67 research outputs found

    Denominacions del crepuscle en llengua catalana

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    En aquest article d’orientació geolingüística i diacrònica, basat fonamentalment en dades de l’Atles lingüístic del domini català (ALDC) i del Corpus Informatitzat del Català Antic (CICA), s’analitzen més de vuitanta denominacions catalanes del crepuscle. D’una banda, se’n proporciona una doble classificació per criteris morfosintàctics, primerament, i motivacionals, després. De l’altra, se n’estudia la distribució geogràfica actual per lexemes, que s’ofereix cartografiada, i quan és possible, es ressegueixen les traces històriques de les diverses denominacions

    Un estudi sobre interdisciplinarietat, professions socials i acció socioeducativa

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    Aquest article és el relat d'un seguit d'accions encetades per donar resposta a una serie de preguntes referides a l'àmbit de la intervenció socioeducativa. El que volíem era conèixer I'estat de la interdisciplinarietat en I'àmbit de les accions socioeducatives professionals. En quin grau i de quina manera conflueixen les diferents disc iplines en I'acció social o socioeducativa? Quines professions i professionals d'alló social van desenvolupant aquestes accions? Quines relacions -de col·laboració; de confrontació; d'aïllament, etc.- es produeixen entre elles? I, per últim, ens preguntàvem: existeix una consciència entre els i les professionals sobre la necessitat -o no- d'aquesta interdisciplinarietat

    Gradual transformation of Ag2S to Au2S nanoparticles by sequential cation exchange reactions: binary, ternary, and hybrid compositions

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    Cation exchange reactions have been exploited in the last years as an efficient tool for the controlled chemical modi-fication of pre-made nanocrystals. In this work, the gradual transformation of Ag2S nanocrystals into Au2S analogues is performed by sequential cation exchange reactions that allow for a fine control of the chemical composition, delivering also two intermediate ternary sulfides based exclusively on noble metals. The role of two different surfactants in the reaction medium has been studied: while dodecylamine is favoring the heterogeneous nucleation of metallic Au on the surface of the semiconductor domains in detri-ment of the cation exchange reaction, the use of tetraoctylammonium bromide turns out to be crucial for the enhancement of the exchange in order to reach full cation substitution, if desired. The presence of Br- anions in the reaction medium represents an additional tool to modulate the morphology of the final nanocrystals, being either solid or hollow depending on their concentration. The synthetic protocol has been successfully conducted in both spherical and rod-like nanocrystals with identical results, leading to a wide variety of binary, ternary and/or hybrid nanostructures that have been carefully characterized

    Phylogenetic Relationships within the Opisthokonta Based on Phylogenomic Analyses of Conserved Single-Copy Protein Domains

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    Many of the eukaryotic phylogenomic analyses published to date were based on alignments of hundreds to thousands of genes. Frequently, in such analyses, the most realistic evolutionary models currently available are often used to minimize the impact of systematic error. However, controversy remains over whether or not idiosyncratic gene family dynamics (i.e., gene duplications and losses) and incorrect orthology assignments are always appropriately taken into account. In this paper, we present an innovative strategy for overcoming orthology assignment problems. Rather than identifying and eliminating genes with paralogy problems, we have constructed a data set comprised exclusively of conserved single-copy protein domains that, unlike most of the commonly used phylogenomic data sets, should be less confounded by orthology miss-assignments. To evaluate the power of this approach, we performed maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses to infer the evolutionary relationships within the opisthokonts (which includes Metazoa, Fungi, and related unicellular lineages). We used this approach to test 1) whether Filasterea and Ichthyosporea form a clade, 2) the interrelationships of early-branching metazoans, and 3) the relationships among early-branching fungi. We also assessed the impact of some methods that are known to minimize systematic error, including reducing the distance between the outgroup and ingroup taxa or using the CAT evolutionary model. Overall, our analyses support the Filozoa hypothesis in which Ichthyosporea are the first holozoan lineage to emerge followed by Filasterea, Choanoflagellata, and Metazoa. Blastocladiomycota appears as a lineage separate from Chytridiomycota, although this result is not strongly supported. These results represent independent tests of previous phylogenetic hypotheses, highlighting the importance of sophisticated approaches for orthology assignment in phylogenomic analyses. © The Author 2011. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved

