132 research outputs found

    Shared symptomatology between atopic dermatitis, ADHD and autism spectrum disorder:a protocol for a systematic scoping review

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    INTRODUCTION: Children with atopic dermatitis (AD) are more at risk for the neurodevelopmental disorders attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with parallel increases in global prevalences. Children afflicted with these conditions appear to share similar problems in sensory modulation but investigational studies on the underlying aetiology are scarce. This scoping review aims to find knowledge gaps, collate hypotheses and to summarise available evidence on the shared pathophysiology of AD, ADHD and ASD in children. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Our study will follow the methodological manual published by the Joanna Briggs Methodology for Scoping Reviews and will be reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews. The following electronic databases will be searched for studies focused on children with AD and symptoms of ADHD and/or ASD: Medline ALL via Ovid, Embase, Web of Science Core Collection and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials via Wiley. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This review does not require ethics approval as it will not be conducted with human participants. We will only use published data. Our dissemination strategy includes peer review publication and conference reports.</p

    Remote severity assessment in atopic dermatitis:Validity and reliability of the remote Eczema Area and Severity Index and Self-Administered Eczema Area and Severity Index

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    Background: Reliable assessment of atopic dermatitis (AD) severity is necessary for clinical practice and research. Valid and reliable remote assessment is essential to facilitate remote care and research. Objectives: Assess the validity and reliability of the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI) based on images and patient-assessed severity based on the Self-Administered EASI (SA-EASI). Methods: Whole-body clinical images were taken during consultation from children with AD. After consultations, caregivers completed the SA-EASI and provided images from home. Four raters assessed all images twice using EASI. Results: A total of 1534 clinical images and 425 patient-provided images were collected from 87 and 32 children. Excellent (0.90) validity, good inter (0.77) and intrarater reliability (0.91), and standard error of measurement (4.31) was found for the EASI based on clinical images. Feasibility of patient-provided images showed limitations with missing images (43.8%) and quality issues (23.1%). However, good validity (0.86), inter (0.74) and intrarater reliability (0.94) were found when assessment was possible. Moderate correlation (0.60) between SA-EASI and EASI was found. Limitations: Low portion patient-provided images. Conclusion: AD severity assessment based on images strongly correlates with in-person AD assessment. Good measurement properties confirm the potential of remote assessment. Moderate correlation between SA-EASI and in-person EASI suggest limited value of self-assessment.</p

    The construct validity, responsiveness, reliability and interpretability of the Recap of atopic eczema questionnaire (RECAP) in children

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    Background The Recap of atopic eczema questionnaire (RECAP) was developed to measure eczema control in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD). The measurement properties of RECAP have not yet been validated in caregivers of children with AD. Objectives To assess the construct validity, responsiveness, reliability and interpretability of the Dutch proxy version of RECAP. Methods A prospective validation study was conducted in children (aged&lt;12 years) with AD and their caregivers (in a Dutch tertiary hospital). At three timepoints (T0=baseline; T1=after 1–7 days; T2=after 4–8 weeks) RECAP and multiple reference instruments were completed by caregivers of child patients. Single- and change-score validity (responsiveness) were tested with a priori hypotheses on correlations with reference instruments. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCagreement) and standard error of agreement (SEMagreement) were reported. Bands for perceived eczema control were proposed. The smallest detectable change (SDC) and minimally important change (MIC) were determined. Two anchor-based methods based on receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) and predictive modelling were used to determine the MIC. Results A total of 231 children with AD and their caregivers participated. Of our a priori hypotheses for single-score and change-score validity, 77% and 80% were confirmed, respectively. A stronger correlation than hypothesized was found for all rejected hypotheses. Excellent reliability was found (ICCagreement=0.94, 95% confidence interval 0.90–0.96). The SEMagreement was 1.9 points. The final banding was 0–1 (completely controlled), 2–7 (mostly controlled), 8–12 (moderately controlled), 13–18 (a little controlled) and 19–28 (not at all controlled). A cutoff point of≥8 was selected to identify children whose AD is not under control. The SDC was 5.3 and the MIC values were 1.5 and 3.6 for the ROC and predictive modelling approaches, respectively. No floor or ceiling effects were observed. Conclusions The proxy version of RECAP is a valid, reliable and responsive measurement instrument for measuring eczema control in children with AD. An improvement of≥6 points can be regarded as a real and important change in children with AD.</p

    The construct validity, responsiveness, reliability and interpretability of the Recap of atopic eczema questionnaire (RECAP) in children

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    Background The Recap of atopic eczema questionnaire (RECAP) was developed to measure eczema control in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD). The measurement properties of RECAP have not yet been validated in caregivers of children with AD. Objectives To assess the construct validity, responsiveness, reliability and interpretability of the Dutch proxy version of RECAP. Methods A prospective validation study was conducted in children (aged&lt;12 years) with AD and their caregivers (in a Dutch tertiary hospital). At three timepoints (T0=baseline; T1=after 1–7 days; T2=after 4–8 weeks) RECAP and multiple reference instruments were completed by caregivers of child patients. Single- and change-score validity (responsiveness) were tested with a priori hypotheses on correlations with reference instruments. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCagreement) and standard error of agreement (SEMagreement) were reported. Bands for perceived eczema control were proposed. The smallest detectable change (SDC) and minimally important change (MIC) were determined. Two anchor-based methods based on receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) and predictive modelling were used to determine the MIC. Results A total of 231 children with AD and their caregivers participated. Of our a priori hypotheses for single-score and change-score validity, 77% and 80% were confirmed, respectively. A stronger correlation than hypothesized was found for all rejected hypotheses. Excellent reliability was found (ICCagreement=0.94, 95% confidence interval 0.90–0.96). The SEMagreement was 1.9 points. The final banding was 0–1 (completely controlled), 2–7 (mostly controlled), 8–12 (moderately controlled), 13–18 (a little controlled) and 19–28 (not at all controlled). A cutoff point of≥8 was selected to identify children whose AD is not under control. The SDC was 5.3 and the MIC values were 1.5 and 3.6 for the ROC and predictive modelling approaches, respectively. No floor or ceiling effects were observed. Conclusions The proxy version of RECAP is a valid, reliable and responsive measurement instrument for measuring eczema control in children with AD. An improvement of≥6 points can be regarded as a real and important change in children with AD.</p

