65 research outputs found

    The relationship between galaxy and dark matter halo size from z ∼ 3 to the present

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    We explore empirical constraints on the statistical relationship between the radial size of galaxies and the radius of their host dark matter haloes from z similar to 0.1-3 using the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) and Cosmic Assembly Near Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) surveys. We map dark matter halo mass to galaxy stellar mass using relationships from abundance matching, applied to the Bolshoi-Planck dissipationless N-body simulation. We define SRHR equivalent to r(e)/R-h as the ratio of galaxy radius to halo virial radius, and SRHR lambda equivalent to r(e)/(lambda R-h) as the ratio of galaxy radius to halo spin parameter times halo radius. At z similar to 0.1, we find an average value of SRHR similar or equal to 0.018 and SRHR. similar or equal to 0.5 with very little dependence on stellar mass. Stellar radius-halo radius (SRHR) and SRHR lambda have a weak dependence on cosmic time since z similar to 3. SRHR shows a mild decrease over cosmic time for low-mass galaxies, but increases slightly or does not evolve formoremassive galaxies. We find hints that at high redshift (z similar to 2-3), SRHR. is lower for more massive galaxies, while it shows no significant dependence on stellar mass at z less than or similar to 0.5. We find that for both the GAMA and CANDELS samples, at all redshifts from z similar to 0.1-3, the observed conditional size distribution in stellar mass bins is remarkably similar to the conditional distribution of lambda R-h. We discuss the physical interpretation and implications of these results

    On the Evolution of the Star Formation Rate Function of Massive Galaxies. Constraints at 0.4<z<1.8 from the GOODS-MUSIC Catalogue

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    [abridged] We study the evolution of the Star Formation Rate Function (SFRF) of massive galaxies over the 0.4<z<1.8 redshift range and its implications for our understanding of the physical processes responsible for galaxy evolution. We use multiwavelength observations included in the GOODS-MUSIC catalogue, which provides a suitable coverage of the spectral region from 0.3 to 24 micron and either spectroscopic or photometric redshifts for each object. Individual SFRs have been obtained by combining UV and 24 micron observations, when the latter were available. For all other sources an "SED fitting" SFR estimate has been considered. We then define a stellar mass limited sample, complete in the Mstar>1.e10 Msun range and determine the SFRF using the 1/Vmax algorithm. We define simulated galaxy catalogues based on three different semi-analytical models of galaxy formation and evolution. We show that the theoretical SFRFs are well described by a double power law functional form and its redshift evolution is approximated with high accuracy by a pure evolution of the typical SFR. We find good agreement between model predictions and the high-SFR end of the SFRF, when the observational errors on the SFR are taken into account. However, the observational SFRF is characterised by a double peaked structure, which is absent in its theoretical counterparts. At z>1.0 the observed SFRF shows a relevant density evolution, which is not reproduced by SAMs, due to the well known overprediction of intermediate mass galaxies at z~2. The agreement at the low-SFR end is poor: all models overpredict the space density of SFR~1 Msun/yr and no model reproduces the double peaked shape of the observational SFRF. If confirmed by deeper IR observations, this discrepancy will provide a key constraint on theoretical modelling of star formation and stellar feedback.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures and 3 table. Accepted for publication by MNRAS - updated reference

