849 research outputs found

    Emergencia, causalidad y realismo

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    L'origen del concepte modern d'emergència es remunta a la meitat del segle xix, quan els filòsofs realistes es van començar a plantejar per primera vegada les profundes similituds que hi havia en els camps de la física i la química entorn de la qüestió de la causalitat. L'exemple clàssic de causalitat que ofereix la física és el d'una col·lisió entre dues molècules o altres objectes rígids en la qual l'efecte global és una simple suma. Però quan dues molècules interactuen químicament, emergeix un ens completament nou, com quan l'hidrogen i l'oxigen interactuen i formen l'aigua. Hi havia la creença que el fet que emergissin propietats i capacitats noves a partir d'una interacció causal tenia importants implicacions filosòfiques per a la naturalesa de l'explicació científica. Concretament, l'absència de la novetat en les interaccions físiques significava que l'explicació dels seus efectes es podia reduir a una deducció a partir de lleis o principis generals. Tanmateix, la síntesi de l'aigua sí que produeix una cosa nova, una cosa que emergeix a partir d'ens que interactuen com a causes. Això va portar alguns filòsofs a l'errònia conclusió que els efectes emergents no es poden explicar, o, cosa que és el mateix, que un efecte només serà emergent mentre no s'hagi trobat la llei de la qual es dedueix. Aquesta línia de pensament va passar a convertir-se, a començaments del segle xx, en una filosofia completament desenvolupada, una filosofia basada en la idea que l'emergència era intrínsecament inexplicable. Aquest article afirma que, encara que la primera onada de filòsofs emergentistes va aconseguir veure que el concepte d'emergència era una poderosa manera de bloquejar el reduccionisme i , per tant, d'atorgar a altres camps diferents de la física el respecte que es mereixien, es van equivocar pel que fa a la seva inexplicabilitat inherent: les propietats emergents d'un tot sorgeixen a partir de les interaccions causals entre les seves parts, interaccions que constitueixen un mecanisme explicatiu d'aquestes propietats.The origin of the modern concept of emergence can be traced to the mid-nineteenth century, when realist philosophers first began to ponder the deep dissimilarities between causality in the fields of physics and chemistry. The classic example of causality in physics is a collision between two molecules or other rigid objects in which the overall effect is a simple addition. However, when two molecules interact chemically, an entirely new entity may emerge, as when hydrogen and oxygen interact to form water. The fact that novel properties and capacities emerge from a causal interaction was believed to have important philosophical implications for the nature of scientific explanation. In particular, the absence of novelty in physical interactions meant that explaining their effects could be reduced to deduction from general principles or laws. However, the synthesis of water does produce something new, something that emerges from the interacting entities acting as causes. This led some philosophers to the erroneous conclusion that emergent effects could not be explained, or, what amounts to the same thing, that an effect is emergent only so long as a law from which it can be deduced has not been found. This line of thought went on to become a full-fledged philosophy in the early twentieth century, based on the idea that emergence was intrinsically inexplicable. This essay argues that while the first wave of emergentist philosophers correctly saw that the concept of emergence was a powerful way to block reductionism and, therefore, to give fields other than physics their due respect, they were wrong about its inherent inexplicability: the emergent properties of a whole arise from the causal interactions between its parts, and these interactions constitute an explanatory mechanism for those properties.El origen del concepto moderno de emergencia se remonta a mitad del siglo xix, cuando los filósofos realistas empezaron por primera vez a plantearse las profundas similitudes que existían en los campos de la física y la química en torno a la cuestión de la causalidad. El ejemplo clásico de causalidad que ofrece la física es el de una colisión entre dos moléculas u otros objetos rígidos en la que el efecto global es una simple suma. Pero cuando dos moléculas interactúan químicamente, emerge un ente completamente nuevo, como cuando el hidrógeno y el oxígeno interactúan y forman el agua. Se creía que el hecho de que emergieran propiedades y capacidades nuevas a partir de una interacción causal tenía importantes implicaciones filosóficas para la naturaleza de la explicación científica. En concreto, la ausencia de la novedad en las interacciones físicas significaba que la explicación de sus efectos podía reducirse a una deducción a partir de leyes o principios generales. Sin embargo, la síntesis del agua sí produce algo nuevo, algo que emerge a partir de entes que interactúan como causas. Esto condujo a algunos filósofos a la errónea conclusión de que los efectos emergentes no pueden explicarse, o, lo que es lo mismo, que un efecto sólo será emergente mientras no se haya encontrado la ley de la cual se deduce. Esta línea de pensamiento pasó a convertirse, a principios del siglo xx, en una filosofía completamente desarrollada, una filosofía basada en la idea de que la emergencia era intrínsecamente inexplicable. Este artículo sostiene que, aunque la primera ola de filósofos emergentistas acertó a ver que el concepto de emergencia era una poderosa manera de bloquear el reduccionismo y, por lo tanto, de otorgar a otros campos diferentes de la física el respeto que estos se merecían, se equivocaron acerca de su inherente inexplicabilidad: las propiedades emergentes de un todo surgen a partir de las interacciones causales entre sus partes, interacciones que constituyen un mecanismo explicativo de esas propiedades

