4,836 research outputs found

    Short film production in educational contexts: exploring the methodology of the Olhar pela Lente project in Portugal

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    Cinema’s pedagogical essence nurtures a variety of educational strategies. Beyond serving as a support to other areas of knowledge or as the subject of artistic analysis, it also provides students with a means to give – freely and significantly – voice to their own concerns and interests. Short film production in schools can offer a process for young people to deal with personal and social challenges, fostering a closer connection between them and their community and environment. Schools are natural habitats for this encounter – a place where film production can generate significant educational and cultural resonance. This paper reflects on the didactic potential of short film production in schools – as a key to fulfil formal and non-formal pedagogical goals – through the presentation and analysis of a recently implemented methodology for education through film: Olhar pela Lente, a project developed in Portugal during 2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The nature of LINER galaxies: Ubiquitous hot old stars and rare accreting black holes

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    Galaxies, which often contain ionised gas, sometimes also exhibit a so-called low-ionisation nuclear emission line region (LINER). For 30 years this was attributed to a central mass-accreting supermassive black hole (AGN) of low luminosity, making LINER galaxies the largest AGN-sub-population, dominating in numbers over higher luminosity Seyfert galaxies and quasars. This, however, poses a serious problem. While the inferred energy balance is plausible, many LINERs clearly do not contain any other independent signatures of an AGN. Using integral field spectroscopic data from the CALIFA survey, we aim at comparing the observed radial surface brightness profiles with what is expected from illumination by an AGN. Essential for this analysis is a proper extraction of emission-lines, especially weak lines such as the Balmer Hb line which is superposed on an absorption trough. To accomplish this, we use the GANDALF code which simultaneously fits the underlying stellar continuum and emission lines. We show for 48 galaxies with LINER-like emission, that the radial emission-line surface brightness profiles are inconsistent with ionisation by a central point-source and hence cannot be due to an AGN alone. The most probable explanation for the excess LINER-like emission is ionisation by evolved stars during the short but very hot and energetic phase known as post-AGB. This leads us to an entirely new interpretation. Post-AGB stars are ubiquitous and their ionising effect should be potentially observable in every galaxy with gas present and stars older than ~1 Gyr, unless a stronger radiation field from young hot stars or an AGN outshines them. This means that galaxies with LINER-like emission are in fact not a class defined by a property, but rather by the absence of a property. It also explains why LINER emission is observed mostly in massive galaxies with old stars and little star formation.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    In Vitro Activity of Ceftolozane-Tazobactam Against Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Causing Urinary, Intra-Abdominal and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Intensive Care Units in Portugal: the STEP Multicenter Study

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    The STEP surveillance study was designed to increase knowledge about distribution of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Portugal, focusing on the intensive care unit (ICU). Antimicrobial susceptibility of common agents was also evaluated and compared with that of one of the latest therapeutic introductions, ceftolozane-tazobactam (C/T). Clinical isolates of Enterobacterales (n=426) and P. aeruginosa (n=396) from patients admitted in Portuguese ICUs were included. Activity of C/T and comparators was investigated using standard broth microdilution. Isolates were recovered from urinary tract (UTI, 36.9%), intra-abdominal (IAI, 24.2%) and lower respiratory tract (LRTI, 38.9%) infections. In P. aeruginosa, overall distribution of MDR/extremely-drug resistant (XDR)/pan-drug resistant (PDR) isolates accounted for 21.2%, 23.2% and 0.8%, respectively. C/T was the most potent agent tested against P. aeruginosa and MDR/XDR/PDR phenotypes. In Escherichia coli, extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenemase (CP) phenotypes accounted for 16.6% and 1.7%, respectively, whereas in Klebsiella spp., ESBL and CP-phenotypes represented 28.5% and 17.9%, respectively. Overall, susceptibility of C/T against Enterobacterales was 86.9%. C/T was the least affected agent in E. coli (99.4% susceptibility), whereas its activity was moderate in Klebsiella spp. (71.5%) and Enterobacter spp. (70.4%), due in part to a high rate of ESBL and CP-phenotypes. In Enterobacterales, blaKPC was the most prevalent CP gene (63.0%), followed by blaOXA-48 (33.3%) and blaVIM (3.7%). These microbiological results reinforce C/T as a therapeutic option in ICU patients with UTI, IAI or LRTI due to P. aeruginosa or Enterobacterales isolates, but not for CP producers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Confronting Ceftolozane-Tazobactam Susceptibility in Multidrug-Resistant Enterobacterales Isolates and Whole-Genome Sequencing Results (STEP Study)

