83 research outputs found
Исповедный вопросник староверов Латгалии: лингвокультурный анализ текста
During the expedition to the Old Believers in Latgale (Latvia) a group of Slavists investigating the Russian language of Old Believers abroad got a scanned copy of the confessional questionnaire as a present from Basil Trishkin, a mentor of Gayok Old Believers’ House of Prayer (Daugavpils). This questionnaire is used by Basil Trishkin during confessions in conversations with the parishioners. As the study of the manuscript revealed the questionnaire according to its content, structure and features of language dates back to the pre-Raskol texts of the XѴII century. The next expedition, 2017, confirmed the assumption that the questionnaire is a part of the Old Believer’s prayer book. The expeditions did not pursue archeographic objectives, the conversations with mentors were mostly focused on prohibitions and prescriptions in the Old Believers’ community in Latgale for the purpose of its further sociolinguistic and ethnolinguistic analysis. Nevertheless the scanned manuscript certainly deserves attention as a piece of the Old Believers’ written culture. On the one hand, the Old Believer’s prayer book is written in Church Slavonic. On the other hand, the scanned manuscript is a source of information about the Latgalian Old Believers’ Russian language as a language for everyday communication, including lexical and other dialect features. The oral comments of the mentors Basil Trishkin and Ioann Zhilko about prohibitions in the Old Believers’ community, use of the questionnaire in the practice of worship and opportunities to pass it on to a group of researchers, with subsequent publication of the text, are particularly noteworthy.Во время экспедиции 2016 г. к староверам Латгалии (Латвия) группа славистов, исследователей русского языка старообрядцев за рубежом, получила в подарок от Василия Тришкина, наставника моленной беспоповцев на Гайкé (район г. Даугавпилса), сканированную копию вопросника, используемого им для исповеди прихожан. По мере исследования рукописи выяснилось, что вопросник по содержанию, структуре и особенностям языка восходит к текстам до никоновской справы XѴII в.; следующая экспедиция, 2017 г., подтвердила предположение, что вопросник находится в старообрядческом Требнике. Экспедиции не преследовали археографических целей, в беседах с наставниками обсуждались главным образом запреты староверов Латгалии с целью дальнейшего социолингвистического и этнолингвистического анализа. Однако попавший в распоряжение ученых исповедный вопросник, несомненно, заслуживает внимания как часть письменной культуры староверов и как источник сведений об используемом староверами Латгалии церковнославянском языке богослужения и русском языке повседневного общения, включающем лексические и иные диалектизмы, отраженные в тексте исповедного вопросника. Особую ценность представляют устные замечания наставников Василия Тришкина и Иоанна Жилко по поводу запретов староверов и использования самого вопросника в практике богослужения и возможностях передачи его группе исследователей с последующей публикацией текста
Experience of Using «Digital Content»In the Educational Process
Статья посвящена использованию на современном занятии цифрового образовательного контента. Представлен опыт трех лет работы на цифровой платформе и апробирования различных программ Профессионалитета в образовательном процессе на примере профессиональных дисциплин. Представлена новизна построения занятий, рассмотрены способы выбора направления личной образовательной траектории.The article is devoted to the use of digital educational content in the modern classroom. The experience of three years of working on a digital platform and testing various Professional programs in the educational process on the example of professional disciplines is presented. The novelty of the construction of classes is presented, the ways of choosing the direction of a personal educational trajectory are considered
Scintillation characteristics of heavily doped CsI:Tl, IO₃ crystals
