24 research outputs found

    Penentuan potensi lokasi Rumah Sakit Kelas A di Kota Palangka Raya menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Rumah sakit memiliki fungsi penting bagi masyarakat, sehingga lokasinya harus memenuhi kriteria dan peraturan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan menetukan lokasi Rumah Sakit Kelas A di Kota Palangka Raya. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat kepentingan kriteria lokasi rumah sakit, dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) untuk menentukan potensi lokasi yang optimal. Sebanyak 30 responden yang terdiri dari Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Pemprov Kalimantan Tengah yaitu Dinas Kesehatan, RSUD Dr. Doris Sylvanus, Dinas Perencanaan Fisik dan Pekerjaan Umum, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Penelitian dan Pengembangan, serta ahli/ahli di bidang kesehatan dan perencanaan fisik dipilih secara purposive. Hasil analisis menggunakan AHP menunjukkan bahwa kriteria terpenting dalam menentukan lokasi rumah sakit adalah fungsi jalan (28,50%), kepadatan penduduk (21,96%), tata guna lahan (14,78%), jarak ke TPA (9,29%), kerawanan kebakaran hutan dan hutan (8,71%), kerawanan banjir (7,68%), tingkat kebisingan (4,73%), dan tingkat pencemaran (4,35%). Hasil analisis spasial menggunakan SIG menunjukkan besarnya potensi lokasi pembangunan RS Kelas A di setiap kecamatan Kota Palangka Raya, yaitu Bukit Batu (2.842,06 ha), Jekan Raya (1.528,47 ha), Pahandut (960,75 ha), Sabangau (819,54 ha), dan Rakumpit (2.774,70 ha)

    Evaluasi Kelayakan Berdasarkan Aspek Geologi Lingkungan Untuk Penentuan TPA Kota Palangka Raya

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    Regional feasibility analysis of landfill locations based on the environmental geology point is the initial selection in the planning of landfill sites. This research aims to assess the regional feasibility zones for landfill site in Palangka Raya city based on the environmental aspects. Observational examination and spatial analysis using geographic information system (GIS) were applied to ascertain the determination and limitation factors. The result shows that Palangka Raya could be categorized into 3 (three) zones in terms of its feasibility for the landfill area. Unsuitable zone covering an area of 165,936.69 hectares or 58.12% of total area, followed by a moderately suitable zone of 782.25 hectares (32.85%), and least suitable zone of 25,788.88 hectares (9.03%). The infeasible ones are located in districts of Sebangau and Pahandut, and some parts of Jekan Raya

    Kearifan Lokal Pemanenan Madu Hutan Masyarakat Desa Muara Ripung Kecamatan Dusun Selatan Kabupaten Barito Selatan

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    Forest honey is widely known as non-timber forest products (NTFPs) with high economic value and contains many beneficial substances for human body. Forest honey in several villages in South Barito district has been managed traditionally. This study aims to describe the processes of forest honey cultivation and the application of local wisdom values in a group of honeybee farmer in Muara Ripung Village, South Barito. A qualitative measurement through in-depth interview and field observations were applied in data collection and analysis. The results show that forest honey management helps to sustain forest area since forest is essential to support the availability of honey nest and bees feed. In addition, farmers also still use traditional harvesting tools and procedures as did by their predecessors

    Socio-Economic Condition of Communities in Resolving Conflicts in the Bukit Tangkiling Conservation Area

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    The Bukit Tangkiling Conservation Area has great potential for natural resources, including clean water, honey bees, recreation services, and religious services. There is also potential for split stone, which had been mined by the people from the rock hills in the area. The potential utilization of these natural resources trigger conflicts between interests to maintain the function and existence of conservation areas with the interests of using split stone for the community in order to meet the development needs of the city of Palangka Raya and its surrounding regions, at the cost of damaging the existing area. As an input in managing the conservation area Bukit Tangkiling is well implemented, research is needed on the social and economic conditions of the community’s surrounding the area. The research used survey methods and respondents are determined by purposive sampling and simple random sampling, and data analysis was both qualitative and quantitative. The communities around the Bukit Tangkiling conservation area are dominated by productive age (18-56 years), Banturung Village 59.00% and Tangkiling Village 54.97%. The level of education is relatively low, Banturung Village 72.96% and Tangkiling Village 73.29%. Having low education, most of the people have difficulty in finding decent work. Aside from that, most people do not understand the function of the forest or the function of the conservation area and tend to be apathetic about the existence of the Bukit Tangkiling conservation area that must be preserved. For some of these poorly educated people, the work of mining rocks is the best alternative to meeting the economic needs of the household. Income obtained from mining rock ranges from 2-4 million IDR per month

    Mapping the Variability of Soil Texture-Based on Vis-NIR Proximal Sensing

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    Soil texture is one of the soil properties influencing most physical, chemical, and biological soil processes.  Information on soil texture is important to support the agronomic decisions for farm management. The problem is how to provide reliable, fast and inexpensive information of soil texture in numerous soil samples and repeated measurement. The objective of this research was to generate the soil texture map based on laboratory Vis-NIR (Visible - Near Infra-Red) spectroscopy and inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method. An ASD Fieldspec 3 with a spectral range from 350 nm to 2500 nm was used to measure the soil reflectance. Pipette method was used to measure the silt, clay and sand fractions. The partial least square regression (PLSR) was performed to establish the prediction model of soil texture. The predicted values were mapped and showing the information of spatial and temporal variability of soil texture. Keywords: Vis-NIR, spectroscopy, soil texture, PLSR, ID


