117 research outputs found

    The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)

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    Systematic reviews are useful tools for busy decision-makers because they identify, appraise and synthesise the available research evidence on a particular topic. Many thousands of systematic reviews relevant to health care have been published. However, they can be difficult to locate and their quality is variable. DARE (the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) contains summaries of systematic reviews which have met strict quality criteria. Each summary also provides a critical commentary on the quality of the review. DARE covers a broad range of health care related topics and can be used for answering questions about the effects of health care interventions, as well as for developing clinical guidelines and policy making. DARE is available free of charge on the internet (http://nhscrd.york.ac.uk), and as part of the Cochrane Library. Alternatively, DARE can be searched, on your behalf, by CRD information staff (tel: 01904 433707 or email [email protected])

    Patient Information Leaflets for Lumbar Spine Surgery: A Missed Opportunity

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    Background: High-quality patient information is recommended to help reduce procedure-related anxiety and encourage patients to become active participants in their recovery. The objective of this study was to analyze the quality of patient information leaflets (PILs) given to National Health Service (NHS) patients ahead of lumbar spine surgery. Methods: The DISCERN tool was used to evaluate the quality of PILs, sourced from NHS websites. Results: Thirty-two PILs on lumbar surgery were included. Two (6%) leaflets were considered poor, 13 (41%) were marked as fair, 14 (44%) were of good quality, and 3 (9%) were scored as excellent. The total mean score was 55 (30-74), which corresponds to good quality. The lowest scoring questions were sources of information (Q4), balanced/unbiased content (Q6), and explanation of no treatment (Q12). Conclusions: There is considerable variation in the quality of PILs provided ahead of lumbar spine surgery. The scope for improvement is clear, and as the move toward patient-centered, evidence-based care continues, it is important that hospital resources provide recommendations based upon evidence of clinical effectiveness

    A systematic review of the impact of educational programs on factors that affect nurses' post-operative pain management for children

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    Despite extensive research in the international arena into pain and its management, there is, as yet, little research on the topic of pain in children in Saudi Arabia and in the Gulf countries generally. A systematic review was conducted to explore the impact of education programs on factors affecting paediatric nurses’ postoperative pain management practice. This was done in order to advise the creation of an educational program for nurses in Saudi Arabia. Knowledge about pain, attitudes towards pain, beliefs about children’s pain, perceptions of children’s reports of pain, self-efficacy with regard to pain management, and perceptions of barriers to optimal practice were all considered to be relevant factors. The review was restricted to randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental designs, excluding studies focussed on chronic pain or populations other than solely children. Studies published in English between 2000 and 2016 were identified using CINAHL, MEDLINE, Ovid SP, The Cochrane Library, ProQuest, and Google Scholar databases. Of 499 published studies identified by the search, 14 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. There was evidence of educational programs exerting a postive impact on enhancing pediatric nurses’ knowledge of pain and modifing their attitudes towards it, but only limited evidence was available about the impact on nurses’ beliefs and perceptions of children’s reports of pain, nurses’ self-efficacy, or barriers to optimal practice. None of the studies was conducted in Saudi Arabia. Studies were needed to address additional aspects of preparedness for effective postperative pain management. Details of educational programs used as experimental intervention must be included in reports

    Why prospective registration of systematic reviews makes sense

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    Prospective registration of systematic reviews promotes transparency, helps reduce potential for bias and serves to avoid unintended duplication of reviews. Registration offers advantages to many stakeholders in return for modest additional effort from the researchers registering their reviews

    Telecare motivational interviewing for diabetes patient education and support : a randomised controlled trial based in primary care comparing nurse and peer supporter delivery

