525 research outputs found

    Endoscopic diverticulectomy with platelet-rich plasma of intraluminal duodenal diverticulum

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    Background: Procedure-related bleeding remains a common complication after endoscopic diverticulectomy of intraluminal duodenal diverticulum (IDD). The optimal endoscopic approach to IDD has not been established. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has proven biological properties to reduce risk of bleeding. Materials and Methods: The authors describe a novel technique in which endoscopic diverticulectomy was performed with prior submucosal injection of PRP (IRB approval PT-16-002). Case Report: A 62-year-old woman with a large IDD like a “windsock” underwent endoscopic diverticulectomy with PRP obtained from a sample of patient’s blood. IDD was resected with EMR technique using a standard polypectomy snare. No immediate or delayed bleeding was noted. Follow-up endoscopy 3 months later revealed complete mucosal healing and open communication to the distal duodenum. Conclusion: Endoscopic diverticulectomy with PRP is an option in patients with IDDMedicin

    Comparative study of electrical and rheological properties of different solutions used in endoscopic mucosal resection

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    Background and Aim: The study of electrical and rheological properties of solutions to carry out endoscopic resection procedures could determinate the best candidate. An ex vivo study with porcine stomachs was conducted to analyze electrical resistivity (R) and rheological properties (temperature, viscosity, height and lasting of the cushion) of different substances used in these techniques. Methods: Tested solutions were: 0.9% saline (S), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Gliceol (GC), hyaluronic acid 2% (HA), Pluronic-F127 20% (PL), saline with 10% glucose (GS), Gelaspan (GP), Covergel-BiBio (TB) and PRP with TB (PRP+TB). Measurements of electrical and rheological properties were done at 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 min after submucosal injection. Results: Solutions showed a wide variability of transepithelial R after submucosal injection. Substances able to maintain the highest R 60 min postinjection were TB (7 × 10 Ω), HA (7 × 10 Ω) and PL (7 × 10 Ω). Protective solutions against deep thermal injury (Tª lower than 60°C) were PL (47.6°C), TB (55°C) and HA (56.63°C). Shortest time to carry out resections were observed with GC (17.66″), PRP (20.3″) and GS (23.45″). Solutions with less cushion decrease (<25%) after 60 min were TB (11.74%), PL (18.63%) and PRP (22.12%). Conclusions: Covergel-BiBio, PL and HA were the best solutions with long-term protective effects (transepithelial R, lower thermal injury and less cushion decrease). Solutions with quicker resection time were GC, PRP and GS

    Modification of polyetherimide membranes with ZIFs fillers for CO2 separation

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    [EN] Flat hybrid membranes composed of polyetherimide (PEI) as matrix and zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) as fillers at concentrations of 10 and 20 wt% were prepared. Apparent permeability coefficient and apparent diffusivity coefficient of gases (CO2 and N-2) for these hybrid membranes (PZIFs) were determined by the "timelag" method. The experimental conditions used were from 25 degrees C to 55 degrees C with pressures of 2, 3 and 5 bar. The PZIFs with fillers of ZIF-8 (PZ-Zn) and ZIF-67 (PZ-Co) showed apparent selectivities (alpha(pa(CO2)/pa(N2))) of 39.6 and 27.5, respectively, higher than the alpha(pa(CO2)/pa(N2)) of the reference membrane PEI, while the membrane with filler of ZIF-Mix (PZ-Zn/Co) showed the lowest alpha(pa(CO2)()/pa(N2)) selectivity of 10.3 in the membrane series (under conditions of 25 degrees C and 2 bar). It is proposed that the selectivity of the membrane series can be attributed to two critical factors: the particle size/distribution ratio in the polymer base and sorption of CO2 at local sites of the bimetallic mixture. On the other hand, gas permeation studies (O-2, CO2 and CH4, and CO2/CH(4 )and CO2/C2H4 mixtures), were carried out in the series of PZIFs membranes. Permeability data were obtained by an isostatic method based on a permeation cell connected in series to a gas chromatograph where the rate of permeated gases was analyzed until a stationary state was reached. The complementary characterization techniques were: scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and powder X-ray diffraction, which support the existence of the amorphous/crystalline phases of the PZIFs.This research has been supported by the ENE/2015-69203-R project, granted by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Spain; Also authors are grateful to UNAM-DGAPA-PAPIIT projects IG-100185, and IG-114818. This study was partially supported by the CONACyT (Mexico) projects 2013-05-231461 and CB -2014-01-235840.Vega, J.; Andrio, A.; Lemus, A.; Díaz, J.; Del Castillo, L.; Gavara, R.; Compañ Moreno, V. (2019). Modification of polyetherimide membranes with ZIFs fillers for CO2 separation. Separation and Purification Technology. 212:474-482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2018.11.033S47448221

