37 research outputs found

    Analysis of the potential of virtual stores for german online grocery retailing

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    Research Problem – The effects of digitalization had a huge impact on people’s everyday life. With increased use of internet, E-Commerce became hugely popular and pressurized classic brick and mortar retailers. However, the grocery market is one of the few markets without a remarkable share of online sales. Recently various players entered the small but promising market. Still, it is not foreseeable which player and which kind of sales approach will prevail and retailers are searching for innovative, business approaches that help customers to find their way into online grocery shops. Tesco carried out one propitious sales approach – they established Virtual Stores in Metro Stations where commuters could shop for their groceries on their way to work including a convenient delivery after finishing time. Purpose of the Study – This dissertation strives to identify the potential of Tesco’s Virtual Stores approach for commercial uses in German online and mobile grocery retailing and determines if there is an adequate target group, which is likely to use Virtual Stores to do their everyday grocery shopping. In addition, another aim is to understand the motivation of consumers to use Virtual Stores and to develop a model in order to predict their behaviour. Design/Methodology/Approach – A quantitative baseline study (n=259) is stating the basis of the present study, in order to test the research hypothesis grounded on a literature review of secondary research. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis have been accomplished to infer meaningful results. Findings/Implications – There is a high number of potential Virtual Stores users among the respondents. Their Behavioural Intention to use Virtual Stores can be measured by their perception of the performance of Virtual Stores, the degree to which they think shopping with Virtual Stores is fun, the degree to which they perceive online grocery shopping is common, their personal openness towards new information technology and their involvement concerning grocery shopping.Research Problem – Os efeitos da digitalização tiveram um enorme impacto na vida quotidiana das pessoas. Com o aumento da utilização da Internet, E-Commerce tornou-se imensamente popular e colocou os retailers sob pressão. No entanto, o mercado de mercearia é um dos poucos mercados sem uma parte considerável de vendas on-line. Recentemente vários competidores entraram neste mercado pequeno, mas promissor. Ainda assim, não é previsível que concorrente e que tipo de abordagem de vendas vai prevalecer e os retailers estão a procurar abordagens de negócios inovadoras, que ajudem os clientes a encontrar o seu caminho em mercearias on-line. Tesco realizou uma abordagem de vendas propícia - eles estabeleceram lojas virtuais em estações de metro, onde os passageiros poderiam fazer as compras dos seus mantimentos no seu caminho para o trabalho, incluindo a conveniente entrega após o seu fim. Objetivo do estudo – Esta dissertação procura identificar o potencial da abordagem das Lojas Virtuais da Tesco, para usos comerciais no retail online e móvel Alemão; e determinar se existe um grupo-alvo adequado, que seja provável de usar lojas virtuais para fazer suas compras de supermercado do quotidiano. Além disso, outro objetivo é entender a motivação do consumidor para usar lojas virtuais e desenvolver um modelo para prever seu comportamento. Constatações / Implicações - Existe um elevado número de potenciais utilizadores de lojas virtuais entre os entrevistados. A sua intenção comportamental de usar lojas virtuais pode ser medida pela sua percepção do desempenho de lojas virtuais, o grau em que acham que fazer compras com lojas virtuais é divertido, o grau em que percebem que fazer compras de supermercado on-line é comum, a sua abertura pessoal para nova Tecnologia da Informação (IT) e o seu envolvimento no que diz respeito às compras de supermercado. Projeto / Metodologia / Abordagem - Estudo quantitativo de base de (n = 259) está a estabelecer o ponto de partida do presente estudo a fim de testar a hipótese de pesquisa fundamentada numa revisão de literatura de pesquisa secundária. Análise descripitva, bivariada e multivariada foram efetuadas de modo a inferir resultados significativo

    Cortical topography of intracortical inhibition influences the speed of decision making

