400 research outputs found

    Selective inhibition of N-linked glycosylation impairs receptor tyrosine kinase processing

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    Global inhibition of N-linked glycosylation broadly reduces glycan occupancy on glycoproteins, but identifying how this inhibition functionally impacts specific glycoproteins is challenging. This limits our understanding of pathogenesis in the congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG). We used selective exo-enzymatic labeling of cells deficient in the two catalytic subunits of oligosaccharyltransferase - STT3A and STT3B - to monitor the presence and glycosylation status of cell surface glycoproteins. We show reduced abundance of two canonical tyrosine receptor kinases - the insulin receptor and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) - at the cell surface in STT3A-null cells, due to decreased N-linked glycan site occupancy and proteolytic processing in combination with increased endoplasmic reticulum localization. Providing cDNA for Golgi-resident proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 5a (PCSK5a) and furin cDNA to wild-type and mutant cells produced under-glycosylated forms of PCSK5a, but not furin, in cells lacking STT3A. Reduced glycosylation of PCSK5a in STT3A-null cells or cells treated with the oligosaccharyltransferase inhibitor NGI-1 corresponded with failure to rescue receptor processing, implying that alterations in the glycosylation of this convertase have functional consequences. Collectively, our findings show that STT3A-dependent inhibition of N-linked glycosylation on receptor tyrosine kinases and their convertases combines to impair receptor processing and surface localization. These results provide new insight into CDG pathogenesis and highlight how the surface abundance of some glycoproteins can be dually impacted by abnormal glycosylation

    Evaluación de la respuesta espectral y biofísica de un cultivo de caña de azúcar a la fertilización nitrogenada

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    El Nitrógeno es el macroelemento más importante para garantizar el óptimo crecimiento del cultivo de caña de azúcar. Sin embargo, debido a su poca disponibilidad en formas fácilmente asimilables por las plantas, se ha recurrido a aplicaciones de fertilizante excesivas con el objetivo de garantizar una alta cosecha. En la actualidad, los grandes avances de la agricultura de precisión, permiten realizar una detección temprana y no destructiva de diferentes fenómenos que pueden ocasionar algún nivel de estrés en los cultivos. En el presente trabajo de investigación se realizó un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos y cinco repeticiones con el objetivo de evaluar la respuesta espectral y biofísica de un cultivo de caña de azúcar (Variedad CC 01-1940) bajo diferentes dosis de fertilización nitrogenada (0% - 50% -100% - 150%) mediante el uso de microespectrómetros STS-VIS. Se encontró que el tratamiento de dosis nula de fertilización nitrogenada mostró una mayor reflectancia en la banda de máxima absorción de clorofila; y que los tratamientos con mayores dosis de fertilización nitrogenada mostraron tener una baja reflectancia en esta zona. Las zonas en las que se presentaron los mejores comportamientos de los índices de vegetación, correspondieron a las unidades experimentales ubicadas en suelos con mayores contenidos de materia orgánica. Se establecieron los modelos de regresión para las variables biofísicas (altura, número de hojas verdes, número de tallos e índice de área foliar) en relación con los índices de vegetación evaluados. Para la variable de altura (HTVD) e índice de área foliar (LAI) se encontraron coeficientes de determinación de 0.87 y 0.80 para los índices de NDRE y CIG respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos y entre bloques para las variables biofísicas, siendo LAI la mas sensible a la fertilización nitrogenada por mostrar diferencias entre los tratamientos de 0% con los tratamientos de 100% y 150%.//Abstract: Nitrogen is the most important macro-element to guarantee the optimal growth of sugarcane crop. However, due to its limited availability in forms easily assimilated by plants, excessive fertilizer applications have been used in order to ensure a high yield. Nowadays, the great developments of precision agriculture allow an early and non-destructive detection of different events that can cause stress in crops. In the present research, an experimental design of completely randomized blocks with four treatments and five replicates was carried out in order to evaluate the spectral and biophysical response of a sugarcane crop (Variety CC 01-1940) at different doses of nitrogen fertilization (0% - 50% -100% - 150%) using STS-VIS microspectrometers. It was found that the treatment of null dose of nitrogen fertilization showed a greater reflectance in the band of maximum absorption of chlorophyll; and that the treatments with greater dose of nitrogen fertilization showed to have a low reflectance in this zone. The zones in which the best vegetation index behavior was presented corresponded to the experimental units located in soils with higher organic matter content. Regression models were established for the biophysical variables (height, number of green leaves, number of stems and leaf area index) in relation to the vegetation indices evaluated. For Height (HTVD) and leaf area index (LAI), determination coefficients of 0.87 and 0.80 were found for NDRE and CIG indices respectively. Significant differences were found between treatments and between blocks for the biophysical variables, being LAI the most sensitive to nitrogen fertilization because it showed differences between treatments of 0% with treatments of 100% and 150%.Maestrí