The effect of IO⁻₃ ions on spectrometric characteristic of CsI:Tl crystal has been considered. It has been shown that co-doping of CsI:Tl crystal by IO⁻₃ anions permits to obtain clear ingots with increased thallium concentration up to CTl ~ 0.9 mole % in which the concentration quenching of photo- or radioluminescence do not observed. It has been shown that the decay of solid solution in CsI:Tl, IO₃ crystals is not observed, at least up to CTl ~ 0.5 mole %, as evidenced by a good energy resolution (R = 6.3%) of samples with the specified Tl concentration and this also evidenced by a larger segregation coefficient of thallium in CsI:Tl, IO₃ crystals (k = 0.24 contrary to k = 0.19 in CsI:Tl). An explanation of thallium solid solution stability in CsI matrix has been proposed which based on experimental fact of complex formation. Compensation of elastic stresses of opposite sign due to complex formation results in preventing of nucleation for solid solution decay.Розглянуто вплив аніонів IO⁻₃ на спектрометричні характеристики кристалів CsI:Tl. Показано, що легування кристалів CsI:Tl іонами IO⁻₃ дозволяє отримувати прозорі злитки зі збільшеною концентрацією талію (до CTl ~ 0,9%), котрі не мають ознак концентраційного гасіння фото- та радіолюмінесценції. Показано, що розпад твердого розчину в кристалах CsI:Tl, IO₃ не спостерігається, принаймні, до CTl ~ 0,5%, про що свідчать високий світловий вихід, гарне енергетичне розділення (R = 6,3%) зразків зі вказаною концентрацією і більший коефіцієнт розподілу талію в кристалах CsI:Tl, IO₃ (k = 0,24 проти k = 0,19 у CsI:Tl). Запропоновано пояснення більш високої стабільності твердого розчину в матриці CsI, яке базується на формуванні комплексів Tl+-IO⁻₃. Компенсація пружних напружень протилежного знаку внаслідок взаємодії катіонів і аніонів IO⁻₃ запобігає створенню зародків розпаду.Рассмотрено влияние анионов IO⁻₃ на спектрометрические характеристики кристаллов CsI:Tl. Показано, что легирование кристаллов CsI:Tl ионами IO⁻₃ позволяет получать прозрачные слитки с увеличенной концентрацией таллия (до CTl ~ 0,9%), которые не имеют признаков концентрационного тушения фото- и радиолюминесценции. Показано, что распад твердого раствора в кристаллах CsI:Tl, IO₃ не наблюдается, по крайней мере, до CTl ~ 0,5%, о чем свидетельствуют высокий световой выход, хорошее энергетическое разрешение (R = 6,3%) образцов с указанной концентрацией и больший коэффициент распределения таллия в кристаллах CsI:Tl, IO₃ (k = 0,24 против k = 0,19 в CsI:Tl). Предложено объяснение более высокой стабильности твердого раствора таллия в матрице CsI, которое основано на образовании комплексов Tl+-IO⁻₃. Компенсация упругих напряжений противоположного знака вследствие взаимодействия катионов и анионов IO⁻₃ предотвращает образование очагов распада
Snow effect on the neutron monitor network for 2018-2019
In this article, the influence of the surrounding snow cover on the neutron monitors count rate of the world network of neutron monitors was estimated using the method of reference stations. The applied technique also makes it possible to estimate the snow cover thickness at the observation point, which was done for more than two dozen stations. A comparison of the data correction results for snow is carried out for the case of automatic correction, based on the developed algorithm, and for manual one, with an error estimate
Unusual decrease of the cosmic ray intensity in May 2019 on the background of the minima solar activity
In May 2019 there was a long and sloping decreasing of cosmic ray’s intensity (up to ~4%), which was observed
on neutron monitors. Despite this was a small decreasing compared to quasi-eleven-period variation, it stands
out well in 24th cycle of solar activity.
According to LASCO/SOHO and STEREO-A data from spectrometer in different UHF bands and from coronograph,
there was a series of CMEs which affected on modulation of cosmic rays by creating a series of Forbush decrea -
sing, which didn’t restore. This series was connected to two active regions on sun and began on April 30 from
“reversed halo” CME. This CME didn’t reach the earth, but led to significant additional modulation of cosmic rays,
mostly on east side. Later there was a series of smaller CMEs on May 1-6, which also didn’t reach the earth, but
were gradually approaching to Earth. Recent CMEs on 8-9 and 12-13 created a normal Forbush decreasing.