    Implicación de la matriz extracelular de biofilms de Bacillus subtilis en la interacción beneficiosa con la planta

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    Los biofilms bacterianos están constituidos por comunidades de células unidas entre sí por una matriz extracelular polimérica. Los componentes de la matriz extracelular pueden variar dependiendo de la cepa bacteriana, pero en general se puede decir que está constituida por proteínas, exopolisacáridos y/o ácidos nucleicos. La matriz extracelular es un tejido multifuncional que contribuye a: la arquitectura final del biofilm, la regulación del flujo de nutrientes y gases dentro del biofilm, la interacción con las superficies, y la protección de las células frente a agentes tóxicos externos. Aunque son numerosos los estudios que se han centrado en el papel de la matriz en la virulencia de bacterias patógenas de humanos, este tejido polimérico puede ser igualmente importante en la interacción beneficiosa de un agente de biocontrol con la planta. Tanto para el desarrollo de la actividad de biocontrol como para la promoción del crecimiento radicular es necesaria la colonización y persistencia del microorganismo sobre la superficie de la planta, y la pregunta es hasta qué punto es importante la formación de biofilms. En este estudio trabajamos con cepas de Bacillus como agentes de control biológico (BCA) frente a enfermedades de cucurbitáceas y a su vez promotoras del crecimiento radicular (PGPR por sus siglas en inglés plant growth promoting rhizobacteria). Valiéndonos de una batería de mutantes en distintos elementos estructurales y funcionales de la matriz extracelular, estudiamos los patrones de colonización y persistencia de estas cepas en filosfera y rizosfera y evaluamos su efecto sobre la actividad PGPR. Las diferencias observadas entre algunos mutantes de matriz en cuanto a la dinámica de población y la distribución espacial en los dos nichos de estudio, así como en su actividad PGPR, apuntan a su relevancia en la ecología y funcionalidad de estos agentes de biocontrol.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The economic burden of disease of epithelial ovarian cancer in Spain: the OvarCost study

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    bjective: To assess the economic burden of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) in incident patients and the burden by disease stage in Spain. Methods: We developed a Markov model from a social perspective simulating the natural history of EOC and its four stages, with a 10-year time horizon, 3-week cycles, 3% discount rate, and 2016 euros. Healthcare resource utilization and costs were estimated by disease stage. Direct healthcare costs (DHC) included early screening, genetic counselling, medical visits, diagnostic tests, surgery, chemotherapy, hospitalizations, emergency services, and palliative care. Direct non-healthcare costs (DNHC) included formal and informal care. Indirect costs (IC) included labour productivity losses due to temporary and permanent leaves, and premature death. Epidemiology data and resource use were taken from the literature and validated for Spain by the OvarCost group using a Delphi method. Results: The total burden of EOC over 10 years was 3102 mill euros: 15.1% in stage I, 3.9% in stage II, 41.0% in stage III, and 40.2% in stage IV. Annual average cost/patient was 24,111 and it was 8,641; 14,184; 33,858, and 42,547 in stages I-IV, respectively. Of total costs, 71.2% were due to DHC, 24.7% to DNHC, and 4.1% to IC. Conclusions: EOC imposes a significant economic burden on the national healthcare system and society in Spain. Investment in better early diagnosis techniques might increase survival and patients' quality of life. This would likely reduce costs derived from late stages, consequently leading to a substantial reduction of the economic burden associated with EOC

    Procedimiento de fabricación de tejidos fosforescentes de larga duración y tejidos obtenidos a partir del mismo

