56 research outputs found

    Wavelet transform-based de-noising for two-photon imaging of synaptic Ca2+ transients.

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    PublishedJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThis is an open access article.Postsynaptic Ca(2+) transients triggered by neurotransmission at excitatory synapses are a key signaling step for the induction of synaptic plasticity and are typically recorded in tissue slices using two-photon fluorescence imaging with Ca(2+)-sensitive dyes. The signals generated are small with very low peak signal/noise ratios (pSNRs) that make detailed analysis problematic. Here, we implement a wavelet-based de-noising algorithm (PURE-LET) to enhance signal/noise ratio for Ca(2+) fluorescence transients evoked by single synaptic events under physiological conditions. Using simulated Ca(2+) transients with defined noise levels, we analyzed the ability of the PURE-LET algorithm to retrieve the underlying signal. Fitting single Ca(2+) transients with an exponential rise and decay model revealed a distortion of τ(rise) but improved accuracy and reliability of τ(decay) and peak amplitude after PURE-LET de-noising compared to raw signals. The PURE-LET de-noising algorithm also provided a ∼30-dB gain in pSNR compared to ∼16-dB pSNR gain after an optimized binomial filter. The higher pSNR provided by PURE-LET de-noising increased discrimination accuracy between successes and failures of synaptic transmission as measured by the occurrence of synaptic Ca(2+) transients by ∼20% relative to an optimized binomial filter. Furthermore, in comparison to binomial filter, no optimization of PURE-LET de-noising was required for reducing arbitrary bias. In conclusion, the de-noising of fluorescent Ca(2+) transients using PURE-LET enhances detection and characterization of Ca(2+) responses at central excitatory synapses.C.M.T. and J.R.M. were supported by the Wellcome Trust, and K.T.-A. was supported by grant No. EP/I018638/1 from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

    Convergent metabotropic signalling pathways inhibit SK channels to promote synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus

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    Hebbian synaptic plasticity at hippocampal Schaffer collateral synapses is tightly regulated by postsynaptic SK channels that restrict NMDA receptor activity. SK channels are themselves modulated by G-protein-coupled signalling pathways, but it is not clear under what conditions these are activated to enable synaptic plasticity. Here, we show that muscarinic M1 receptor (M1R) and type 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1) signalling pathways, which are known to inhibit SK channels and thereby disinhibit NMDA receptors, converge to facilitate spine calcium transients during the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) at hippocampal Schaffer collateral synapses onto CA1 pyramidal neurons of male rats. Furthermore, mGluR1 activation is required for LTP induced by reactivated place cell firing patterns that occur in sharp wave ripple events during rest or sleep. In contrast, M1R activation is required for LTP induced by place cell firing patterns during exploration. Thus, we describe a common mechanism that enables synaptic plasticity during both encoding and consolidation of memories within hippocampal circuits

    A stochastic model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity with geometrical readout of enzyme dynamics

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    Discovering the rules of synaptic plasticity is an important step for understanding brain learning. Existing plasticity models are either (1) top-­down and interpretable, but not flex- ible enough to account for experimental data, or (2) bottom-­up and biologically realistic, but too intricate to interpret and hard to fit to data. To avoid the shortcomings of these approaches, we present a new plasticity rule based on a geometrical readout mechanism that flexibly maps synaptic enzyme dynamics to predict plasticity outcomes. We apply this readout to a multi-­timescale model of hippocampal synaptic plasticity induction that includes electrical dynamics, calcium, CaMKII and calcineurin, and accurate representation of intrinsic noise sources. Using a single set of model parameters, we demonstrate the robustness of this plasticity rule by reproducing nine published ex vivo experiments covering various spike-­timing and frequency-­dependent plasticity induction proto- cols, animal ages, and experimental conditions. Our model also predicts that in vivo-­like spike timing irregularity strongly shapes plasticity outcome. This geometrical readout modelling approach can be readily applied to other excitatory or inhibitory synapses to discover their synaptic plasticity rules

    Absence of Whisker-Related Pattern Formation in Mice with NMDA Receptors Lacking Coincidence Detection Properties and Calcium Signaling

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    Precise refinement of synaptic connectivity is the result of activity-dependent mechanisms in which coincidence-dependent calcium signaling by NMDA receptors (NMDARs) under control of the voltage-dependent Mg2+ block might play a special role. In the developing rodent trigeminal system, the pattern of synaptic connections between whisker-specific inputs and their target cells in the brainstem is refined to form functionally and morphologically distinct units (barrelettes). To test the role of NMDA receptor signaling in this process, we introduced the N598R mutation into the native NR1 gene. This leads to the expression of functional NMDARs that are Mg2+ insensitive and Ca2+impermeable. Newborn mice expressing exclusively NR1 N598R-containing NMDARs do not show any whisker-related patterning in the brainstem, whereas the topographic projection of trigeminal afferents and gross brain morphology appear normal. Furthermore, the NR1 N598R mutation does not affect expression levels of NMDAR subunits and other important neurotransmitter receptors. Our results show that coincidence detection by, and/or Ca2+ permeability of, NMDARs is necessary for the development of somatotopic maps in the brainstem and suggest that highly specific signaling underlies synaptic refinement