    Long-term consequences of juvenile vulvar lichen sclerosus:A cohort study of adults with a histologically confirmed diagnosis in childhood or adolescence

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    INTRODUCTION: Vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS) occurs in at least one in 900 girls. There is limited knowledge as to what extent the disease persists in adulthood and what the repercussions in adulthood may be. The aim of this study is to evaluate the long-term consequences of VLS diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The population of females histologically diagnosed with VLS in childhood or adolescence in the Netherlands between 1991 and 2015 was identified through the national pathology database. Histological specimens were retrieved and re-evaluated. Potential participants for whom the diagnosis was reconfirmed and who are now adults, were then traced and surveyed. Descriptive statistics were calculated and compared with the literature. Main outcome measures are the demographics of the cohort, their scores on standardized quality of life (QoL) and sexuality questionnaires and answers to additional questions regarding patients' experience with the disease. The questionnaires used were the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), the Skindex-29, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised (FSDS-R). Secondary outcome measures include obstetric history and histological features found in the original tissue specimens. RESULTS: A total of 81 women participated, median age 29.0 years, median follow-up from childhood diagnosis 19.5 years. Both QoL and sexuality were somewhat affected in 51.9% of cases. Less than half (45%) reported having regular check-ups. Forty-five (56%) reported symptoms within the past year; of those with symptoms, 14 (31%) were not under surveillance. Cesarean section rate (14.5%) was comparable to the general population, and there were more high-grade obstetric anal sphincter injuries with vaginal deliveries than expected. Sixteen respondents (20%) were not aware of the childhood diagnosis prior to this study. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms due to VLS are reported by most adults diagnosed as juveniles. QoL and sexuality are affected and correlate to recent symptoms. VLS as a juvenile does not preclude a vaginal delivery. Women diagnosed with VLS in childhood or adolescence are often lost to follow-up.</p

    Mental Health of School-Aged Children Treated with Propranolol or Atenolol for Infantile Hemangioma and Their Parents

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    Background: Infants with infantile hemangioma (IH) have been effectively treated with propranolol or atenolol. Concerns were raised about the mental health of these The trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register Trial NL7703.children at school age, due to central nervous system effects of propranolol and visible nature of IH. Objective: This study aimed to compare the mental health at school age of children treated with propranolol to children treated with atenolol for IHs and their parents. Methods: This two-centered cross sectional study included children aged =6 years and treated with either propranolol or atenolol for IH during infancy. Children’s outcomes were performance-based affect recognition (Dutch version of the Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment-II [NEPSY-II-NL]), parent-reported emotional and behavioral functioning (Child Behavioral Checklist [CBCL]), and health-related quality of life (KIDSCREEN27). Parents’ outcome was parenting stress (Parenting Stress Questionnaire [OBVL]). Results: Data of 105 children (36 propranolol, 69 atenolol; 6.0–11.8 years) were analyzed. Mental health outcomes did not differ between both ß-blocker groups. Although overall functioning was in line with norms, children presented specific problems concerning affect recognition, parent-reported attention, and social quality of life. Parents showed increased physical symptoms, depressive symptoms, and parent-child relationship problems. Conclusion: No difference in mental health at school age was found between children treated with propranolol or atenolol for IH. Although few overall mental health problems were found, specific problems require follow-up. Follow-up of children should be directed toward affect recognition, attention, and social functioning in daily life. Problems reported by parents could be ameliorated by mental health support during and after their infant’s ß-blocker treatment.</p

    Prognostic Factors for Long-term Aesthetic Outcome of Infantile Haemangioma Treated with Beta-blockers

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    Parents of infants treated with beta-blockers for infantile haemangioma are often concerned about the long-term aesthetic outcome. This cross-sectional study assessed the influence on the long-term aesthetic outcome of characteristics of the infantile haemangioma, the beta-blocker treatment, and the infant. The study included 103 children aged 6-12 years, treated with beta-blockers (propranolol or atenolol) for infantile haemangioma during infancy (age at treatment initiation ≤1 year) for ≥6 months. Dermatologists and parents scored the Patient Observer Scar Assessment Scale, and the child scored a visual analogue scale. Dermatologists identified whether telangiectasia, fibrofatty tissue, and atrophic scar tissue were present. The long-term aesthetic outcome of infantile haemangioma was judged more negatively by dermatologists and parents in case of a superficial component, ulceration, older age at treatment initiation, higher cumulative dose, and/or shorter follow-up time. According to children, infantile haemangioma located on the head had better aesthetic outcome than infantile haemangioma located elsewhere. Close monitoring, particularly of infantile haemangioma with a superficial component, is essential for early initiation of treatment, and to prevent or treat ulceration. These outcome data can support parental counselling and guide treatment strategy.</p
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