4,493 research outputs found

    Factor demand linkages, technology shocks, and the business cycle

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    This paper argues that factor demand linkages can be important for the transmission of both sectoral and aggregate shocks. We show this using a panel of highly disaggregated manufacturing sectors together with sectoral structural VARs. When sectoral interactions are explicitly accounted for, a contemporaneous technology shock to all manufacturing sectors implies a positive response in both output and hours at the aggregate level. Otherwise there is a negative correlation, as in much of the existing literature. Furthermore, we find that technology shocks are important drivers of the business cycle

    Providing and Receiving Feedback: It Takes Two to Tango!

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    Effective feedback is essential for maximizing learning, improving teacher effectiveness, and ensuring optimal team performance. Despite how critical feedback is to patient care, many educators find it difficult to provide feedback, and learners sometimes feel uncomfortable receiving feedback

    Fermion-Boson Interactions and Quantum Algebras

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    Quantum Algebras (q-algebras) are used to describe interactions between fermions and bosons. Particularly, the concept of a su_q(2) dynamical symmetry is invoked in order to reproduce the ground state properties of systems of fermions and bosons interacting via schematic forces. The structure of the proposed su_q(2) Hamiltonians, and the meaning of the corresponding deformation parameters, are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Physical Review C (in press

    On Deusons or Deuteronlike Meson-Meson Bound States

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    The systematics of deuteronlike two-meson bound states, {\it deusons}, is discussed. Previous arguments that many of the present non-qqˉq\bar q states are such states are elaborated including, in particular, the tensor potential. For pseudoscalar states the important observation is made that the centrifugal barrier from the P-wave can be overcome by the 1/r21/r^2 and 1/r31/r^3 terms of the tensor potential. In the heavy meson sector one-pion exchange alone is strong enough to form at least deuteron-like BBˉ∗B\bar B^* and B∗Bˉ∗B^*\bar B^* composites bound by approximately 50 MeV, while DDˉ∗D\bar D^* and D∗Dˉ∗D^*\bar D^* states are expected near the threshold.Comment: Invited talk at the Hadron93 International Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy, Como, Italy 22.-25.6. 1993. 5 pages in LATEX HU-SEFT R 1993-13

    Quantum sticking, scattering and transmission of 4He atoms from superfluid 4He surfaces

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    We develop a microscopic theory of the scattering, transmission, and sticking of 4He atoms impinging on a superfluid 4He slab at near normal incidence, and inelastic neutron scattering from the slab. The theory includes coupling between different modes and allows for inelastic processes. We find a number of essential aspects that must be observed in a physically meaningful and reliable theory of atom transmission and scattering; all are connected with multiparticle scattering, particularly the possibility of energy loss. These processes are (a) the coupling to low-lying (surface) excitations (ripplons/third sound) which is manifested in a finite imaginary part of the self energy, and (b) the reduction of the strength of the excitation in the maxon/roton region

    Excited heavy tetraquarks with hidden charm

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    The masses of the excited heavy tetraquarks with hidden charm are calculated within the relativistic diquark-antidiquark picture. The dynamics of the light quark in a heavy-light diquark is treated completely relativistically. The diquark structure is taken into account by calculating the diquark-gluon form factor. New experimental data on charmonium-like states above open charm threshold are discussed. The obtained results indicate that X(3872), Y(4260), Y(4360), Z(4248), Z(4433) and Y(4660) could be tetraquark states with hidden charm.Comment: 11 page

    Short-range repulsion and isospin dependence in the KN system

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    The short-range properties of the KN interaction are studied within the meson-exchange model of the Juelich group. Specifically, dynamical explanations for the phenomenological short-range repulsion, required in this model for achieving agreement with the empirical KN data, are explored. Evidence is found that contributions from the exchange of a heavy scalar-isovector meson (a_0(980)) as well as from genuine quark-gluon exchange processes are needed. Taking both mechanisms into account a satisfactory description of the KN phase shifts can be obtained without resorting to phenomenological pieces.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Weak Interaction Studies with 6He

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    The 6He nucleus is an ideal candidate to study the weak interaction. To this end we have built a high-intensity source of 6He delivering ~10^10 atoms/s to experiments. Taking full advantage of that available intensity we have performed a high-precision measurement of the 6He half-life that directly probes the axial part of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Currently, we are preparing a measurement of the beta-neutrino angular correlation in 6He beta decay that will allow to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model in the form of tensor currents.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, proceedings for the Eleventh Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP 2012

    The power spectrum from the angular distribution of galaxies in the CFHTLS-Wide fields at redshift ~0.7

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    We measure the real-space galaxy power spectrum on large scales at redshifts 0.5 to 1.2 using optical colour-selected samples from the CFHT Legacy Survey. With the redshift distributions measured with a preliminary ~14000 spectroscopic redshifts from the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS), we deproject the angular distribution and directly estimate the three-dimensional power spectrum. We use a maximum likelihood estimator that is optimal for a Gaussian random field giving well-defined window functions and error estimates. This measurement presents an initial look at the large-scale structure field probed by the VIPERS survey. We measure the galaxy bias of the VIPERS-like sample to be b_g=1.38 +- 0.05 (sigma_8=0.8) on scales k<0.2h/mpc averaged over 0.5<z<1.2. We further investigate three photometric redshift slices, and marginalising over the bias factors while keeping other LCDM parameters fixed, we find the matter density Omega_m=0.30+-0.06.Comment: Minor changes to match journal versio
