31 research outputs found

    Scoping potential routes to UK civil unrest via the food system: Results of a structured expert elicitation

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    We report the results of a structured expert elicitation to identify the most likely typesof potential food system disruption scenarios for the UK, focusing on routes to civil unrest. Wetake a backcasting approach by defining as an end-point a societal event in which 1 in 2000 peoplehave been injured in the UK, which 40% of experts rated as “Possible (20–50%)”, “More likely thannot (50–80%)” or “Very likely (>80%)” over the coming decade. Over a timeframe of 50 years, thisincreased to 80% of experts. The experts considered two food system scenarios and ranked theirplausibility of contributing to the given societal scenario. For a timescale of 10 years, the majorityidentified a food distribution problem as the most likely. Over a timescale of 50 years, the expertswere more evenly split between the two scenarios, but over half thought the most likely route tocivil unrest would be a lack of total food in the UK. However, the experts stressed that the variouscauses of food system disruption are interconnected and can create cascading risks, highlighting theimportance of a systems approach. We encourage food system stakeholders to use these results intheir risk planning and recommend future work to support prevention, preparedness, response andrecovery planning

    Higher level domain specific skills in mathematics: the relationship between algebra, geometry, executive function skills and mathematics achievement

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    Algebra and geometry are important components of mathematics that are often considered gatekeepers for future success. However, most studies that have researched the cognitive skills required for success in mathematics have only considered the domain of arithmetic. We extended models of mathematical skills to consider how executive function skills play both a direct role in secondary-school-level mathematical achievement as well as an indirect role via algebra and geometry, alongside arithmetic. We found that verbal and visuospatial working memory were indirectly associated with mathematical achievement via number fact knowledge, calculation skills, algebra and geometry. Inhibition was also indirectly associated with mathematical achievement via number fact knowledge and calculation skills. These findings highlight that there are multiple mechanisms by which executive function skills may be involved in mathematics outcomes. Therefore, using specific measures of mathematical processes as well as context-rich assessments of mathematical achievement is important to understand these mechanisms

    Open Science @ SoPVS

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    All things Open Science going on at the School of Psychology and Vision Sciences at the University of Leicester. You will find (in due time): * Mission statement (guiding principles, code of conduct) * Open Science Lectures / Workshop Materials * Agenda for OS events * General information about OS Open Science Team Dr David Souto ([email protected]) Dr Sarah Gunn ([email protected]) Dr Jayne Spiller ([email protected]) Dr Tamara Gheorghes ([email protected]) Dr Mahmoud Elsherif ([email protected]) Dr Samantha Tyler ([email protected]) Milena Rota ([email protected]) Calum Hunt ([email protected]) Faye Balcombe ([email protected]