336 research outputs found

    Nutrient Cycling Index in Relation to Organic Matter and Soil Respiration of Rehabilitated Mine Sites in Kelian, East Kalimantan

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    Degraded soils at mine sites are often associated with decreased soil fertility.  However, soil nutrient status might be improved through biomass recovery primarily from re-vegetation.  This paper relates nutrient cycling index (NCI) derived from Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) to soil respiration and soil organic matter as a measure of improving soil condition after rehabilitation.  Fieldwork was conducted at Kelian Equatorial Mining, East Kalimantan in June 2001.  Four sites were selected representing rehabilitation work in 1994 (7 year), 2000 (1 year) and 2001 (3 month), and a reference site of undisturbed primary forest.  The NCI value was calculated from scores of basal/canopy cover, litter (abundance, origin and degree of incorporation), cryptogam cover and surface roughness.  Soil respiration was measured using the inverted-box method.  In general, the NCI values increased with age of rehabilitation (12 to 56 %) showing a significant increase compared with the values of reference site (80%).  Soil respiration varied greatly and the values were equally high (200-800 mg CO2 m-2 hr2) across all sites. Tropical soils like those of Kelian might be inherently rich of soil organism as shown by high value of soil respiration.  Nevertheless, the NCI values were not systematically related to soil respiration.  We found that increased organic matter may be used as early sign of functioning soil resources in degraded land

    Nutrient Cycling Index in Relation to Organic Matter and Soil Respiration of Rehabilitated Mine Sites in Kelian, East Kalimantan

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    Degraded soils at mine sites are often associated with decreased soil fertility. However, soil nutrient status might be improved through biomass recovery primarily from re-vegetation. This paper relates nutrient cycling index (NCI) derived from Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) to soil respiration and soil organic matter as a measure of improving soil condition after rehabilitation. Fieldwork was conducted at Kelian Equatorial Mining, East Kalimantan in June 2001. Four sites were selected representing rehabilitation work in 1994 (7 year), 2000 (1 year) and 2001 (3 month), and a reference site of undisturbed primary forest. The NCI value was calculated from scores of basal/canopy cover, litter (abundance, origin and degree of incorporation), cryptogam cover and surface roughness. Soil respiration was measured using the inverted-box method. In general, the NCI values increased with age of rehabilitation (12 to 56 %) showing a significant increase compared with the values of reference site (80%). Soil respiration varied greatly and the values were equally high (200-800 mg CO2 m-2 hr2) across all sites. Tropical soils like those of Kelian might be inherently rich of soil organism as shown by high value of soil respiration. Nevertheless, the NCI values were not systematically related to soil respiration. We found that increased organic matter may be used as early sign of functioning soil resources in degraded land

    Assessing landscape structure and pattern fragmentation in semiarid ecosystems using patch-size distributions

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    Spatial vegetation patterns are recognized as sources of valuable information that can be used to infer the state and functionality of semiarid ecosystems, particularly in the context of both climate and land use change. Recent studies have suggested that the patch‐size distribution of vegetation in drylands can be described using power‐law metrics, and that these scale‐free distributions deviate from power‐law linearity with characteristic scale lengths under the effects of increasing aridity or human disturbance, providing an early sign of desertification. These findings have been questioned by several modeling approaches, which have identified the presence of characteristic scale lengths on the patch‐size distribution of semiarid periodic landscapes. We analyze the relationship between fragmentation of vegetation patterns and their patch‐size distributions in semiarid landscapes showing different degree of periodicity (i.e., banding). Our assessment is based on the study of vegetation patterns derived from remote sensing in a series of semiarid Australian Mulga shrublands subjected to different disturbance levels. We use the patch‐size probability density and cumulative probability distribution functions from both nondirectional and downslope analyses of the vegetation patterns. Our results indicate that the shape of the patch‐size distribution of vegetation changes with the methodology of analysis applied and specific landscape traits, breaking the universal applicability of the power‐law metrics. Characteristic scale lengths are detected in (quasi) periodic banded ecosystems when the methodology of analysis accounts for critical landscape anisotropies, using downslope transects in the direction of flow paths. In addition, a common signal of fragmentation is observed: the largest vegetation patches become increasingly less abundant under the effects of disturbance. This effect also explains deviations from power‐law behavior in disturbed vegetation which originally showed scale‐free patterns. Overall, our results emphasize the complexity of structure assessment in dryland ecosystems, while recognizing the usefulness of the patch‐size distribution of vegetation for monitoring semiarid ecosystems, especially through the cumulative probability distributions, which showed high sensitivity to fragmentation of the vegetation patterns. We suggest that preserving large vegetation patches is a critical task for the maintenance of the ecosystem structure and functionality

