38 research outputs found

    International Whaling Commission–Southern Ocean GLOBEC/CCAMLR collaboration. Scientific Committee document SC/55/E10, International Whaling Commission, May-June 2003, Berlin, Germany

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    Collaboration between the International Whaling Commission, and national programs conducting multidisciplinary ecosystem research in the Antarctic under Southern Ocean Global Ecosystem Dynamics (SO GLOBEC) program and the Commission for the Convention on Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) occurred during five research cruises between April 2002 and April 2003. Visual survey, passive acoustic and tissue biopsy work was conducted by IWC observers and collaborating passive acoustics scientists. Reported here are the preliminary results from these cruises: mapped distribution patterns of cetaceans from visual survey sighting data; individual photo identification records; species identification and positions of animals recorded on sonobuoys; and descriptions of environmental conditions observed or recorded as part of the multidisciplinary effort

    Spatial and temporal occurrence of killer whale ecotypes off the outer coast of Washington State, USA

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    Three killer whale Orcinus orca ecotypes inhabit the northeastern Pacific: residents, transients, and offshores. To investigate intraspecific differences in spatial and temporal occur-rence off the outer coast of Washington State, USA, 2 long-term acoustic recorders were deployed from July 2004 to August 2013: one off the continental shelf in Quinault Canyon (QC) and the other on the shelf, off Cape Elizabeth (CE). Acoustic encounters containing pulsed calls were analyzed for call types attributable to specific ecotypes, as no calls are shared between ecotypes. Both sites showed killer whale presence year-round, although site CE had a higher number of days with en- counters overall. Transients were the most common ecotype at both sites and were encountered mainly during the spring and early summer. Residents were encountered primarily at site CE and showed potential seasonal segregation between the 2 resident communities, with northern resi- dents present mainly during summer and early fall when southern residents were not encountered. Offshore encounters were higher at site QC, with little evidence for seasonality. Spatial and temporal variability of residents and transients matches the distribution of their prey and can potentially be used for further inferences about prey preferences for different transient groups

    The marine soundscape of the Perth Canyon

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    The Perth Canyon is a submarine canyon off Rottnest Island in Western Australia. It is rich in biodiversity in general, and important as a feeding and resting ground for great whales on migration. Australia's Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) has moorings in the Perth Canyon monitoring its acoustical, physical and biological oceanography. Data from these moorings, as well as weather data from a near-by Bureau of Meteorology weather station on Rottnest Island and ship traffic data from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority were correlated to characterise and quantify the marine soundscape between 5 and 3000. Hz, consisting of its geophony, biophony and anthrophony. Overall, biological sources are a strong contributor to the soundscape at the IMOS site, with whales dominating seasonally at low (15-100. Hz) and mid frequencies (200-400. Hz), and fish or invertebrate choruses dominating at high frequencies (1800-2500. Hz) at night time throughout the year. Ships contribute significantly to the 8-100. Hz band at all times of the day, all year round, albeit for a few hours at a time only. Wind-dependent noise is significant at 200-3000. Hz; winter rains are audible underwater at 2000-3000. Hz. We discuss how passive acoustic data can be used as a proxy for ocean weather. Passive acoustics is an efficient way of monitoring animal visitation times and relative densities, and potential anthropogenic influences

    Managing the Effects of Noise From Ship Traffic, Seismic Surveying and Construction on Marine Mammals in Antarctica

