7 research outputs found

    Fen bilgisi öğretim materyallerinin geliştirilmesinde entegrasyon

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    Fen bilimleri eğitimiyle amaçlanan becerilerin kazandırılmasında laboratuvar ve proje çalışmalarının önemli bir payı vardır. Bu tür çalışmaların etkili bir şekilde yürütülmesi, öğrencilerin zihinsel gelişmelerini sağlaması ve kendi kendine öğrenme sorumluluğu kazandırması yanında psiko-motor ihtiyaçlarını da karşılamaktadır. Proje ve laboratuvarların istenilen nitelikte yürütülebilmesi için öncelikle öğretmenlerin hizmet öncesi programlarda bu doğrultuda yetiştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu eğitim programlarında öğretmen adaylarının öğrenci merkezli proje ve etkinlikleri tasarlayarak yürütebilme becerileri kazandırılmalıdır. Bir fen öğretmeni laboratuvar hakimiyeti yanında kendi kullanacağı laboratuvar araçlarını ve gereçlerini yapma becerisine de sahip olmalıdır. Ayrıca fizik, kimya ve biyoloji konularını entegre edebileceği gibi laboratuvar çalışmalarını da entegre edebilmeli ve buna paralel projeler geliştirebilmelidir. Yeniden yapılanmayla düzenlenen İlköğretim Fen Bilgisi programında proje geliştirme ve yürütme ile ilgili bir ders bulunmadığından, Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi İlköğretim Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği Anabilim dalında Teknoloji Kullanımı ve Materyal Geliştirme dersi; bilgisayarda fen materyali geliştirme, teknolojik materyalleri kullanmayı geliştirme yanında ders materyalleri ve proje geliştirmeyi de içine alacak şekilde yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı; öğretmen adaylarının fizik, kimya ve biyoloji bilgilerini entegre ederek projeler geliştirmelerini sağlamaktır. Çalışma sonucu yapılan etkinliklerden örnekler sunulmuş ve öneriler getirilmiştir

    Air Quality of the Black Sea Region: Local and Long Range Transported Pollutants

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    Catalysis has manifested its role as a fundamental tool in pollution prevention. While catalysis has long been utilized in increasing efficiency, yield, and selectivity, it is now also recognized as accomplishing a wide range of green chemistry goals. Air pollutants produced by industrial and man-made emissions possesses a unique property that it could affect regional and global receptors. Measuring and defining the levels of pollutants and its sources whether it is local, regional or global should precede the precautions and measures that should be taken to reduce the levels of a particular pollutant. In this article the air quality at the Black Sea region of Turkey is being discussed. Moreover, it endeavors to locate the possible sources of the different pollutants at local, regional and long range transported scales. About 196 rainwater samples were collected over the Black Sea region of Amasra between 1995-1999 and analyzed for major and trace ions. Although statistical tools do provide information on the type of sources and processes affecting the site, they do not provide information on where these sources are located. A back trajectory has to be included in the evaluation to incorporate geographical information in analytical results. To compute the PSCF for each ion the back trajectories were computed using ECMWF model, which is an isentropic 3-D model. Then number of 1 hour-long segment of the 3.5 daylong trajectories in each defined sub-region is determined. This study shows that, the Black Sea region receives different amounts and types of anthropogenic pollutants via long-range transport according to trajectory models. The highest PSCF values for H+ are calculated for central Europe and Russia have fairly high contribution to observed free acidity in our samples. The main source areas for SO4 2- were found to be central Europe and Northwestern Turkey (Marmara region or Istanbul–Kocaeli industrial area)

    Trace and major element compositions of Black Sea aerosol

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    Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), flame atomic emission spectrometry (FAES), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), ion chromatography (IC) and visible spectrometry (VIS) were used to determine the composition of atmospheric aerosols, collected at a rural site in the Western Black Sea Coast of Turkey. A total of 3 54 daily aerosol samples were analyzed for 46 trace and major elements and ions. Sample preparation, quality control procedures, instrumental operating conditions for INAA and source apportionment work is presented

    Hematological Manifestations of Brucellosis: A MulticenterStudy from Turkey

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    INTRODUCTION: Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease. It leads a lot of different complications. One of the complications&nbsp;are hematological such as thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, anemia etc. It can be also mixed in with hematological malignancies.We aimed to document of brucellosis hematological manifestations and complications with the recent multicenter study in Turkey.METHODS: In this study, adult patients who were diagnosed during January 01, 2004-June 30, 2015 were included retrospectively.It was adopted as the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of brucellosis; in the presence of clinical symptoms compatible with&nbsp;brucellosis, isolation bacteria from blood cultures or as serological (standard tube agglutination &ge;1/160). It was based on the casesto be accompanied. Hematological findings (anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, pancytopenia, coagulation disorder, etc.)&nbsp;were screened in assessing the hematological involvement of brucellosis and severity degrees of the cases .RESULTS: In the study 723 cases were included from 21 centers in Turkey. Fever 530 (74.8%), night sweats 445 (65.8%), arthralgia,&nbsp;549 (77.9%), fatigue 559 (80%), anorexia 408 (60.2%), weight loss 203 (30.4%), splenomegaly 198 (28.2%) and hepatomegalyin 191 (27.2%) were present in the patients. As hematological complications; isolated anemia 37 (52.14%), isolated leucopenia 31&nbsp;(4.29%), isolated thrombocytopenia 61 (8.44%), anemia with leucopenia 69 (9.54%), anemia with thrombocytopenia 57 (7.88%),leucopenia with thrombocytopenia 38 (5.26%) and pancytopenia 90 (12.45%) were observed. Excluding antibiotics, supportive&nbsp;therapies were applied to the patients for anemia 20/593 (3.37%), leucopenia 3/228 (1.31%) and thrombocytopenia 10/246(4.06%).CONCLUSION: Brucellosis affects to reticuloendothelial system with or without all other systems. After the detection or suspicion&nbsp;of bone marrow involvement in the patients who suffering such as fever, night sweats, arthralgia, fatigue and anorexia symptoms,&nbsp;the presence of brucellosis should be investigated and tried to be treated at an early stage especially in the endemic regions.</p

    Salvia spp. plants-from farm to food applications and phytopharmacotherapy

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