56 research outputs found
An electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) study of diffusion in polymer/steel systems /
- Author
- Publication venue
- Lehigh Preserve
- Publication date
- Field of study
Regulation of Amino Acid, Nucleotide, and Phosphate Metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Author
- Abadjieva
- Abadjieva
- Abdel-Sater
- Abdel-Sater
- Abdel-Sater
- Alagramam
- Alfonzo
- Altmann
- Amar
- An
- Andi
- Andreichuk Iu
- André
- Andréasson
- Andréasson
- Andréasson
- Andréasson
- Anraku
- Aoki-Kinoshita
- Aouida
- Aouida
- Arndt
- Auesukaree
- Auesukaree
- Auesukaree
- Avendano
- Aviram
- Bajmoczi
- Barbaric
- Barbey
- Barnes
- Baudouin-Cornu
- Beck
- Becker
- Belenky
- Bernales
- Bernard
- Bertram
- Binda
- Blaiseau
- Boban
- Boban
- Boeckstaens
- Boer
- Bomeke
- Boonchird
- Bowers
- Breitling
- Breton
- Brohee
- Bun-Ya
- Byrd
- Cai
- Cain
- Camblong
- Camblong
- Campbell
- Cardenas
- Cardillo
- Carvalho
- Castegna
- Cavero
- Chahomchuen
- Chandrasekaran
- Chandrasekaran
- Chen
- Cherkasova
- Coffman
- Coffman
- Conlan
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Coornaert
- Coschigano
- Courchesne
- Cox
- Cox
- Crabeel
- Creasy
- Crespo
- Crowley
- Cunningham
- Daignan-Fornier
- Davis
- de Boer
- de Boer
- de Montigny
- de Montigny
- de Rijcke
- Delbecq
- DeLuna
- Denis
- Denis
- Denis-Duphil
- Des Etages
- Deschamps
- Desmoucelles
- Didion
- Didion
- Dilova
- Dohmen
- Dong
- Dormer
- Drillien
- Duan
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dubois
- Dubouloz
- Dujardin
- Eckert-Boulet
- El Alami
- El Alami
- El Berry
- Enjo
- Erbs
- Escobar-Henriques
- Escobar-Henriques
- Escobar-Henriques
- Escusa
- Escusa
- Exinger
- Feller
- Feller
- Feller
- Flick
- Flick
- Flynn
- Forsberg
- Forsberg
- Freimoser
- Fukuchi
- Gaba
- Gaba
- Gaber
- Gao
- Gao
- Gauthier
- Georis
- Georis
- Georis
- Georis
- Giani
- Godard
- Govind
- Grauslund
- Guaragnella
- Guetsova
- Guyonvarch
- Hainer
- Hansen
- Hardwick
- Hauser
- Hazelwood
- Henikoff
- Hinnebusch
- Hinnebusch
- Hinnebusch
- Hirst
- Hoffmann
- Holmberg
- Hong
- Hong
- Hood
- HorĂĄk
- Huang
- Huang
- Hurlimann
- Hurlimann
- Hurlimann
- Hwang
- Hyle
- Iglesias-Gato
- Iraqui
- Island
- Island
- Isnard
- Itoh
- Jacobs
- Jacquemin-Faure
- Jauniaux
- Jauniaux
- Jenks
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jonkers
- Jund
- Kaffman
- Kaiser
- Kammerer
- Kaplan
- Kaur
- Kern
- Kim
- Kitamoto
- Klasson
- Klionsky
- Komeili
- Konrad
- Konrad
- Kornitzer
- Kosugi
- Kota
- Kota
- Kuehner
- Kulkarni
- Kuras
- Kuras
- Kurtz
- Kurtz
- Kwapisz
- Lacroute
- Lam
- Lauwers
- Lecoq
- Lecoq
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lenburg
- Leroy
- Liljelund
- Liu
- Liu
- Liu
- Liu
- Ljungdahl
- Ljungdahl
- Llorente
- Loewith
- Loison
- Lorenz
- Losson
- Magasanik
- Magasanik
- Magasanik
- Magdolen
- Mantsala
- Marczak
- Marini
- Marini
- Marobbio
- Marobbio
- Marobbio
- Martens
- Martens
- MartĂnez
- Matile
- Menant
- Messenguy
- Messenguy
- Messenguy
- Meyer
- Mieczkowski
- Minehart
- Mitchell
- Moriya
- Mueller
- Nagy
- Nakanishi
- Narayanaswamy
- Natarajan
- Neef
- Nelissen
- Nickerson
- Niederberger
- Nikawa
- Nishizawa
- Ogawa
- Ogawa
- Ohsumi
- Ohsumi
- Omnus
- Ouni
- Ozier-Kalogeropoulos
- Ozier-Kalogeropoulos
- OâNeill
- Palkova
- Palmieri
- Palmieri
- Palmieri
- Park
- Pattison-Granberg
- Patton
- Pauwels
- Petersson
- Pfirrmann
- Phalip
- Pinson
- Pinson
- Pinson
- Pinson
- Popova
- Poulsen
- Poulsen
- Prohl
- Pruneski
- Puria
- Puria
- Qiu
- Quezada
- Rai
- Ratnayake-Lecamwasam
- Regenberg
- Regenberg
- Ribard
- Riles
- Risinger
- Roeder
- Rolfes
- Rouillon
- Rouillon
- Rowen
- Roy
- Roy
- Rubio-Texeira
- Russnak
- RĂ©bora
- RĂ©bora
- Saier
- Saint-Marc
- Saint-Marc
- Saito
- Saldanha
- Salmon
- Sato
- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Schneider
- Schreve
- Sekito
- Sellick
- Sellick
- Serrano
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Shemer
- Shimazu
- Siddiqui
- Smart
- Soetens
- Som
- Sonenberg
- Souciet
- Soussi-Boudekou
- Spielewoy
- Springer
- Springer
- Staschke
- Steger
- Steinmetz
- Stolz
- Stolz
- Stolz
- Storms
- Stotz
- Streckfuss-Bomeke
- Su
- Su
- Subramanian
- Sychrova
- Sychrova
- Tachihara
- Tanaka
- Tate
- Tate
- Tate
- Tate
- Thevelein
- Thiebaut
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Tibbetts
- Tice-Baldwin
- Tomitori
- Trotter
- Tumusiime
- Turner
- Turoscy
- Uchida
- Ueda
- Uemura
- Uemura
- Uemura
- Uhler
- Urech
- van Roermund
- van Zeebroeck
- Varshavsky
- Velasco
- Vissers
- Wagner
- Watson
- Weber
- Wedaman
- Wek
- Werner
- White
- Wiame
- Wielemans
- Wu
- Wykoff
- Wykoff
- Xia
- Xu
- Yang
- Yoo
- Yoon
- Yoon
- Zaborske
- Zaborske
- Zaman
- Zargari
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Zurita-Martinez
- Zvyagilskaya
- Ăzcan
- Publication venue
- 'Genetics Society of America'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The allantoinase (DAL1) gene ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
SolidâState Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Ions in Protective Coatings III : Sodium, Lithium, and Cesium Ions in Polyimide and EpoxyâPolyamide Coatings
- Publication venue
- 'The Electrochemical Society'
- Publication date
- Field of study
SolidâState NMR Studies of Sodium Ions in a Polybutadiene Matrix
- Publication venue
- 'The Electrochemical Society'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- âŠ