18 research outputs found

    Социокультурное наследие русскоязычного населения Аляски: традиции, обычаи, быт

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    The article considers the problem of the cultural heritage of the Russian colonization of the north-eastern part of the Pacific region.The authors examine the influence of the Russian culture on the life of the indigenous population of Russian America after its sale in 1867. The study demonstrates the borrowings of the traditional elements of everyday life, the customs of the native population, the Russian legacy in the place-names and languages of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, and other problems. One of the key issues of the study is the preservation and prevalence of the Russian language, as well as of the Russian-language periodicals in the region.The article contains newspapers data, eyewitnesses’ recollections, materials of authoritative investigations on this issue, etc. The authors come to conclusions that after 1867 the Russian language remained widespread only in the Russian-Creole population centres: Sitka, Kodiak, Kenai Peninsula. In the rest of Alaska,the language was quickly ousted and replaced with English. The indigenous population adopted several elements of everyday life from the colonists, mostly furniture, tools, clothes. By the early 20thcentury, the most part of these things had been replaced by more modern American objects. After 1867 the Russian Orthodox Church remained one of the few forces to be able to preserve the Russian culture in the region. In the 1870s and 1890s, there were extensively opened new parishes and Russian-language schools. However, in the early 20th century the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church considerably decreased due to the policy of accelerated Americanization and the emergence of Catholic and Protestant missions in Alaska.Данная статья посвящена проблемам социокультурного наследия русскоязычного населения, которое проживало на территории Аляски на момент ее продажи Российской империей США. В работе рассматривается влияние русской культуры на жизнь автохтонного населения северо-восточной части Тихоокеанского региона. В этой связи анализируются такие аспекты, как распространенность русского языка и русскоязычной периодики в регионе, заимствование традиционных элементов быта; раскрывается роль духовной миссии Русской православной церкви и другие важные аспекты русского присутствия на Аляске в конце ХIХ - начале ХХ в

    Митохондрии как важная мишень при поиске новых препаратов для лечения болезни Альцгеймера и старческих деменций

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    The review and summarizes own and literature data about the role of mitochondria as the important target in the search for drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Aging is a major risk factor for sporadic forms of various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer′s disease. One of the most argued and currently accepted theories is the Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging. Mitochondrial hypotheses of the development of sporadic forms of neurodegenerative diseases particularly Alzheimer′s disease, are closely connected with it. Impairments of mitochondrial functions lead to a decrease in their ability to regulate calcium homeostasis in the cell and to a decrease in the threshold for the induction of mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) pores. MPT inhibitors can be considered as a promising approach to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, since these drugs can not only exhibit the properties of neuroprotectors, but also can provide normalization of synaptic activity due to increased calcium capacity of mitochondria. The review presents data on the number of MPT inhibitors, including endogenous compounds melatonin and N-acetylserotonin, their bioisosteric analogue Dimebon and a number of other compounds. The use of mitochondria as a basis for the formation of screening strategy for the search for compounds for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases is of particular interest – both as a test of their potential toxicity, and as a basis for the creation of metabolic stimulants and drugs with neuroprotective and cognitive-stimulating effect.Обобщены собственные и литературные данные, обосновывающие роль митохондрий как важнейшей мишени при поиске препаратов для лечения нейродегенеративных заболеваний. Старение является основным фактором риска спорадических форм различных нейродегенеративных заболеваний, в том числе и болезни Альцгеймера (БА). Одной из наиболее аргументированных и принятых в настоящее время является свободнорадикальная митохондриальная теория старения. Именно с ней тесно связаны и митохондриальные гипотезы развития спорадических форм нейродегенеративных заболеваний и, в частности, БА. Нарушение митохондриальных функций приводит к снижению их способности регулировать гомеостаз кальция в клетке и снижению порога для индукции поры митохондриальной проницаемости (МРТ). Ингибиторы МРТ можно рассматривать как перспективный подход к терапии нейродегенеративных заболеваний, так как эти препараты могут не только проявлять свойства нейропротекторов, но и обеспечивать нормализацию синаптической активности благодаря увеличенной кальциевой ёмкости митохондрий. В обзоре представлены данные о ряде ингибиторов МРТ, включая эндогенные соединения – мелатонин, N-ацетилсеротонин, их биоизостерный аналог димебон и ряд других соединений. Использование митохондрий как основы для формирования скрининговой стратегии поиска соединений для лечения нейродегенеративных заболеваний представляет особый интерес и как тестирование их потенциальной токсичности, и как основа для создания метаболических стимуляторов и препаратов, обладающих нейропротекторным и когнитивно-стимулирующим действием

    In Situ Spectral Magnetoellipsometry for Structural, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Me/Si (Me Mn, Fe) Nanolayers

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    In our work we present in-situ spectral magnetoellipsometer is equipped with sapphire manipulator. which allows us to carry out in-situ and in-time optical and magnetooptical measurements in the range from 10 K to 1500 K in spectral range 1.5 eV-4.0 eV (830 nm-300 nm), the range of magnetic fields is +/-0.4 T. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3555

    Geographical and temporal distribution of SARS-CoV-2 clades in the WHO European Region, January to June 2020

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    We show the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 genetic clades over time and between countries and outline potential genomic surveillance objectives. We applied three available genomic nomenclature systems for SARS-CoV-2 to all sequence data from the WHO European Region available during the COVID-19 pandemic until 10 July 2020. We highlight the importance of real-time sequencing and data dissemination in a pandemic situation. We provide a comparison of the nomenclatures and lay a foundation for future European genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.Peer reviewe

    Development of Russian Periodical Press in California: From the Formation to the Beginning of World War II