In May 2019, cosmic rays shown again, that they can collect information about distant objects of geliosphere and
transmit it to Earth. The ground-level detectors sometimes can observe an interaction of interplanetary distur-
bances, which didn‘t reach the earth. East CMEs are especially effective, because they closing magnetic field
lines beyond the orbit of earth and can interfere the restoring of cosmic ray’s intensity
Electrical properties of ZrO₂ in nano- and polycrystalline states at high pressure
We present the results of the research work devoted to the problem: how the crystallites influence the electrical properties of stabilized zirconia at pressures of 22−50 GPa and in the temperature range of 77−450 K. The measurements were conducted in the highpressure chamber under direct current on nanocrystalline powders of ZrO₂ stabilized by Pr (0.5%) and on compact powder samples of «partially stabilized» ZrO₂ including 5% Y₃P₃. The nanocrystallite size equals 10, 12 and 56 nm. The change of electronic properties of stabilized zirconia at 31.5–37.5 GPa, 40–44 GPa and 45.5–48.5 GPa in nano- and polycrystalline states has been discovered. It gives us a possibility to verify the phase diagram of ZrO₂ at those intervals of pressure. Besides, it has been revealed that stabilization as nanocrystallinity leads to appearance of additional mechanisms of conductivity in ZrO₂
Improving the manufacturing technology of sensing gas sensors based on zinc oxide by using the method of magnetron sputtering on direct current
A gas sensor based on zinc oxide obtained by magnetron spraying at direct current was investigated. There are methods of deposition of zinc oxide nanostructures such as thermal evaporation, chemical vapor deposition, organometallic chemical vapor deposition, magnetron sputtering, pulsed laser deposition, and hydrothermal process. The least investigated is magnetron sputtering. To obtain films, a vacuum unit VUP-5M with an original material-saving magnetron was used. Studies into the sensitivity and speed of the gas sensor based on ZnO with respect to the target gas – ethanol of different concentrations – were carried out. The resulting experimental dependences of the sensitivity of the gas sensor on the concentration of the target gas demonstrate that with increasing concentration of the target gas, the resistance decreased while the sensitivity of the sample increased. It was established that the change in the resistance of the test sample is proportional to the change in the concentration of the target gas. After the sensor surface becomes saturated with adsorbed molecules, the resistance no longer decreases, even if the gas concentration continues to increase. The reaction of the gas sensor to the target gas – ethanol – at concentrations above 150 ppm was almost absent. The time required to achieve the maximum response value should be lower at higher target gas concentrations. Sensitivity reaction repeatability studies were conducted to measure the resistance of a gas sensor based on ZnO in a target gas atmosphere with a concentration of 150 ppm. It was found that the gas sensor demonstrates excellent stability and consistent sensitivity reaction when re-exposed to the target gas – ethanol. It was established that the reaction time of a gas sensor based on ZnO to the target gas at each repeated exposure does not exceed 10 s. This repeatability index allows us to assert the stability of the ZnO-based gas sensor in an ethanol atmosphere under standard condition
The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass
International audienceForest biomass is an essential indicator for monitoring the Earth's ecosystems and climate. It is a critical input to greenhouse gas accounting, estimation of carbon losses and forest degradation, assessment of renewable energy potential, and for developing climate change mitigation policies such as REDD+, among others. Wall-to-wall mapping of aboveground biomass (aGB) is now possible with satellite remote sensing (RS). However, RS methods require extant, up-to-date, reliable, representative and comparable in situ data for calibration and validation. Here, we present the Forest Observation System (FOS) initiative, an international cooperation to establish and maintain a global in situ forest biomass database. aGB and canopy height estimates with their associated uncertainties are derived at a 0.25 ha scale from field measurements made in permanent research plots across the world's forests. all plot estimates are geolocated and have a size that allows for direct comparison with many RS measurements. The FOS offers the potential to improve the accuracy of RS-based biomass products while developing new synergies between the RS and ground-based ecosystem research communities
