13 research outputs found
Gross National Happiness and Environmental Status in Bhutan
- Author
- Aris M.
- Basu G. K.
- Bhatia A.
- Blaikie P.
- Blaikie P. M.
- Brown L.
- Carpenter R.
- David Zurick
- Denniston D.
- Dorji D. C.
- Eley T.
- FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization].
- FAO [Food and Agriculture Organization].
- Green M. J. B.
- Guha R.
- HRCB [Human Rights Council of Bhutan].
- Hutt M.
- Ives J. D.
- Karan P. P.
- Karan P. P.
- Miller D.J.
- Pommaret F.
- RGB [Royal Government of Bhutan].
- RGB [Royal Government of Bhutan].
- RGB [Royal Government of Bhutan].
- RGB [Royal Government of Bhutan].
- RGB [Royal Government of Bhutan].
- Rinchhen D. N.
- Roder W.
- Rose L.
- Sargent C.
- Sherpa M.
- Shrestha N. R.
- Stevens S.
- Thinley U.
- Tulachan P. M.
- UNDP [United Nations Development Programme].
- Upreti B. C.
- WWF [World Wildlife Fund].
- Zurick D.
- Zurick D.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Strategies to Achieve Net Zero Emissions in Nepal
- Author
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Ministry of Finance (MoF)
- Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation Nepal (MoFSC)
- Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (MoPIT)
- Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE)
- Munawar Sana
- Nepal Electricity Authority
- Nepal Electricity Authority
- Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme/GIZ (NEEP/GIZ)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Shrestha Ram Manohar
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
- Water and Energy Commision Secretariat (WECS)
- Wong Sam
- World Bank (WB)
- World Energy Council
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Nodes of Control in a South(east) Asian Borderland
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Allegiance and Alienation
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
The Micropolitics of Borders
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Histories of Belonging(s)
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Borders without Borderlands
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
Developing the Border
- Author
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Adelman
- Agamben
- Agamben
- Aggarwal
- Aggarwal
- Ahmed
- Ali
- Ammelina
- Amnesty International
- Anderson
- Anisuzzaman
- Ao
- Ao
- Appadurai
- Arendt
- Aretxaga
- Arnold
- Asiwaju
- Association of Human Rights Activists (AHURA)
- Atkinson
- Bandopadhyaya
- Banerjee
- Banerjee
- Barpujari
- Barth
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Baruah
- Basaran
- Bates
- Baud
- Baylen
- Behera
- Bennett
- Berdahl
- Berenschot
- Berti
- Bhasin
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhattacharjee
- Bhuyan
- Blackburn
- Blaikie
- Bolton
- Borneman
- Bose
- Boyd
- Brass
- Brass
- Bray
- Bruslé
- Burling
- Butalia
- Butalia
- Butler
- Bénéi
- Campbell
- Chakrabarti
- Chakrabarty
- Chakravarti
- Chasie
- Chatterjee
- Chatterjee
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chatterji
- Chattopadhyay
- Chaube
- Clarence-Smith
- Coedès
- Cohn
- Collier
- Cons
- Cons
- Corbridge
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das
- Das Gupta
- Dasgupta
- de Wilde
- Des Chene
- Desai
- Dhakal
- Diener
- Diener
- Dixit
- Dolfuss
- Donnan
- Donnan
- Dube
- Dutta
- Dutta
- D’Souza
- Eaton
- Eaton
- Eck
- Elwin
- Elwin
- Farrelly
- Fernandes
- Foucault
- Franke
- Freitag
- Friedman
- Fuller
- FĂĽrer-Haimendorf
- Gaige
- Gait
- Gangopadhyay
- Geertz
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Gellner
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Ghosh
- Gibson
- Giersch
- Giersch
- Gillan
- Glazier
- Gordon
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Goswami
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Government of Arunachal Pradesh
- Gravers
- Grist
- Guha
- Guha
- Guhathakurta
- Gundevia
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutiérrez-Witt
- Hall
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Hansen
- Harriss-White
- Harriss-White
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Hausner
- Heine-Geldern
- Herzog
- Heyman
- Heyman
- Hilaly
- Hinton
- Hitchcock
- Hodgson
- Hodson
- Hoftun
- Holdich
- Horam
- Horam
- House
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutt
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Hutton
- Ibrahim
- International Organization for Migration (IOM)
- Iralu
- Ishii
- Ishii
- Ispahani
- Jacobs
- Jacques
- Jalais
- Jalais
- Jaleel
- Jamir
- Jayal
- Jessop
- Jha
- Jodha
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsson
- Jonsson
- Joseph
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi
- Joshi (as Patel)
- Kabui
- Kapila
- Kearney
- Kearney
- Keay
- Keay
- Khilnani
- Kidd
- Kirsch
- Kolff
- Krauskopff
- Krishna
- Krishna
- Kudaisya
- Kumar
- Kumar
- Lamb
- Leach
- Lecomte-Tilouine
- Lehman
- Li
- Lieberman
- Liechty
- Lintner
- Longchar
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Longkumer
- Lotha
- Luen
- Luithui
- Luthra
- Mabbett
- MacDonald
- Mackenzie
- Malkki
- Mallick
- Mann
- Markowitz
- MartĂnez
- Mathur
- Maud
- Maxwell
- Maxwell
- Mayaram
- McKinsey
- Menon
- Mibang
- Michael
- Michael
- Michaud
- Michaud
- Michelutti
- Migdal
- Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region and North Eastern Council
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Mishra
- Misra
- Mitchell
- Mookherjee
- Moore
- Muggah
- Murayama
- Murshid
- Nag
- Nalven
- Newman
- Newman
- Nibedon
- Nibedon
- Nigam
- Nuh
- Paasi
- Paasi
- Pahari
- Pakrasi
- Pandey
- Parmanand
- Parry
- Peer
- Pemberton
- Peters
- Pfaff-Czarnecka
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Piliavsky
- Pittock
- Platts
- Pommaret
- Pommaret
- Powell
- Pradhan
- Price
- Radcliffe-Brown
- Radhakrishna
- Radhakrishna
- Rahman
- Rajaram
- Ramachandran
- Ramble
- Rammuny
- Rangan
- Ray
- Ray
- Regmi
- Riddi
- Rizal
- Rizvi
- Rizvi
- Robb
- Rose
- Roy
- Roy Burman
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Royal Government of Bhutan (RGB)
- Rustomji
- Rösler
- Sachdeva
- Saikia
- Sakhong
- Salam
- Salam
- Samaddar
- Sandos
- SanyĂĽ
- Sarma
- Sayer
- Schicklgruber
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Sebastian
- Seddon
- Seely
- Segura
- Sema
- Sentsi
- Shah
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Shaw
- Shimray
- Sikar
- Sikdar
- Sikdar
- Simmel
- Simpson
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singha
- Singha
- Sinha
- Sinha
- Skaria
- Smith
- Smith
- Sneath
- Spencer
- Stiller
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Strawn
- Stringham
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sturgeon
- Sökefeld
- Tambiah
- Tapp
- Tarlo
- Thakur
- Thapa
- Thinley
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Torpey
- Trouillot
- Tsing
- Tsing
- Turner
- Turner
- Uberoi
- Valk
- Van Beek
- Van Beek
- Van Driem
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Van Schendel
- Vas
- Vashum
- Walker
- Walton
- Wastl-Walter
- Weber
- Weiner
- West
- Whelpton
- Whitecross
- Whyte
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windling
- Winichakul
- Wink
- Wood
- Woodman
- Woodward
- Wouters
- Yonuo
- Zaman
- Zartman
- Zeppa
- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study