366 research outputs found

    Aligning Perspectives of Subjective Well-Being: Comparing Spouse and Colleague Perceptions of Social Worker Happiness

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    Social workers experience higher rates of burnout and attrition when compared to other health related occupational groups. Previous research on the well being of social workers has tended to focus on the social workers themselves. But the development of well-being is dynamic and is fostered through relationships and interactions with others. In the case of social workers, these relationships include workplace, professional, and personal life interactions. This research sought to better understand the level of congruence between a social worker’s perspective of well-being and perspectives held by significant people in their workplace and at home. Utilizing qualitative methods we interviewed colleagues and spouses (n=10) of social workers that were found to have high levels of work-related subjective well-being. The findings support previous conclusions on the positive subjective well-being (SWB) of practicing social workers, but also indicate a lack of a deeper understanding of the nuances that contribute to social worker SWB. These findings are particularly useful for social workers trying to enhance their SWB, and have direct applicability in education and professional development settings that seek to enhance social worker self-care

    Dust and gas in luminous infrared galaxies - results from SCUBA observations

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    We present new data taken at 850 μ\mum with SCUBA at the JCMT for a sample of 19 luminous infrared galaxies. Fourteen galaxies were detected. We have used these data, together with fluxes at 25, 60 and 100 μ\mum from IRAS, to model the dust emission. We find that the emission from most galaxies can be described by an optically thin, single temperature dust model with an exponent of the dust extinction coefficient (kλλβk_\lambda \propto \lambda^{-\beta}) of β1.52\beta \simeq 1.5 - 2. A lower β1\beta\simeq 1 is required to model the dust emission from two of the galaxies, Arp 220 and NGC 4418. We discuss various possibilities for this difference and conclude that the most likely is a high dust opacity. In addition, we compare the molecular gas mass derived from the dust emission, MdustM_{dust}, with the molecular gas mass derived from the CO emission, MCOM_{CO}, and find that MCOM_{CO} is on average a factor 3 higher than MdustM_{dust}.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, latex, with MN-macros, accepted by MNRAS - revised version (changed flux values for some galaxies

    Dust enshrouded star-forming activity in Arp 299

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    We present mid-infrared spectro-imaging (5 - 16 microns) observations of the infrared luminous interacting system Arp 299 (=Mrk171 =IC694+NGC3690) obtained with the ISOCAM instrument aboard ISO. Our observations show that nearly 40% of the total emission at 7 and 15 microns is diffuse, originating from the interacting disks of the galaxies. Moreover, they indicate the presence of large amounts of hot dust in the main infrared sources of the system and large extinctions toward the nuclei. While the observed spectra have an overall similar shape, mainly composed of Unidentified Infrared Bands (UIB) in the short wavelength domain, a strong continuum at ~ 13 microns and a deep silicate absorption band at 10 microns, their differences reveal the varying physical conditions of each component. For each source, the spectral energy distribution (SED) can be reproduced by a linear combination of a UIB "canonical" spectral template and a hot dust continuum due to a 230-300 K black body, after independently applying an extinction correction to both of them. We find that the UIB extinction does not vary much throughout the system (A_V ~ 5 mag) suggesting that most UIBs originate from less enshrouded regions. IC694 appears to dominate the infrared emission of the system and our observations support the interpretation of a deeply embedded nuclear starburst located behind an absorption of about 40 mag. The central region of NGC3690 displays a hard radiation field characterized by a [NeIII]/[NeII] ratio > 1.8. It also hosts a strong continuum from 5 to 16 microns which can be explained as thermal emission from a deeply embedded (A_V ~ 60 mag) compact source, consistent with the mid-infrared signature of an active galactic nucleus (AGN), and in agreement with recent X-ray findings.Comment: to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics - 12 page

    Obscured Activity: AGN, Quasars, Starbursts and ULIGs observed by the Infrared Space Observatory