LTD “SĒME” coefficient and comparative financial analysis
Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Sabiedrības ar ierobežoto atbildību “SĒME” koeficientu un salīdzinoša finanšu analīze”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir pamatojoties uz zinātnisku literatūru un cietiem iespējamiem avotiem, kā arī izmantojot SIA “SĒME” grāmatvedības atskaišu datus, veikt SIA “SĒME” koeficientu un salīdzinošo finanšu analīzi un izstrādāt priekšlikums saimnieciskās darbības uzlabošanai. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no ievada, trim daļām, secinājumiem un priekšlikumiem. Ievadā ir aprakstīta tēmas aktualitāte, pamatota uzņēmuma izvēle, definēti darba mērķi un izstrādāti uzdevumi mērķa sasniegšanai, aprakstītas darbā izmantotās pētīšanas metodes. Pirmajā nodaļā izpētīti finanšu analīzes teorētiskie aspekti, finanšu pārskatu un finanšu analīzes jēdziens, mērķis, uzdevumi, metodes un lietotāji. Otrajā nodaļā, pamatojoties uz teoriju, ir izpētīta SIA “SĒME” saimnieciskā darbība un analizēts uzņēmuma finansiālais stāvoklis. Trešajā nodaļā ir veikta SIA “SĒME” SVID analīze, ka arī lai noteiktu darbības efektivitāti, SIA “SĒME” dati un finanšu koeficienti salīdzināti ar galvenā konkurenta datiem, kā arī nozares rādītājiem. Darba noslēgumā tiek izstrādāti secinājumi un priekšlikumi. Bakalaura darbs izstrādāts, pamatojoties uz zinātnisku literatūru, Ministru kabineta izdotiem noteikumiem, LR normatīvajiem aktiem, internetā publiski pieejamajiem resursiem un citiem informācijas avotiem. Aprēķinu veikšanai izmantotas darba ietvaros atrodamas formulas, SIA “SĒME” finanšu pārskati par 2018., 2019. un 2020. gadu. Bakalaura darbs sastāv no 65 lappusēm, 12 tabulām, 11 attēliem, 32 literatūras avotiem un 7 pielikumiem. Atslēgvārdi: horizontāla un vertikāla analīze, finanšu analīze, salīdzinoša finanšu analīze, finanšu koeficienti, likviditāte, rentabilitāte, aprite, nozare. Darbā izmantoti saīsinājumi: LR - Latvijas Republika; EUR - eiro (aiz summas cipariem); MK - Ministru kabinets; lpp. – lappuse; t.sk. - tai skaitā; to skaitā; u.c. - un citi; att. – attēls; u. tml. - un tamlīdzīgi; utt. - un tā tālāk;The topic of the bachelor's thesis is "Limited Liability Company "SĒME" coefficient and comparative financial analysis". The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to perform SIA "SĒME" coefficient and comparative financial analysis on the basis of scientific literature and other possible sources, as well as using SIA "SĒME" accounting reports and to develop a proposal for improving economic activity. The bachelor's thesis consists of an introduction, three parts, conclusions and suggestions. The introduction describes the actuality of the topic, justifies the choice of the company, defines the goals of the work and develops tasks to achieve the goal, describes the research methods used in the work. The first chapter investigates the theoretical aspects of financial analysis, the concept, purpose, tasks, methods and users of financial reporting and financial analysis. In the second chapter, based on the theory, the economic activity of SIA “SĒME” is studied and the financial position of the company is analysed. In the third chapter, in order to determine the efficiency of operations, the data and financial ratios of SIA “SĒME” are compared with the data of the main competitor, as well as the indicators of the industry. Conclusions and proposals are developed at the end of the work. The bachelor's thesis is developed on the basis of scientific literature, regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia, publicly available resources on the Internet and other sources of information. The formulas used in the calculations include the financial statements of SIA “SĒME” for 2018, 2019 and 2020. The bachelor's thesis consists of 65 pages, 12 tables, 11 figures, 32 references and 7 appendices. Keywords: horizontal and vertical analysis, financial analysis, financial ratios, liquidity, profitability, turnover, industr
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