14 research outputs found

    A data-analysis method for identifying differential effects of time-delayed feedback forces and periodic driving forces in stochastic systems

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    In this work a method is developed for analyzing time series of periodically driven stochastic systems involving time-delayed feedback. The proposed data-analysis method yields dynamical models in terms of stochastic delay differential equations. On the basis of these dynamical models differential effects of driving forces and time-delayed feedback forces can be identified. Copyright EDP Sciences/SocietĂ  Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 200702.30.Ks Delay and functional equations, 05.45.Tp Time series analysis, 87.19.St Movement and locomotion,

    The response to inositol: Regulation of glycerolipid metabolism and stress response signaling in yeast

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    A Critical Review on Chagas Disease Chemotherapy

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    In this "Critical Review" we made a historical introduction of drugs assayed against Chagas disease beginning in 1912 with the works of Mayer and Rocha Lima up to the experimental use of nitrofurazone. In the beginning of the 70s, nifurtimox and benznidazole were introduced for clinical treatment, but results showed a great variability and there is still a controversy about their use for chronic cases. After the introduction of these nitroheterocycles only a few compounds were assayed in chagasic patients. The great advances in vector control in the South Cone countries, and the demonstration of parasite in chronic patients indicated the urgency to discuss the etiologic treatment during this phase, reinforcing the need to find drugs with more efficacy and less toxicity. We also review potential targets in the parasite and present a survey about new classes of synthetic and natural compounds studied after 1992/1993, with which we intend to give to the reader a general view about experimental studies in the area of the chemotherapy of Chagas disease, complementing the previous papers of Brener (1979) and De Castro (1993)