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    An investigation of the recruit, survivorship and growth of naturally regenerating tree species on canal bank was conducted to select tree species which are suitable for preceding planting in drained and burnt peat swamp lands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Top of the canal bank were open, with greater soil moisture deficit and higher soil temperatures than on the next intact forest floor. The abundant trees were asam-asam (Ploiarium alternifolium),garunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens) and tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus). New regeneration of these trees on the canal bank was confirmed during this investigation and mortality was very low. These results indicated that P. alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatuswere tolerant of intensive radiation, soil drought and high soil temperatures during germination. The annual height increments were 189-232 cm y-1 (P. alternifolium),118-289 cm y-1 (C. arborescens)and 27-255 cm y-1 (C. rotundatus); thus, these three species could be classified as fast-growing with tolerance to open and dry conditions. Such characteristics were important to avoid competition with herbs, ferns,and/ or climbers. The results·suggest that P.alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatusare suitable for preceding planting for the rehabilitation of the disturbed peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan

    STUDI POTENSI TANAMAN BIOFARMACA DI KAWASAN IUPHKm “HANDAK MAJU” DESA TUMBANG NUSA, KECAMATAN JABIREN RAYA, KABUPATEN PULANG PISAU, PROVINSI KALIMANTAN TENGAH: Potential Study of Medicinal Plants in the IUPHKm “Handak Maju” Area at Tumbang Nusa Village, Jabiren Raya Sub-district, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province

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    Peatland is a specific ecosystem that is always waterlogged and has multiple functions, including economic, hydrological, environmental, cultural, and biodiversity functions. Existing peatlands, especially in Central Kalimantan, have great biodiversity potential. This potential provides benefits for people living in peat areas. This diversity of biodiversity has the potential of medicinal plants that have not been maximally explored. Therefore, through this activity, data will be obtained regarding the types and potential of medicinal plants in inland peat areas, which will facilitate their management. This research activity was carried out in the “Handak Maju” IUPHKm area for 3 (three) months, from July – September 2022. The implementation method is carried out through survey activities and field observations and carrying out of the Focus Group Discussions, as well as related literature studies. Based on the results of the survey conducted, it was found that several types of medicinal plants have the potential to be developed and preserved. According to Zuhud (1991) that medicinal plants are plants whose plant parts (leaves, stems or roots) have medicinal properties and are used as raw materials in the manufacture of modern and traditional medicines. It was further revealed that, medicinal plants are still not widely cultivated. However, the advantages of treatment using traditional medicinal plant ingredients are generally considered safer than the use of modern medicine. This is because traditional medicine has relatively fewer side effects than modern medicine

    Initial Screening of Fast-growing Tree Species Being Tolerant of Dry Tropical Peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    An investigation of the recruit, survivorship and growth of naturally regenerating tree species on canal bank was conducted to select tree species which are suitable for preceding planting in drained and burnt peat swamp lands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Top of the canal bank were open, with greater soil moisture deficit and higher soil temperatures than on the next intact forest floor. The abundant trees were asam-asam (Ploiarium alternifolium),garunggang (Cratoxylon arborescens) and tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus). New regeneration of these trees on the canal bank was confirmed during this investigation and mortality was very low. These results indicated that P. alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatuswere tolerant of intensive radiation, soil drought and high soil temperatures during germination. The annual height increments were 189-232 cm y-1 (P. alternifolium),118-289 cm y-1 (C. arborescens)and 27-255 cm y-1 (C. rotundatus); thus, these three species could be classified as fast-growing with tolerance to open and dry conditions. Such characteristics were important to avoid competition with herbs, ferns,and/ or climbers. The results·suggest that P.alternifolium,C. arborescens and C. rotundatusare suitable for preceding planting for the rehabilitation of the disturbed peat swamp forests of Central Kalimantan

    Denial of long-term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences

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    Detection of fire impact and vegetation recovery over tropical peat swamp forest by satellite data and ground-based NDVI instrument

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    Multitemporal Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) was used for processing Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite images. MPCA was able to merge spectral data corresponding to TM-1996 (pre-fire in 1997), ETM-2000 (post-fire 1997 and pre-fire 2002) and ETM-2003 (post-fire in 2002), which was crucial for detecting the fire impact and vegetation recovery. Results indicate that the burnt areas of 1997 and 2002 were 89,086 ha (16.5%) and 31,859 ha (5.9%), respectively, within the study area of 540,000 ha. SPOT-VEGETATION 10-days Maximum Value Composite (MVC) data were also used and compared with Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from ground-based NDVI. Our research demonstrates the strong relationship between Landsat TM/ETM+, SPOT-VEGETATION data and ground-based NDVI to identifying land cover changes and vegetation recovery over the tropical peat swamp forest area in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia that is affected by forest fires that occurred in 1997 and 2002