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    Ceftolozane-tazobactam (C/T) is frequently used for infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR)-Enterobacterales isolates. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS, Illumina-Hiseq 4000/NovaSeq 6000, OGC, UK) was used to study the population structure, the resistome and the virulome of C/T-susceptible and -resistant MDR Escherichia spp. (n=30) and Klebsiella spp. (n=78) isolates, recovered from lower respiratory, intra-abdominal and urinary tract infections of ICU patients from 11 Portuguese Hospitals (STEP study, 2017-2018). Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined (ISO-broth microdilution, breakpoints EUCAST-2020). In Escherichia spp., a weak concordance between the phenotypic and the WGS method (P=0.051) was observed in the carbapenemase detection (3/30) [blaVIM-2 (2/3), blaKPC-3 (1/3)]; VIM-2-Escherichia coli isolates were C/T-susceptible and only the KPC-3-Escherichia marmotae producer showed C/T-resistance. Overall, CTX-M-15-E. coli-ST131-O25:H4-H30-Rx (11/30) was the most frequent subclone, followed by CTX-M-27-E. coli-ST131-O25:H4-H30 (4/4). Moreover, a wide resistome and virulome were detected in all E. coli isolates. Among Klebsiella spp. isolates [K. pneumoniae (67/78), K. aerogenes (7/78), K. oxytoca (2/78), K. variicola (2/78)], concordance (P<0.001) was observed between the phenotypic and the genomic carbapenemase detection (21/78) [blaKPC-3 (14/21), blaOXA-48 (3/21), blaOXA-181 (3/21)]. A high correlation between C/T-resistance and carbapenemase detection was established (P<0.05). Overall, a high clonal diversity was observed, mainly in KPC-3-producing K. pneumoniae isolates. An extensive resistome was detected in Klebsiella spp. isolates, whereas virulence determinants were mostly identified in carbapenemase producers (P<0.001). WGS is a powerful tool for typing characterization and microbiological study of MDR-Enterobacterales pathogens. Furthermore, carbapenemase genes are associated with C/T-resistance in Klebsiella spp., but other mechanisms might also be involved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aperture effects on the oxygen abundance determinations from CALIFA data

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    This paper aims at providing aperture corrections for emission lines in a sample of spiral galaxies from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) database. In particular, we explore the behavior of the log([OIII]5007/Hbeta)/([NII]6583/Halpha) (O3N2) and log[NII]6583/Halpha (N2) flux ratios since they are closely connected to different empirical calibrations of the oxygen abundances in star forming galaxies. We compute median growth curves of Halpha, Halpha/Hbeta, O3N2 and N2 up to 2.5R_50 and 1.5 disk R_eff. The growth curves simulate the effect of observing galaxies through apertures of varying radii. The median growth curve of the Halpha/Hbeta ratio monotonically decreases from the center towards larger radii, showing for small apertures a maximum value of ~10% larger than the integrated one. The median growth curve of N2 shows a similar behavior, decreasing from the center towards larger radii. No strong dependence is seen with the inclination, morphological type and stellar mass for these growth curves. Finally, the median growth curve of O3N2 increases monotonically with radius. However, at small radii it shows systematically higher values for galaxies of earlier morphological types and for high stellar mass galaxies. Applying our aperture corrections to a sample of galaxies from the SDSS survey at 0.02<=z<=0.3 shows that the average difference between fiber-based and aperture corrected oxygen abundances, for different galaxy stellar mass and redshift ranges, reaches typically to ~11%, depending on the abundance calibration used. This average difference is found to be systematically biased, though still within the typical uncertainties of oxygen abundances derived from empirical calibrations. Caution must be exercised when using observations of galaxies for small radii (e.g. below 0.5R_eff) given the high dispersion shown around the median growth curves.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Search for neutrino counterparts to the gravitational wave sources from LIGO/Virgo O3 run with the ANTARES detector