    Variations in hydrological connectivity of Australian semiarid landscapes indicate abrupt changes in rainfall-use efficiency of vegetation

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    [1] Dryland vegetation frequently shows self‐organized spatial patterns as mosaic‐like structures of sources (bare areas) and sinks (vegetation patches) of water runoff and sediments with variable interconnection. Good examples are banded landscapes displayed by Mulga in semiarid Australia, where the spatial organization of vegetation optimizes the redistribution and use of water (and other scarce resources) at the landscape scale. Disturbances can disrupt the spatial distribution of vegetation causing a substantial loss of water by increasing landscape hydrological connectivity and consequently, affecting ecosystem function (e.g., decreasing the rainfall‐use efficiency of the landscape). We analyze (i) connectivity trends obtained from coupled analysis of remotely sensed vegetation patterns and terrain elevations in several Mulga landscapes subjected to different levels of disturbance, and (ii) the rainfall‐use efficiency of these landscapes, exploring the relationship between rainfall and remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Our analyses indicate that small reductions in the fractional cover of vegetation near a particular threshold can cause abrupt changes in ecosystem function, driven by large nonlinear increases in the length of the connected flowpaths. In addition, simulations with simple vegetation‐thinning algorithms show that these nonlinear changes are especially sensitive to the type of disturbance, suggesting that the amount of alterations that an ecosystem can absorb and still remain functional largely depends on disturbance type. In fact, selective thinning of the vegetation patches from their edges can cause a higher impact on the landscape hydrological connectivity than spatially random disturbances. These results highlight surface connectivity patterns as practical indicators for monitoring landscape health

    Implications of grazing management systems incorporating planned rest for biodiversity conservation and landscape function in rangelands

