4,643 research outputs found

    Kansan Guardian Perceptions of HPV and the HPV Vaccine and the Role of Social Media

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    Introduction. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination rates in Kansas historically have been low among children and adolescents. How Kansas parents and guardians perceive the HPV vaccine may influence vaccination rates among Kansas youth. Social media messages also may influence perceptions, suggesting implications for current and future disease and cancer burden. Methods. Eligible Kansas guardians of children aged 9 - 17 years completed an online survey. The survey assessed their perceptions about a) HPV and the HPV vaccine, b) HPV and HPV vaccine representation on social media, and c) the effects that social media has on their perceptions about HPV and the HPV vaccine. Results. Most Kansas guardians (n = 55, 57.9%) indicated seeing information about HPV and the HPV vaccine on social media. Kansas guardians who had reported seeing information on social media about the HPV vaccine were significantly more likely to perceive that the HPV vaccine could kill their child than those who had not seen information (t(79) = 0.019). Additionally, children of wealthier Kansan guardians were vaccinated more than children of less wealthy guardians. Conclusion. Social media messages may be influencing Kansan guardians to think the HPV vaccine is lethal in their children. Future campaigns increasingly should be focused on HPV vaccine safety and effectiveness

    From Beads on a String to the Pearls of Regulation: the Structure and Dynamics of Chromatin

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    The assembly of eukaryotic chromatin, and the bearing of its structural organization on the regulation of gene expression, were the central topics of a recent conference organized jointly by the Biochemical Society and Wellcome Trust. A range of talks and poster presentations covered topical aspects of this research field and illuminated recent advances in our understanding of the structure and function of chromatin. The two-day meeting had stimulating presentations complemented with lively discourse and interactions of participants. In the present paper, we summarize the topics presented at the meeting, in particular highlighting subjects that are reviewed in more detail within this issue of Biochemical Society Transactions. The reports bring to life the truly fascinating molecular and structural biology of chromatin

    Le concessioni sul demanio marittimo e idrico dopo la liberalizzazione della Direttiva ex Bolkestein

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    La tesi pone l'attenzione su come l'attuazione della Direttiva ex Bolkestein ha inciso sui procedimenti di rilascio delle concessioni sul demanio marittimo e idrico, avviando un processo di liberalizzazione. Dopo aver esaminato la nozione di demanio nel suo complesso, si passerĂ  ad analizzare le singole categorie di beni del demanio marittimo e idrico e l'evoluzione storica e regolamentare antecedente i provvedimenti di liberalizzazione. VerrĂ  affrontata la disciplina dei procedimenti di rilascio delle concessioni ed esaminata la Direttiva "servizi" nel suo complesso e il recepimento nello Stato Italiano, ponenedo l'attenzione alle procedure di infrazione avviate dalla Commissione Europea per contrasto tra normativa nazionale e dettati superiori europei. Per concludere verrĂ  esaminato come lo Stato Italiano ha reagito alle messe in mora da parte dell'Europa, mediante una serie di provvedimenti che hanno cercato di far conciliare la normativa statale con il quadro comunitario con l'obiettivo di affermare i principi di tutela della concorrenza, libertĂ  di stabilimento, trasparenza e non discriminazione, quali colonne portanti dell'Europa

    Supreme Court Strikes Down D.C. Handgun Ordinance: Will Chicago Follow Suit?

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    The Impact of HII Regions on the Interstellar Medium of our Galaxy

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    The interstellar medium (ISM) of our Galaxy contains low-density diffuse ionized gas known as the warm ionized medium (WIM). O- and B-type stars emit large amounts of ionizing radiation and it is believed that a fraction of this radiation escapes from their fully ionized HII regions and into the ISM where it is responsible for maintaining the ionization of the WIM. Here we aim to better understand how the radiation produced by OB stars is able to leak from the HII regions, how the radiation field changes during this process, and how the radiation affects the ambient ISM. Using Green Bank Telescope radio recombination line data of a subset of Galactic HII regions, we show that the morphology of the photodissociation region surrounding an HII region strongly affects the amount of leaking radiation. We compute a leaking photon fraction of 15±5% for the compact HII region NGC7538 and argue that more luminous HII regions likely have a greater effect on maintaining the ionization of the WIM. The N(4He+)/N(H+) abundance ratio decreases with distance from most observed regions, indicating that helium-ionizing photons are being absorbed within the HII region ionization fronts. We find that WIM emission toward the first Galactic quadrant is correlated both with the locations of luminous HII region complexes and with the intensity of diffuse 8μm emission caused by excitation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). This suggests that the soft-ultraviolet photons required to excite PAHs have the same origin as the more energetic radiation maintaining the WIM

    Numerical simulations of running specific prostheses for the evaluation of their structural behaviour during running

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    Development of a running specific prosthesis 3D FEM model for the evaluation of its structural mechanical behaviour during static tests and during a whole running step. The prosthesis was simplified using an isotropic material. The equivalent elastic modulus was calibrated employing data collected during experimental bench tests. We also studied the effect during running of the clamp position change and virtual shaping of the prosthesis, modifying the geometry and creating a new prototype.openEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di segretezza e/o di proprietĂ  dei risultati e/o informazioni sensibil

    A New Devil in the White City: The Demolition of Prentice Women\u27s Hospital and the Failures of Chicago\u27s Landmarks Ordinance, 48 J. Marshall L. Rev. 391 (2014)

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    Chicago’s culture is, in large part, defined by its courageous, innovative, and rich architectural history. With such a strong cultural identity comes the responsibility to preserve the City’s character for generations to come. Throughout its history, the City of Chicago allowed architectural masterpieces to succumb to economic and political pressures. The recent decision in Hanna v. City of Chicago left Chicago’s Landmarks Ordinance unscathed, but nevertheless, its inadequacies are showcased by the demolition of the Prentice Women’s Hospital. An examination of the landmark ordinances of other large American cities further demonstrates the shortcomings of Chicago’s own ordinance. Chicago’s Landmarks Ordinance, in its current form, plays a strong role in destroying the cultural and architectural character that so deeply defines the City. Absent revisions to the Landmarks Ordinance, Chicago will become increasingly devoid of cultural progression and lost as to its place in the nation

    “Hormonal crosstalking in the control of apical dominance in pea (Pisum sativum L.)”

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    The aim of my research is the study of the involvement of three plant growth regulators (Auxin, Gibberellins and Strigolactones) in the regulation of apical dominance in pea and how they interact to control lateral bud growth. Strigolactones (SL) are carotenoid-derived terpenoid lactones. Recently SL, or a derivative thereof, have been identified as the long distance branching inhibitor signal in plants. The synthetic SL GR24 may restore apical dominance by rescuing the bushy phenotype of mutant plants that are defective in SL biosynthesis. The effectiveness of this chemical has been tested on pea plants with normal SL biosynthesis and signaling, following disruption of apical dominance by decapitation of the stem. The hypothesized crosstalking between SL and gibberellins (GAs) was investigated by comparing the response to GR24 of plants with different levels of bioactive GAs. GR24 was applied to the axillary buds of decapitated climbing and dwarf plants, the latters being defective in GA biosynthesis. The results suggest that the level of bioactive GAs might modulate the response of decapitated pea plants to GR24, by antagonizing the action of the SL. Furthermore, decapitation of pea plants and treatment of the axillary buds with GR24 deeply influence GA metabolism in the buds and highlight the possibility that root-derived GAs may contribute to enhance bud outgrowth
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