329 research outputs found

    Mapping Spikes to Sensations

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    Single-unit recordings conducted during perceptual decision-making tasks have yielded tremendous insights into the neural coding of sensory stimuli. In such experiments, detection or discrimination behavior (the psychometric data) is observed in parallel with spike trains in sensory neurons (the neurometric data). Frequently, candidate neural codes for information read-out are pitted against each other by transforming the neurometric data in some way and asking which code’s performance most closely approximates the psychometric performance. The code that matches the psychometric performance best is retained as a viable candidate and the others are rejected. In following this strategy, psychometric data is often considered to provide an unbiased measure of perceptual sensitivity. It is rarely acknowledged that psychometric data result from a complex interplay of sensory and non-sensory processes and that neglect of these processes may result in misestimating psychophysical sensitivity. This again may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the adequacy of candidate neural codes. In this review, we first discuss requirements on the neural data for a subsequent neurometric-psychometric comparison. We then focus on different psychophysical tasks for the assessment of detection and discrimination performance and the cognitive processes that may underlie their execution. We discuss further factors that may compromise psychometric performance and how they can be detected or avoided. We believe that these considerations point to shortcomings in our understanding of the processes underlying perceptual decisions, and therefore offer potential for future research

    The Head-fixed Behaving Rat—Procedures and Pitfalls

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    This paper describes experimental techniques with head-fixed, operantly conditioned rodents that allow the control of stimulus presentation and tracking of motor output at hitherto unprecedented levels of spatio-temporal precision. Experimental procedures for the surgery and behavioral training are presented. We place particular emphasis on potential pitfalls using these procedures in order to assist investigators who intend to engage in this type of experiment. We argue that head-fixed rodent models, by allowing the combination of methodologies from molecular manipulations, intracellular electrophysiology, and imaging to behavioral measurements, will be instrumental in combining insights into the functional neuronal organization at different levels of observation. Provided viable behavioral methods are implemented, model systems based on rodents will be complementary to current primate models—the latter providing highest comparability with the human brain, while the former offer hugely advanced methodologies on the lower levels of organization, for example, genetic alterations, intracellular electrophysiology, and imaging

    Recovery kinetics of short-term depression of GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses at layer 2/3 pyramidal cells in the mouse barrel cortex

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    IntroductionShort-term synaptic plasticity (STP) is a widespread mechanism underlying activity-dependent modifications of cortical networks.MethodsTo investigate how STP influences excitatory and inhibitory synapses in layer 2/3 of mouse barrel cortex, we combined whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from visually identified pyramidal neurons (PyrN) and parvalbumin-positive interneurons (PV-IN) of cortical layer 2/3 in acute slices with electrical stimulation of afferent fibers in layer 4 and optogenetic activation of PV-IN.ResultsThese experiments revealed that electrical burst stimulation (10 pulses at 10 Hz) of layer 4 afferents to layer 2/3 neurons induced comparable short-term depression (STD) of glutamatergic postsynaptic currents (PSCs) in PyrN and in PV-IN, while disynaptic GABAergic PSCs in PyrN showed a stronger depression. Burst-induced depression of glutamatergic PSCs decayed within <4 s, while the decay of GABAergic PSCs required >11 s. Optogenetically-induced GABAergic PSCs in PyrN also demonstrated STD after burst stimulation, with a decay of >11 s. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in PyrN were unaffected after electrical burst stimulation, while a selective optogenetic STD of GABAergic synapses caused a transient increase of electrically evoked EPSPs in PyrN.DiscussionIn summary, these results demonstrate substantial short-term plasticity at all synapses investigated and suggest that the prominent STD observed in GABAergic synapses can moderate the functional efficacy of glutamatergic STD after repetitive synaptic stimulations. This mechanism may contribute to a reliable information flow toward the integrative layer 2/3 for complex time-varying sensory stimuli

    Maximal Points of Head's Zone in Fixed Drug Eruption

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    The principles determining the primary localization of lesions in fixed drug eruption (FDE) are still unknown. Studies investigating the predilection areas in FDE have indicated drug-related, trauma-related, or inflammation-related specific site involvement, as well as visceracutaneous reflex-related specific site involvement. The importance of viscerocutaneous reflexes for the location of dermatoses was first recognized in the 1960s. Head's zones are viscerocutaneous reflex projection fields on the skin that extend over certain dermatomes and possess a reflex-associated maximal point. Recently, in a Turkish collective of patients, three women with the primary location of FDE lesions on the maximal points of Head's zones were presented. We also experienced 3 cases with FDE where the lesions were located at specific sites (buttocks), the so-called maximal points of Head's zones, which are known to be the most active dermatomal areas of an underlying visceral pathology. An underlying internal disturbance (ureter stone, pyelonephritis and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease) was found in all 3 patients, corresponding to the organ-related maximal point of Head's zones in each case. In conclusion, the primary location of FDE lesions on the maximal points of Head's zones revealed relevant organ disorders with corresponding projection fields