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    Livestock grazing is recognised as a major driver of biodiversity decline and land degradation in rangelands around the globe. Protected areas alone cannot conserve global biodiversity, and therefore off-reserve conservation is necessary to achieve biodiversity conservation outside reserves and improve connectivity between reserves. Grazing management strategies that promote both ecological and production outcomes have the potential to conserve biodiversity and maintain or improve landscape function in agricultural landscapes. However, there is a lack of understanding of the response of biodiversity and landscape function to different grazing management systems in arid and semi-arid rangelands. This thesis explored the effects of commercial grazing practices that incorporate frequent periods of rest from grazing on biodiversity and landscape function, and determined the potential for using these alternative grazing practices to achieve broad-scale conservation outcomes. A systematic review and meta-analyses of scientific literature comparing grazing management incorporating periods of planned rest (strategic-rest grazing, SRG) with continuously grazed (CG) and ungrazed (UG) systems was undertaken to determine the effect of SRG on ecological and animal production variables. Where significant differences occurred, the trend analysis of ecological and animal production responses to grazing management predominantly favoured SRG over CG, except for animal weight gain, and favoured SRG over UG systems for plant, mammal and bird richness and diversity, but not invertebrate richness and diversity, biomass and ground cover. Most studies that compared plant species composition reported differences in response to grazing management. While we did not find any differences overall between grazing contrasts, meta-analyses of plant richness, diversity, animal weight gain and animal production per unit area indicated that management incorporating longer periods of rest compared to periods of grazing have the potential to improve animal weight gain and production per unit area, but reduce plant richness. The type of SRG system was also important, with multi-paddock SRG systems having lower plant richness relative to CG systems, and SRG systems based on seasonal or deferred grazing having greater diversity than CG systems. Most of the literature comparing SRG with CG or UG did not consider the response of ecological and animal production response variables simultaneously. Greater collaboration between ecological and animal production scientists is recommended to better understand the ecological and socio-economic trade-offs associated with different grazing management strategies. Understorey floristic species composition and plant biodiversity measures were compared between commercial properties managed under alternative grazing management (incorporating frequent and long periods of rest), traditional (continuous) grazing management, and adjacent ungrazed areas managed for conservation across a broad region of the semi-arid rangelands in western NSW. Significant variation in understorey floristic composition was driven by soil type (clay and sand), season, preceding rainfall and geographic location. These variables were the major drivers of floristic composition. The effect of grazing treatment on floristic composition at the regional scale was comparatively small and not significant. However, infrequent species were more likely to be recorded in conservation areas. Measures of floristic biodiversity varied with the scale of observation, season of sampling and soil type. In comparison to traditional grazing management, alternative grazing management generally resulted in greater understorey floristic species richness and diversity, depending on the season and scale of sampling. Few differences were found in plant species richness, diversity or functional diversity between alternatively grazed properties and adjacent areas ungrazed by commercial livestock and managed for biodiversity conservation. This suggests that alternative grazing management may be compatible with biodiversity conservation on commercial livestock properties in western NSW rangelands, but potentially at the expense of rare species. Ground cover, soil properties and landscape function were also compared between alternative grazing management, traditional grazing management and conservation management in semi-arid NSW. Alternative grazing management had greater total ground cover in comparison to traditional grazing management systems. However, both alternative and traditional grazing management treatments had significantly less ground cover than adjacent areas managed for conservation. Alternative grazing management properties did not differ significantly to areas managed for conservation in terms of landscape function, but many indices of landscape function (stability, nutrient cycling, landscape organisation index, patch area and average interpatch length) were significantly reduced under traditional grazing management compared to conservation. This suggests that alternative grazing management was more beneficial for landscape function than traditional grazing management. Significant differences were observed in floristic biodiversity measures, ground cover, soil properties and landscape function between clay and sandy soils in the study region. Clay soils had greater soil organic carbon and organic nitrogen, and lower bulk density than sandy sites. Soil stability, nutrient cycling and landscape organisation indices were also greater on clay than sand soils, and average interpatch length was shorter on clay soils. There was no difference in total ground cover between sand and clay soils, although clay soils had greater vegetative cover than sand soils, while sandy soils had greater cryptogam cover. Floristic biodiversity measures (species richness, evenness, diversity, turnover) were significantly greater on sandy than clay soils at larger plot and site scales, but there was no difference in species richness at the finest scale of sampling (1 mÂČ quadrats). Despite the common perception that clay soils are more resilient to disturbance than sand communities, we found no difference between sand and clay soils in floristic biodiversity measures, ground cover, landscape function, soil organic carbon, soil organic nitrogen, or bulk density in response to grazing management. This indicates that alternative grazing management may provide a sustainable option for conservation of biodiversity and landscape function across both sandy and clay soils in western NSW semi-arid rangelands. Floristic composition, biodiversity measures and ground cover were also compared at a local scale between an ungrazed public nature reserve and an adjacent rotationally grazed commercial property in Acacia aneura woodland in semi-arid NSW. Significant differences in understorey floristic composition were observed between the two grazing treatments, including a greater frequency of palatable species in the nature reserve and more unpalatable species on the rotationally grazed property. There were no significant differences in understorey floristic species richness, diversity, functional diversity measures or ground cover between the nature reserve and rotationally grazed property. However, these measures increased with distance from water on the rotationally grazed property, highlighting the negative effects of increasing grazing intensity. These results suggest that at a whole-paddock scale (beyond the sacrifice zone of high grazing intensity surrounding water points), rotational grazing management, along with careful management of grazing intensity and stocking rates, has the potential to sustain biodiversity and ground cover and may offer an alternative to grazing exclusion to achieve broad-scale conservation objectives in semi-arid rangelands. However, management would still need to address the impacts on floristic composition. In conclusion, I found improved understorey plant species richness, diversity, ground cover and landscape function under alternative grazing management compared to traditional grazing management, and few differences in these measures between alternatively grazed and ungrazed areas managed for conservation. These results provide support for utilisation of alternative grazing management practices to improve biodiversity conservation and landscape function outside of the public reserve system in semi-arid rangelands. Results also show incorporation of planned periods of rest in grazing management regimes has the potential to achieve dual ecological and animal production outcomes in grazing landscapes throughout the world. Further research is necessary to understand the circumstances in which commercial grazing is compatible with the conservation of biodiversity, landscape function and animal productivity, and to identify best grazing management practices for biodiversity conservation purposes

    Ecogeomorphic coevolution of semiarid hillslopes: Emergence of banded and striped vegetation patterns through interaction of biotic and abiotic processes