    Pengembangan Media Video Pembelajaran Rias Fantasi di Jurusan Tata Kecantikan SMK Negeri 6 Padang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media video pembelajaran dan mengetahui tingkat kevalidan, kepraktisan dan keefektifitasan media video pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran rias fantasi dengan berbagai tema di SMK Negeri 6 Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan langkah 4-D. Populasi penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas X KCII tata kecantikan SMK Negeri 6 Padang tahun ajaran 2022/2023 yang berjumlah 36 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis data dengan menghitung skor penilaian video dari angket yang diberikan dan dikategorikan sesuai dengan analisis data menggunakan uji t. Perolehan hasil penelitian ini adalah video telah dikembangkan dengan model pengembangan 4-D, hasil validitas video oleh ahli media 0.90  dan validitas materi diperoleh nilai 0.92 dengan valid, hasil uji praktikalitas video dari respon guru memperoleh nilai 97% dengan kategori sangat praktis dan dari respon peserta didik mendapatkan nilai 80.91% dengan kategori sangat praktis, hasil uji efektivitas diperoleh hasil pre-test 38,88% dan post-test diperoleh hasil 91,66% dengan kategori efektif video di gunakan di SMK Negeri 6 Kota Padang. Dari perolehan hasil tersebut, maka video telah layak, praktis dan efektif untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar dikelas

    Assemblage, place and globalisation

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    Relational perspectives have become pre‐eminent in geographical analysis of globalisation and its impacts in reshaping places, yet arguably leave unanswered questions about precisely how globalisation is reproduced through local places in practice. This paper seeks to extend and enhance the relational approach to globalisation and place by drawing on theoretical insights from assemblage thinking to articulate a methodological framework for empirical research. It draws on DeLanda's iteration of Deleuzoguattarian assemblage thinking to explore how the concepts of the exteriority of relations, territorialisation, coding, and multiplicity provide insights into the dynamics through which interactions between places and translocal assemblages affect changes in the properties and capacities of places and of their component parts, the internal adjustment of places to changes in components, and the possible future forms that a place may take following specific interactions. As such, the framework outlined advances relational analysis by permitting deeper analysis of the mechanics through which individual places endure and change in the context of globalisation and how these produce uneven geographies of globalisation. The discussion is illustrated by examples from empirical research on globalisation and rural localities


