169 research outputs found

    Novel Nucleoside Analogues as Effective Antiviral Agents for Zika Virus Infections

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    Previously considered a neglected flavivirus, Zika virus has recently emerged as a public health concern due to its ability to spread rapidly and cause severe neurological disorders, such as microcephaly in newborn babies from infected mothers, and Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults. Despite extensive efforts towards the identification of effective therapies, specific antivirals are still not available. As part of ongoing medicinal chemistry studies to identify new antiviral agents, we screened against Zika virus replication in vitro in a targeted internal library of small-molecule agents, comprising both nucleoside and non-nucleoside agents. Among the compounds evaluated, novel aryloxyphosphoramidate prodrugs of the nucleosides 2′-C-methyl-adenosine, 2-CMA, and 7-deaza-2′C-methyl-adenosine, 7-DMA, were found to significantly inhibit the virus-induced cytopathic effect in multiple relevant cell lines. In addition, one of these prodrugs exhibits a synergistic antiviral effect against Zika virus when applied in combination with an indirect antiviral agent, a l-dideoxy bicyclic pyrimidine nucleoside analogue, which potently inhibits vaccinia and measles viruses in vitro by targeting a host pathway. Our findings provide a solid basis for further development of an antiviral therapy for Zika virus infections, possibly exploiting a dual approach combining two different agents, one targeting the viral polymerase (direct-acting antiviral), the second targeting a host-directed autophagy mechanism

    Multi-objective optimisation based planning of power-line grid expansions

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    German nuclear power phase out in 2022 leads to significant reconstruction of the energy transmission system. Thus, efficient identification of practical transmission routes with minimum impact on ecological and economical interests is of growing importance. Due to the sensitivity of Germany’s public to grid expansion (especially in case of overhead lines), the participation and planning process needs to provide a high degree of openness and accountability. Therefore, a new methodological approach for the computer-assisted finding of optimal power-line routes considering planning, ecological and economic decision criteria is presented. The approach is implemented in a tool-chain for the determination of transmission line routes (and sets of transmission line route alternatives) based on multi-criteria optimisation. Additionally, a decision support system, based on common Geographic Information Systems (GIS), consisting of interactive visualisation and exploration of the solution space is proposed

    Deichrückverlegungen in Sachsen-Anhalt und wissenschaftliche Begleituntersuchungen am Beispiel des Roßlauer Oberluchs

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    Deichbau und andere flussbautechnische Maßnahmen haben dazu geführt, dass die Mittlere Elbe ihre ursprünglichen Überschwemmungsgebiete verloren hat. Um die Auswirkungen der alljährlich auftretenden Hochwasserereignisse einzudämmen, wurden große Bereiche der Talniederung durch Deiche vom Überflutungsgeschehen abgetrennt. Diese Eingriffe in den Naturhaushalt ermöglichten gleichfalls eine intensive ackerbauliche Nutzung oder eine hochwassersichere Bebauung der Auen. Die natürliche Auendynamik ist heute weitestgehend auf einen schmalen Bereich entlang der Elbe beschränkt. Hinter den Deichen sind die für die Elbeauen typischen Lebensräume von der lebenswichtigen Auendynamik abgeschnitten. Angepasste Auenarten und -lebensgemeinschaften treten zugunsten von Allerweltsarten zurück. Eine Wiederanbindung von Altauenbereichen an das Überflutungsgeschehen ist deshalb eine der vordringlichsten Maßnahmen zur Revitalisierung gefährdeter Auenlebensräume und stellt eine Chance dar, einen nachhaltigen und modernen Hochwasserschutz mit Naturschutzzielen zu verbinden. An der Elbe entspricht das aktuelle Hochwasserschutzsystem nicht den heutigen Anforderungen an den Hochwasserschutz. Um jedoch jederzeit auf mögliche große Hochwasserereignisse reagieren zu können, entstanden Anfang der 1990er Jahre in den Anliegerländern der Elbe zahlreiche Pläne für Deichrückverlegungen

    Interlaboratory comparison of femur surface reconstruction from CT data compared to reference optical 3D scan

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    Background: The present study contrasts the accuracy of different reconstructed models with distinctive segmentation methods performed by various experts. Seven research groups reconstructed nine 3D models of one human femur based on an acquired CT image using their own computational methods. As a reference model for accuracy assessment, a 3D surface scan of the human femur was created using an optical measuring system. Prior to comparison, the femur was divided into four areas;"neck and greater trochanter", "proximal metaphysis", "diaphysis", and "distal metaphysis". The deviation analysis was carried out in GEOMAGIC studio v. 2013 software. Results: The results revealed that the highest deviation errors occurred in "neck and greater trochanter" area and "proximal metaphysis" area with RMSE of 0.84 and 0.83 mm respectively. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study shows that the average deviation of reconstructed models prepared by experts with various methods, skills and software from the surface 3D scan is lower than 0.79 mm, which is not a significant discrepancy

    Therapeutic depletion of CCR8+ tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells elicits antitumor immunity and synergizes with anti-PD-1 therapy.