    The Futurism of Hip Hop: Space, Electro and Science Fiction in Rap

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    In the early 1980s, an important facet of hip hop culture developed a style of music known as electro-rap, much of which carries narratives linked to science fiction, fantasy and references to arcade games and comic books. The aim of this chapter is to build a critical inquiry into the cultural and socio-political presence of these ideas as drivers for the productions of electro-rap, and subsequently through artists from Newcleus to Strange U seeks to interrogate the value of science fiction from the 1980s to the 2000s, evaluating the validity of science fiction’s place in the future of hip hop. Theoretically underpinned by the emerging theories associated with Afrofuturism and Paul Virilio’s dromosphere and picnolepsy concepts, the chapter reconsiders time and spatial context as a palimpsest whereby the saturation of digitalization become both accelerator and obstacle and proposes a thirdspace-dromology. In conclusion, the article repositions contemporary hip hop and unearths the realities of science fiction and closes by offering specific directions for the future within and the future of hip hop culture and its potential impact on future society

    Random regret minimization for consumer choice modeling: assessment of empirical evidence

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    This paper introduces to the field of marketing a regret-based discrete choice model for the analysis of multi-attribute consumer choices from multinomial choice sets. This random regret minimization (RRM) model, which has recently been introduced in the field of transport, forms a regret-based counterpart of the canonical random utility maximization (RUM) paradigm. This paper assesses empirical results based on 43 comparisons reported in peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, with the aim of finding out to what extent, when, and how RRM can form a viable addition to the consumer choice modeler's toolkit. The paper shows that RRM and hybrid RRM-RUM models outperform RUM counterparts in a majority of cases, in terms of model fit and predictive ability. Although differences in performance are quite small, the two paradigms often result in markedly different managerial implications due to considerable differences in, for example, market share forecasts

    Learning and recognition of tactile temporal sequences by mice and humans

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    The world around us is replete with stimuli that unfold over time. When we hear an auditory stream like music or speech or scan a texture with our fingertip, physical features in the stimulus are concatenated in a particular order. This temporal patterning is critical to interpreting the stimulus. To explore the capacity of mice and humans to learn tactile sequences, we developed a task in which subjects had to recognise a continuous modulated noise sequence delivered to whiskers or fingertips, defined by its temporal patterning over hundreds of milliseconds. GO and NO-GO sequences differed only in that the order of their constituent noise modulation segments was temporally scrambled. Both mice and humans efficiently learned tactile sequences. Mouse sequence recognition depended on detecting transitions in noise amplitude; animals could base their decision on the earliest information available. Humans appeared to use additional cues, including the duration of noise modulation segments

    Neuronal precision and the limits for acoustic signal recognition in a small neuronal network

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    Recognition of acoustic signals may be impeded by two factors: extrinsic noise, which degrades sounds before they arrive at the receiver’s ears, and intrinsic neuronal noise, which reveals itself in the trial-to-trial variability of the responses to identical sounds. Here we analyzed how these two noise sources affect the recognition of acoustic signals from potential mates in grasshoppers. By progressively corrupting the envelope of a female song, we determined the critical degradation level at which males failed to recognize a courtship call in behavioral experiments. Using the same stimuli, we recorded intracellularly from auditory neurons at three different processing levels, and quantified the corresponding changes in spike train patterns by a spike train metric, which assigns a distance between spike trains. Unexpectedly, for most neurons, intrinsic variability accounted for the main part of the metric distance between spike trains, even at the strongest degradation levels. At consecutive levels of processing, intrinsic variability increased, while the sensitivity to external noise decreased. We followed two approaches to determine critical degradation levels from spike train dissimilarities, and compared the results with the limits of signal recognition measured in behaving animals

    Accommodating satisficing behaviour in stated choice experiments

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that respondents in stated choice experiments use simplifying strategies. Such behavior is a deviation from random utility theory and can lead to wrong inferences regarding preferences. This is a first attempt to systematically explore satisficing in stated choice experiments. We consider 944 satisficing rules and allow respondents to revise the rules adopted throughout the choice sequence. Only a minority of respondents used the same satisficing rule across the entire sequence. Allowing for updating reveals that the use of the heuristic changes over the choice sequence. Considering satisficing behavior leads to improved model fits and different marginal willingness-to-pay estimates