478 research outputs found

    ARCRAIDER I: Detailed optical and X-ray analysis of the cooling flow cluster Z3146

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    We present a detailed analysis of the medium redshift (z=0.2906) galaxy cluster Z3146 which is part of the ongoing ARCRAIDER project, a systematic search for gravitational arcs in massive clusters of galaxies. The analysis of Z3146 is based on deep optical wide field observations in the B, V and R bands obtained with the [email protected], and shallow archival WFPC2@HST taken with the F606W filter, which are used for strong as well as weak lensing analyses. Additionally we have used publicly available XMM/Newton observations for a detailed X-ray analysis of Z3146. Both methods, lensing and X-ray, were used to determine the dynamical state and to estimate the total mass. We also identified four gravitational arc candidates. We find this cluster to be in a relaxed state, which is confirmed by a large cooling flow with nominal ~1600M_\odot per year, regular galaxy density and light distributions and a regular shape of the weak lensing mass reconstruction. The mass content derived with the different methods agrees well within 25% at r_{200}=1661 h_{70}^{-1}kpc indicating a velocity dispersion of \sigma_v=869^{+124}_{-153}km/s.Comment: accepted by A&A; 23 pages, 28 figures, 6 tables; High resolution version can be found here: http://astro.uibk.ac.at/~w.kausch/Z3146_astroph_hires.pdf.g

    X-ray Diagnostics of Thermal Conditions of the Hot Plasmas in the Centaurus Cluster

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    X-ray data of the Centaurus cluster, obtained with {\it XMM-Newton} for 45 ksec, were analyzed. Deprojected EPIC spectra from concentric thin shell regions were reproduced equally well by a single-phase plasma emission model, or by a two-phase model developed by {\it ASCA}, both incorporating cool (1.7--2.0 keV) and hot (∌4\sim 4 keV) plasma temperatures. However, EPIC spectra with higher statistics, accumulated over 3-dimentional thick shell regions, were reproduced better by the two-phase model than by the singe-phase one. Therefore, hot and cool plasma phases are inferred to co-exist in the cluster core region within ∌70\sim 70 kpc. The iron and silicon abundances of the plasma were reconfirmed to increase significantly towards the center, while that of oxygen was consistent with being radially constant. The implied non-solar abundance ratios explains away the previously reported excess X-ray absorption from the central region. Although an additional cool (∌0.7\sim 0.7 keV) emission was detected within ∌20\sim 20 kpc of the center, the RGS data gave tight upper limits on any emission with a tempeartures below ∌0.5\sim 0.5 keV. These results are compiled into a magnetosphere model, which interprets the cool phase as confined within closed magnetic loops anchored to the cD galaxy. When combined with so-called Rosner-Tucker-Vaiana mechanism which applies to solar coronae, this model can potentially explain basic properties of the cool phase, including its temperature and thermal stability.Comment: 53 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Ultraviolet Imaging Observations of the cD Galaxy in Abell 1795: Further Evidence for Massive Star Formation in a Cooling Flow

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    We present images from the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope of the Abell 1795 cluster of galaxies. We compare the cD galaxy morphology and photometry of these data with those from existing archival and published data. The addition of a far--UV color helps us to construct and test star formation model scenarios for the sources of UV emission. Models of star formation with rates in the range \sim5-20M_{\sun}yr−1^{-1} indicate that the best fitting models are those with continuous star formation or a recent (∌4\sim4 Myr old) burst superimposed on an old population. The presence of dust in the galaxy, dramatically revealed by HST images complicates the interpretation of UV data. However, we find that the broad--band UV/optical colors of this cD galaxy can be reasonably matched by models using a Galactic form for the extinction law with EB−V=0.14E_{B-V}=0.14. We also briefly discuss other objects in the large UIT field of view.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. 14 AAS preprint style pages plus 7 figure

    LoCuSS: First Results from Strong-lensing Analysis of 20 Massive Galaxy Clusters at z~0.2

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    We present a statistical analysis of a sample of 20 strong lensing clusters drawn from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS), based on high resolution Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the cluster cores and follow-up spectroscopic observations using the Keck-I telescope. We use detailed parameterized models of the mass distribution in the cluster cores, to measure the total cluster mass and fraction of that mass associated with substructures within R<250kpc.These measurements are compared with the distribution of baryons in the cores, as traced by the old stellar populations and the X-ray emitting intracluster medium. Our main results include: (i) the distribution of Einstein radii is log-normal, with a peak and 1sigma width of =1.16+/-0.28; (ii) we detect an X-ray/lensing mass discrepancy of =1.3 at 3 sigma significance -- clusters with larger substructure fractions displaying greater mass discrepancies, and thus greater departures from hydrostatic equilibrium; (iii) cluster substructure fraction is also correlated with the slope of the gas density profile on small scales, implying a connection between cluster-cluster mergers and gas cooling. Overall our results are consistent with the view that cluster-cluster mergers play a prominent role in shaping the properties of cluster cores, in particular causing departures from hydrostatic equilibrium, and possibly disturbing cool cores. Our results do not support recent claims that large Einstein radius clusters present a challenge to the CDM paradigm.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, replaced with accepted versio

    The changing of the guard: groupwork with people who have intellectual disabilities

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    This paper considers the impact of service systems on group activities. It describes an inter-professional groupwork project facilitated by a social worker and a community nurse. The project provided an emancipatory experience for a group of adults who had intellectual disabilities. The group was charged with the task of reviewing and updating the recruitment and interview processes used by a 'Learning Disability Partnership Board', when employing new support workers. The paper begins with a brief history of intellectual disability and provides a context to the underpinning philosophical belief that people should be encouraged and supported to inhabit valued social roles no matter what disability they may have. It then identifies the ways in which the sponsoring health, education and social care services impacted on the creation and development of a groupwork project. It might have been expected that the nature of the intellectual disability would have been the major influence on group process. However the paper reveals that organisational constraints had a significant impact on group functioning. Issues including, staffing budgets and transport contracts impacted on group process and function. The results of the project show how, with adequate support, people with intellectual disability can make important decisions that have long-reaching impacts on the services