    Evolutionary rescue of phosphomannomutase deficiency in yeast models of human disease

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    The most common cause of human congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are mutations in the phosphomannomutase gene PMM2, which affect protein N-linked glycosylation. The yeast gene SEC53 encodes a homolog of human PMM2. We evolved 384 populations of yeast harboring one of two human-disease-associated alleles, sec53-V238M and sec53-F126L, or wild-type SEC53. We find that after 1000 generations, most populations compensate for the slow-growth phenotype associated with the sec53 human-disease-associated alleles. Through whole-genome sequencing we identify compensatory mutations, including known SEC53 genetic interactors. We observe an enrichment of compensatory mutations in other genes whose human homologs are associated with Type 1 CDG, including PGM1, which encodes the minor isoform of phosphoglucomutase in yeast. By genetic reconstruction, we show that evolved pgm1 mutations are dominant and allele-specific genetic interactors that restore both protein glycosylation and growth of yeast harboring the sec53-V238M allele. Finally, we characterize the enzymatic activity of purified Pgm1 mutant proteins. We find that reduction, but not elimination, of Pgm1 activity best compensates for the deleterious phenotypes associated with the sec53-V238M allele. Broadly, our results demonstrate the power of experimental evolution as a tool for identifying genes and pathways that compensate for human-disease-associated alleles

    Deficiency in the endocytic adaptor proteins PHETA1/2 impairs renal and craniofacial development

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    A critical barrier in the treatment of endosomal and lysosomal diseases is the lack of understanding of the in vivo functions of the putative causative genes. We addressed this by investigating a key pair of endocytic adaptor proteins, PH domain-containing endocytic trafficking adaptor 1 and 2 (PHETA1/2; also known as FAM109A/B, Ses1/2, IPIP27A/B), which interact with the protein product of OCRL, the causative gene for Lowe syndrome. Here, we conducted the first study of PHETA1/2 in vivo, utilizing the zebrafish system. We found that impairment of both zebrafish orthologs, pheta1 and pheta2, disrupted endocytosis and ciliogenesis in renal tissues. In addition, pheta1/2 mutant animals exhibited reduced jaw size and delayed chondrocyte differentiation, indicating a role in craniofacial development. Deficiency of pheta1/2 resulted in dysregulation of cathepsin K, which led to an increased abundance of type II collagen in craniofacial cartilages, a marker of immature cartilage extracellular matrix. Cathepsin K inhibition rescued the craniofacial phenotypes in the pheta1/2 double mutants. The abnormal renal and craniofacial phenotypes in the pheta1/2 mutant animals were consistent with the clinical presentation of a patient with a de novo arginine (R) to cysteine (C) variant (R6C) of PHETA1. Expressing the patient-specific variant in zebrafish exacerbated craniofacial deficits, suggesting that the R6C allele acts in a dominant-negative manner. Together, these results provide insights into the in vivo roles of PHETA1/2 and suggest that the R6C variant is contributory to the pathogenesis of disease in the patient

    COG Complex Complexities : Detailed Characterization of a Complete Set of HEK293T Cells Lacking Individual COG Subunits

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    The Conserved Oligomeric Golgi complex is an evolutionarily conserved multisubunit tethering complex (MTC) that is crucial for intracellular membrane trafficking and Golgi homeostasis. The COG complex interacts with core vesicle docking and fusion machinery at the Golgi; however, its exact mechanism of action is still an enigma. Previous studies of COG complex were limited to the use of CDGII (Congenital disorders of glycosylation type II)-COG patient fibroblasts, siRNA mediated knockdowns, or protein relocalization approaches. In this study we have used the CRISPR approach to generate HEK293T knock-out (KO) cell lines missing individual COG subunits. These cell lines were characterized for glycosylation and trafficking defects, cell proliferation rates, stability of COG subunits, localization of Golgi markers, changes in Golgi structure, and N-glycan profiling. We found that all KO cell lines were uniformly deficient in cis/medial-Golgi glycosylation and each had nearly abolished binding of Cholera toxin. In addition, all cell lines showed defects in Golgi morphology, retrograde trafficking and sorting, sialylation and fucosylation, but severities varied according to the affected subunit. Lobe A and Cog6 subunit KOs displayed a more severely distorted Golgi structure, while Cog2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 knock outs had the most hypo glycosylated form of Lamp2. These results led us to conclude that every subunit is essential for COG complex function in Golgi trafficking, though to varying extents. We believe that this study and further analyses of these cells will help further elucidate the roles of individual COG subunits and bring a greater understanding to the class of MTCs as a whole

    Interaction of axonal Chondrolectin with Collagen XIXa1 is necessary for precise neuromuscular junction formation