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    Since 2015 the LIGO and Virgo interferometers have detected gravitational waves from almost one hundred coalescences of compact objects (black holes and neutron stars). This article presents the results of a search performed with data from the ANTARES telescope to identify neutrino counterparts to the gravitational wave sources detected during the third LIGO/Virgo observing run and reported in the catalogues GWTC-2, GWTC-2.1, and GWTC-3. This search is sensitive to all-sky neutrinos of all flavours and of energies > 100 GeV, thanks to the inclusion of both track-like events (mainly induced by ¿µ chargedcurrent interactions) and shower-like events (induced by other interaction types). Neutrinos are selected if they are detected within ±500 s from the GW merger and with a reconstructed direction compatible with its sky localisation. No significant excess is found for any of the 80 analysed GW events, and upper limits on the neutrino emission are derived. Using the information from the GW catalogues and assuming isotropic emission, upper limits on the total energy Etot,¿ emitted as neutrinos of all flavours and on the ratio f¿ = Etot,¿/EGW between neutrino and GW emissions are also computed. Finally, a stacked analysis of all the 72 binary black hole mergers (respectively the 7 neutron star-black hole merger candidates) has been performed to constrain the typical neutrino emission within this population, leading to the limits: Etot,¿ < 4.0 × 1053 erg and f¿ < 0.15 (respectively, Etot,¿ < 3.2 × 1053 erg and f¿ < 0.88) for E-2 spectrum and isotropic emission. Other assumptions including softer spectra and non-isotropic scenarios have also been testedPeer ReviewedA. Albert, S. Alves, M. André, M. Ardid, S. Ardid, J.-J. Aubert, J. Aublin, B. Baret, S. Basa, Y. Becherini, B. Belhorma, M. Bendahman, F. Benfenati, V. Bertin, S. Biagi, M. Bissinger, J. Boumaaza, M. Bouta, M.C. Bouwhuis, H. Brânzaş, R. Bruijn, J. Brunner, J. Busto, B. Caiffi, D. Calvo, S. Campion, A. Capone, L. Caramete, F. Carenini, J. Carr, V. Carretero, S. Celli, L. Cerisy, M. Chabab, T.N. Chau, R. Cherkaoui El Moursli, T. Chiarusi, M. Circella, J.A.B. Coelho, A. Coleiro, R. Coniglione, P. Coyle, A. Creusot, A.S.M. Cruz, A.F. Díaz, B. De Martino, C. Distefano, I. Di Palma, A. Domi, C. Donzaud, D. Dornic, D. Drouhin, T. Eberl, T. van Eeden, D. van Eijk, S. El Hedri, N. El Khayati, A. Enzenhöfer, P. Fermani, G. Ferrara, F. Filippini, L. Fusco, S. Gagliardini, J. García, C. Gatius Oliver, P. Gay, N. Geißelbrecht, H. Glotin, R. Gozzini, R. Gracia Ruiz, K. Graf, C. Guidi, L. Haegel, S. Hallmann, H. van Haren, A.J. Heijboer, Y. Hello, J.J. Hernández-Rey, J. Hößl, J. Hofestädt, F. Huang, G. Illuminati, C.W. James, B. Jisse-Jung, M. de Jong, P. de Jong, M. Kadler, O. Kalekin, U. Katz, A. Kouchner, I. Kreykenbohm, V. Kulikovskiy, R. Lahmann, M. Lamoureux, A. Lazo, D. Lefèvre, E. Leonora, G. Levi, S. Le Stum, D. Lopez-Coto, S. Loucatos, L. Maderer, J. Manczak, M. Marcelin, A. Margiotta, A. Marinelli, J.A. Martínez-Mora, P. Migliozzi, A. Moussa, R. Muller, L. Nauta, S. Navas, E. Nezri, B. Ó Fearraigh, A. Păun, G.E. Păvălaş, M. Perrin-Terrin, V. Pestel, P. Piattelli, C. Poirè, V. Popa, T. Pradier, N. Randazzo, D. Real, S. Reck, G. Riccobene, A. Romanov, A. Sánchez-Losa, A. Saina, F. Salesa Greus, D.F.E. Samtleben, M. Sanguineti, P. Sapienza, J. Schnabel, J. Schumann, F. Schüssler, J. Seneca, M. Spurio, Th. Stolarczyk, M. Taiuti, Y. Tayalati, S.J. Tingay, B. Vallage, G. Vannoye, V. Van Elewyck, S. Viola, D. Vivolo, J. Wilms, S. Zavatarelli, A. Zegarelli, J.D. Zornoza, J. ZúñigaPostprint (published version