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    Scarlett Whitening telah menerapkan strategi pemasaran celebrity endorser bersama selebriti asal Korea Selatan sejak tahun 2021 dan merupakan brand yang bekerja sama dengan jumlah selebriti asal Korea Selatan terbanyak di ranah industri perawatan dan kecantikkan kulit. Menurut hasil survei pra-penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini, celebrity endorser yang diterapkan oleh Scarlett Whitening merupakan kampanye pemasaran yang paling diingat oleh responden dibandingkan yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan kompetitornya. Kendati demikian, Scarlett Whitening belum mampu menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai brand skincare lokal terlaris di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas efektivitas dari kinerja strategi pemasaran celebrity endorser oleh Scarlett Whitening khususnya dalam menghadapi ketatnya persaingan dan berbagai tantangan di industri perawatan dan kecantikan kulit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif untuk membahas penerapan celebrity endorser baik berdasarkan persepsi internal perusahaan maupun berdasarkan persepsi khalayak publik sebagai audiens. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran bersama celebrity endorser asal Korea Selatan dapat dinyatakan efektif karena dapat memenuhi tujuan pemasaran perusahaan dan telah mendapatkan penilaian yang positif dari persepsi audiens. Scarlett Whitening has been implementing celebrity endorser marketing strategies with South Korean celebrities since 2021 and is a brand that collaborates with the largest number of South Korean celebrities in the care and beauty industry. According to the results of a pre-research survey conducted in this research, the celebrity endorser implemented by Scarlett Whitening was the most remembered marketing campaign by respondents than the one implemented by her competitor company. However, Scarlett Whitening has not been able to rank first as the best-selling local skincare brand in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the effectiveness of Scarlett Whitening's endorser celebrity marketing strategy in particular in the face of tight competition and various challenges in the skin care and beauty industry. The research method used is a descriptive quantitative method for discussing the application of endorser celebrity both based on the internal perception of the company and on the perception of the public as an audience. Research results show that South Korean celebrity endorser joint marketing can be declared effective because it can meet the company's marketing goals and has received positive reviews from audience perception

    HIV, Globalization and Topology: Of Prepositions and Propositions

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    In this paper we explore how two enactments of HIV – the UN’s AIDS Clock and clinical trials for an HIV biomedical prevention technology or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) - entail particular globalizing and localizing dynamics. Drawing on Latour’s and Whitehead’s concept of proposition, and Serres’ call for a philosophy of prepositions, we use the composite notion of pre/propostitons to trace the shifting topological status of HIV. For example, we show how PrEP emerges through topological entwinements of globalizing biomedical standardization, localizing protests against PrEP trials and globalizing ethical principles. We go on to examine how our own analysis manifests a parallel topological pattern in which we deploy a globalizing argument about the localizing of the globalizing found in the AIDS clock and the PrEP trails. Finally, we consider how the movement of ‘topology’ into the social sciences might itself benefit from a topological treatment

    Personal health technologies, micropolitics and resistance: A new materialist analysis

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    Personal health technologies (PHTs) are near-body devices or applications designed for use by a single individual, principally outside healthcare facilities. They enable users to monitor physiological processes or body activity, are frequently communication-enabled, and sometimes also intervene therapeutically. This paper explores a range of PHTs, from blood pressure or blood glucose monitors purchased in pharmacies, fitness monitors such as FitBit and Nike+ Fuelband, through to drug pumps and implantable medical devices. It applies a new materialist analysis, first reverse engineering a range of PHTs to explore their micropolitics, and then forward-engineering PHTs to meet, variously, public health, corporate, patient and resisting-citizen agendas. The paper concludes with a critical discussion of PHTs, and the possibilities of designing devices and apps that might foster a subversive micropolitics and encourage collective and resisting ‘citizen-health’

    Assembling and (Re)assembling critical infrastructure resilience in Khulna City, Bangladesh

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    Extreme Weather Events continue to cause shocking losses of life and long-term damage at scales, depths and complexities that elude robust and accountable calculation, expression and reparation. Cyclones and storm surges can wipe out entire towns, and overwhelm vulnerable built and lived environments. It was storm surges that was integral to the destructive power of Hurricane Katrina in the USA (2005), Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines (2013), as well as Cyclone Nargis (2008) and the 1970 Bhola Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal. This paper report on work which concerns itself with the question of, given what we know already about such extreme weather events, and their associated critical infrastructure impacts and recovery trajectories, what scenarios, insights and tools might we develop to enable critical infrastructures which are resilient? With several of the world’s most climate vulnerable cities situated in well-peopled and rapidly growing urban areas near coasts, our case study of Khulna City speaks globally into a resilience discourse, through critical infrastructure, disaster risk reduction, through spatial data science and high visualisation. With a current population of 1.4 million estimated to rise to 2.9 million by 2030, dense historical Khulna City may well continue to perform a critical role in regional economic development and as well as a destination for environmental refugees. Working as part of the EU—CIRCLE consortium, we conduct a case study into cyclones and storm surges affecting the critical infrastructure then discuss salient developments of loss modelling. The research aims to contribute towards a practical framework that stimulates adaptive learning across multiple stakeholders and organisational genres