53 research outputs found

    En jÀmförelse av effekter och skillnader pÄ radierande och fokuserande tryckvÄgsbehandling vid tendinopati : En systematisk litteraturstudie

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    Detta examensarbete Àr en systematisk litteraturstudie med temat radierande (rESWT)- och fokuserande (ESWT) tryckvÄgsbehandling för tendinopatier. Syftet med examensarbete Àr att göra en jÀmförelse mellan effekterna och skillnaderna pÄ radial Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (rESWT) och Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) vid behandling av tendinopati. Med effekter avses i första hand reducering av smÀrta och funktionsökning om detta finns beskrivet. Litteratursökningen inleddes i februari och avslutades i juni 2010. Pubmed, Ebsco, Pedro och Google scholar Àr databaser som genomsöktes. Sökorden: ESWT, rESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Shockwave och Shockwave Therapy, anvÀndes som grund och i olika kombinationer. TjugotvÄ artiklar har efter litteratursökningen inkluderats och analyserats i litteraturstudien. Resultatet av denna litteraturstudie visar att sÄvÀl rESWT som ESWT Àr en effektiv behandling av kroniska tendinopatier. I första hand Àr behandlingsmetoderna effektiva med syfte pÄ smÀrtreducering samt funktionsökning. En klar slutsats pÄ vilken intervention som lÀmpar sig bÀst, samt vilken av behandlingsmetoderna som Àr effektivare vid behandling av tendinopatier kan inte dras. Resultatanalyser visar dock en viss fördel för rESWT.This degree thesis is a systematic literature review of the topic radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (rESWT) and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) and ten-dinopathy. The aim was to make a comparison of the effects and differences between rESWT and ESWT as a treatment of tendinopathy. In the first place the effects are referred to the reduction of pain and if it is described the increase of function. The study of literature was made between February and June 2010. The used databases are: Pubmed, Ebsco, Pedro and Google scholar. Keywords such as: ESWT, rESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Shockwave and Shockwave Therapy, were used. These words were used as a basis and in different combinations. Twenty-two articles were included and analyzed in the systematic review. The results of the systematic literature review shows that both rESWT and ESWT are an efficient treatment of chronical tentinopathies. In the first place these treatment options are effective when the aim is to reduce pain and increase function. A clear conclusion on which intervention is the best, and which of the treatment methods that are the most effective in the treatment of tendinopathy cannot be drawn. Result analyses show a slight advantage for rESWT.TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka aiheet ovat radioiva (rESWT)- ja fokusoiva (ESWT) paineaaltoterapia tendinopatian hoidossa. OpinnÀytetyön tavoite on vertailla sekÀ vaikutuksia ettÀ eroja radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (rESWT) ja Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) tendinopatian hoidossa. Vaikutuksilla tarkoitetaan ensisijaisesti kivun vÀhentÀmistÀ ja toiminnan lisÀÀmistÀ, jos tÀmÀ löytyy kirjallisuudessa. Kirjallisuuden tutkiminen alkoi helmikuussa ja loppui kesÀkuussa 2010. KÀytetyt tietokannat ovat: Pubmed, Ebsco, Pedro ja Google scholar. Hakusanat ovat: ESWT, rESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, Shockwave ja Shockwave Thera-py. NÀitÀ kÀytettiin pohjana erilaisissa yhdistelmissÀ. TÀssÀ kirjallisuuskatsauksessa on otettu mukaan ja analysoitu kaksikymmentÀkaksi artikkelia. TÀmÀn kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulokset nÀyttÀvÀt, sekÀ rESWT ettÀ ESWT ovat vaikuttavia hoitomenetelmiÀ kroonisille tendinopatioille. Ensisijaisesti nÀmÀ hoitomuodot ovat vaikuttavia, kun tavoitteena ovat kivun vÀhentÀminen ja toiminnan lisÀÀminen. SelkeÀtÀ lopputulosta, mikÀ interventio sopii parhaiten ja mikÀ nÀistÀ hoitomenetelmistÀ on vaikuttavampi, ei löytynyt. Tulosanalyysi osoittaa hieman etua rESWT:lle

    Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis.

