6 research outputs found

    Botrytis-Resistenzen auf Erdbeeren

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    Der Wachstumstest 2018 zeigte bei 43 Prozent aller untersuchten Botrytisstämme mehr als fünf Resistenzen auf. Das genetische Resistenzpotenzial bei einjährigen Erdbeerpflanzen lag bei 61 Prozent

    Résistances aux botrytis sur fraise

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    Im Frühsommer 2017 wurden in einer Machbarkeitsstudie 66 Botrytis-Stämme aus Erdbeerfrüchten isoliert und auf Fungizidresistenzen untersucht. Bei über 50 Prozent aller Stämme konnten fünf oder mehr Resistenzen nachgewiesen werden

    Fungicide resistance of botrytis cinerea : first results from Switzerland

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    Resistance of Botrytis cinerea, causal agent of gray mold, to fungicides is an increasing problem in the strawberry production in Switzerland. In 2017 and 2018, a monitoring survey to assess the actual situation in four major strawberry growing cantons was conducted by the concerned cantonal extension services. Samples from fruits with typical gray mold sporulation were sent to the laboratories of Agroscope (microbial analysis) and of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ZHAW (molecular analysis). Samples were taken in fields of ten growers who assumed to have a resistance problem. Six-seven strains per grower were isolated and analyzed. Resistance to nine following active ingredients was assessed: boscalid, cyprodinil, fenhexamid, fenpyrazamine, fludioxonil, fluopyram, iprodione, mepanipyrim and pyrimethanil. The microbial analysis revealed that the median number of fungicide resistances per strain were 5 and 4 in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The molecular analysis showed that Multidrug resistance MDR1 and MDR1h were present in both years. The results of the survey have to be considered with care as i) only 136 strains were analyzed in total, and ii) the strains originated from fields suspected to have a fungicide resistance problem

    Peptide Receptors as Molecular Targets for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy

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    Theoretical Exploration of Ultrafast Dynamics in Atomic Clusters: Analysis and Control

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