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    BACKGROUND: Modulation and depletion strategies of regulatory T cells (Tregs) constitute valid approaches in antitumor immunotherapy but suffer from severe adverse effects due to their lack of selectivity for the tumor-infiltrating (ti-)Treg population, indicating the need for a ti-Treg specific biomarker. METHODS: We employed single-cell RNA-sequencing in a mouse model of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) to obtain a comprehensive overview of the tumor-infiltrating T-cell compartment, with a focus on ti-Treg subpopulations. These findings were validated by flow cytometric analysis of both mouse (LLC-OVA, MC38 and B16-OVA) and human (NSCLC and melanoma) tumor samples. We generated two CCR8-specific nanobodies (Nbs) that recognize distinct epitopes on the CCR8 extracellular domain. These Nbs were formulated as tetravalent Nb-Fc fusion proteins for optimal CCR8 binding and blocking, containing either an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC)-deficient or an ADCC-prone Fc region. The therapeutic use of these Nb-Fc fusion proteins was evaluated, either as monotherapy or as combination therapy with anti-programmed cell death protein-1 (anti-PD-1), in both the LLC-OVA and MC38 mouse models. RESULTS: We were able to discern two ti-Treg populations, one of which is characterized by the unique expression of Ccr8 in conjunction with Treg activation markers. Ccr8 is also expressed by dysfunctional CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, but the CCR8 protein was only prominent on the highly activated and strongly T-cell suppressive ti-Treg subpopulation of mouse and human tumors, with no major CCR8-positivity found on peripheral Tregs. CCR8 expression resulted from TCR-mediated Treg triggering in an NF-κB-dependent fashion, but was not essential for the recruitment, activation nor suppressive capacity of these cells. While treatment of tumor-bearing mice with a blocking ADCC-deficient Nb-Fc did not influence tumor growth, ADCC-prone Nb-Fc elicited antitumor immunity and reduced tumor growth in synergy with anti-PD-1 therapy. Importantly, ADCC-prone Nb-Fc specifically depleted ti-Tregs in a natural killer (NK) cell-dependent fashion without affecting peripheral Tregs. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, our findings highlight the efficacy and safety of targeting CCR8 for the depletion of tumor-promoting ti-Tregs in combination with anti-PD-1 therapy

    Genome-wide association study of borderline personality disorder reveals genetic overlap with the bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and major depression

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    Borderline personality disorder (BOR) is determined by environmental and genetic factors, and characterized by affective instability and impulsivity, diagnostic symptoms also observed in manic phases of Bipolar Disorder (BIP). Up to 20% of BIP patients show comorbidity with BOR. This report describes the first case-control genome-wide association study (GWAS) of BOR, performed in one of the largest BOR patient samples worldwide. The focus of our analysis was: (i) to detect genes and gene-sets involved in BOR; and (ii) to investigate the genetic overlap with BIP. As there is considerable genetic overlap between BIP, Major Depression (MDD) and Schizophrenia (SCZ) and a high comorbidity of BOR and MDD, we also analyzed the genetic overlap of BOR with SCZ and MDD. GWAS, gene-based tests,and gene-set-analyses were performed in 998 BOR patients and 1,545 controls. LD score regression was used to detect genetic overlap between BOR and these disorders. Single marker analysis revealed no significant association after correction for multiple testing. Genebased analysis yielded two significant genes: DPYD (p=4.42x10-7) and PKP4 (p=8.67x10-7); and gene-set-analysis yielded a significant finding for exocytosis (GO:0006887, pFDR=0.019). Prior studies have implicated DPYD, PKP4 and exocytosis in BIP and SCZ. The most notable finding of the present study was the genetic overlap of BOR with BIP (rg=0.28 [p=2.99x10-3]), SCZ (rg=0.34 [p=4.37x10-5]), and MDD (rg=0.57 [p=1.04x10-3]). Our study is the first to demonstrate that BOR overlaps with BIP, MDD and SCZ on the genetic level. Whether this is confined to transdiagnostic clinical symptoms should be examined in future studies

    Social Class

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    Discussion of class structure in fifth-century Athens, historical constitution of theater audiences, and the changes in the comic representation of class antagonism from Aristophanes to Menander