64 research outputs found

    Nb-Ta fractionation in peraluminous granites: A marker of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition: REPLY

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    International audienceWe thank A. Stepanov and co-authors (Stepanov et al., 2016) forgiving us the opportunity to clarify some important points made in ouroriginal manuscript (Ballouard et al., 2016) and to discuss the issuesraised in their Comment. In Ballouard et al. (2016), we propose that thedecrease of the Nb/Ta ratios to <~5 in peraluminous granites “is theconsequence of both fractional crystallization and sub-solidus hydrothermalalteration,” an interpretation challenged by Stepanov et al. (2016)who argue that low Nb/Ta ratios in peraluminous granites are betterexplained by magmatic fractionation and that the role of magmatichydrothermalprocesses is not significant

    Lunar basalt chronology, mantle differentiation and implications for determining the age of the Moon

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    Despite more than 40 years of studying Apollo samples, the age and early evolution of the Moon remain contentious. Following the formation of the Moon in the aftermath of a giant impact, the resulting Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) is predicted to have generated major geochemically distinct silicate reservoirs, including the sources of lunar basalts. Samples of these basalts, therefore, provide a unique opportunity to characterize these reservoirs. However, the precise timing and extent of geochemical fractionation is poorly constrained, not least due to the difficulty in determining accurate ages and initial Pb isotopic compositions of lunar basalts. Application of an in situ ion microprobe approach to Pb isotope analysis has allowed us to obtain precise crystallization ages from six lunar basalts, typically with an uncertainty of about ±10Ma, as well as constrain their initial Pb-isotopic compositions. This has enabled construction of a two-stage model for the Pb-isotopic evolution of lunar silicate reservoirs, which necessitates the prolonged existence of high-μ reservoirs in order to explain the very radiogenic compositions of the samples. Further, once firm constraints on U and Pb partitioning behaviour are established, this model has the potential to help distinguish between conflicting estimates for the age of the Moon. Nonetheless, we are able to constrain the timing of a lunar mantle reservoir differentiation event at 4376±18Ma, which is consistent with that derived from the Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf isotopic systems, and is interpreted as an average estimate of the time at which the high-μ urKREEP reservoir was established and the Ferroan Anorthosite (FAN) suite was formed

    Two-stage partial melting during the Variscan extensional tectonics (Montagne Noire, France)

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    International audienceOne of the striking features that characterise the late stages of the Variscan orogeny is the development of gneiss and migmatite domes, as well as extensional Late Carboniferous and Permian sedimentary basins. It remains a matter of debate whether the formation of domes was related to the well documented late orogenic extension or to the contractional tectonics that preceded.Migmatization and magmatism are expected to predate extension if the domes are compression-related regional anticlines, but they must both precede and be contemporaneous with extension if they are extensional core complexes. In the Montagne Noire area (southern French Massif Central), where migmatization, magmatismand the deformation frameworkare well documented, the age of the extensional event was unequivocally constrained to 300-0Ma.Therefore,dating migmatization in this area is a key point for discriminating between the two hypotheses and understanding the Late Palaeozoic evolution of this part of the Variscan belt. For this purpose, a migmatite and an associated anatectic granite from the Montagne Noire dome were dated by LA-ICP-MS (U-Th/Pb onzircon and monazite) andlaser probe40Ar-39Ar (K-Ar on muscovite). Although zircon did not record any Variscan ageunequivocally related to compression (380-330Ma),two age groups were identified from the monazite crystals. A first event, at ca. 319 Ma (U-Th/Pb on monazite),is interpreted as a first stage of migmatization and as the emplacement age of the granite, respectively. A second event at ca. 298-295 Ma, recorded by monazite (U-Th/Pb) and by the muscovite 40Ar-39Ar system in the migmatite and in the granite, could be interpreted as a fluid-induced event, probably related to a second melting event identified through the syn-extensional emplacement of the nearby Montalet leucogranite ca. 295 Ma ago. The agesof these two events post-date the Variscan compression and agreewith an overall extensional context for the development of the Montagne Noire dome-shaped massif.Comparison of these results with published chemical (EPMA) dating of monazite from the samerocks demonstrates that the type of statistical treatment applied to EPMA data is crucial in order to resolve different monazite age populations

