105 research outputs found

    Fertilisation and irrigation have no effects on growth of oak (Quercus robur, Q. petraea) stands on abandoned farmland in southwest Sweden

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    Low nutrient availability often limits productivity in northern forests. In a nutrient optimisation trial, we investigated the effects of fertilisation and irrigation on soil moisture, leaf area index (LAI) as well as height and radial growth in 25-year-old stands of pedunculate and sessile oak (Quercus robur L., Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) growing on abandoned farmland in southwestern Sweden. Control (C), fertilisation (F), irrigation (I), and irrigation + fertilisation (IF) treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design. End of growing season analysis of foliar nutrients guided the quantitative composition of next year's fertiliser mix. Volumetric soil moisture (VWC) was significantly higher in the I and IF treatments compared to the C and F treated stands of both oak species. We did not observe a fertiliser-related reduction in VWC (except for 2015, when VWC in F treated Q. robur stands was significantly lower than the control by about 18 %). This is in line with the unaffected LAI estimates (5.3-5.9) suggesting no stimulation of leaf production that could drive increases in transpiration with subsequent soil moisture depletion. There was no treatment x year interaction for any of the growth-related variables. Treatments had no significant effects on basal area growth, which increased annually by 1.72 and 1.54 m2 ha-1 on average for Q. petraea and Q. robur, respectively. Pre-treatment height differences in Q. petraea stands (7-12 % taller trees in the C and IF plots) persisted throughout the study resulting in significant effects, while no significant differences in height occurred in Q. robur. Periodic annual volume increment varied more strongly following drier periods but there were no significant differences among treatments.Our findings indicate that fertilisation causes no or only minor increases in oak water use, suggesting that nutrient addition in oak stands within this precipitation regime does not require simultaneous irrigation. Most importantly, our data implies that the soil nutrient legacies of past agricultural use suffice to maximise the productivity of oak stands on abandoned farmland typical of the main oak growing region in southwestern Sweden

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Festive, Popular, Crowed? Public Debate about the Public Activities of the Swedish History Museum from The Swedish History to History of Sweden :

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    The thesis concerns public debate on the public activities of The Swedish History Museum (Historiska museet) in Stockholm between the years 1992 and 2011. Moreover, the thesis contribute with knowledge on how basic didactic questions regarding a single national museum has been answered in the public debate over time. Standpoints on what should be exhibited, how this should be done, to/with whom the mediation of history should be addressed/communicated and, what mission in society The Swedish History Museum’s is considered to be, is summed up in the concept of “exhibition ideal”. The research concerns four public debates; the debate about the exhibition The Swedish History (Den Svenska Historien), the debate about Kristian Berg, the debate about the free entry reform and, a less extensive debate about the exhibition History of Sweden (Sveriges Historia). A further aim of the dissertation is to put the publicly expressed positions on The Swedish History Museum in a wider historical-cultural context. Also, the study is related to other museums and other history communicating arenas. The debates coincides in time with challenges for the museum sector to deal with new perspectives in museology and cultural heritage research. The emergence of a multi-cultural society and the questioning of grand narratives are mentioned as examples. The emergence and strengthening of a broader history didactic discipline in Sweden, where a basic starting point is that the story is communicated in several different arenas with their own competencies, are also brought into the analysis. Historians and archaeologists tend to become silent in the recent debates about The Swedish History Museum’s public activities as the debates are less focused on content. The debates tends to be more “museum internal”, even in cases where there is opportunity to debate specific historical and archaeological content in the exhibitions. It appears, nevertheless, that the overall conflict around the public museum activities has reached the public spotlight through newspapers, radio and TV. Alongside with visits to the museum public debate are assumed to contribute to citizens’ own view of what museums should exhibit, how this should be done, to/with whom the mediation of history should be addressed/communicated and what the museum’s mission in society is

    Festive, Popular, Crowed? Public Debate about the Public Activities of the Swedish History Museum from The Swedish History to History of Sweden :