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    Background: There is increasing interest in developing peer-led and 'expert patient'-type interventions, particularly to meet the support and informational needs of those with long term conditions, leading to improved clinical outcomes, and pressure relief on mainstream health services. There is also increasing interest in telephone support, due to its greater accessibility and potential availability than face to face provided support. The evidence base for peer telephone interventions is relatively weak, although such services are widely available as support lines provided by user groups and other charitable services. Methods/Design: In a 3-arm RCT, participants are allocated to either an intervention group with Telecare service provided by a Diabetes Specialist Nurse (DSN), an intervention group with service provided by a peer supporter (also living with diabetes), or a control group receiving routine care only. All supporters underwent a 2-day training in motivational interviewing, empowerment and active listening skills to provide telephone support over a period of up to 6 months to adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes who had been recommended a change in diabetes management (i.e. medication and/or lifestyle changes) by their general practitioner (GP). The primary outcome is self-efficacy; secondary outcomes include HbA1c, total and HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, and adherence to treatment. 375 participants (125 in each arm) were sought from GP practices across West Midlands, to detect a difference in self-efficacy scores with an effect size of 0.35, 80% power, and 5% significance level. Adults living with type 2 diabetes, with an HbA1c > 8% and not taking insulin were initially eligible. A protocol change 10 months into the recruitment resulted in a change of eligibility by reducing HbA1c to > 7.4%. Several qualitative studies are being conducted alongside the main RCT to describe patient, telecare supporter and practice nurse experience of the trial. Discussion and implications of the research: With its focus on self-management and telephone peer support, the intervention being trialled has the potential to support improved self-efficacy and patient experience, improved clinical outcomes and a reduction in diabetes-related complications

    Educating staff working in long-term care about delirium: The Trojan horse for improving quality of care?

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    OBJECTIVE This study aimed to design a multicomponent intervention to improve delirium care in long-term care facilities for older people in the UK and to identify the levers and barriers to its implementation in practice. METHODS The research incorporated the theoretical phase and Phase 1 of the Medical Research Council's framework. We designed a multicomponent intervention based on the evidence for effective interventions for delirium and for changing practice. We refined the intervention with input from care home staff and field visits to homes. Our intervention incorporated the following features: targeting risk factors for delirium, a ‘delirium practitioner’ functioning as a facilitator, an education package for care home staff, staff working groups at each home to identify barriers to improving delirium care and to produce tailored solutions, a local champion identified from the working groups, consultation, liaison with other professionals, and audit or feedback. The delirium practitioner recorded her experiences of delivering the intervention in a contemporaneous log. This was analysed using framework analysis to determine the levers and barriers to implementation. RESULTS We introduced a multicomponent intervention for delirium in six care homes in Leeds. Levers to implementation included flexibility, tailoring training to staff needs, engendering pride and ownership amongst staff, and minimising extra work. Barriers included time constraints, poor organization, and communication problems. CONCLUSION We were able to design and deliver an evidence-based multicomponent intervention for delirium that was acceptable to staff. The next steps are to establish its feasibility and effectiveness in modifying outcomes for residents of care homes

    Does clinical method mask significant VTE-related mortality and morbidity in malignant disease?

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    After more than 150 years of a recognised link between cancer and vascular thromboembolic events (VTE), and despite a greatly improved understanding of its pathophysiology, epidemiology and treatment, the management of patients with cancer and VTE is still limited. Limitations can be related to the thromboembolism itself, the underlying cancer, or to the management process. There is significant literature that deals with the first two, but very little regarding the systems we use, or how the inadequacies in documentation, identification and classification of VTE affect the cancer patients themselves. This review aims to raise awareness of this neglected area and stimulate research that may lead to improvements in patient care

    Implementing a guideline for the treatment of type 2 diabetics: results of a Cluster- Randomized Controlled Trial (C-RCT)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Italy many diabetics still lack adequate care in general practice. We assessed the effectiveness of different strategies for the implementation of an evidence-based guideline for the management of non-complicated type 2 diabetes among General Practitioners (GPs) of Lazio region.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three-arm cluster-randomised controlled trial with GPs as units of randomisation (clusters). 252 GPs were randomised either to an active strategy (training module with administration of the guideline), or to a passive dissemination (administration of the guideline only), or to usual care (control). Data on prescriptions of tests and drugs were collected by existing information systems, whereas patients' data came from GPs' databases. Process outcomes were measured at the cluster level one year after the intervention. Primary outcomes concerned the measurement of glycosilated haemoglobin and the commissioning of micro- and macrovascular complications assessment tests. In order to assess the physicians' drug prescribing behaviour secondary outcomes were also calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GPs identified 6395 uncomplicated type 2 patients with a high prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. Data on GPs baseline performance show low proportions of glycosilated haemoglobin assessments. Results of the C-RCT analysis indicate that the active implementation strategy was ineffective relating to all primary outcomes (respectively, OR 1.06 [95% IC: 0.76–1.46]; OR 1.07 [95% IC: 0.80–1.43]; OR 1.4 [95% IC:0.91–2.16]. Similarly, passive dissemination of the guideline showed no effect.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In our region compliance of GPs with guidelines was not enhanced by a structured learning programme. Implementation through organizational measures appears to be essential to induce behavioural changes.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN80116232</p