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    La invención describe un nuevo procedimiento para la fabricación de tejidos fosforescentes de larga duración, y de prendas que comprenden dicho tejido para su uso en los ámbitos tales como el de la seguridad, doméstico, deportivo, sanitario, profesional, etc. El procedimiento comprende (i) preparar una composición para tinción que comprende un pigmento de aluminato de estroncio dopado con europio y disprosio, (ii) recubrir un tejido de partida con dicha composición mediante rasqueta al aire o cilindro, (iii) secado y (iv) polimerizado. Los tejidos así obtenidos presentan propiedades fosforescentes de larga duración y una alta resistencia al lavado, manteniendo las especificaciones de fábrica del tejido de partida con respecto a sus propiedades mecánicas, de comodidad, de transpirabilidad y/o sus propiedades de alta visibilidad, en su caso.Solicitud: 201430741 (20.05.2014)Nº de Pub. de Solicitud: ES2551759A1 (23.11.2015)Nº de Patente: ES2551759B1 (09.09.2016

    Cardiac Insulin Resistance in Subjects With Metabolic Syndrome Traits and Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis.

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    OBJECTIVE Experimental evidence suggests that metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with changes in cardiac metabolism. Whether this association occurs in humans is unknown. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS 821 asymptomatic individuals from the Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis (PESA) study (50.6 [46.9-53.6] years, 83.7% male) underwent two whole-body 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance (18F-FDG PET-MR) 4.8 ± 0.6 years apart. Presence of myocardial 18F-FDG uptake was evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. No myocardial uptake was grade 0, while positive uptake was classified in grades 1-3 according to target-to-background ratio tertiles. RESULTS One hundred fifty-six participants (19.0%) showed no myocardial 18F-FDG uptake, and this was significantly associated with higher prevalence of MetS (29.0% vs. 13.9%, P < 0.001), hypertension (29.0% vs. 18.0%, P = 0.002), and diabetes (11.0% vs. 3.2%, P < 0.001), and with higher insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR, 1.64% vs. 1.23%, P < 0.001). Absence of myocardial uptake was associated with higher prevalence of early atherosclerosis (i.e., arterial 18F-FDG uptake, P = 0.004). On follow-up, the associations between myocardial 18F-FDG uptake and risk factors were replicated, and MetS was more frequent in the group without myocardial uptake. The increase in HOMA-IR was associated with a progressive decrease in myocardial uptake (P < 0.001). In 82% of subjects, the categorization according to presence/absence of myocardial 18F-FDG uptake did not change between baseline and follow-up. MetS regression on follow-up was associated with a significant (P < 0.001) increase in myocardial uptake. CONCLUSIONS Apparently healthy individuals without cardiac 18F-FDG uptake have higher HOMA-IR and higher prevalence of MetS traits, cardiovascular risk factors, and early atherosclerosis. An improvement in cardiometabolic profile is associated with the recovery of myocardial 18F-FDG uptake at follow-up.The PESA study is funded by the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) and Santander Bank. B.I. is supported by the European Commission (grant numbers 819775 and 945118), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019- 110369RB-I00), and by the Red Madrilena de ~ Nanomedicina en Imagen Molecular-Comunidad de Madrid (S2017/BMD-3867 RENIM-CM). A.D. is an Alfonso Martin Escudero fellow and is scientifically supported by La Caixa Foundation. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCIN), and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033).S

    Microbiota alterations in proline metabolism impact depression

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    The microbiota-gut-brain axis has emerged as a novel target in depression, a disorder with low treatment efficacy. However, the field is dominated by underpowered studies focusing on major depression not ad- dressing microbiome functionality, compositional nature, or confounding factors. We applied a multi-omics approach combining pre-clinical models with three human cohorts including patients with mild depression. Microbial functions and metabolites converging onto glutamate/GABA metabolism, particularly proline, were linked to depression. High proline consumption was the dietary factor with the strongest impact on depression. Whole-brain dynamics revealed rich club network disruptions associated with depression and circulating proline. Proline supplementation in mice exacerbated depression along with microbial translocation. Human microbiota transplantation induced an emotionally impaired phenotype in mice and alterations in GABA-, proline-, and extracellular matrix-related prefrontal cortex genes. RNAi-mediated knockdown of pro-line and GABA transporters in Drosophila and mono-association with L. plantarum, a high GABA producer, conferred protection against depression-like states. Targeting the microbiome and dietary proline may open new windows for efficient depression treatment