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    The thesis concerns public debate on the public activities of The Swedish History Museum (Historiska museet) in Stockholm between the years 1992 and 2011. Moreover, the thesis contribute with knowledge on how basic didactic questions regarding a single national museum has been answered in the public debate over time. Standpoints on what should be exhibited, how this should be done, to/with whom the mediation of history should be addressed/communicated and, what mission in society The Swedish History Museum’s is considered to be, is summed up in the concept of “exhibition ideal”. The research concerns four public debates; the debate about the exhibition The Swedish History (Den Svenska Historien), the debate about Kristian Berg, the debate about the free entry reform and, a less extensive debate about the exhibition History of Sweden (Sveriges Historia). A further aim of the dissertation is to put the publicly expressed positions on The Swedish History Museum in a wider historical-cultural context. Also, the study is related to other museums and other history communicating arenas. The debates coincides in time with challenges for the museum sector to deal with new perspectives in museology and cultural heritage research. The emergence of a multi-cultural society and the questioning of grand narratives are mentioned as examples. The emergence and strengthening of a broader history didactic discipline in Sweden, where a basic starting point is that the story is communicated in several different arenas with their own competencies, are also brought into the analysis. Historians and archaeologists tend to become silent in the recent debates about The Swedish History Museum’s public activities as the debates are less focused on content. The debates tends to be more “museum internal”, even in cases where there is opportunity to debate specific historical and archaeological content in the exhibitions. It appears, nevertheless, that the overall conflict around the public museum activities has reached the public spotlight through newspapers, radio and TV. Alongside with visits to the museum public debate are assumed to contribute to citizens’ own view of what museums should exhibit, how this should be done, to/with whom the mediation of history should be addressed/communicated and what the museum’s mission in society is

    Value balancing method for product development - A Case study at Volvo Car Corporation

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    The study aims to develop a method that provides Concept Engineering Unit at Volvo Car Corporation (VCC) with reflection on how cost, technical characteristic, and customer requirements effects the end-product. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a method that supports value balancing of customer requirements and costs in the concept phase of the product development process at VCC. The study has been performed as a case study at VCC in Gothenburg. It was done at the Concept Engineering Unit, which is responsible for managing the different development units at VCC during the concept phase in order to achieve several requirements. The theoretical background covered: value based decision making, communication and collaboration within companies, the impact and efficiency of decision support tools, customer satisfaction theory, cost consideration and implications of product platforms on the product development process. The explorative study covered the product development process, cost calculation systems, platform usage, cost of change and attribute classification at VCC. The study resulted in a proposed Value Balancing Method that contains the following parts: Main QFD matrix, Value Index chart, Critical Attributes and Systems and a Modularity Matrix. The information from the Value Balance Method can be used to study which technical systems that need to be functionally improved and which systems that need cost reduction effort in order to achieve value balanced products. Moreover, the Value Balance Method provides valuable information of which systems that should be platform systems and which that ought to be product specific systems. Moreover, the Value Balance Method identifies attribute areas that need extra management attention in order to enable a successful product development. The Value Balance Method provides general data at an overview level to support the product development team in the holistic and complex situation of product development process at VCC. Further the method will enable collaboration and communication in cross-functional product development teams at VCC. Further work needed for the Value Balance Method is first of all incorporation of the data from the ongoing study of customer ranking of attribute at VCC. The method also needs to be tested in order to improve its’ accuracy and validity