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    Multiple sclerosis is a common disease of the central nervous system in which the interplay between inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes typically results in intermittent neurological disturbance followed by progressive accumulation of disability. Epidemiological studies have shown that genetic factors are primarily responsible for the substantially increased frequency of the disease seen in the relatives of affected individuals, and systematic attempts to identify linkage in multiplex families have confirmed that variation within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) exerts the greatest individual effect on risk. Modestly powered genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have enabled more than 20 additional risk loci to be identified and have shown that multiple variants exerting modest individual effects have a key role in disease susceptibility. Most of the genetic architecture underlying susceptibility to the disease remains to be defined and is anticipated to require the analysis of sample sizes that are beyond the numbers currently available to individual research groups. In a collaborative GWAS involving 9,772 cases of European descent collected by 23 research groups working in 15 different countries, we have replicated almost all of the previously suggested associations and identified at least a further 29 novel susceptibility loci. Within the MHC we have refined the identity of the HLA-DRB1 risk alleles and confirmed that variation in the HLA-A gene underlies the independent protective effect attributable to the class I region. Immunologically relevant genes are significantly overrepresented among those mapping close to the identified loci and particularly implicate T-helper-cell differentiation in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

    Plan der GrÀnzen des Burgfriedens von Regensburg

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    Digital media availability has surged over the past decade. Because of a lack of comprehensive measurement tools, this rapid growth in access to digital media is accompanied by a scarcity of research examining the family media context and sociocognitive outcomes. There is also little cross-cultural research in families with young children. Modern media are mobile, interactive, and often short in duration, making them difficult to remember when caregivers respond to surveys about media use. The Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure (CAFE) Consortium has developed a novel tool to measure household media use through a web-based questionnaire, time-use diary, and passive-sensing app installed on family mobile devices. The goal of developing a comprehensive assessment of family media exposure was to take into account the contextual factors of media use and improve upon the limitations of existing self-report measures, while creating a consistent, scalable, and cost-effective tool. The CAFE tool captures the content and context of early media exposure and addresses the limitations of prior media measurement approaches. Preliminary data collected using this measure have been integrated into a shared visualization platform. In this perspective article, we take a tools-of-the-trade approach (Oakes, 2010) to describe four challenges associated with measuring household media exposure in families with young children: measuring attitudes and practices; capturing content and context; measuring short bursts of mobile device usage; and integrating data to capture the complexity of household media usage. We illustrate how each of these challenges can be addressed with preliminary data collected with the CAFE tool and visualized on our dashboard. We conclude with future directions including plans to test reliability, validity, and generalizability of these measures

    RÄmjölkskvalitetens betydelse för kalven

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    Mjölkföretagare har som mĂ„l att ha friska, lönsamma och vĂ€lfungerade mjölkkor. Genom en god start i livet fĂ„r kalvarna chansen att bli företagarens mĂ„l – optimala mjölkkor. Inom mjölkproduktionen men ocksĂ„ andra produktionsinriktningar Ă€r kalvarna viktiga, de Ă€r framtiden. Arbetet innehĂ„ller en litteraturdel om kalvens utfodring under de första veckorna, mjölkperioden med betoning pĂ„ rĂ„mjölken samt en avslutande analys om rĂ„mjölkens kvalitet, hur den kan se ut pĂ„ en stor mjölkbesĂ€ttning. Den nyfödda kalvens hĂ€lsa pĂ„verkas av olika faktorer sĂ„som miljö, smittotryck och utfodring. Den viktigaste faktorn hos den nyfödde Ă€r rĂ„mjölken, den innehĂ„ller antikroppar som kalven behöver för att frĂ€mja hĂ€lsan framöver. RĂ„mjölken innehĂ„ller mĂ„nga viktiga nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen men ocksĂ„ antikroppskoncentrationen immunglobulin (IgG), som anses vara den viktigaste för kalvens hĂ€lsa. Undersökningen pĂ„ rĂ„mjölkens kvalitet har gjorts pĂ„ en mjölkbesĂ€ttning med 300 Ă„rskor. Under perioden oktober-december undersöktes rĂ„mjölken frĂ„n 70 kor med en colostrometer. Den visade att 43 procent av korna hade otillrĂ€cklig rĂ„mjölkskvalitet. I undersökningen finns Ă€ven skillnader mellan laktationsstadier och raser i förhĂ„llande till rĂ„mjölkens kvalitet.Dairy farmers aim to have healthy, profitable and well-functioning dairy cows. A good start in life, give the calves a chance to become the farmers aim – profitable dairy cows. In milk production but also in other production areas, the calves are important, they are the future. The thesis contains a literary part about the feeding of calves in the first few weeks in life. It also covers the milk period with emphasis on colostrum. The thesis ends with an analysis of the colostrum quality on a dairy farm. The health of the newborn calf is affected by various factors such as the environment, infections and feeding. Colostrum is the most important factor for the calf. Colostrum contains antibodies that the calf needs to maintain good health. The colostrum contains important nutrients and immunoglobulin (IgG), which highly affects the health of the calves. The quality of colostrum was observed on a dairy farm consisting of 300 dairy cows. The colostrum quality was surveyed with a colostrometer during the period October to December. The survey showed that 43 percent of the cows had poor colostrum quality. The study shows differences between lactation number and breeds in relation to the quality of colostrum

    Girl or boy - an act that matters! : A study that compares two 7th grade classes while they take part in a drama project that focuses on equal treatment.