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    Some of the most active galaxies in the Universe are obscured by large quantities of dust and emit a substantial fraction of their bolometric luminosity in the infrared. Observations of these infrared luminous galaxies with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) have provided a relatively unabsorbed view to the sources fuelling this active emission. The improved sensitivity, spatial resolution and spectroscopic capability of ISO over its predecessor Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), has enabled significant advances in the understanding of the infrared properties of active galaxies. ISO surveyed a wide range of active galaxies which, in the context of this review, includes those powered by intense bursts of star-formation as well as those containing a dominant active galactic nucleus (AGN). Mid infrared imaging resolved for the first time the dust enshrouded nuclei in many nearby galaxies, while a new era in infrared spectroscopy was opened by probing a wealth of atomic, ionic and molecular lines as well as broad band features in the mid and far infrared. This was particularly useful since it resulted in the understanding of the power production, excitation and fuelling mechanisms in the nuclei of active galaxies including the intriguing but so far elusive ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Detailed studies of various classes of AGN and quasars greatly improved our understanding of the unification scenario. Far-infrared imaging and photometry also revealed the presence of a new very cold dust component in galaxies and furthered our knowledge of the far-infrared properties of faint starbursts, ULIGs and quasars. We summarise almost nine years of key results based upon ISO data spanning the full range of luminosity and type of active galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in 'ISO science legacy - a compact review of ISO major achievements', Space Science Reviews - dedicated ISO issue. To be published by Springer in 2005. 62 pages (low resolution figures version). Higher resolution PDFs available from http://users.physics.uoc.gr/~vassilis/papers/VermaA.pdf or http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/science/SSR/Verma.pd

    The Evaluation of a Brief Motivational Intervention to Promote Intention to Participate in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objectives Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an effective treatment for cardiovascular disease, yet many referred patients do not participate. Motivational interviewing could be beneficial in this context, but efficacy with prospective CR patients has not been examined. This study investigated the impact of motivational interviewing on intention to participate in CR. Methods Individuals recovering from acute coronary syndrome (n = 96) were randomized to motivational interviewing or usual care, following CR referral but before CR enrollment. The primary outcome was intention to attend CR. Secondary outcomes included CR beliefs, barriers, self-efficacy, illness perception, social support, intervention acceptability, and CR participation. Results Compared to those in usual care, patients who received the motivational intervention reported higher intention to attend CR (p = .001), viewed CR as more necessary (p = .036), had fewer concerns about exercise (p = .011), and attended more exercise sessions (p = .008). There was an indirect effect of the intervention on CR enrollment (b = 0.45, 95% CI 0.04–1.18) and CR adherence (b = 2.59, 95% CI 0.95–5.03) via higher levels of intention. Overall, patients reported high intention to attend CR (M = 6.20/7.00, SD = 1.67), most (85%) enrolled, and they attended an average of 65% of scheduled CR sessions. Conclusion A single collaborative conversation about CR can increase both intention to attend CR and actual program adherence. Practice Implications The findings will inform future efforts to optimize behavioral interventions to enhance CR participation

    PMAS integral field spectroscopy of luminous infrared galaxies. I.- The atlas

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    In this paper we present PMAS optical (3800-7200A) IFS of the northern hemisphere portion of a volume-limited sample of 11 LIRGs. The PMAS observations typically cover the central ~5kpc and are complemented with HST/NICMOS images. For most LIRGs in our sample, the peaks of the continuum and gas (e.g., Halpha, [NII]) emissions coincide, unlike what is observed in local, strongly interacting ULIRGs. The only exceptions are galaxies with circumnuclear rings of star formation where the most luminous Halpha emitting regions are found in the rings rather than in the nuclei, and the displacements are well understood in terms of differences in the stellar populations. A large fraction of the nuclei of these LIRGs are classified as LINER and intermediate LINER/HII, or composite objects. The excitation conditions of the integrated emission depend on the relative contributions of HII regions and the diffuse emission to the line emission over the PMAS FoV. Galaxies dominated by high surface-brightness HII regions show integrated HII-like excitation. A few galaxies show slightly larger integrated [NII]/Halpha and [SII]/Halpha line ratios than the nuclear ones, probably because of more contribution from the diffuse emission. The Halpha velocity fields over the central few kpc are generally consistent, at least to first order, with rotational motions. The velocity fields of most LIRGs are similar to those of disk galaxies, in contrast to the highly perturbed fields of most local, strongly interacting ULIRGs. The peak of the Halpha velocity dispersion coincides with the position of the nucleus and is likely to be tracing mass. All these results are similar to the properties of z~1 LIRGs, and they highlight the importance of detailed studies of flux-limited samples of local LIRGs. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Older adults’ preferences for, adherence to and experiences of two self-management falls prevention home exercise programmes: a comparison between a digital programme and a paper booklet

