258 research outputs found

    Modelització 3D de la hidrodinàmica de l'embassament de Riba-roja al riu Ebre

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    En aquest treball s’han realitzat tres escenaris hidrodinàmics tridimensionals, per cabals constants d’entrada, per l’entrada del hidrograma d’avingudes del 2008 i per l’entrada de cabal i concentració de 0.02 kg/m3 constant, respectivament per cada escenari, realitzats mitjançant el programari Delft3D. La zona tractada és l’embassament de Riba-Roja situat al tram baix del riu Ebre, a Catalunya amb frontera a l’Aragó, al municipi de Riba-Roja d’Ebre, estenent-se des de Mequinensa fins els termes de Riba-Roja. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesina es dur a terme la modelització tridimensional del embassament mitjançant uns escenaris hidrodinàmics a partir del programari Delft-3D. La zona d’estudi ens permet observar el comportament hidrodinàmic, mitjançant models tridimensionals, d’un embassament situat entre mig del embassament de Mequinensa i de Flix, dels quals el comportament depèn d’un a l’altre. Per realitzar els models hidrodinàmics tridimensionals, es necessari tenir una sèrie d’arxius perquè a la hora de fer la simulació no doni errors, sent aquest arxius amb les extensions següents: .xyz, que dona la batimetria; .bdn, que delimita la zona d’estudi; i la creació d’una malla estructurada en condicions i aplicar-li l’arxiu .xyz per convertir-lo en extensió .dep., donant la profunditat del embassament respecte la làmina d’aigua. Amb els resultats obtinguts s’observa que depenent si el cabal d’entrada al embassament, sent constant o no, és inferior o superior al de sortida (dependent de la obertura de les comportes) varia la làmina d’aigua i conseqüentment les velocitats varien en la profunditat i a peu de la presa. Pel que fa al transport de sediments, s’observa que a peu de la presa es concentra al fons el sediment, i al llarg del embassament s’observa, a la confluència entre el Segre i l’Ebre i als meandres, que la concentració de sediments determina la forma de la llera, on degut a la disminució de la capacitat de transport de sediments, és produeix un augment de la deposició de sediments. En conclusió, el comportament observat, al llarg del embassament, es molt semblant al comportament d’un riu degut al temps de trànsit d’una partícula des de que entra fins que surt, degut a la influència que exerceix l’embassament de Mequinensa aigües avall.En este trabajo se han realizado tres escenarios hidrodinámicos tridimensionales, por caudales constantes de entrada, por la entrada del hidrograma de avenidas de 2008 y por la entrada de caudal y concentración de 0.02 kg/m3 constante, respectivamente por cada escenario, realizados mediante el software Delft3D. La zona tratada es el embalse de Riba-Roja situado en el tramo bajo del río Ebro, en Cataluña con frontera en Aragón, en el municipio de Riba-Roja de Ebro, extendiéndose desde Mequinenza hasta los términos de Riba- Roja. El objetivo de esta tesina es llevar a cabo la modelización tridimensional del embalse mediante escenarios hidrodinámicos a partir del software Delft-3D. La zona de estudio nos permite observar el comportamiento hidrodinámico, mediante modelos tridimensionales, de un embalse situado entre el embalse de Mequinenza y de Flix, de los cuales el comportamiento depende de uno a otro. Para realizar los modelos hidrodinámicos tridimensionales, es necesario tener una serie de archivos para que a la hora de realizar la simulación no den errores, siendo estos archivos con las siguientes extensiones: .xyz, que da la batimetría; .bdn, que delimita la zona de estudio; y la creación de una malla estructurada en condiciones y aplicarle el archivo .xyz para convertirlo en extensión .dep., dando la profundidad del embalse respecto a la lámina de agua. Con los resultados obtenidos se observa que dependiendo de si el caudal de entrada al embalse, siendo ii constante o no, es inferior o superior al de salida (dependiente de la apertura de las compuertas) varía la lámina de agua y consecuentemente las velocidades varían en la profundidad y a pie de la presa. En cuanto al transporte de sedimentos, se observa que a pie de la presa se concentra en el fondo el sedimento, y a lo largo del embalse se observa, en la confluencia entre el Segre y el Ebro y en los meandros, que la concentración de sedimentos determina la forma del cauce, donde debido a la disminución de la capacidad de transporte de sedimentos, se produce un aumento de la deposición de sedimentos. En conclusión, el comportamiento observado, a lo largo del embalse, es muy parecido al comportamiento de un río debido al tiempo de tránsito de una partícula desde que entra hasta su salida, debido a la influencia que ejerce el embalse de Mequinenza aguas abajo.In this work, three three-dimensional hydrodynamic scenarios have been carried out, for constant inlet flows, for the inlet of the 2008 flood hydrograph and for the inlet flow and concentration of 0.02 kg/m3 constant, respectively for each scenario, carried out using the software Delft3D. The treated area is the Riba-Roja reservoir located in the lower section of the Ebro River, in Catalonia with the Aragon border, in the municipality of Riba-Roja de Ebro, extending from Mequinensa to the Riba-Roja district. The objective of this thesis is to carry out the three-dimensional modelling of the reservoir by means of hydrodynamic scenarios from the Delft-3D software. The study area allows us to observe the hydrodynamic behaviour, through three-dimensional models, of a reservoir located between the Mequinensa and Flix reservoirs, whose behaviour depends on one another. To make the three-dimensional hydrodynamic models, it is necessary to have a series of files so that when performing the simulation they do not give errors, these files being with the following extensions: .xyz, which gives the bathymetry; .bdn, which defines the study area; and the creation of a structured mesh in conditions and applying the .xyz file to it to convert it to a .dep. extension, giving the depth of the reservoir with respect to the sheet of water. With the results obtained, it is observed that depending on whether the inlet flow to the reservoir, being constant or not, is lower or higher than the outlet flow (depending on the opening of the gates), the water sheet varies and consequently the velocities vary in the depth and at the foot of the dam. Regarding sediment transport, it is observed that at the foot of the dam the sediment is concentrated at the bottom, and along the reservoir it is observed, at the confluence between the Segre and the Ebro and in the meanders, that the concentration of sediments determines the shape of the channel, where due to the decrease in sediment transport capacity, there is an increase in sediment deposition. In conclusion, the observed behaviour along the reservoir is very similar to the behaviour of a river due to the transit time of a particle from its entry to its exit, due to the influence exerted by the Mequinensa reservoir downstream

