119 research outputs found

    Increasing Client Adherence to a Health and Wellness Lifestyle: Applications of Exercise Psychology for Professionals

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    Although, physical activity has been called the best medicine in America today, outperforming almost every prescribed medication in the country in terms of overall impact on health, as a whole, few engage in sufficient exercise. According to the CDC, physical activity helps in weight control, reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, and strengthens bones and muscle. It has a profound effect on mental health and mood and will even reduce the risk of some types of cancer, particularly colon and breast cancers. Not only does an active lifestyle have such a significant effect of reducing and preventing many of these types of health related issues, but physical inactivity actually exacerbates and increases them. It stands to reason, then, that people’s health and well-being are robustly affected by lifestyle factors which involve behaviors that are potentially controllable by the individual.However, as many in the health-related fields have observed, it seems to be immensely more difficult to change one’s lifestyle than simply making a decision. There are many psychological components, such as the power of habit, that impact an individual’s ability to adhere to an exercise. The following is a survey of peer-reviewed research, articles and literature on theories in exercise psychology and their application to exercise adherence. The information presented is an in-depth look at how these theories may be applied by health professionals in order to help their patients and clients adopt a health and wellness lifestyle, particularly in the exercise domain

    Magnitude and Kinetics of CD8+ T Cell Activation during Hyperacute HIV Infection Impact Viral Set Point

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    CD8[superscript +] T cells contribute to the control of HIV, but it is not clear whether initial immune responses modulate the viral set point. We screened high-risk uninfected women twice a week for plasma HIV RNA and identified 12 hyperacute infections. Onset of viremia elicited a massive HIV-specific CD8[superscript +] T cell response, with limited bystander activation of non-HIV memory CD8[superscript +] T cells. HIV-specific CD8[superscript +] T cells secreted little interferon-γ, underwent rapid apoptosis, and failed to upregulate the interleukin-7 receptor, known to be important for T cell survival. The rapidity to peak CD8[superscript +] T cell activation and the absolute magnitude of activation induced by the exponential rise in viremia were inversely correlated with set point viremia. These data indicate that rapid, high magnitude HIV-induced CD8[superscript +] T cell responses are crucial for subsequent immune control of acute infection, which has important implications for HIV vaccine design.Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationCollaboration for AIDS Vaccine DiscoveryWitten Family FoundationDan and Marjorie SullivanUrsula BrunnerGary and Loren CohenMark and Lisa Schwartz Foundation,International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (UKZNRSA1001)National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S.) (R37AI067073)Center for AIDS Research (P30 AI060354

    Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 Early Release Science: Emission-Line Galaxies from Infrared Grism Observations

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    We present grism spectra of emission-line galaxies (ELGs) from 0.6-1.6 microns from the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope. These new infrared grism data augment previous optical Advanced Camera for Surveys G800L 0.6-0.95 micron grism data in GOODS-South from the PEARS program, extending the wavelength covereage well past the G800L red cutoff. The ERS grism field was observed at a depth of 2 orbits per grism, yielding spectra of hundreds of faint objects, a subset of which are presented here. ELGs are studied via the Ha, [OIII], and [OII] emission lines detected in the redshift ranges 0.2<z<1.4, 1.2<z<2.2 and 2.0<z<3.3 respectively in the G102 (0.8-1.1 microns; R~210) and G141 (1.1-1.6 microns; R~130) grisms. The higher spectral resolution afforded by the WFC3 grisms also reveals emission lines not detectable with the G800L grism (e.g., [SII] and [SIII] lines). From these relatively shallow observations, line luminosities, star-formation rates, and grism spectroscopic redshifts are determined for a total of 48 ELGs to m(AB)~25 mag. Seventeen GOODS-South galaxies that previously only had photometric redshifts now have new grism-spectroscopic redshifts, in some cases with large corrections to the photometric redshifts (Delta(z)~0.3-0.5). Additionally, one galaxy had no previously-measured redshift but now has a secure grism-spectroscopic redshift, for a total of 18 new GOODS-South spectroscopic redshifts. The faintest source in our sample has a magnitude m(AB)=26.9 mag. The ERS grism data also reflect the expected trend of lower specific star formation rates for the highest mass galaxies in the sample as a function of redshift, consistent with downsizing and discovered previously from large surveys. These results demonstrate the remarkable efficiency and capability of the WFC3 NIR grisms for measuring galaxy properties to faint magnitudes and redshifts to z>2.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. Updated to include referee comments. Updated sample using improved reduction contains 23 new galaxies (Table 1; Figures 2 & 3

    The Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science data: Panchromatic Faint Object Counts for 0.2-2 microns wavelength

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    We describe the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) Early Release Science (ERS) observations in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) South field. The new WFC3 ERS data provide calibrated, drizzled mosaics in the UV filters F225W, F275W, and F336W, as well as in the near-IR filters F098M (Ys), F125W (J), and F160W (H) with 1-2 HST orbits per filter. Together with the existing HST Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) GOODS-South mosaics in the BViz filters, these panchromatic 10-band ERS data cover 40-50 square arcmin at 0.2-1.7 {\mu}m in wavelength at 0.07-0.15" FWHM resolution and 0.090" Multidrizzled pixels to depths of AB\simeq 26.0-27.0 mag (5-{\sigma}) for point sources, and AB\simeq 25.5-26.5 mag for compact galaxies. In this paper, we describe: a) the scientific rationale, and the data taking plus reduction procedures of the panchromatic 10-band ERS mosaics; b) the procedure of generating object catalogs across the 10 different ERS filters, and the specific star-galaxy separation techniques used; and c) the reliability and completeness of the object catalogs from the WFC3 ERS mosaics. The excellent 0.07-0.15" FWHM resolution of HST/WFC3 and ACS makes star- galaxy separation straightforward over a factor of 10 in wavelength to AB\simeq 25-26 mag from the UV to the near-IR, respectively.Comment: 51 pages, 71 figures Accepted to ApJS 2011.01.2

