patients. Normalization Process Theory (NPT) provides a framework for understanding how a new intervention becomes part of normal practice. This study aims to develop and validate simple generic tools derived from NPT, to be used to improve the implementation of complex healthcare interventions.<p></p> <b>Objectives</b> The objectives of this study are to: develop a set of NPT-based measures and formatively evaluate their use for identifying implementation problems and monitoring progress; conduct preliminary evaluation of these measures across a range of interventions and contexts, and identify factors that affect this process; explore the utility of these measures for predicting outcomes; and develop an online users’ manual for the measures.<p></p> <b>Methods</b> A combination of qualitative (workshops, item development, user feedback, cognitive interviews) and quantitative (survey) methods will be used to develop NPT measures, and test the utility of the measures in six healthcare intervention settings.<p></p> <b>Discussion</b> The measures developed in the study will be available for use by those involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating complex interventions in healthcare and have the potential to enhance the chances of their implementation, leading to sustained changes in working practices

    Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche.

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    Age at menarche is a marker of timing of puberty in females. It varies widely between individuals, is a heritable trait and is associated with risks for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and all-cause mortality. Studies of rare human disorders of puberty and animal models point to a complex hypothalamic-pituitary-hormonal regulation, but the mechanisms that determine pubertal timing and underlie its links to disease risk remain unclear. Here, using genome-wide and custom-genotyping arrays in up to 182,416 women of European descent from 57 studies, we found robust evidence (P < 5 × 10(-8)) for 123 signals at 106 genomic loci associated with age at menarche. Many loci were associated with other pubertal traits in both sexes, and there was substantial overlap with genes implicated in body mass index and various diseases, including rare disorders of puberty. Menarche signals were enriched in imprinted regions, with three loci (DLK1-WDR25, MKRN3-MAGEL2 and KCNK9) demonstrating parent-of-origin-specific associations concordant with known parental expression patterns. Pathway analyses implicated nuclear hormone receptors, particularly retinoic acid and γ-aminobutyric acid-B2 receptor signalling, among novel mechanisms that regulate pubertal timing in humans. Our findings suggest a genetic architecture involving at least hundreds of common variants in the coordinated timing of the pubertal transition

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Evidence of Infection by H5N2 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Healthy Wild Waterfowl

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    The potential existence of a wild bird reservoir for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has been recently questioned by the spread and the persisting circulation of H5N1 HPAI viruses, responsible for concurrent outbreaks in migratory and domestic birds over Asia, Europe, and Africa. During a large-scale surveillance programme over Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, we detected avian influenza viruses of H5N2 subtype with a highly pathogenic (HP) viral genotype in healthy birds of two wild waterfowl species sampled in Nigeria. We monitored the survival and regional movements of one of the infected birds through satellite telemetry, providing a rare evidence of a non-lethal natural infection by an HP viral genotype in wild birds. Phylogenetic analysis of the H5N2 viruses revealed close genetic relationships with H5 viruses of low pathogenicity circulating in Eurasian wild and domestic ducks. In addition, genetic analysis did not reveal known gallinaceous poultry adaptive mutations, suggesting that the emergence of HP strains could have taken place in either wild or domestic ducks or in non-gallinaceous species. The presence of coexisting but genetically distinguishable avian influenza viruses with an HP viral genotype in two cohabiting species of wild waterfowl, with evidence of non-lethal infection at least in one species and without evidence of prior extensive circulation of the virus in domestic poultry, suggest that some strains with a potential high pathogenicity for poultry could be maintained in a community of wild waterfowl

    The theory of expanded, extended, and enhanced opportunities for youth physical activity promotion