    Activism and Legitimation in Israel's Jurisprudence of Occupation

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    Colonial law need not exclude the colonized in order to subordinate them, and ‘activist’ courts can advance the effect of subordination no less than ‘passive’ courts. As a case study, this article examines the jurisprudential legacy of the Israeli Supreme Court in the context of the prolonged Israeli occupation of Palestine. Applying insights from legal realist, law and society, and critical legal studies scholarship, the article questions the utility of using the activist and passive labels. It illustrates how the Israeli activist court, through multiple legal and discursive moves, has advanced and legitimated the colonization of Palestine; that the court is aware of its role; and that arguments that focus on the court’s informal role do not mitigate this legitimating effect. Unlike other scholars, the article shows that the Israeli court’s role—by extending the power of judicial review to the military’s actions in the occupied areas—is neither novel nor unique or benevolent, as the British colonization of India and the US colonization of Puerto Rico show

    High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses

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    High-throughput sequencing studies generate vast amounts of taxonomic data. Evolutionary ecological hypotheses of the recovered taxa and Species Hypotheses are difficult to test due to problems with alignments and the lack of a phylogenetic backbone. We propose an updated phylum-and class-level fungal classification accounting for monophyly and divergence time so that the main taxonomic ranks are more informative. Based on phylogenies and divergence time estimates, we adopt phylum rank to Aphelidiomycota, Basidiobolomycota, Calcarisporiellomycota, Glomeromycota, Entomophthoromycota, Entorrhizomycota, Kickxellomycota, Monoblepharomycota, Mortierellomycota and Olpidiomycota. We accept nine subkingdoms to accommodate these 18 phyla. We consider the kingdom Nucleariae (phyla Nuclearida and Fonticulida) as a sister group to the Fungi. We also introduce a perl script and a newick-formatted classification backbone for assigning Species Hypotheses into a hierarchical taxonomic framework, using this or any other classification system. We provide an example of testing evolutionary ecological hypotheses based on a global soil fungal data set.Peer reviewe

    Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes

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    This revision of the classification of eukaryotes follows that of Adl et al., 2012 [J. Euk. Microbiol. 59(5)] and retains an emphasis on protists. Changes since have improved the resolution of many nodes in phylogenetic analyses. For some clades even families are being clearly resolved. As we had predicted, environmental sampling in the intervening years has massively increased the genetic information at hand. Consequently, we have discovered novel clades, exciting new genera, and uncovered a massive species level diversity beyond the morphological species descriptions. Several clades known from environmental samples only have found their home. Sampling soils, deeper marine waters, and the deep sea will continue to fill us with surprises. The main changes in this revision are the confirmation that eukaryotes form at least two domains, the loss of monophyly in the Exavata, robust support for the Haptista and Cryptista. We provide suggested primer sets for DNA sequences from environmental samples that are effective for each clade. We have provided a guide to trophic functional guilds in an appendix, to facilitate the interpretation of environmental samples. This revision of the classification of eukaryotes updates that of the International Society of Protistologists (Adl et al., 2012). Since then, there has been a massive increase in DNA sequence information of phylogenetic relevance from environmental samples. We now have a much better sense of the undescribed biodiversity in our environment (Pawlowski et al., 2012; de Vargas et al., 2015). While significant, it still remains a partial estimation as several continents and soils in general are poorly sampled, and the deeper ocean is hard to reach. This new data clarified phylogenetic relationships and the new information is incorporated in this revision

    ORIGINALES: contribución al estudio de los tumores cerebrales

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