    Prognosprocessen : En fallstudie hos Asko Cylinda AB

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    Balansering av tillgĂ„ng och efterfrĂ„gan har alltid varit ett aktuellt Ă€mne och för att klara av denna balansering krĂ€vs information om kommande efterfrĂ„gan. Denna information mĂ„ste ligga sĂ„ lĂ„ngt fram i tiden som det tar för att med sĂ€kerhet fĂ„ hem exempelvis material. För att lyckas med detta anvĂ€nder sig företag i olika utstrĂ€ckning av uppskattad framtida efterfrĂ„gan, sĂ„ kallade prognoser. Prognoser kan definieras som systematiska metoder för att förutsĂ€ga framtida hĂ€ndelser. Problemet Ă€r att oavsett hur prognoser görs stĂ€mmer det prognostiserade vĂ€rdet nĂ€stan aldrig överens med det verkliga utfallet. MĂ„nga företag vet att deras prognoser inte Ă€r exakta utan att veta vad de ska göra Ă„t saken. MĂ„nga gĂ„nger ignorerar de bara problemet och hoppas att det ska lösa sig sjĂ€lvt. För att kunna förbĂ€ttra sina prognoser bör dĂ€rför dokumentation och uppföljning ske av det arbete som görs. Med hjĂ€lp av uppföljning kan prognosfel berĂ€knas, ett prognosfel Ă€r avvikelsen mellan det prognostiserade vĂ€rdet och det verkliga utfallet. I de fall dĂ„ prognosfelen Ă€r smĂ„ kan företag genom dokumentation identifiera vad som urskilde dessa perioder frĂ„n de med högre prognosfel. Författarna har i denna uppsats försökt beskriva hur företag kan uppnĂ„ en förbĂ€ttrad prognosprocess med en lĂ€gre prognosavvikelse. Uppsatsen syftar ocksĂ„ till att vĂ€cka intresset för samarbete över företagsgrĂ€nser. Collaborative forecasting Ă€r en av metoderna som författarna har anvĂ€nt sig av för att överkomma problemen med traditionell prognostisering och som samtidigt Ă€r i linje med supply chain management. Denna metod samlar ihop och sammanstĂ€ller information frĂ„n bĂ„de interna och externa kĂ€llor för att sedan sammanstĂ€lla en prognos som stöds av hela organisationen. Uppsatsen Ă€r en fallstudie hos vitvaruföretaget Asko Cylinda AB. För att fĂ„ ytterligare idĂ©er om hur prognosprocessen kan se ut i praktiken har författarna ocksĂ„ tittat pĂ„ prognosprocessen hos Volvo Penta AB. BĂ„da företagens prognosprocesser har sedan analyserats och jĂ€mförts med hjĂ€lp av teori frĂ„n litteratur och artiklar. Genom denna analys har författarna kommit fram till förslag pĂ„ arbetssĂ€tt som Asko Cylinda AB och företag med liknande företagsmiljö kan anvĂ€nda sig av för att förbĂ€ttra sin prognosprocess. Analyskapitlet Ă€r uppbyggt enligt tre scenarier, en nulĂ€gesbeskrivning, ett förslag pĂ„ en enkel prognosprocess och ett förslag pĂ„ en mer avancerad prognosprocess. I analysen har olika mĂ€tetal anvĂ€nds för att Ă„skĂ„dliggöra hur prognosavvikelsen varierar dĂ„ till exempel olika prognosberĂ€kningsmetoder anvĂ€nds. UtifrĂ„n scenarierna som analyserats har författarna kommit fram till att det finns mĂ„nga fördelar med Asko Cylinda AB:s nuvarande arbetssĂ€tt och att flera av dessa stöds av teorin. En fördel med en enklare prognosprocess Ă€r att den allokerar betydligt mindre resurser Ă€n vad som görs i dagslĂ€get. Detta Ă€r enligt författarna inte tillrĂ€ckligt skĂ€l att anvĂ€nda sig av den enkla varianten dĂ„ framtiden gĂ„r mot mer samarbete över företagsgrĂ€nserna för att gemensamt öka konkurrenskraften. ArbetssĂ€ttet som analyseras i scenario 3 ses av författarna som det bĂ€sta alternativet. Detta scenario har hĂ€mtat mycket inspiration frĂ„n teorierna om collaborative forecasting, vilket bidrar till en process som arbetar mer enligt supply chain management. Även delar frĂ„n bĂ„de den nuvarande prognosprocessen och Volvo Penta AB:s prognosprocess har anvĂ€nts för att för att uppnĂ„ detta arbetssĂ€ttsförslag som baserats pĂ„ bĂ„de teori och praktik och utformats för att vara slagkraftigt i framtiden