    Coordinated activation of distinct Ca<sup>2+</sup> sources and metabotropic glutamate receptors encodes Hebbian synaptic plasticity

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    At glutamatergic synapses, induction of associative synaptic plasticity requires time-correlated presynaptic and postsynaptic spikes to activate postsynaptic NMDA receptors (NMDARs). The magnitudes of the ensuing Ca2+ transients within dendritic spines are thought to determine the amplitude and direction of synaptic change. In contrast, we show that at mature hippocampal Schaffer collateral synapses the magnitudes of Ca2+ transients during plasticity induction do not match this rule. Indeed, LTP induced by time-correlated pre- and postsynaptic spikes instead requires the sequential activation of NMDARs followed by voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels within dendritic spines. Furthermore, LTP requires inhibition of SK channels by mGluR1, which removes a negative feedback loop that constitutively regulates NMDARs. Therefore, rather than being controlled simply by the magnitude of the postsynaptic calcium rise, LTP induction requires the coordinated activation of distinct sources of Ca2+ and mGluR1-dependent facilitation of NMDAR function

    Neuromodulation of the feedforward dentate gyrus-CA3 microcircuit

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    The feedforward dentate gyrus-CA3 microcircuit in the hippocampus is thought to activate ensembles of CA3 pyramidal cells and interneurons to encode and retrieve episodic memories. The creation of these CA3 ensembles depends on neuromodulatory input and synaptic plasticity within this microcircuit. Here we review the mechanisms by which the neuromodulators aceylcholine, noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin reconfigure this microcircuit and thereby infer the net effect of these modulators on the processes of episodic memory encoding and retrieval

    Control of Ca2+ Influx and Calmodulin Activation by SK-Channels in Dendritic Spines

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    © 2016 Griffith et al. The key trigger for Hebbian synaptic plasticity is influx of Ca2+ into postsynaptic dendritic spines. The magnitude of [Ca2+] increase caused by NMDA-receptor (NMDAR) and voltage-gated Ca2+ -channel (VGCC) activation is thought to determine both the amplitude and direction of synaptic plasticity by differential activation of Ca2+ -sensitive enzymes such as calmodulin. Ca2+ influx is negatively regulated by Ca2+ -activated K+ channels (SK-channels) which are in turn inhibited by neuromodulators such as acetylcholine. However, the precise mechanisms by which SK-channels control the induction of synaptic plasticity remain unclear. Using a 3-dimensional model of Ca2+ and calmodulin dynamics within an idealised, but biophysically-plausible, dendritic spine, we show that SK-channels regulate calmodulin activation specifically during neuron-firing patterns associated with induction of spike timing-dependent plasticity. SK-channel activation and the subsequent reduction in Ca2+ influx through NMDARs and L-type VGCCs results in an order of magnitude decrease in calmodulin (CaM) activation, providing a mechanism for the effective gating of synaptic plasticity induction. This provides a common mechanism for the regulation of synaptic plasticity by neuromodulators

    Nuclear ERK1/2 signaling potentiation enhances neuroprotection and cognition via Importinα1/KPNA2

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    Cell signaling is central to neuronal activity and its dysregulation may lead to neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Here, we show that selective genetic potentiation of neuronal ERK signaling prevents cell death in vitro and in vivo in the mouse brain, while attenuation of ERK signaling does the opposite. This neuroprotective effect mediated by an enhanced nuclear ERK activity can also be induced by the novel cell penetrating peptide RB5. In vitro administration of RB5 disrupts the preferential interaction of ERK1 MAP kinase with importinα1/KPNA2 over ERK2, facilitates ERK1/2 nuclear translocation, and enhances global ERK activity. Importantly, RB5 treatment in vivo promotes neuroprotection in mouse models of Huntington's (HD), Alzheimer's (AD), and Parkinson's (PD) disease, and enhances ERK signaling in a human cellular model of HD. Additionally, RB5‐mediated potentiation of ERK nuclear signaling facilitates synaptic plasticity, enhances cognition in healthy rodents, and rescues cognitive impairments in AD and HD models. The reported molecular mechanism shared across multiple neurodegenerative disorders reveals a potential new therapeutic target approach based on the modulation of KPNA2‐ERK1/2 interactions

    Translational studies of CACNA1C function

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    More AMPAR Garnish

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