142 research outputs found

    Diagnosing Musculoskeletal Tumours

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    In 1993 we became aware of a worrying increase in apparent errors in the histopathological diagnosis of musculoskeletal tumours in our Unit. As a result all cases seen over the past 8 years were reviewed by an independent panel. Of the 1996 cases reviewed there was an error in 87. In 54 cases (2.7%) this had led to some significant change in the active management of the patient. The main areas where errors arose were in those very cases where clinical and radiological features were not helpful in confirming or refuting the diagnosis. The incidence of errors rose with the passage of time, possibly related to a deterioration in the pathologist’s health. The error rate in diagnosing bone tumours in previously published series ranges from 9 to 40%. To ensure as accurate a rate of diagnosis as possible multidisciplinary working and regular audit are essential

    Phenetic distances in the Drosophila melanogaster-subgroup species and oviposition-site preference for food components

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    Oviposition-site preferences (O.S.P.) have been investigated in females of six sibling species of the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. O.S.P. were determined for standard food components and yeast genotypes. Females of all species showed a strong preference for complete medium and avoidance of pure agar as an egg-deposition site.\ud \ud Ecological trees of the species on the basis of rank correlations were constructed. In ‘no-choice’ situations they agree with phylogenetic trees obtained by different means but in ‘choice’ situations they do not agree too well.\ud \ud All species showed a high egg production on live yeast compared with standard medium (with killed yeast) and D. erecta females demonstrated discrimination between yeast genotypes. Niche breadth calculated from survival on the sterol mutant yeasts correlated fairly well with phylogenetic trees

    Resistance of Renal Cell Carcinoma to Sorafenib Is Mediated by Potentially Reversible Gene Expression

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    Purpose: Resistance to antiangiogenic therapy is an important clinical problem. We examined whether resistance occurs at least in part via reversible, physiologic changes in the tumor, or results solely from stable genetic changes in resistant tumor cells. Experimental Design: Mice bearing two human RCC xenografts were treated with sorafenib until they acquired resistance. Resistant 786-O cells were harvested and reimplanted into naïve mice. Mice bearing resistant A498 cells were subjected to a 1 week treatment break. Sorafenib was then again administered to both sets of mice. Tumor growth patterns, gene expression, viability, blood vessel density, and perfusion were serially assessed in treated vs control mice. Results: Despite prior resistance, reimplanted 786-O tumors maintained their ability to stabilize on sorafenib in sequential reimplantation steps. A transcriptome profile of the tumors revealed that the gene expression profile of tumors upon reimplantation reapproximated that of the untreated tumors and was distinct from tumors exhibiting resistance to sorafenib. In A498 tumors, revascularization was noted with resistance and cessation of sorafenib therapy and tumor perfusion was reduced and tumor cell necrosis enhanced with re-exposure to sorafenib. Conclusions: In two RCC cell lines, resistance to sorafenib appears to be reversible. These results support the hypothesis that resistance to VEGF pathway therapy is not solely the result of a permanent genetic change in the tumor or selection of resistant clones, but rather is due to a great extent to reversible changes that likely occur in the tumor and/or its microenvironment

    Genomic Species Are Ecological Species as Revealed by Comparative Genomics in Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    The definition of bacterial species is based on genomic similarities, giving rise to the operational concept of genomic species, but the reasons of the occurrence of differentiated genomic species remain largely unknown. We used the Agrobacterium tumefaciens species complex and particularly the genomic species presently called genomovar G8, which includes the sequenced strain C58, to test the hypothesis of genomic species having specific ecological adaptations possibly involved in the speciation process. We analyzed the gene repertoire specific to G8 to identify potential adaptive genes. By hybridizing 25 strains of A. tumefaciens on DNA microarrays spanning the C58 genome, we highlighted the presence and absence of genes homologous to C58 in the taxon. We found 196 genes specific to genomovar G8 that were mostly clustered into seven genomic islands on the C58 genome—one on the circular chromosome and six on the linear chromosome—suggesting higher plasticity and a major adaptive role of the latter. Clusters encoded putative functional units, four of which had been verified experimentally. The combination of G8-specific functions defines a hypothetical species primary niche for G8 related to commensal interaction with a host plant. This supports that the G8 ancestor was able to exploit a new ecological niche, maybe initiating ecological isolation and thus speciation. Searching genomic data for synapomorphic traits is a powerful way to describe bacterial species. This procedure allowed us to find such phenotypic traits specific to genomovar G8 and thus propose a Latin binomial, Agrobacterium fabrum, for this bona fide genomic species

    The engagement of selectins and their ligands in colorectal cancer liver metastases