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    Background Physical activity interventions targeting children and adolescents (≤18 years) often focus on complex intra- and inter-personal behavioral constructs, social-ecological frameworks, or some combination of both. Recently published meta-analytical reviews and large-scale randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that these intervention approaches have largely produced minimal or no improvements in young people\u27s physical activity levels. Discussion In this paper, we propose that the main reason for previous studies\u27 limited effects is that fundamental mechanisms that lead to change in youth physical activity have often been overlooked or misunderstood. Evidence from observational and experimental studies is presented to support the development of a new theory positing that the primary mechanisms of change in many youth physical activity interventions are approaches that fall into one of the following three categories: (a) the expansion of opportunities for youth to be active by the inclusion of a new occasion to be active, (b) the extension of an existing physical activity opportunity by increasing the amount of time allocated for that opportunity, and/or (c) the enhancement of existing physical activity opportunities through strategies designed to increase physical activity above routine practice. Their application and considerations for intervention design and interpretation are presented. Summary The utility of these mechanisms, referred to as the Theory of Expanded, Extended, and Enhanced Opportunities (TEO), is demonstrated in their parsimony, logical appeal, support with empirical evidence, and the direct and immediate application to numerous settings and contexts. The TEO offers a new way to understand youth physical activity behaviors and provides a common taxonomy by which interventionists can identify appropriate targets for interventions across different settings and contexts. We believe the formalization of the TEO concepts will propel them to the forefront in the design of future intervention studies and through their use, lead to a greater impact on youth activity behaviors than what has been demonstrated in previous studies

    Emergence and Genetic Variation of Neuraminidase Stalk Deletions in Avian Influenza Viruses

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    When avian influenza viruses (AIVs) are transmitted from their reservoir hosts (wild waterfowl and shorebirds) to domestic bird species, they undergo genetic changes that have been linked to higher virulence and broader host range. Common genetic AIV modifications in viral proteins of poultry isolates are deletions in the stalk region of the neuraminidase (NA) and additions of glycosylation sites on the hemagglutinin (HA). Even though these NA deletion mutations occur in several AIV subtypes, they have not been analyzed comprehensively. In this study, 4,920 NA nucleotide sequences, 5,596 HA nucleotide and 4,702 HA amino acid sequences were analyzed to elucidate the widespread emergence of NA stalk deletions in gallinaceous hosts, the genetic polymorphism of the deletion patterns and association between the stalk deletions in NA and amino acid variants in HA. Forty-seven different NA stalk deletion patterns were identified in six NA subtypes, N1–N3 and N5–N7. An analysis that controlled for phylogenetic dependence due to shared ancestry showed that NA stalk deletions are statistically correlated with gallinaceous hosts and certain amino acid features on the HA protein. Those HA features included five glycosylation sites, one insertion and one deletion. The correlations between NA stalk deletions and HA features are HA-NA-subtype-specific. Our results demonstrate that stalk deletions in the NA proteins of AIV are relatively common. Understanding the NA stalk deletion and related HA features may be important for vaccine and drug development and could be useful in establishing effective early detection and warning systems for the poultry industry

    Rationale and design of the Kanyini guidelines adherence with the polypill (Kanyini-GAP) study: a randomised controlled trial of a polypill-based strategy amongst Indigenous and non Indigenous people at high cardiovascular risk

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Kanyini Guidelines Adherence with the Polypill (Kanyini-GAP) Study aims to examine whether a polypill-based strategy (using a single capsule containing aspirin, a statin and two blood pressure-lowering agents) amongst Indigenous and non-Indigenous people at high risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event will improve adherence to guideline-indicated therapies, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The study is an open, randomised, controlled, multi-centre trial involving 1000 participants at high risk of cardiovascular events recruited from mainstream general practices and Aboriginal Medical Services, followed for an average of 18 months. The participants will be randomised to one of two versions of the polypill, the version chosen by the treating health professional according to clinical features of the patient, or to usual care. The primary study outcomes will be changes, from baseline measures, in serum cholesterol and systolic blood pressure and self-reported current use of aspirin, a statin and at least two blood pressure lowering agents. Secondary study outcomes include cardiovascular events, renal outcomes, self-reported barriers to indicated therapy, prescription of indicated therapy, occurrence of serious adverse events and changes in quality-of-life. The trial will be supplemented by formal economic and process evaluations.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The Kanyini-GAP trial will provide new evidence as to whether or not a polypill-based strategy improves adherence to effective cardiovascular medications amongst individuals in whom these treatments are indicated.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>This trial is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry ACTRN126080005833347.</p