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    The neocortex contains orderly topographic maps; however, their functional role remains controversial. Theoretical studies have suggested a role in minimizing computational costs, whereas empirical studies have focused on spatial localization. Using a tactile multiple-choice reaction time (RT) task before and after the induction of perceptual learning through repetitive sensory stimulation, we extend the framework of cortical topographies by demonstrating that the topographic arrangement of intracortical inhibition contributes to the speed of human perceptual decision-making processes. RTs differ among fingers, displaying an inverted U-shaped function. Simulations using neural fields show the inverted U-shaped RT distribution as an emergent consequence of lateral inhibition. Weakening inhibition through learning shortens RTs, which is modeled through topographically reorganized inhibition. Whereas changes in decision making are often regarded as an outcome of higher cortical areas, our data show that the spatial layout of interaction processes within representational maps contributes to selection and decision-making processes

    Solid-material-based Coupling Efficiency Analyzed with Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

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    The coupling behavior of a microparticle embedded amino acid active-ester into a Poly(ethylene glycol)methacrylate-film, synthesized onto a silicon wafer by a grafting from approach, is characterized using dynamic time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) to analyze the 3d distribution of the amino acids in the polymer film. Besides standard solid phase peptide synthesis, employing solubilized amino acids in a solvent, we used solid polymer microparticles, incorporating the amino acids. These microparticles were especially designed for a new technique to produce high-density combinatorial peptide microarrays: upon heating, the particles become viscous, which releases the embedded amino acids to diffuse and couple to the surface. In the scope of the development of this new particle-based application, ToF-SIMS is used to analyze a complex chemically modified polymer surface layer. Due to depth profile measurements, it is possible to investigate the particle-based coupling reaction not only on the surface, but also into the depth of the PEGMA film

    Model-based functional neuroimaging using dynamic neural fields: An integrative cognitive neuroscience approach

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    A fundamental challenge in cognitive neuroscience is to develop theoretical frameworks that effectively span the gap between brain and behavior, between neuroscience and psychology. Here, we attempt to bridge this divide by formalizing an integrative cognitive neuroscience approach using dynamic field theory (DFT). We begin by providing an overview of how DFT seeks to understand the neural population dynamics that underlie cognitive processes through previous applications and comparisons to other modeling approaches. We then use previously published behavioral and neural data from a response selection Go/Nogo task as a case study for model simulations. Results from this study served as the ‘standard’ for comparisons with a model-based fMRI approach using dynamic neural fields (DNF). The tutorial explains the rationale and hypotheses involved in the process of creating the DNF architecture and fitting model parameters. Two DNF models, with similar structure and parameter sets, are then compared. Both models effectively simulated reaction times from the task as we varied the number of stimulus–response mappings and the proportion of Go trials. Next, we directly simulated hemodynamic predictions from the neural activation patterns from each model. These predictions were tested using general linear models (GLMs). Results showed that the DNF model that was created by tuning parameters to capture simultaneously trends in neural activation and behavioral data quantitatively outperformed a Standard GLM analysis of the same dataset. Further, by using the GLM results to assign functional roles to particular clusters in the brain, we illustrate how DNF models shed new light on the neural populations’ dynamics within particular brain regions. Thus, the present study illustrates how an interactive cognitive neuroscience model can be used in practice to bridge the gap between brain and behavior

    The Treatment of Proximal Humeral Fracture in Adults

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    Background: The incidence of proximal humeral fractures lies between 105 and 342 per 100 000 persons per year. Around the world, this type of fracture remains a major challenge for treating surgeons. While non-displaced fractures can be managed conservatively, displaced ones are often treated surgically. Methods: Selective literature review Results: There are still no evidence-based schemes or guidelines for the treatment of proximal humeral fractures, and very few prospective randomized trials are available. The few that have been published recently show a trend in favor of conservative treatment, but they were carried out on small groups of patients and their findings are not directly generalizable. For younger patients, the goal of treatment is generally anatomical repositioning and osteosynthetic stabilization; for older patients, primary treatment with a prosthesis is a further option. Depending on the mode of treatment, complications can arise such as shoulder stiffness, necrosis of the humeral head, pain, infection, loss of reposition, and cutting out. Conclusion: Current evidence supports the individualized treatment of proximal humeral fractures. Treatment decisions must always be made jointly with the patient in consideration of his or her individual needs and characteristics. Particularly for elderly patients, the possibility of conservative treatment should be carefully considered. If conservative treatment is not possible, then the type of operation performed should also be a function of the surgeon's individual skills and experience with particular types of implant