    Constraining the Evolutionary History of the Moon and the Inner Solar System: A Case for New Returned Lunar Samples

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    The Moon is the only planetary body other than the Earth for which samples have been collected in situ by humans and robotic missions and returned to Earth. Scientific investigations of the first lunar samples returned by the Apollo 11 astronauts 50 years ago transformed the way we think most planetary bodies form and evolve. Identification of anorthositic clasts in Apollo 11 samples led to the formulation of the magma ocean concept, and by extension the idea that the Moon experienced large-scale melting and differentiation. This concept of magma oceans would soon be applied to other terrestrial planets and large asteroidal bodies. Dating of basaltic fragments returned from the Moon also showed that a relatively small planetary body could sustain volcanic activity for more than a billion years after its formation. Finally, studies of the lunar regolith showed that in addition to containing a treasure trove of the Moon’s history, it also provided us with a rich archive of the past 4.5 billion years of evolution of the inner Solar System. Further investigations of samples returned from the Moon over the past five decades led to many additional discoveries, but also raised new and fundamental questions that are difficult to address with currently available samples, such as those related to the age of the Moon, duration of lunar volcanism, the lunar paleomagnetic field and its intensity, and the record on the Moon of the bombardment history during the first billion years of evolution of the Solar System. In this contribution, we review the information we currently have on some of the key science questions related to the Moon and discuss how future sample-return missions could help address important knowledge gaps

    An asteroidal origin for water in the Moon

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    The Apollo-derived tenet of an anhydrous Moon has been contested following measurement of water in several lunar samples that require water to be present in the lunar interior. However, significant uncertainties exist regarding the flux, sources and timing of water delivery to the Moon. Here we address those fundamental issues by constraining the mass of water accreted to the Moon and modelling the relative proportions of asteroidal and cometary sources for water that are consistent with measured isotopic compositions of lunar samples. We determine that a combination of carbonaceous chondrite-type materials were responsible for the majority of water (and nitrogen) delivered to the Earth–Moon system. Crucially, we conclude that comets containing water enriched in deuterium contributed significantly <20% of the water in the Moon. Therefore, our work places important constraints on the types of objects impacting the Moon ~4.5–4.3 billion years ago and on the origin of water in the inner Solar System

    Basin scale evolution of zebra textures in fault-controlled, hydrothermal dolomite bodies: insights from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin

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    Structurally controlled dolomitization typically involves the interaction of high-pressure (P), high-temperature (T) fluids with the surrounding host rock. Such reactions are often accompanied by cementation and recrystallization, with the resulting hydrothermal dolomite (HTD) bodies including several ‘diagnostic’ rock textures. Zebra textures, associated with boxwork textures and dolomite breccias, are widely considered to reflect these elevated P/T conditions. Although a range of conceptual models have been proposed to explain the genesis of these rock textures, the processes that control their spatial and temporal evolution are still poorly understood. Through the detailed petrographical and geochemical analysis of HTD bodies, hosted in the Middle Cambrian strata in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, this study demonstrates that a single genetic model cannot be applied to all the characteristics of these rock textures. Instead, a wide array of sedimentological, tectonic and metasomatic processes contribute to their formation; each of which is spatially and temporally variable at the basin scale. Distal to the fluid source, dolomitization is largely stratabound, comprising replacement dolomite, bedding-parallel zebra textures and rare dolomite breccias (non-stratabound, located only proximal to faults). Dolomitization is increasingly non-stratabound with proximity to the fluid source, comprising bedding-inclined zebra textures, boxwork textures and dolomite breccias that have been affected by recrystallization. Petrographical and geochemical evidence suggests that these rock textures were initiated due to dilatational fracturing, brecciation and precipitation of saddle dolomite as a cement, but significant recrystallization occurred during the later stages of dolomitization. These rock textures are closely associated with faults and carbonate-hosted ore deposits (e.g. magnesite, rare earth element and Mississippi Valley–type mineralization), thus providing invaluable information regarding fluid flux and carbonate metasomatism under elevated P/T conditions

    H and Cl isotope characteristics of indigenous and late hydrothermal fluids on the differentiated asteroidal parent body of Grave Nunataks 06128