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    The colonization of the liver by colorectal cancer (CRC) cells is a complicated process which includes many stages, until macrometastases occur. The entrapment of malignant cells within the hepatic sinusoids and their interactions with resident non-parenchymal cells are considered very important for the whole metastatic sequence. In the sinusoids, cell connection and signalling is mediated by multiple cell adhesion molecules, such as the selectins. The three members of the selectin family, E-, P- and L-selectin, in conjunction with sialylated Lewis ligands and CD44 variants, regulate colorectal cell communication and adhesion with platelets, leucocytes, sinusoidal endothelial cells and stellate cells. Their role in CRC liver metastases has been investigated in animal models and human tissue, in vivo and in vitro, in static and shear flow conditions, and their key-function in several molecular pathways has been displayed. Therefore, trials have already commenced aiming to exploit selectins and their ligands in the treatment of benign and malignant diseases. Multiple pharmacological agents have been developed that are being tested for potential therapeutic applications

    Shifts in Species Composition Constrain Restoration of Overgrazed Grassland Using Nitrogen Fertilization in Inner Mongolian Steppe, China

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    Long-term livestock over-grazing causes nitrogen outputs to exceed inputs in Inner Mongolia, suggesting that low levels of nitrogen fertilization could help restore grasslands degraded by overgrazing. However, the effectiveness of such an approach depends on the response of production and species composition to the interactive drivers of nitrogen and water availability. We conducted a five-year experiment manipulating precipitation (NP: natural precipitation and SWP: simulated wet year precipitation) and nitrogen (0, 25 and 50 kg N ha-1 yr-1) addition in Inner Mongolia. We hypothesized that nitrogen fertilization would increase forage production when water availability was relatively high. However, the extent to which nitrogen would co-limit production under average or below average rainfall in these grasslands was unknown

    The Role of CD44 in the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapy of Gastric Cancer

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    CD44 is a transmembrane glycoprotein and surface receptor for hyaluronan that is involved in the response of cells to their microenvironment. CD44 splice variants play roles in carcinogenesis, differentiation, and lymph node metastasis and are predictive of the prognosis for various carcinomas, including gastric cancer. Current data suggest that gastric tissue stem cells and gastric cancer stem cells both express the splice variant, CD44v9. Overall, the data regarding the alterations that occur in CD44 and its splice variants in response to acute and chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori are scant and poorly elucidated in terms of possible changes in expression that occur in gastric cancer precursor lesions, such as chronic atrophic gastritis, pyloric metaplasia and intestinal metaplasia. In this study, we discuss the available data and suggest which new data would likely be useful in clinical practice. We also discuss the potential for CD44-targeted therapeutic strategies in gastric cancer. CD44 and its splice variants are positively associated with the initiation and progression of gastric cancer and may also play important roles in diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. CD44 research has been active but fragmented, and it may offer new therapeutic approaches to gastric cancer

    Nature of protein family signatures: Insights from singular value analysis of position-specific scoring matrices

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    Position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) are useful for detecting weak homology in protein sequence analysis, and they are thought to contain some essential signatures of the protein families. In order to elucidate what kind of ingredients constitute such family-specific signatures, we apply singular value decomposition to a set of PSSMs and examine the properties of dominant right and left singular vectors. The first right singular vectors were correlated with various amino acid indices including relative mutability, amino acid composition in protein interior, hydropathy, or turn propensity, depending on proteins. A significant correlation between the first left singular vector and a measure of site conservation was observed. It is shown that the contribution of the first singular component to the PSSMs act to disfavor potentially but falsely functionally important residues at conserved sites. The second right singular vectors were highly correlated with hydrophobicity scales, and the corresponding left singular vectors with contact numbers of protein structures. It is suggested that sequence alignment with a PSSM is essentially equivalent to threading supplemented with functional information. The presented method may be used to separate functionally important sites from structurally important ones, and thus it may be a useful tool for predicting protein functions.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    From a consortium sequence to a unified sequence: the Bacillus subtilis 168 reference genome a decade later

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    Comparative genomics is the cornerstone of identification of gene functions. The immense number of living organisms precludes experimental identification of functions except in a handful of model organisms. The bacterial domain is split into large branches, among which the Firmicutes occupy a considerable space. Bacillus subtilis has been the model of Firmicutes for decades and its genome has been a reference for more than 10 years. Sequencing the genome involved more than 30 laboratories, with different expertises, in a attempt to make the most of the experimental information that could be associated with the sequence. This had the expected drawback that the sequencing expertise was quite varied among the groups involved, especially at a time when sequencing genomes was extremely hard work. The recent development of very efficient, fast and accurate sequencing techniques, in parallel with the development of high-level annotation platforms, motivated the present resequencing work. The updated sequence has been reannotated in agreement with the UniProt protein knowledge base, keeping in perspective the split between the paleome (genes necessary for sustaining and perpetuating life) and the cenome (genes required for occupation of a niche, suggesting here that B. subtilis is an epiphyte). This should permit investigators to make reliable inferences to prepare validation experiments in a variety of domains of bacterial growth and development as well as build up accurate phylogenies
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