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    Chondrolectin (Chodl) is needed for motor axon extension in zebrafish and is dysregulated in mouse models of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). However, the mechanistic basis of Chodl function is not known. Here, we use Chodl-deficient zebrafish and mouse mutants to show that the absence of Chodl leads to anatomical and functional defects of the neuromuscular synapse. In zebrafish, the growth of an identified motor axon beyond an "en passant'' synapse and later axon branching from synaptic points are impaired, leading to functional deficits. Mechanistically, motor-neuron-autonomous Chodl function depends on its intracellular domain and on binding muscle-derived collagen XIXa1 by its extracellular C-type lectin domain. Our data support evolutionarily conserved roles of Chodl in synaptogenesis and provide evidence for a "synapse-first'' scenario of motor axon growth in zebrafish

    Partial Restoration of Mutant Enzyme Homeostasis in Three Distinct Lysosomal Storage Disease Cell Lines by Altering Calcium Homeostasis

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    A lysosomal storage disease (LSD) results from deficient lysosomal enzyme activity, thus the substrate of the mutant enzyme accumulates in the lysosome, leading to pathology. In many but not all LSDs, the clinically most important mutations compromise the cellular folding of the enzyme, subjecting it to endoplasmic reticulum–associated degradation instead of proper folding and lysosomal trafficking. A small molecule that restores partial mutant enzyme folding, trafficking, and activity would be highly desirable, particularly if one molecule could ameliorate multiple distinct LSDs by virtue of its mechanism of action. Inhibition of L-type Ca2+ channels, using either diltiazem or verapamil—both US Food and Drug Administration–approved hypertension drugs—partially restores N370S and L444P glucocerebrosidase homeostasis in Gaucher patient–derived fibroblasts; the latter mutation is associated with refractory neuropathic disease. Diltiazem structure-activity studies suggest that it is its Ca2+ channel blocker activity that enhances the capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum to fold misfolding-prone proteins, likely by modest up-regulation of a subset of molecular chaperones, including BiP and Hsp40. Importantly, diltiazem and verapamil also partially restore mutant enzyme homeostasis in two other distinct LSDs involving enzymes essential for glycoprotein and heparan sulfate degradation, namely α-mannosidosis and type IIIA mucopolysaccharidosis, respectively. Manipulation of calcium homeostasis may represent a general strategy to restore protein homeostasis in multiple LSDs. However, further efforts are required to demonstrate clinical utility and safety

    In Vivo and Ex Vivo Evaluation of L-Type Calcium Channel Blockers on Acid β-Glucosidase in Gaucher Disease Mouse Models

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    Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disease caused by mutations in acid β-glucosidase (GCase) leading to defective hydrolysis and accumulation of its substrates. Two L-type calcium channel (LTCC) blockers—verapamil and diltiazem—have been reported to modulate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) folding, trafficking, and activity of GCase in human Gaucher disease fibroblasts. Similarly, these LTCC blockers were tested with cultured skin fibroblasts from homozygous point-mutated GCase mice (V394L, D409H, D409V, and N370S) with the effect of enhancing of GCase activity. Correspondingly, diltiazem increased GCase protein and facilitated GCase trafficking to the lysosomes of these cells. The in vivo effects of diltiazem on GCase were evaluated in mice homozygous wild-type (WT), V394L and D409H. In D409H homozygotes diltiazem (10 mg/kg/d via drinking water or 50–200 mg/kg/d intraperitoneally) had minor effects on increasing GCase activity in brain and liver (1.2-fold). Diltiazem treatment (10 mg/kg/d) had essentially no effect on WT and V394L GCase protein or activity levels (<1.2-fold) in liver. These results show that LTCC blockers had the ex vivo effects of increasing GCase activity and protein in the mouse fibroblasts, but these effects did not translate into similar changes in vivo even at very high drug doses

    High Throughput Screening for Small Molecule Therapy for Gaucher Disease Using Patient Tissue as the Source of Mutant Glucocerebrosidase

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    Gaucher disease (GD), the most common lysosomal storage disorder, results from the inherited deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme glucocerebrosidase (GCase). Previously, wildtype GCase was used for high throughput screening (HTS) of large collections of compounds to identify small molecule chaperones that could be developed as new therapies for GD. However, the compounds identified from HTS usually showed reduced potency later in confirmatory cell-based assays. An alternate strategy is to perform HTS on mutant enzyme to identify different lead compounds, including those enhancing mutant enzyme activities. We developed a new screening assay using enzyme extract prepared from the spleen of a patient with Gaucher disease with genotype N370S/N370S. In tissue extracts, GCase is in a more native physiological environment, and is present with the native activator saposin C and other potential cofactors. Using this assay, we screened a library of 250,000 compounds and identified novel modulators of mutant GCase including 14 new lead inhibitors and 30 lead activators. The activities of some of the primary hits were confirmed in subsequent cell-based assays using patient-derived fibroblasts. These results suggest that primary screening assays using enzyme extracted from tissues is an alternative approach to identify high quality, physiologically relevant lead compounds for drug development