    High Chaparral, historiekommunikation och formell/informell utbildning

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    Resultaten frĂ„n projektet ”High Chaparral, historiekommunikation och formell/informell utbildning” pekar pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l utmaningar som möjligheter i samarbetet mellan skola och historiekommunicerande edutainmentinstitutioner. Relationen till historien odlas pĂ„ mĂ„nga samhĂ€lleliga arenor. I studien stĂ„r vĂ€sterntemaparken High Chaparral i fokus. Parken har traditionellt erbjudit underhĂ„llning men har, sĂ€rskilt sedan 2013 och framĂ„t, tagit aktiva steg mot att bredda sig genom att arbeta efter ledorden lĂ€rande, Ă€kthet och delaktighet. Som del av satsningen erbjuder parken numera sĂ€rskilda upplĂ€gg för skolor som besöker parken, dĂ€r tanken Ă€r att lek och lĂ€rande ska gĂ„ hand i hand. Satsningarna har primĂ€rt riktats mot Ă„rskurserna 4–6. I temaparken blandas inslag av fakta och fiktion. Historisk faktainformation om 1870-talets USA erbjuds framförallt genom informationsskyltar, men förekommer ocksĂ„ i vissa aktiviteter. Barnens förkunskaper om tidsperioden framstĂ„r dock generellt vara grunda, vilket delvis kan förklaras med att skolans styrdokument för Ă„rskurserna 4–6 inte omfattar parkens tematik. Skolans styrdokument för Ă€mnet historia omnĂ€mner utöver faktakunskaper Ă€ven fĂ€rdigheter. Parkens aktiviteter förefaller dock inte heller anknyta till de delar av styrdokumenten som kretsar kring historiska fĂ€rdigheter, vilka syftar till att utveckla verktyg för historiskt tĂ€nkande. Parkens förstĂ„else av vad historiska fĂ€rdigheter Ă€r tycks primĂ€rt vara inriktad pĂ„ att barnen sjĂ€lva ska fĂ„ pröva aktiviteter relaterade till den tidsepok temaparken speglar. Även om lĂ€rande Ă€r ett ledord för temaparkens ledning verkar begreppet vara fyllt med en egen förstĂ„else av vad detta begrepp innebĂ€r. LĂ€nkningen till skolans styrdokument har i dessa delar stor utvecklingspotential. De förestĂ€llningar om tidsepoken som de besökande barnen bĂ„de relaterar till och tar med sig frĂ„n parken bygger pĂ„ populĂ€rkulturens bilder av Vilda VĂ€stern; sĂ„dana som förekommer i till exempel vĂ€sternfilmer, tv-serier, tecknade serietidningar eller datorspel. Under studiens gĂ„ng har temaparkens ledord Ă€kthet dĂ€rför kommit att framtrĂ€da som viktigt att ocksĂ„ studera för att fĂ„ en mer fullödig bild av hur barnen relaterar till historien i mötet mellan skola och temapark. Studien visar att barnen primĂ€rt knyter an till det de kĂ€nner till sedan tidigare, vilket har visat sig vara just populĂ€rkulturens bilder av tidsepoken. Det tycks ocksĂ„ vara denna typ av konstruktiv autenticitet, dĂ€r betraktaren Ă€r en aktiv part i vĂ€rderingen av autenticiteten, som parken primĂ€rt Ă€r inriktad pĂ„ att underblĂ„sa i sitt arbete med ledordet Ă€kthet. Objektiv autenticitet, dĂ€r autenticiteten istĂ€llet faststĂ€lls av expertis, tycks i hög grad vara frĂ„nvarande. Detta betyder inte att barnen inte lĂ€r sig nĂ„got vid ett besök i parken. Barnen uppvisar stor entusiasm för parkens tematik. Barnen relaterar ocksĂ„ till historien genom att lĂ€nka det de upplever till sina tidigare erfarenheter. SlĂ„ende i studien Ă€r dock hur lĂ€randet i en historisk temapark som High Chaparral inte enbart kretsar kring historia. Flera möjligheter till andra former av lĂ€rande, bortom historieĂ€mnet, förekommer. SĂ„vĂ€l lĂ€rande kring engelska sprĂ„ket, fysik och idrott har noterats. Ett besök hos en aktör som spontant kan ses som strikt historierelaterad, kan i sjĂ€lva verket generera ett snarast Ă€mnesöverskridande lĂ€rande.High Chaparral, historiekommunikation och formell/informell utbildnin