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    © 2019 Erbe, Dähne, Gordon, Herata, Houser, Koschinski, Leaper, McCauley, Miller, Müller, Murray, Oswald, Scholik-Schlomer, Schuster, Van Opzeeland and Janik. The Protocol on Environmental Protection of the Antarctic Treaty stipulates that the protection of the Antarctic environment and associated ecosystems be fundamentally considered in the planning and conducting of all activities in the Antarctic Treaty area. One of the key pollutants created by human activities in the Antarctic is noise, which is primarily caused by ship traffic (from tourism, fisheries, and research), but also by geophysical research (e.g., seismic surveys) and by research station support activities (including construction). Arguably, amongst the species most vulnerable to noise are marine mammals since they specialize in using sound for communication, navigation and foraging, and therefore have evolved the highest auditory sensitivity among marine organisms. Reported effects of noise on marine mammals in lower-latitude oceans include stress, behavioral changes such as avoidance, auditory masking, hearing threshold shifts, and—in extreme cases—death. Eight mysticete species, 10 odontocete species, and six pinniped species occur south of 60°S (i.e., in the Southern or Antarctic Ocean). For many of these, the Southern Ocean is a key area for foraging and reproduction. Yet, little is known about how these species are affected by noise. We review the current prevalence of anthropogenic noise and the distribution of marine mammals in the Southern Ocean, and the current research gaps that prevent us from accurately assessing noise impacts on Antarctic marine mammals. A questionnaire given to 29 international experts on marine mammals revealed a variety of research needs. Those that received the highest rankings were (1) improved data on abundance and distribution of Antarctic marine mammals, (2) hearing data for Antarctic marine mammals, in particular a mysticete audiogram, and (3) an assessment of the effectiveness of various noise mitigation options. The management need with the highest score was a refinement of noise exposure criteria. Environmental evaluations are a requirement before conducting activities in the Antarctic. Because of a lack of scientific data on impacts, requirements and noise thresholds often vary between countries that conduct these evaluations, leading to different standards across countries. Addressing the identified research needs will help to implement informed and reasonable thresholds for noise production in the Antarctic and help to protect the Antarctic environment

    Blue and fin whale acoustics and ecology off Antarctic Peninsula

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    Blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whales (B. physalus) in the Southern Ocean were subjects of extensive whaling industry during the twentieth century. Their current population numbers remain low, making population monitoring using traditional visual surveys difficult. Both blue and fin whales produce low frequency, regularly repeated calls and are suitable for acoustic monitoring. Eight, continuously recording acoustic recorders were deployed off the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) between March 2001 and February 2003. Ranges to calling blue and fin whales were calculated using hyperbolic localization and multipath arrivals up to the distances of 200 and 56km, respectively. Calls of both species had high intensity, blue whales calls had the average source level 189±3dB re: 1µPa at 1m and the average fin whale call source level was 189±4dB re: 1µPa at 1m. Automatic call detection methods were used for analysis of calling blue and fin whale seasonal presence and habitat preferences. Blue whale calls were detected year round, on average 177 days/year, with peak calling in March and April, and a secondary peak in October and November. Fin whale calling rates were seasonal with calls detected between February and June (on average 51 days/year), and a peak in May. During the entire deployment period, detected calls from both species showed negative correlation with sea ice concentrations. Also, baleen whale sounds were recorded during multiple cruises off the Antarctic Peninsula using sonobuoys. Recordings from two fall cruises off the WAP were used for analyses of habitat preferences of calling blue and fin whales. The presence of calling blue whales was positively correlated with bottom depth and sea surface temperature, and negatively correlated with krill biomass in the top 100m and abundance of the rest of the zooplankton at depth (101–300m). Locations of fin whale calls were associated with a deep trough area and high Chl-a concentrations. Distribution of baleen whale calls recorded in the Scotia Sea (east of the Antarctic Peninsula) indicated that fin whales occur in open water, and blue, southern right (Eubalaena australis), minke (B. bonaerensis), and humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) occur near islands or close to the ice edge

    Applying artificial intelligence methods to detect and classify fish calls from the northern gulf of mexico

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    Passive acoustic monitoring is a method that is commonly used to collect long-term data on soniferous animal presence and abundance. However, these large datasets require substantial effort for manual analysis; therefore, automatic methods are a more effective way to conduct these analyses and extract points of interest. In this study, an energy detector and subsequent pre-trained neural network were used to detect and classify six fish call types from a long-term dataset collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The development of this two-step methodology and its performance are the focus of this paper. The energy detector by itself had a high recall rate (>84%), but very low precision; however, a subsequent neural network was used to classify detected signals and remove noise from the detections. Image augmentation and iterative training were used to optimize classification and compensate for the low number of training images for two call types. The classifier had a relatively high average overall accuracy (>87%), but classifier average recall and precision varied greatly for each fish call type (recall: 39–91%; precision: 26–94%). This coupled methodology expedites call extraction and classification and can be applied to other datasets that have multiple, highly variable calls