    1,3-di(benzo[d]oxazol-5-yl)urea acts as either adventitious rooting adjuvant or xylogenesis enhancer in carob and pine microcuttings depending on the presence/absence of exogenous indole-3-butyric acid

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    Asexual propagation in Ceratonia siliqua L. (carob), species of economic value, is difficult because of adventitious rooting recalcitrance. In Pinus radiata adventitious rooting of hypocotyl cuttings is enhanced by two urea-derivatives, 1,3-di(benzo[d]oxazol-5-yl)urea (5-BDPU) and 1,3-di(benzo[d]oxazol-6-yl)urea (6-BDPU), combined with exogenous indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The research was aimed to define the role of these urea-derivatives in adventitious root (AR) formation of carob, and to identify morphogenic roles induced in carob, but also in pine, a distantly-related forest species. In carob, 5-BDPU (10 μM) highly promoted AR formation in combination with IBA (1 μM) when applied for 3 days, followed by a transfer onto hormone free medium (HF) up to culture end (4 weeks). IBA alone (1 μM) was more effective than IBA + kinetin (Kin, 10 nM), whereas Kin alone and 5-BDPU alone were not AR-inductive. The histological analysis showed that the cambial cells initiated the ARs, and similar numbers of AR-primordia were visible at day 12, independently of the AR-inductive treatment (i.e., IBA, IBA + 5-BDPU, IBA + Kin). No cutting treated with Kin alone, and rare HF (±5-BDPU)-treated ones, showed AR-primordia at day 12. The number of AR-forming explants increased under IBA + 5-BDPU. By contrast, the cambial cells were stimulated to initiate deuteroxylem instead of ARs under 5-BDPU alone. The histological analysis in pine microcuttings treated with IBA and/or 5-BDPU at the same concentrations confirmed that 5-BDPU applied alone enhanced xylogenesis, highlighting that this urea-derivative exhibits a dual morphogenic role being involved in the switching between adventitious rooting and xylogenesis depending on the presence of exogenous auxin in both species