    A Critical Assessment of Stellar Mass Measurement Methods

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    In this paper we perform a comprehensive study of the main sources of random and systematic errors in stellar mass measurement for galaxies using their Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). We use mock galaxy catalogs with simulated multi-waveband photometry (from U-band to mid-infrared) and known redshift, stellar mass, age and extinction for individual galaxies. Given different parameters affecting stellar mass measurement (photometric S/N ratios, SED fitting errors, systematic effects, the inherent degeneracies and correlated errors), we formulated different simulated galaxy catalogs to quantify these effects individually. We studied the sensitivity of stellar mass estimates to the codes/methods used, population synthesis models, star formation histories, nebular emission line contributions, photometric uncertainties, extinction and age. For each simulated galaxy, the difference between the input stellar masses and those estimated using different simulation catalogs, Δlog(M)\Delta\log(M), was calculated and used to identify the most fundamental parameters affecting stellar masses. We measured different components of the error budget, with the results listed as follows: (1). no significant bias was found among different codes/methods, with all having comparable scatter; (2). A source of error is found to be due to photometric uncertainties and low resolution in age and extinction grids; (3). The median of stellar masses among different methods provides a stable measure of the mass associated with any given galaxy; (4). The deviations in stellar mass strongly correlate with those in age, with a weaker correlation with extinction; (5). the scatter in the stellar masses due to free parameters are quantified, with the sensitivity of the stellar mass to both the population synthesis codes and inclusion of nebular emission lines studied.Comment: 33 pages, 20 Figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    The Many Manifestations of Downsizing: Hierarchical Galaxy Formation Models confront Observations

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    [abridged] It has been widely claimed that several lines of observational evidence point towards a "downsizing" (DS) of the process of galaxy formation over cosmic time. This behavior is sometimes termed "anti-hierarchical", and contrasted with the "bottom-up" assembly of the dark matter structures in Cold Dark Matter models. In this paper we address three different kinds of observational evidence that have been described as DS: the stellar mass assembly, star formation rate and the ages of the stellar populations in local galaxies. We compare a broad compilation of available data-sets with the predictions of three different semi-analytic models of galaxy formation within the Lambda-CDM framework. In the data, we see only weak evidence at best of DS in stellar mass and in star formation rate. We find that, when observational errors on stellar mass and SFR are taken into account, the models acceptably reproduce the evolution of massive galaxies, over the entire redshift range that we consider. However, lower mass galaxies are formed too early in the models and are too passive at late times. Thus, the models do not correctly reproduce the DS trend in stellar mass or the archaeological DS, while they qualitatively reproduce the mass-dependent evolution of the SFR. We demonstrate that these discrepancies are not solely due to a poor treatment of satellite galaxies but are mainly connected to the excessively efficient formation of central galaxies in high-redshift haloes with circular velocities ~100-200 km/s. [abridged]Comment: MNRAS accepted, 16 pages, 10 figure

    The relationship between galaxy and dark matter halo size from z ∼ 3 to the present

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    We explore empirical constraints on the statistical relationship between the radial size of galaxies and the radius of their host dark matter haloes from z ∼ 0.1-3 using the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) and Cosmic Assembly Near Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) surveys. We map dark matter halo mass to galaxy stellar mass using relationships from abundance matching, applied to the Bolshoi-Planck dissipationless N-body simulation. We define SRHR ≡ re/Rh as the ratio of galaxy radius to halo virial radius, and SRHRλ ≡ re/(λRh) as the ratio of galaxy radius to halo spin parameter times halo radius. At z ∼ 0.1, we find an average value of SRHR ≃ 0.018 and SRHRλ ≃ 0.5 with very little dependence on stellar mass. Stellar radius-halo radius (SRHR) and SRHRλ have a weak dependence on cosmic time since z ∼ 3. SRHR shows a mild decrease over cosmic time for low-mass galaxies, but increases slightly or does not evolve for more massive galaxies. We find hints that at high redshift (z ∼ 2-3), SRHRλ is lower for more massive galaxies, while it shows no significant dependence on stellar mass at z ≲ 0.5. We find that for both the GAMA and CANDELS samples, at all redshifts from z ∼ 0.1-3, the observed conditional size distribution in stellar mass bins is remarkably similar to the conditional distribution of λRh. We discuss the physical interpretation and implications of these results