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    Denna studie utforskar vilka förestÀllningar Ätta högstadietjejer har om genus och huruvida de anser att ett dramapedagogiskt likabehandlingsprojekt pÄverkar dem eller omgivningen. De teoretiska perspektiv som anvÀnds innefattar begrepp som genusnormer, genuskontrakt och konstruktion av genus. Studien följer tvÄ Äk 7 klasser i tvÄ olika skolor medan de deltar i arbetet. Jag vÀljer att följa dessa bÄda, dÄ jag fÄr intrycket att klassernas gruppklimat skiljer sig Ät markant. Genom att observera det dramapedagogiska projektet fÄr jag inblick i vilka metoder som anvÀnds samt en uppfattning om hur eleverna sjÀlva problematiserar Àmnet genus, hur de reagerar pÄ uppgifterna, sÄvÀl som hur klasserna fungerar. Studien fortsÀtts genom intervjuer med fyra tjejer frÄn varje klass för att fÄ en djupare förstÄelse för deras tankar om genus samt hur de har emottagit genusarbetet. Under intervjuerna visar det sig att alla Ätta tjejer uppfattar sig underordnade killarna. De pÄtalar mÄnga situationer i vilka de blir nedvÀrderade av sin omgivning pÄ grund av sitt kön. FortsÀttningsvis Àr de högst medvetna om vilka begrÀnsningar som finns för bÄde tjejer och killar. Det framkommer att genusnormer Àr viktiga att följa och att de sjÀlva pÄ olika sÀtt strÀvar efter att passa in. Vad gÀller frÄgan om projektet pÄverkat dem eller omgivningen skiljer sig uppfattningarna i de tvÄ klasserna emellertid Ät. I den ena klassen hÀvdar tjejerna att de sjÀlva fÄtt mÄnga nya tankar om genus sÄvÀl som att bÄde klass och lÀrare varit tankfulla efter projektet. Tjejerna frÄn den andra klassen menar att projektet varken pÄverkat dem eller klassen. Jag relaterar de olika uppfattningarna till de intryck jag fÄr av respektive klassklimat under observationerna. I den klass dÀr eleverna anser projektet givande Àr atmosfÀren negativ och grupperad, medan stÀmningen i den andra klassen kÀnns öppen och tillÄtande. De tjejer som har ett tryggt klassklimat menar att de inte kÀnner sig sÀrskilt begrÀnsade av genusnormer.

    Ferrantes frÄnvarande nÀrvaro

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    GodkÀnnandedatum 2017-06-15</p

    In other words : Metaphorical concepts in translation

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    Awareness of metaphors brings awareness to how language is structured in a text. This study, based on Lakoff &amp; Johnson’s theory of conceptual metaphors, will discuss the different types of metaphorical concepts found in the source text and target text during the translation of two articles by the author Mohsin Hamid. The quantitative part of the study will present different types of metaphors and how they translate into Swedish. The qualitative part will focus on how the author uses, and constructs his own, structural metaphors as a rhetorical device. Newmark and SchĂ€ffner’s translation strategies for metaphors will be considered and applied in combination with two translation theories: Nord’s theory of text functions alongside Venuti’s foreignisation theory. The findings will suggest that an increased awareness of metaphorical concepts can be beneficial for translators and assist them in understanding how the author of the source text has structured the language and thought content in the text.

    External board members in family firms. : A study of the positive and negative aspects of external board members can contribute to a family business.

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    Title: External board members in family firms. Subject: Bachelor's thesis in business administration, 15 credits Authors: Maria Persson &amp; Jenny SundqvistKeywords: Family firm, external board member, board, competence. Research questions: ‱ What can external board members contribute with the company's current expertise? ‱ What are the positive and negative aspects of bringing in external board members? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain the impact that external board members canhave on current competence, as well as positive and negative aspects in a family business. Method: This study was conducted with an abductive research approach. Furthermore, thestudy has applied a qualitative research method in which nine respondents from nine differentcompanies were interviewed. The literature study has been carried out by collecting theoriesfrom previous research studies. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study shows that the appointment of external boardmembers has predominantly positive aspects compared to negative aspects. The externalboard members entail a broader and more advanced competence in the family company'sboard, which adds to and maintains the company's legitimacy