    Cetáceos en cautividad : normativa y situación actual

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura d'Ètica i Legislació. Gestió empresarial (102680)Annex

    Structured-light-sheet imaging in an integrated optofluidic platform

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    : Heterogeneity investigation at the single-cell level reveals morphological and phenotypic characteristics in cell populations. In clinical research, heterogeneity has important implications in the correct detection and interpretation of prognostic markers and in the analysis of patient-derived material. Among single-cell analysis, imaging flow cytometry allows combining information retrieved by single cell images with the throughput of fluidic platforms. Nevertheless, these techniques might fail in a comprehensive heterogeneity evaluation because of limited image resolution and bidimensional analysis. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy opened new ways to study in 3D the complexity of cellular functionality in samples ranging from single-cells to micro-tissues, with remarkably fast acquisition and low photo-toxicity. In addition, structured illumination microscopy has been applied to single-cell studies enhancing the resolution of imaging beyond the conventional diffraction limit. The combination of these techniques in a microfluidic environment, which permits automatic sample delivery and translation, would allow exhaustive investigation of cellular heterogeneity with high throughput image acquisition at high resolution. Here we propose an integrated optofluidic platform capable of performing structured light sheet imaging flow cytometry (SLS-IFC). The system encompasses a multicolor directional coupler equipped with a thermo-optic phase shifter, cylindrical lenses and a microfluidic network to generate and shift a patterned light sheet within a microchannel. The absence of moving parts allows a stable alignment and an automated fluorescence signal acquisition during the sample flow. The platform enables 3D imaging of an entire cell in about 1 s with a resolution enhancement capable of revealing sub-cellular features and sub-diffraction limit details

    LIF regulates CXCL9 in tumor-associated macrophages and prevents CD8+ T cell tumor-infiltration impairing anti-PD1 therapy

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    Càncer; Macròfags associats al tumor: LIF; CD8Cáncer; Macrófagos asociados al tumor; CD8Cancer; Tumor-associated macrophages; CD8Cancer response to immunotherapy depends on the infiltration of CD8+ T cells and the presence of tumor-associated macrophages within tumors. Still, little is known about the determinants of these factors. We show that LIF assumes a crucial role in the regulation of CD8+ T cell tumor infiltration, while promoting the presence of protumoral tumor-associated macrophages. We observe that the blockade of LIF in tumors expressing high levels of LIF decreases CD206, CD163 and CCL2 and induces CXCL9 expression in tumor-associated macrophages. The blockade of LIF releases the epigenetic silencing of CXCL9 triggering CD8+ T cell tumor infiltration. The combination of LIF neutralizing antibodies with the inhibition of the PD1 immune checkpoint promotes tumor regression, immunological memory and an increase in overall survival

    Globalization, Economic Freedom and Human Rights

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    Using the KOF Index of Globalization and two indices of economic freedom, we empirically analyze whether globalization and economic liberalization affect governments' respect for human rights using a panel of 106 countries over the 1981-2004 period. According to our results, physical integrity rights significantly and robustly increase with globalization and economic freedom, while empowerment rights are not robustly affected. Due to the lack of consensus about the appropriate level of empowerment rights as compared to the outright rejection of any violation of physical integrity rights, the global community is presumably less effective in promoting empowerment rights

    MCT4 blockade increases the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade