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    Background: Fall prevention exercise programmes are known to be effective, but access to these programmes is not always possible. The use of eHealth solutions might be a way forward to increase access and reach a wider population. In this feasibility study the aim was to explore the choice of programme, adherence, and self-reported experiences comparing two exercise programmes – a digital programme and a paper booklet. Methods: A participant preference trial of two self-managed fall prevention exercise interventions. Community-dwelling adults aged 70 years and older exercised independently for four months after one introduction meeting. Baseline information was collected at study start, including a short introduction of the exercise programme, a short physical assessment, and completion of questionnaires. During the four months intervention period, participants self-reported their performed exercises in an exercise diary. At a final meeting, questionnaires about their experiences, and post-assessments, were completed. For adherence analyses data from diaries were used and four subgroups for different levels of participation were compared. Exercise maintenance was followed up with a survey 12 months after study start. Results: Sixty-seven participants, with mean age 77 ± 4 years were included, 72% were women. Forty-three percent chose the digital programme. Attrition rate was 17% in the digital programme group and 37% in the paper booklet group (p = .078). In both groups 50–59% reported exercise at least 75% of the intervention period. The only significant difference for adherence was in the subgroup that completed ≥75% of exercise duration, the digital programme users exercised more minutes per week (p = .001). Participants in both groups were content with their programme but digital programme users reported a significantly higher (p = .026) degree of being content, and feeling supported by the programme (p = .044). At 12 months follow-up 67% of participants using the digital programme continued to exercise regularly compared with 35% for the paper booklet (p = .036). Conclusions: Exercise interventions based on either a digital programme or a paper booklet can be used as a self-managed, independent fall prevention programme. There is a similar adherence in both programmes during a 4-month intervention, but the digital programme seems to facilitate long-term maintenance in regular exercise

    Modeling the spectral energy distribution of ULIRGs I: the radio spectra

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    As a constraint for new starburst/AGN models of IRAS bright galaxies we determine the radio spectra of 31 luminous and ultraluminous IRAS galaxies (LIRGs/ULIRGs). We construct the radio spectra using both new and archival data. From our sample of radio spectra we find that very few have a straight power-law slope. Although some sources show a flattening of the radio spectral slope at high frequencies the average spectrum shows a steepening of the radio spectrum from 1.4 to 22.5 GHz. This is unexpected because in sources with high rates of star formation we expect flat spectrum, free-free emission to make a significant contribution to the radio flux at higher radio frequencies. Despite this trend the radio spectral indices between 8.4 and 22.5 GHz are flatter for sources with higher values of the FIR-radio flux density ratio q, when this is calculated at 8.4 GHz. Therefore, sources that are deficient in radio emission relative to FIR emission (presumably younger sources) have a larger thermal component to their radio emission. However, we find no correlation between the radio spectral index between 1.4 and 4.8 GHz and q at 8.4 GHz. Because the low frequency spectral index is affected by free-free absorption, and this is a function of source size for a given mass of ionized gas, this is evidence that the ionized gas in ULIRGs shows a range of densities. The youngest LIRGs and ULIRGs are characterized by a larger contribution to their high-frequency radio spectra from free-free emission. However, the youngest sources are not those that have the greatest free-free absorption at low radio frequencies. The sources in which the effects of free-free absorption are strongest are instead the most compact sources. Although these have the warmest FIR colours, they are not necessarily the youngest sources.Comment: 16 pages. Submitted to A&A Re-submitted, with aesthetic improvements to the text and figure

    Utilisation of an operative difficulty grading scale for laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background A reliable system for grading operative difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy would standardise description of findings and reporting of outcomes. The aim of this study was to validate a difficulty grading system (Nassar scale), testing its applicability and consistency in two large prospective datasets. Methods Patient and disease-related variables and 30-day outcomes were identified in two prospective cholecystectomy databases: the multi-centre prospective cohort of 8820 patients from the recent CholeS Study and the single-surgeon series containing 4089 patients. Operative data and patient outcomes were correlated with Nassar operative difficultly scale, using Kendall’s tau for dichotomous variables, or Jonckheere–Terpstra tests for continuous variables. A ROC curve analysis was performed, to quantify the predictive accuracy of the scale for each outcome, with continuous outcomes dichotomised, prior to analysis. Results A higher operative difficulty grade was consistently associated with worse outcomes for the patients in both the reference and CholeS cohorts. The median length of stay increased from 0 to 4 days, and the 30-day complication rate from 7.6 to 24.4% as the difficulty grade increased from 1 to 4/5 (both p < 0.001). In the CholeS cohort, a higher difficulty grade was found to be most strongly associated with conversion to open and 30-day mortality (AUROC = 0.903, 0.822, respectively). On multivariable analysis, the Nassar operative difficultly scale was found to be a significant independent predictor of operative duration, conversion to open surgery, 30-day complications and 30-day reintervention (all p < 0.001). Conclusion We have shown that an operative difficulty scale can standardise the description of operative findings by multiple grades of surgeons to facilitate audit, training assessment and research. It provides a tool for reporting operative findings, disease severity and technical difficulty and can be utilised in future research to reliably compare outcomes according to case mix and intra-operative difficulty