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    The paired achondrites Graves Nunataks (GRA) 06128 and 06129 are samples of an asteroid that underwent partial melting within a few million years after the start of Solar System formation. In order to better constrain the origin and processing of volatiles in the early Solar System, we have investigated the abundance of H, F and Cl and the isotopic composition of H and Cl in phosphates in GRA 06128 using secondary ion mass spectrometry. Indigenous H in GRA 06128, as recorded in magmatic merrillite, is characterised by an average δD of ca. -152 ± 330‰, which is broadly similar to estimates of the H isotope composition of indigenous H in other differentiated asteroidal and planetary bodies such as Mars, the Moon and the angrite and eucrite meteorite parent bodies. The merrillite data thus suggest that early accretion of locally-derived volatiles was widespread for the bodies currently populating the asteroid belt. Apatite formed at the expense of merrillite around 100 million years after the differentiation of the GRA 06128/9 parent body, during hydrothermal alteration, which was probably triggered by an impact event. Apatite in GRA 06128 contains 5.4-5.7 wt.% Cl, 0.6-0.8 wt.% F, and ~20 to 60 ppm H2O, which is similar to the H2O abundance in merrillite from which apatite formed. The apatite δD values range between around +100‰ and +2000‰ and are inversely correlated with apatite H2O contents. The Cl isotope composition of apatite appears to be homogeneous across various grains, with an average δ37 Cl value of 3.2 ± 0.7‰. A possible scenario to account for the apatite chemical and isotopic characteristics involves interaction of GRA 06128/9 with fumarole-like fluids derived from D- and HCl-rich ices delivered to the GRA 06128/9 parent-body by an ice-rich impactor

    Magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in the lunar mantle, crust, and regolith: abundances, distributions, processes, and reservoirs

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    There have been many studies on magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in and on the Moon within the last several years that have cast into question the post-Apollo view of lunar formation, the distribution and sources of volatiles in the Earth-Moon system, and the thermal and magmatic evolution of the Moon. However, these recent observations are not the first data on lunar volatiles. When Apollo samples were first returned, substantial efforts were made to undersand volatile elements and a wealth of data regarding volatile elements exists in this older literature. In this review paper we approach volatiles in and on the Moon using new and old data derived from lunar samples and remote sensing. From combining these data sets, we identified many points of convergence, although numerous questions remain unanswered

    The origin of water in the primitive Moon as revealed by the lunar highlands samples

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    The recent discoveries of hydrogen (H) bearing species on the lunar surface and in samples derived from the lunar interior have necessitated a paradigm shift in our understanding of the water inventory of the Moon, which was previously considered to be a ‘bone-dry’ planetary body. Most sample-based studies have focused on assessing the water contents of the younger mare basalts and pyroclastic glasses, which are partial-melting products of the lunar mantle. In contrast, little attention has been paid to the inventory and source(s) of water in the lunar highlands rocks which are some of the oldest and most pristine materials available for laboratory investigations, and that have the potential to reveal the original history of water in the Earth–Moon system. Here, we report in-situ measurements of hydroxyl (OH) content and H isotopic composition of the mineral apatite from four lunar highlands samples (two norites, a troctolite, and a granite clast) collected during the Apollo missions. Apart from troctolite in which the measured OH contents in apatite are close to our analytical detection limit and its H isotopic composition appears to be severely compromised by secondary processes, we have measured up to ~2200 ppm OH in the granite clast with a weighted average δD of ~-105±130‰, and up to ~3400 ppm OH in the two norites (77215 and 78235) with weighted average δD values of -281±49‰ and -27±98‰, respectively. The apatites in the granite clast and the norites are characterised by higher OH contents than have been reported so far for highlands samples, and have H isotopic compositions similar to those of terrestrial materials and some carbonaceous chondrites, providing one of the strongest pieces of evidence yet for a common origin for water in the Earth–Moon system. In addition, the presence of water, of terrestrial affinity, in some samples of the earliest-formed lunar crust suggests that either primordial terrestrial water survived the aftermath of the putative impact-origin of the Moon or water was added to the Earth–Moon system by a common source immediately after the accretion of the Moon