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    Background & Aims Intratumoral lactate accumulation and acidosis impair T-cell function and antitumor immunity. Interestingly, expression of the lactate transporter monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 4, but not MCT1, turned out to be prognostic for the survival of patients with rectal cancer, indicating that single MCT4 blockade might be a promising strategy to overcome glycolysis-related therapy resistance. Methods To determine whether blockade of MCT4 alone is sufficient to improve the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy, we examined the effects of the selective MCT1 inhibitor AZD3965 and a novel MCT4 inhibitor in a colorectal carcinoma (CRC) tumor spheroid model co-cultured with blood leukocytes in vitro and the MC38 murine CRC model in vivo in combination with an antibody against programmed cell death ligand-1(PD-L1). Results Inhibition of MCT4 was sufficient to reduce lactate efflux in three-dimensional (3D) CRC spheroids but not in two-dimensional cell-cultures. Co-administration of the MCT4 inhibitor and ICB augmented immune cell infiltration, T-cell function and decreased CRC spheroid viability in a 3D co-culture model of human CRC spheroids with blood leukocytes. Accordingly, combination of MCT4 and ICB increased intratumoral pH, improved leukocyte infiltration and T-cell activation, delayed tumor growth, and prolonged survival in vivo. MCT1 inhibition exerted no further beneficial impact. Conclusions These findings demonstrate that single MCT4 inhibition represents a novel therapeutic approach to reverse lactic-acid driven immunosuppression and might be suitable to improve ICB efficacy

    White Paper 1: New foundations for a sustainable global society

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    Coordinación: Eduardo Moyano Estrada; Tomás García Azcárate.This volume is focused on the axis “New foundations for a sustainable global society”, and refers to the important process of global change that affects all dimensions of society, disrupting the context in which scientific work has been developed in recent decades. It is a process of change not comparable to what happened decades ago, mainly due to its breadth, multidimensionality and interdependence, and also to the fact that this process manifests itself simultaneously in many areas, territories and social groups. Its analysis therefore requires carrying out a convergence exercise between areas and lines of research, betting on a multidisciplinary approach, since both “globalization” and “sustainability” are, concepts that affect society, as a whole.Peer reviewe

    Juxtaposing BTE and ATE – on the role of the European insurance industry in funding civil litigation

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    One of the ways in which legal services are financed, and indeed shaped, is through private insurance arrangement. Two contrasting types of legal expenses insurance contracts (LEI) seem to dominate in Europe: before the event (BTE) and after the event (ATE) legal expenses insurance. Notwithstanding institutional differences between different legal systems, BTE and ATE insurance arrangements may be instrumental if government policy is geared towards strengthening a market-oriented system of financing access to justice for individuals and business. At the same time, emphasizing the role of a private industry as a keeper of the gates to justice raises issues of accountability and transparency, not readily reconcilable with demands of competition. Moreover, multiple actors (clients, lawyers, courts, insurers) are involved, causing behavioural dynamics which are not easily predicted or influenced. Against this background, this paper looks into BTE and ATE arrangements by analysing the particularities of BTE and ATE arrangements currently available in some European jurisdictions and by painting a picture of their respective markets and legal contexts. This allows for some reflection on the performance of BTE and ATE providers as both financiers and keepers. Two issues emerge from the analysis that are worthy of some further reflection. Firstly, there is the problematic long-term sustainability of some ATE products. Secondly, the challenges faced by policymakers that would like to nudge consumers into voluntarily taking out BTE LEI

    Penilaian Kinerja Keuangan Koperasi di Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    This paper describe development and financial performance of cooperative in District Pelalawan among 2007 - 2008. Studies on primary and secondary cooperative in 12 sub-districts. Method in this stady use performance measuring of productivity, efficiency, growth, liquidity, and solvability of cooperative. Productivity of cooperative in Pelalawan was highly but efficiency still low. Profit and income were highly, even liquidity of cooperative very high, and solvability was good