    Challenges, solutions and research priorities for sustainable rangelands

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    Australia’s rangeland communities, industries, and environment are under increasing pressures from anthropogenic activities and global changes more broadly. We conducted a horizon scan to identify and prioritise key challenges facing Australian rangelands and their communities, and outline possible avenues to address these challenges, with a particular focus on research priorities. We surveyed participants of the Australian Rangeland Society 20th Biennial Conference, held in Canberra in September 2019, before the conference and in interactive workshops during the conference, in order to identify key challenges, potential solutions, and research priorities. The feedback was broadly grouped into six themes associated with supporting local communities, managing natural capital, climate variability and change, traditional knowledge, governance, and research and development. Each theme had several sub-themes and potential solutions to ensure positive, long-term outcomes for the rangelands. The survey responses made it clear that supporting ‘resilient and sustainable rangelands that provide cultural, societal, environmental and economic outcomes simultaneously’ is of great value to stakeholders. The synthesis of survey responses combined with expert knowledge highlighted that sustaining local communities in the long term will require that the inherent social, cultural and natural capital of rangelands are managed sustainably, particularly in light of current and projected variability in climate. Establishment of guidelines and approaches to address these challenges will benefit from: (i) an increased recognition of the value and contributions of traditional knowledge and practices; (ii) development of better governance that is guided by and benefits local stakeholders; and (iii) more funding to conduct and implement strong research and development activities, with research focused on addressing critical knowledge gaps as identified by the local stakeholders. This requires strong governance with legislation and policies that work for the rangelands. We provide a framework that indicates the key knowledge gaps and how innovations may be implemented and scaled out, up and deep to achieve the resilience of Australia’s rangelands. The same principles could be adapted to address challenges in rangelands on other continents, with similar beneficial outcomes

    A Tabletop X-Ray Tomography Instrument for Nanometer-Scale Imaging: Integration of a Scanning Electron Microscope with a Transition-Edge Sensor Spectrometer

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    X-ray nanotomography is a powerful tool for the characterization of nanoscale materials and structures, but is difficult to implement due to competing requirements on X-ray flux and spot size. Due to this constraint, state-of-the-art nanotomography is predominantly performed at large synchrotron facilities. Compact X-ray nanotomography tools operated in standard analysis laboratories exist, but are limited by X-ray optics and destructive sample preparation techniques. We present a laboratory-scale nanotomography instrument that achieves nanoscale spatial resolution while changing the limitations of conventional tomography tools. The instrument combines the electron beam of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with the precise, broadband X-ray detection of a superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter. The electron beam generates a highly focused X-ray spot in a metal target, while the TES spectrometer isolates target photons with high signal-to-noise. This combination of a focused X-ray spot, energy-resolved X-ray detection, and unique system geometry enable nanoscale, element-specific X-ray imaging in a compact footprint. The proof-of-concept for this approach to X-ray nanotomography is demonstrated by imaging 160 nm features in three dimensions in a Cu-SiO2 integrated circuit, and a path towards finer resolution and enhanced imaging capabilities is discussed.Comment: The following article has been submitted to Physical Review Applie

    A tabletop x-ray tomography instrument for nanometer-scale imaging: demonstration of the 1,000-element transition-edge sensor subarray

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    We report on the 1,000-element transition-edge sensor (TES) x-ray spectrometer implementation of the TOMographic Circuit Analysis Tool (TOMCAT). TOMCAT combines a high spatial resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a highly efficient and pixelated TES spectrometer to reconstruct three-dimensional maps of nanoscale integrated circuits (ICs). A 240-pixel prototype spectrometer was recently used to reconstruct ICs at the 130 nm technology node, but to increase imaging speed to more practical levels, the detector efficiency needs to be improved. For this reason, we are building a spectrometer that will eventually contain 3,000 TES microcalorimeters read out with microwave superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) multiplexing, and we currently have commissioned a 1,000 TES subarray. This still represents a significant improvement from the 240-pixel system and allows us to begin characterizing the full spectrometer performance. Of the 992 maximimum available readout channels, we have yielded 818 devices, representing the largest number of TES x-ray microcalorimeters simultaneously read out to date. These microcalorimeters have been optimized for pulse speed rather than purely energy resolution, and we measure a FWHM energy resolution of 14 eV at the 8.0 keV Cu Kα\alpha line.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivit

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Herschel-ATLAS: modelling the first strong gravitational lenses

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    We have determined the mass density radial profiles of the first five strong gravitational lens systems discovered by the Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey. We present an enhancement of the semilinear lens inversion method of Warren & Dye which allows simultaneous reconstruction of several different wavebands and apply this to dual-band imaging of the lenses acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope. The five systems analysed here have lens redshifts which span a range 0.22 ≤ z ≤ 0.94. Our findings are consistent with other studies by concluding that: (1) the logarithmic slope of the total mass density profile steepens with decreasing redshift; (2) the slope is positively correlated with the average total projected mass density of the lens contained within half the effective radius and negatively correlated with the effective radius; (3) the fraction of dark matter contained within half the effective radius increases with increasing effective radius and increases with redshift