    Hint for a TeV neutrino emission from the Galactic Ridge with ANTARES

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    [EN] Interactions of cosmic ray protons, atomic nuclei, and electrons in the interstellar medium in the inner part of the Milky Way produce gamma-ray flux from the Galactic Ridge. If the gamma-ray emission is dominated by proton and nuclei interactions, a neutrino flux comparable to the gamma-ray flux is expected from the same sky region. Data collected by the ANTARES neutrino telescope are used to constrain the neutrino flux from the Galactic Ridge in the 1-100 TeV energy range. Neutrino events reconstructed both as tracks and showers are considered in the analysis and the selection is optimized for the search of an excess in the region |l| < 30 degrees, |b| < 2 degrees. The expected background in the search region is estimated using an off-zone region with similar sky coverage. Neutrino signal originating from a power-law spectrum with spectral index ranging from Gamma nu = 1to 4is simulated in both channels. The observed energy distributions are fitted to constrain the neutrino emission from the Ridge. The energy distributions in the signal region are inconsistent with the background expectation at similar to 96% confidence level. The mild excess over the background is consistent with a neutrino flux with a power law with a spectral index 2.45(-0.34)(+0.22) and a flux normalization dN nu/dE nu= 4.0(-2.0)(+2.7) x 10(-16) GeV-1 cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1) at 40 TeV reference energy. Such flux is consistent with the expected neutrino signal if the bulk of the observed gamma-ray flux from the Galactic Ridge originates from interactions of cosmic ray protons and nuclei with a power-law spectrum extending well into the PeV energy range.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the funding agencies: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), Commission Europeenne (FEDER fund and Marie Curie Program), Labex UnivEarthS (ANR-10-LABX-0023 and ANR-18-IDEX-0001), Region Alsace (contrat CPER), Region Provence-Alpes-Cpte d'Azur, Departement du Var and Ville de La Seyne-sur-Mer, France; Bundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Germany; Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 754496, Italy; Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), the Netherlands; Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), Romania; Grants PID2021-124591NB-C41,-C42,-C43 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by "ERDF A way of making Europe", by the "European Union" or by the "European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR", Programa de Planes Complementarios I+D+I (refs. ASFAE/2022/023, ASFAE/2022/014), Programa Prometeo (PROMETEO/2020/019) and GenT (refs. CIDE-GENT/2018/034,/2019/043,/2020/049./2021/23) of the Generalitat Valenciana, Junta de Andalucia (ref. P18-FR-5057), EU: MSC program (ref. 101025085), Programa Maria Zambrano (Spanish Ministry of Universities, funded by the European Union, NextGenerationEU), Spain; Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Training, Morocco, and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Kuwait. We also acknowledge the technical support of Ifremer, AIM and Foselev Marine for the sea operation and the CC-IN2P3 for the computing facilities.Albert, A.; Alves, S.; Andre, M.; Ardid, M.; Ardid, S.; Aubert, J.; Aublin, J.... (2023). Hint for a TeV neutrino emission from the Galactic Ridge with ANTARES. Physics Letters B. 841. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2023.13795184

    Genome‐wide detection of copy number variants in European autochthonous and commercial pig breeds by whole‐genome sequencing of DNA pools identified breed‐characterising copy number states