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    One of the emigrants' adaptation and integration factors into the host country's sociocultural space is the press publishing any material in the language of the original country. Such periodicals have a great number of local features that differ from each other depending on the area of their distribution. The aim of this investigation is to comprehensively analyze the development of the Russian-language periodical press which was established by the representatives of the first and second Russian emigration waves in California. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were set: identifying specific regional features of periodicals, classifying publications and determining the role of the press in the resettlement groups' adaptation process. The source base of the research is a wide-range number of newspapers and magazines published and circulated in California during the second half of the 19th - the first third of the 20th centuries. The author also relies on the historiographic heritage of the most known researchers who studied the emigrant press development in North America in the specified chronological frameworks. Materials from the State Archive of the Russian Federation are also used in this article. In the course of the investigation, the author revealed that only two periodicals were established in the years of the Russian emigration's first wave in California: Alaska Herald and The Great Ocean, they had an antimonarchist orientation. The revolutionary events in the former Russian Empire in 1917 contributed to a substantial increase in the number of Russian-language newspapers and magazines in the region. Periodicals produced by representatives of the Russian second wave emigration, which was not homogeneous in the social composition, were thematically diverse: monarchist, anti-Bolshevik, proSoviet, military, historical, scientific, artistic and literary, children's, and others. The regional emigrant press facilitated the rapid assimilation and Americanization of the resettlement groups as well as their familiarization with the sociocultural features of the new community. In the course of the investigation, other specific features of the Russian-language periodical press development in California were revealed. There was a considerable number of non-durable magazines and newspapers as well as an insignificant circulation of the Russian Orthodox Church periodicals in the region

    Социокультурное наследие русскоязычного населения Аляски: традиции, обычаи, быт

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    The article considers the problem of the cultural heritage of the Russian colonization of the north-eastern part of the Pacific region.The authors examine the influence of the Russian culture on the life of the indigenous population of Russian America after its sale in 1867. The study demonstrates the borrowings of the traditional elements of everyday life, the customs of the native population, the Russian legacy in the place-names and languages of the indigenous peoples of Alaska, and other problems. One of the key issues of the study is the preservation and prevalence of the Russian language, as well as of the Russian-language periodicals in the region.The article contains newspapers data, eyewitnesses’ recollections, materials of authoritative investigations on this issue, etc. The authors come to conclusions that after 1867 the Russian language remained widespread only in the Russian-Creole population centres: Sitka, Kodiak, Kenai Peninsula. In the rest of Alaska,the language was quickly ousted and replaced with English. The indigenous population adopted several elements of everyday life from the colonists, mostly furniture, tools, clothes. By the early 20thcentury, the most part of these things had been replaced by more modern American objects. After 1867 the Russian Orthodox Church remained one of the few forces to be able to preserve the Russian culture in the region. In the 1870s and 1890s, there were extensively opened new parishes and Russian-language schools. However, in the early 20th century the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church considerably decreased due to the policy of accelerated Americanization and the emergence of Catholic and Protestant missions in Alaska.Данная статья посвящена проблемам социокультурного наследия русскоязычного населения, которое проживало на территории Аляски на момент ее продажи Российской империей США. В работе рассматривается влияние русской культуры на жизнь автохтонного населения северо-восточной части Тихоокеанского региона. В этой связи анализируются такие аспекты, как распространенность русского языка и русскоязычной периодики в регионе, заимствование традиционных элементов быта; раскрывается роль духовной миссии Русской православной церкви и другие важные аспекты русского присутствия на Аляске в конце ХIХ - начале ХХ в

    Особенности характерных электромагнитных колебаний плазменных сгустков в длинном пробкотроне

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    The aim of this work was to study the spectrum of LF and HF oscillations generated by plasma bunches created and confined in the volume of a microwave cavity immersed in the magnetic field of a mirror trap. The registration of electrostatic oscillations in the plasma was carried out using two flat electrodes mounted diametrically opposite in the central part of the cavity close to its wall. This diagnostic showed the presence of low-frequency oscillations with frequencies of 130 kHz and 450 kHz. The oscillation spectrum in the microwave range was recorded at the minimum of the magnetic trap using a real-time spectrometer and a loosely coupled loop antenna. The registration of the spectra in the 40 MHz band revealed a regular change in the frequency of the fundamental oscillation mode of the cavity and the presence of two harmonics of the synchrotron radiation of the plasma bunch at frequencies of 2.25 GHz and 4.52 GHz, respectively. According to the obtained data, the parameters of the formed bunch (density, shape, volume, energy spectra of plasma components) can be restored.Целью данной работы являлось изучение спектра НЧ и ВЧ колебаний генерируемых плазменными сгустками, создаваемыми и удерживаемыми в рабочем объеме высокочастотного резонатора, находящегося в магнитном поле зеркальной ловушки. Регистрация электростатических колебаний в плазме осуществлялось при помощи двух плоских электродов установленных диаметрально противоположно в центральной части резонатора в его пристеночной области. Эта диагностика показала наличие низкочастотных колебаний с частотами 130 кГц и 450 кГц. Спектр колебаний в СВЧ диапазоне регистрировался в минимуме магнитной ловушки при помощи спектрометра реально времени и слабо связанной петлевой антенны. Регистрация спектров в полосе 40 МГц позволила выявить закономерное изменение частоты основной моды колебаний резонатора и наличие двух гармоник синхротронного излучения плазменного сгустка на частотах 2.25 ГГц и 4.52 ГГц соответственно. По полученным данным могут быть восстановлены параметры сформированного сгустка (плотность, форма, объем, энергетические спектры компонент плазмы)