    LoCuSS: The mid-infrared Butcher-Oemler effect

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    We study the mid-infrared (MIR) properties of galaxies in 30 massive galaxy clusters at 0.02<z<0.40, using panoramic Spitzer/MIPS 24micron and NIR data. This is the largest sample of clusters to date with MIR data covering not only the cluster cores, but extending into the infall regions. We revisit the Butcher-Oemler effect, measuring the fraction of massive infrared-luminous galaxies (K5x10^10L_sun) within r_200, finding a steady increase in the fraction with redshift from ~3% at z=0.02 to ~10% by z=0.30, and an rms cluster-to-cluster scatter about this trend of 0.03. The best-fit redshift evolution model is of the form f_SF ~ (1+z)^5.7, which is stronger redshift evolution than that of L*_IR in both clusters and the field. We find that, statistically, this excess is associated with galaxies found at large cluster-centric radii, implying that the MIR Butcher-Oemler effect can be explained by a combination of both the global decline in star-formation in the universe since z~1 and enhanced star formation in the infall regions of clusters at intermediate redshifts. This picture is supported by a simple infall model based on the Millennium Simulation semi-analytic galaxy catalogs, whereby star-formation in infalling galaxies is instantaneously quenched upon their first passage through the cluster, in that the observed radial trends of f_SF trace those inferred from the simulations. We also find that f_SF does not depend on simple indicators of the dynamical state of clusters, including the offset between the brightest cluster galaxy and the peak of the X-ray emission. This is consistent with the picture described above in that most new star-formation in clusters occurs in the infall regions, and is thus not sensitive to the details of cluster-cluster mergers in the core regions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The XMM Cluster Survey: The interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy and the intra-cluster medium via AGN feedback

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    Using a sample of 123 X-ray clusters and groups drawn from the XMM-Cluster Survey first data release, we investigate the interplay between the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), its black hole, and the intra-cluster/group medium (ICM). It appears that for groups and clusters with a BCG likely to host significant AGN feedback, gas cooling dominates in those with Tx > 2 keV while AGN feedback dominates below. This may be understood through the sub-unity exponent found in the scaling relation we derive between the BCG mass and cluster mass over the halo mass range 10^13 < M500 < 10^15Msol and the lack of correlation between radio luminosity and cluster mass, such that BCG AGN in groups can have relatively more energetic influence on the ICM. The Lx - Tx relation for systems with the most massive BCGs, or those with BCGs co-located with the peak of the ICM emission, is steeper than that for those with the least massive and most offset, which instead follows self-similarity. This is evidence that a combination of central gas cooling and powerful, well fuelled AGN causes the departure of the ICM from pure gravitational heating, with the steepened relation crossing self-similarity at Tx = 2 keV. Importantly, regardless of their black hole mass, BCGs are more likely to host radio-loud AGN if they are in a massive cluster (Tx > 2 keV) and again co-located with an effective fuel supply of dense, cooling gas. This demonstrates that the most massive black holes appear to know more about their host cluster than they do about their host galaxy. The results lead us to propose a physically motivated, empirical definition of 'cluster' and 'group', delineated at 2 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS - replaced to match corrected proo

    An X-ray Size-Temperature Relation for Galaxy Clusters: Observation and Simulation

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    We show that galaxy clusters conform to a tight relation between X-ray isophotal size R_I and emission weighted intracluster medium (ICM) temperature T_X. The best fit relation for 41 members of an X-ray flux limited cluster sample is: logRI=(0.93±0.11)log(/6keV)− (0.08±0.01)log{R_I}= (0.93\pm0.11) log{(/6 keV)} -\ (0.08\pm0.01); intrinsic scatter in size about the relation is 15%, and for 30 clusters with T_X>4 keV the scatter is reduced to 10%. The existence of the size-temperature (ST) relation indicates the ICM structure is a well behaved function of T_X. We use an ensemble of gasdynamic simulations to demonstrate that a cluster population experiencing present epoch growth nonetheless conforms to an ST relation with scatter similar to that observed; the simulations also exhibit a tight relation between M_{vir} and T_X, providing the suggestion that a similar relation holds for observed clusters. We use the scatter in R_I to estimate limits on the RMS variation in ICM mass fraction \delta f_{ICM} at constant T_X: \delta f/f_{ICM}4 keV). It appears that a mechanism like feedback from galaxy winds, which introduces systematic structural changes in the ICM, is required to reproduce the observed slope of the ST relation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 9 pages Latex, 3 figure

    Color-accurate underwater imaging using perceptual adaptive illumination

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    Capturing color in water is challenging due to the heavy non-uniform attenuation of light in water across the visible spectrum, which results in dramatic hue shifts toward blue. Yet observing color in water is important for monitoring and surveillance as well as marine biology studies related to species identification, individual and group behavior, and ecosystem health and activity monitoring. Underwater robots are equipped with motor control for large scale transects but they lack sensors that enable capturing color-accurate underwater images. We present a method for color-accurate imaging in water called perceptual adaptive illumination. This method dynamically mixes the illumination of an object in a distance-dependent way using a controllable multi-color light source. The color mix compensates correctly for color loss and results in an image whose color composition is equivalent to rendering the object in air. Experiments were conducted with a color palette in the pool and at three different coral reefs sites, and with an underwater robot collecting image data with the new sensor.United States. Office of Naval Research (Project N000140911051