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    [1] Nonlinear interactions between physical and biological factors give rise to the emergence of remarkable landform‐vegetation patterns. Patterns of vegetation and resource redistribution are linked to productivity and carrying capacity of the land. As a consequence, growing concern over ecosystem resilience to perturbations that could lead to irreversible land degradation imposes a pressing need for understanding the processes, nonlinear interactions, and feedbacks, leading to the coevolution of these patterns. For arid and semiarid regions, causes for concern have increased at a rapid pace during the last few decades due to growing anthropic and climatic pressures that have resulted in the degradation of numerous areas worldwide. This paper aims at improving our understanding of the ecogeomorphic evolution of landscape patterns in semiarid areas with a sparse biomass cover through a modeling approach. A coupled vegetation‐pattern formation and landform evolution model is used to study the coevolution of vegetation and topography over centennial timescales. Results show that self‐organized vegetation patterns strongly depend on feedbacks with coevolving landforms. The resulting patterns depend on the erosion rate and mechanism (dominance of either fluvial or diffusive processes), which are affected by biotic factors. Moreover, results show that ecohydrologic processes leading to banded pattern formation, when coupled with landform processes, can also lead to completely different patterns (stripes of vegetation along drainage lines) that are equally common in semiarid areas. These findings reinforce the importance of analyzing the coevolution of landforms and vegetation to improve our understanding of the patterns and structures found in nature

    An adaptive agent model for analysing co-evolution of management and policies in a complex rangeland system

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    This paper describes an adaptive agent model of rangelands based on concepts of complex adaptive systems. The behavioural and biological processes of pastoralists, regulators, livestock, grass and shrubs are modelled as well as the interactions between these components. The evolution of the rangeland system is studied under different policy and institutional regimes that affect the behaviour and learning of pastoralists, and hence the state of the ecological system. Adaptive agent models show that effective learning and effective ecosystem management do not necessarily coincide and can suggest potentially useful alternatives to the design of policies and institutions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V

    The use of branch piles to assist in the restoration of degraded semiarid steppes

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    Desertification is a major environmental problem in arid and semiarid regions. Tree plantation has been commonly employed to foster the recovery of degraded areas. However, this technique is costly, and their outcomes are often uncertain. Therefore, we evaluated an alternative method for the restoration of degraded semiarid steppes that involved the construction of branch piles to attract frugivores as potential seed‐dispersing birds, promoting seed rain, and fostering the formation of woody patches. We measured the success of branch piles in terms of the number of bird visits and seed input compared to naturally occurring shrub patches. Generally, frugivorous birds visited branch piles less frequently than shrub patches. Yet, branch piles accumulated seeds of patch‐forming shrub species. Seed rain was higher under patches of the dominant shrub Rhamnus lycioides than under branch piles. In contrast, woody patches and branch piles did not differ in seed input of the less abundant Pistacia lentiscus shrub. Our study demonstrates that branch piles are used by frugivorous birds and accumulate seeds of patch‐forming shrubs. Branch piles may be a suitable method to promote the expansion of bird‐dispersed plant species and restore semiarid wooded steppes. However, their efficiency largely depends on pile persistence and economic cost.This project was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Competitiveness (projects UNCROACH, CGL2011-30581-C02-01 and GRACCIE Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010, CSD2007-00067). AC was supported by a Gerónimo Forteza contract (FPA/2014/080), Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esport, Generalitat Valenciana)

    Robust scaling in ecosystems and the meltdown of patch size distributions before extinction

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    Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 29–35Robust critical systems are characterized by power laws which occur over a broad range of conditions. Their robust behaviour has been explained by local interactions. While such systems could be widespread in nature, their properties are not well understood. Here, we study three robust critical ecosystem models and a null model that lacks spatial interactions. In all these models, individuals aggregate in patches whose size distributions follow power laws which melt down under increasing external stress. We propose that this power-law decay associated with the connectivity of the system can be used to evaluate the level of stress exerted on the ecosystem. We identify several indicators along the transition to extinction. These indicators give us a relative measure of the distance to extinction, and have therefore potential application to conservation biology, especially for ecosystems with self-organization and critical transitions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79378/1/j.1461-0248.2010.01553.x.pd

    Conservation of pattern as a tool for inference on spatial snapshots in ecological data

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    As climate change and other anthropogenic factors increase the uncertainty of vegetation ecosystem persistence, the ability to rapidly assess their dynamics is paramount. Vegetation and sessile communities form a variety of striking regular spatial patterns such as stripes, spots and labyrinths, that have been used as indicators of ecosystem current state, through qualitative analysis of simple models. Here we describe a new method for rigorous quantitative estimation of biological parameters from a single spatial snapshot. We formulate a synthetic likelihood through consideration of the expected change in the correlation structure of the spatial pattern. This then allows Bayesian inference to be performed on the model parameters, which includes providing parameter uncertainty. The method was validated against simulated data and then applied to real data in the form of aerial photographs of seagrass banding. The inferred parameters were found to be able to reproduce similar patterns to those observed and able to detect strength of spatial competition, competition-induced mortality and the local range of reproduction. This technique points to a way of performing rapid inference of spatial competition and ecological stability from a single spatial snapshots of sessile communities