    Efficient NIRCam Selection of Quiescent Galaxies at 3 < z < 6 in CEERS

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Substantial populations of massive quiescent galaxies at z ≥ 3 challenge our understanding of rapid galaxy growth and quenching over short timescales. In order to piece together this evolutionary puzzle, more statistical samples of these objects are required. Established techniques for identifying massive quiescent galaxies are increasingly inefficient and unconstrained at z > 3. As a result, studies report that as much as 70% of quiescent galaxies at z > 3 may be missed from existing surveys. In this work, we propose a new empirical color selection technique designed to select massive quiescent galaxies at 3 ≲ z ≲ 6 using JWST NIRCam imaging data. We use empirically constrained galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) templates to define a region in the F277W − F444W versus F150W − F277W color plane that captures quiescent galaxies at z > 3. We apply these color selection criteria to the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey and use SED fitting on sources in the region to identify 44 candidate z ≳ 3 quiescent galaxies. Over half of these sources are newly discovered and, on average, exhibit specific star formation rates of poststarburst galaxies. Most of these sources would not be discovered using canonical UVJ diagrams. We derive volume density estimates of n ∼ 1–4 × 10−5 Mpc−3 at 3 < z < 5, finding excellent agreement with existing reports on similar populations in the CEERS field. Thanks to NIRCam’s wavelength coverage and sensitivity, this technique provides an efficient tool to search for large samples of these rare galaxies.Peer reviewe

    CANDELS:Elevated Black Hole Growth in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z ∼ 2

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    We examine the fraction of massive (M M ∗ &gt; 1010) compact star-forming galaxies (cSFGs) that host an active galactic nucleus (AGN) at z ∼ 2. These cSFGs are likely the direct progenitors of the compact quiescent galaxies observed at this epoch, which are the first population of passive galaxies to appear in large numbers in the early Universe. We identify cSFGs that host an AGN using a combination of Hubble WFC3 imaging and Chandra X-ray observations in four fields: the Chandra Deep Fields, the Extended Groth Strip, and the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey field. We find that 39.2 % - +3.6 3.9 (65/166) of cSFGs at 1.4 3.0 &lt; z &lt; host an X-ray detected AGN. This fraction is 3.2 times higher than the incidence of AGN in extended star-forming galaxies with similar masses at these redshifts. This difference is significant at the 6.2s level. Our results are consistent with models in which cSFGs are formed through a dissipative contraction that triggers a compact starburst and concurrent growth of the central black hole. We also discuss our findings in the context of cosmological galaxy evolution simulations that require feedback energy to rapidly quench cSFGs. We show that the AGN fraction peaks precisely where energy injection is needed to reproduce the decline in the number density of cSFGs with redshift. Our results suggest that the first abundant population of massive quenched galaxies emerged directly following a phase of elevated supermassive black hole growth and further hints at a possible connection between AGN and the rapid quenching of star formation in these galaxies.</p

    Major merging history in CANDELS. I. Evolution of the incidence of massive galaxy–galaxy pairs from z = 3 to z ∼ 0

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    The rate of major galaxy–galaxy merging is theoretically predicted to steadily increase with redshift during the peak epoch of massive galaxy development (1 ≤ z ≤ 3). We use close-pair statistics to objectively study the incidence of massive galaxies (stellar M1 > 2 × 1010 M⊙) hosting major companions (1 ≤ M1/M2 ≤ 4; i.e. 4:1) companions at z > 1. We show that these evolutionary trends are statistically robust to changes in companion proximity. We find disagreements between published results are resolved when selection criteria are closely matched. If we compute merger rates using constant fraction-to-rate conversion factors (Cmerg,pair = 0.6 and Tobs,pair = 0.65 Gyr), we find that MR rates disagree with theoretical predictions at z > 1.5. Instead, if we use an evolving Tobs,pair(z) ∝ (1 + z)−2 from Snyder et al., our MR-based rates agree with theory at 0 < z < 3. Our analysis underscores the need for detailed calibration of Cmerg,pair and Tobs,pair as a function of redshift, mass, and companion selection criteria to better constrain the empirical major merger history