587 research outputs found

    Variation in grouping patterns, mating systems and social structure: what socio-ecological models attempt to explain

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    Socio-ecological models aim to predict the variation in social systems based on a limited number of ecological parameters. Since the 1960s, the original model has taken two paths: one relating to grouping patterns and mating systems and one relating to grouping patterns and female social structure. Here, we review the basic ideas specifically with regard to non-human primates, present new results and point to open questions. While most primates live in permanent groups and exhibit female defence polygyny, recent studies indicate more flexibility with cooperative male resource defence occurring repeatedly in all radiations. In contrast to other animals, the potential link between ecology and these mating systems remains, however, largely unexplored. The model of the ecology of female social structure has often been deemed successful, but has recently been criticized. We show that the predicted association of agonistic rates and despotism (directional consistency of relationships) was not supported in a comparative test. The overall variation in despotism is probably due to phylogenetic grade shifts. At the same time, it varies within clades more or less in the direction predicted by the model. This suggests that the model's utility may lie in predicting social variation within but not across clades

    The globular cluster NGC 2419: a crucible for theories of gravity

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    We present the analysis of a kinematic data set of stars in the globular cluster NGC 2419, taken with Keck/DEIMOS. Combined with a reanalysis of deep HST and Subaru imaging data, which provide an accurate luminosity profile of the cluster, we investigate the validity of a large set of dynamical models of the system, which are checked for stability via N-body simulations. We find that isotropic models in either Newtonian or Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) are ruled out with extremely high confidence. However, a simple Michie model in Newtonian gravity with anisotropic velocity dispersion provides an excellent representation of the luminosity profile and kinematics. In contrast, with MOND we find that Michie models that reproduce the luminosity profile either over-predict the velocity dispersion on the outskirts of the cluster if the mass to light ratio is kept at astrophysically-motivated values, or else they under-predict the central velocity dispersion if the mass to light ratio is taken to be very small. We find that the best Michie model in MOND is a factor of 10000 less likely than the Newtonian model that best fits the system. A likelihood ratio of 350 is found when we investigate more general models by solving the Jeans equation with a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo scheme. We verified with N-body simulations that these results are not significantly different when the MOND external field effect is accounted for. If the assumptions that the cluster is in dynamical equilibrium, spherical, not on a peculiar orbit, and possesses a single dynamical tracer population of constant M/L are correct, we conclude that the present observations provide a very severe challenge for MOND. [abridged]Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The evolution of the binary population in globular clusters: a full analytical computation

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    I present a simplified analytical model that simulates the evolution of the binary population in a dynamically evolving globular cluster. A number of simulations have been run spanning a wide range in initial cluster and environmental conditions by taking into account the main mechanisms of formation and destruction of binary systems. Following this approach, I investigate the evolution of the fraction, the radial distribution, the distribution of mass ratios and periods of the binary population. According to these simulations, the fraction of surviving binaries appears to be dominated by the processes of binary ionization and evaporation. In particular, the frequency of binary systems changes by a factor 1-5 depending on the initial conditions and on the assumed initial distribution of periods. The comparison with the existing estimates of binary fractions in Galactic globular clusters suggests that significant variations in the initial binary content could exist among the analysed globular cluster. This model has been also used to explain the observed discrepancy found between the most recent N-body and Monte Carlo simulations in the literature.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The effect of intergroup competition on intragroup affiliation in primates

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    Researchers from various disciplines have hypothesized a positive correlation between the level of intergroup contest competition (IGCC) and the evolution of behavioural traits, such as cooperation, altruism and friendship, which promote intragroup affiliation. Empirical support for this hypothesis is, however, scarce and mainly available from humans. We tested whether the level of IGCC affects intragroup affiliation (i.e. intragroup grooming exchange) among male and female nonhuman primates. To quantify intragroup affiliation, we used social network measures and a grooming index. Our measure of IGCC combined frequency of intergroup encounters and proportion of aggressive encounters and was calculated separately for males and females. We ran our analyses on 27 wild groups of primates belonging to 15 species (13 Cercopithecinae, one Colobinae and one Cebinae). Our analyses reveal a clear pattern of correlated evolution between grooming network density and interindividual variation in the number of grooming partners on the one hand and the intensity of IGCC on the other in females, but not males. Thus, our results suggest that the exact nature of the relationship between IGCC and intragroup affiliation is sex specific. These results may be explained by the differential costs and benefits males and females experience during aggressive intergroup confrontations and by sex-specific differences in intragroup affiliation

    Measuring subjective well-being from a multidimensional and temporal perspective: Italian adaptation of the I COPPE scale

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    Background: The objective of this study is to present the psychometric and cultural adaptation of the I COPPE scale to the Italian context. The original 21-item I COPPE was developed by Isaac Prilleltensky and colleagues to integrate a multidimensional and temporal perspective into the quantitative assessment of people’s subjective well-being. The scale comprises seven domains (Overall, Interpersonal, Community, Occupation, Psychological, Physical, and Economic well-being), which tap into past, present, and future self-appraisals of well-being. Methods: The Italian adapted version of the I COPPE scale underwent translation and backtranslation procedure. After a pilot study was conducted on a local sample of 683 university students, a national sample of 2432 Italian citizens responded to the final translated version of the I COPPE scale, 772 of whom re-completed the same survey after a period of four months. Respondents from both waves of the national sample were recruited partly through on-line social networks (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and SurveyMonkey) and partly by university students who had been trained in Computer-Assisted Survey Information Collection. Results: Data were first screened for non-valid cases and tested for multivariate normality and missing data. The correlation matrix revealed highly significant correlation values, ranging from medium to high for nearly all congeneric variables of the I COPPE scale. Results from a series of nested and non-nested model comparisons supported the 7-factor correlated-traits model originally hypothesised, with factor loadings and inter-item reliability ranging from medium to high. In addition, they revealed that the I COPPE scale has strong internal reliability, with composite reliability always higher than .7, satisfactory construct validity, with average variance extracted nearly always higher than .5, and and full strict invariance across time. Conclusions: The Italian adaptation of the I COPPE scale presents appropriate psychometric properties in terms of both validity and reliability, and therefore can be applied to the Italian context. Some limitation and recommendations for future studies are discussed

    24-h sheltering behaviour of individually kept horses during Swedish summer weather

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    Provision of shelter for horses kept on summer pasture is rarely considered in welfare guidelines, perhaps because the benefits of shelter in warm conditions are poorly documented scientifically. For cattle, shade is a valued resource during summer and can mitigate the adverse effects of warm weather on well-being and performance. We found in a previous study that horses utilized shelters frequently in summer. A shelter with a roof and closed on three sides (shelter A) was preferred and can reduce insect pressure whereas a shelter with roof and open on three sides was not utilized. However, shelter A restricts the all-round view of a horse, which may be important for horses as flight animals. Therefore, we studied whether a shelter with roof, where only the upper half of the rear wall was closed (shelter B), would be utilized while maintaining insect protection properties and satisfying the horses’ sense for security. A third shelter was offered with walls but no roof (shelter C) to evaluate whether the roof itself is an important feature from the horse’s perspective. Eight Warmblood horses were tested each for 2 days, kept individually for 24 h in two paddocks with access to shelters A and B, or shelters A and C, respectively. Shelter use was recorded continuously during the night (1800–2400 h, 0200–0600 h) and the following day (0900–1600 h), and insect defensive behaviour (e.g., tail swish) in instantaneous scan samples at 5-min intervals during daytime