17 research outputs found

    Documentació i Metodologia Científica. Grau Farmácia

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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.El que habitualment es denomina “mètode científic” és un conjunt de pràctiques teòriques i experimentals molt diverses. Les seues característiques varien al llarg del temps i l'espai, així com a través de les disciplines i les diverses especialitats de la ciència. Fins i tot dins d'una mateixa disciplina científica, existeixen punts de vista diversos al voltant dels procediments més adients per produir nous coneixements suficientment contrastats. Per això, s'empra l'expressió “metodologia científica” per fer referència a l'heterogeni conjunt d'estratègies, procediments, raonaments, pràctiques experimentals, mètodes observacionals, etc., que segueixen les persones que treballen en ciència durant les seues investigacions, les quals es desenvolupen en una gran diversitat de llocs (observatoris astronòmics, laboratoris, jaciments geològics, hospitals, indústries, etc.), sovint amb l'ajuda d'instruments científics de característiques molt dispars. I tot això en el marc de determinades societats i cultures que condicionen de manera molt variable el desenvolupament de l'activitat científica al llarg del temps. En paral•lel al gran desenvolupament i a les dimensions que ha cobrat la ciència moderna al llarg del segle XX, s'ha desenvolupat tot un ventall d’instruments per registrar la producció científica i facilitar un accés ràpid i precís a la informació. Així mateix, la gran expansió que ha experimentat Internet com a forma de comunicació i difusió de la informació, ha posat a la disposició dels investigadors i usuaris una gran quantitat de recursos i fonts d'informació, prescindint dels límits espacials i d'intermediaris, per la qual cosa resulta fonamental des de l'àmbit formatiu introduir a l'alumnat en el coneixement i maneig d'aquests instruments i recursos, amb la finalitat de que siguin capaços de desenvolupar les destreses necessàries per localitzar, avaluar i gestionar la informació que necessiten o que pot resultar d'interès per a l'exercici de les seves activitats professionals i d'investigació. L'objectiu de l'assignatura consisteix a proporcionar esquemes i conceptes bàsics per abordar aquestes qüestions, també mitjançant l'anàlisi de diferents casos particulars (seminaris). En primer lloc es discuteixen diversos temes particulars dels mètodes de la biomedicina, especialment aquells més relacionats amb la farmàcia, com l'experimentació animal o els assajos clínics. Es dedica un apartat especial a la terminologia biomèdica i un altre als diversos tipus de sistemes d'unitats i instruments científics.What is usually called "scientific method" is a set of theoretical and experimental practices varied . Their characteristics vary over time and space , as well as through the various disciplines and specialties of science. Even within a single scientific discipline , there are diverse views about the most appropriate procedures to produce new knowledge sufficiently . Therefore the expression " scientific method " is used to refer to the diverse set of strategies , procedures, reasoning , experimental , observational methods , etc., followed by the people working in science for his research , which are developed in a variety of positions (observatories, laboratories, geological sites, hospitals, industries, etc.) , often with the aid of scientific instruments of very different characteristics . And all this in the context of particular societies and cultures very variable influencing the development of scientific activity over time In parallel to the development and large dimensions that modern science has gained throughout the twentieth century, a range of scientific instruments have been developed to record and provide rapid access to accurate information. Also, the great expansion that has seen the Internet as a form of communication and dissemination of information is made available to researchers and users a lot of sources of information, irrespective of spatial boundaries and intermediaries so it is essential from the area of education to introduce students to the knowledge and use of these tools and resources in order to be able to develop the necessary skills to locate, evaluate and manage information need or that may be of interest to the exercise of their professional activities and research . The aim of the course is to provide basic concepts and schemes to address these issues , including through the analysis of different particular cases (seminars). First, we discuss various issues of particular methods of biomedicine , especially those related to pharmacy, as animal testing or clinical trials

    Parinaud’s Oculoglandular Syndrome Caused by Sporothrix schenckii

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    A síndrome oculoglandular de Parinaud consiste em forma especial de conjuntivite granulomatosa, muitas vezes relacionada à doença da arranhadura do gato, cuja apresentação clássica se caracteriza por uma síndrome febril acompanhada de granuloma conjuntival e linfonodomegalia ipsilateral. As doenças associadas a esta síndrome são doença da arranhadura do gato, infecção por herpes simples, esporotricose, blastomicose e coccidioidomicose, dentre outras. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente com quadro de enantema conjuntival unilateral à direita acompanhado do aparecimento de nódulos em pálpebra ipsilateral. Os exames complementares incluindo cultura confirmaram o diagnóstico de esporotricose. A paciente foi tratada com itraconazol com resolução do quadro.Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome consists of a special form of granulomatous conjunctivitis, often related to cat scratch disease, whose classic presentation is characterized by a fever, conjunctival granuloma and ipsilateral lymph node enlargement. Diseases associated with this syndrome are cat-scratch disease, herpes simplex infection, sporotrichosis, blastomycosis and coccidioidomycosis, among others. We report the case of a patient with a unilateral conjunctival enanthema on the right eye and nodules on the ipsilateral eyelid. Complementary examinations including culture confirmed the diagnosis of sporotrichosis. The patient was treated with itraconazole and got cured

    Caffeine and Selective Adenosine Receptor Antagonists as New Therapeutic Tools for the Motivational Symptoms of Depression

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    Major depressive disorder is one of the most common and debilitating psychiatric disorders. Some of the motivational symptoms of depression, such anergia (lack of self-reported energy) and fatigue are relatively resistant to traditional treatments such as serotonin uptake inhibitors. Thus, new pharmacological targets are being investigated. Epidemiological data suggest that caffeine consumption can have an impact on aspects of depressive symptomatology. Caffeine is a non-selective adenosine antagonist for A1/A2A receptors, and has been demonstrated to modulate behavior in classical animal models of depression. Moreover, selective adenosine receptor antagonists are being assessed for their antidepressant effects in animal studies. This review focuses on how caffeine and selective adenosine antagonists can improve different aspects of depression in humans, as well as in animal models. The effects on motivational symptoms of depression such as anergia, fatigue, and psychomotor slowing receive particular attention. Thus, the ability of adenosine receptor antagonists to reverse the anergia induced by dopamine antagonism or depletion is of special interest. In conclusion, although further studies are needed, it appears that caffeine and selective adenosine receptor antagonists could be therapeutic agents for the treatment of motivational dysfunction in depression

    Performance Assessment of Optical Satellite-Based Operational Snow Cover Monitoring Algorithms in Forested Landscapes

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    International audienceForest cover is a crucial factor that influences the performance of optical satellite-based snow cover monitoring algorithms. However, evaluation of such algorithms in forested landscapes is rare due to lack of reliable in situ data in such regions. In this investigation, we assessed the performance of the operational snow detection (SCA) and fractional snow cover estimation (FSC) algorithms employed by the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service for High-Resolution Snow & Ice Monitoring (HRSI) with a combination of Sentinel-2 and Landsat-7/8 satellite scenes, lidar-based, and in situ datasets. These algorithms were evaluated over test sites located in the forested mountainous landscape of the Pyrenees in Spain and the Sierra Nevada in the USA. Over the Pyrenees site, the effectiveness of snow cover detection was evaluated with respect to a time-series of in situ snow depth measurements logged over test plots with different aspects, canopy cover, and solar irradiance. Over the Sierra Nevada site, the impact of ground vegetation was assessed over the under canopy fractional snow cover retrievals using airborne lidar-derived fractional vegetation cover information. The analyses over the Pyrenees indicated a good accuracy of snow detection with the exception of plots with eithe