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    In this study, we identified copy number variants (CNVs) in 19 European autochthonous pig breeds and in two commercial breeds (Italian Large White and Italian Duroc) that represent important genetic resources for this species. The genome of 725 pigs was sequenced using a breed‐specific DNA pooling approach (30–35 animals per pool) obtaining an average depth per pool of 42×. This approach maximised CNV discovery as well as the related copy number states characterising, on average, the analysed breeds. By mining more than 17.5 billion reads, we identified a total of 9592 CNVs (~683 CNVs per breed) and 3710 CNV regions (CNVRs; 1.15% of the reference pig genome), with an average of 77 CNVRs per breed that were considered as private. A few CNVRs were analysed in more detail, together with other information derived from sequencing data. For example, the CNVR encompassing the KIT gene was associated with coat colour phenotypes in the analysed breeds, confirming the role of the multiple copies in determining breed‐specific coat colours. The CNVR covering the MSRB3 gene was associated with ear size in most breeds. The CNVRs affecting the ELOVL6 and ZNF622 genes were private features observed in the Lithuanian Indigenous Wattle and in the Turopolje pig breeds respectively. Overall, the genome variability unravelled here can explain part of the genetic diversity among breeds and might contribute to explain their origin, history and adaptation to a variety of production systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey: I. Survey presentation

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    We present here the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey, which has been designed to provide a first step in this direction.We summarize the survey goals and design, including sample selection and observational strategy.We also showcase the data taken during the first observing runs (June/July 2010) and outline the reduction pipeline, quality control schemes and general characteristics of the reduced data. This survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopic information of a diameter selected sample of 600\sim600 galaxies in the Local Universe (0.005< z <0.03). CALIFA has been designed to allow the building of two-dimensional maps of the following quantities: (a) stellar populations: ages and metallicities; (b) ionized gas: distribution, excitation mechanism and chemical abundances; and (c) kinematic properties: both from stellar and ionized gas components. CALIFA uses the PPAK Integral Field Unit (IFU), with a hexagonal field-of-view of \sim1.3\sq\arcmin', with a 100% covering factor by adopting a three-pointing dithering scheme. The optical wavelength range is covered from 3700 to 7000 {\AA}, using two overlapping setups (V500 and V1200), with different resolutions: R\sim850 and R\sim1650, respectively. CALIFA is a legacy survey, intended for the community. The reduced data will be released, once the quality has been guaranteed. The analyzed data fulfill the expectations of the original observing proposal, on the basis of a set of quality checks and exploratory analysis. We conclude from this first look at the data that CALIFA will be an important resource for archaeological studies of galaxies in the Local Universe.Comment: 32 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publishing in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Diversity across major and candidate genes in European local pig breeds

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    The aim of this work was to analyse the distribution of causal and candidate mutations associated to relevant productive traits in twenty local European pig breeds. Also, the potential of the SNP panel employed for elucidating the genetic structure and relationships among breeds was evaluated. Most relevant genes and mutations associated with pig morphological, productive, meat quality, reproductive and disease resistance traits were prioritized and analyzed in a maximum of 47 blood samples from each of the breeds (Alentejana, Apulo-Calabrese, Basque, Bísara, Majorcan Black, Black Slavonian (Crna slavonska), Casertana, Cinta Senese, Gascon, Iberian, Krskopolje (Krskopoljski), Lithuanian indigenous wattle, Lithuanian White Old Type, Mora Romagnola, Moravka, Nero Siciliano, Sarda, Schwa-bisch-Hallisches Schwein (Swabian Hall pig), Swallow-Bellied Mangalitsa and Turopolje). We successfully analyzed allelic variation in 39 polymorphisms, located in 33 candidate genes. Results provide relevant information regarding genetic diversity and segregation of SNPs associated to production and quality traits. Coat color and morphological trait-genes that show low level of segregation, and fixed SNPs may be useful for traceability. On the other hand, we detected SNPs which may be useful for association studies as well as breeding programs. For instance, we observed predominance of alleles that might be unfavorable for disease resistance and boar taint in most breeds and segregation of many alleles involved in meat quality, fatness and growth traits. Overall, these findings provide a detailed catalogue of segregating candidate SNPs in 20 European local pig breeds that may be useful for traceability purposes, for association studies and for breeding schemes. Population genetic analyses based on these candidate genes are able to uncover some clues regarding the hidden genetic substructure of these populations, as the extreme genetic closeness between Iberian and Alentejana breeds and an uneven admixture of the breeds studied. The results are in agreement with available knowledge regarding breed history and management, although largest panels of neutral markers should be employed to get a deeper understanding of the population’s structure and relationships