39 research outputs found

    Assistência de enfermagem a paciente gestante: queixas

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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a period marked by several changes in a woman's life and body. The physiological state of pregnancy affects many hemodynamic, metabolic and hormonal aspects necessary for the growth requirements of this process. Objective: to analyze the relevance of understanding the quality of nursing care for pregnant patients and their complaints during pregnancy. Methodology: integrative literature review with a descriptive approach, with content analysis as its primary characteristic, which synthesized and grouped the results obtained in important research on the topic outlined in previous articles, the criteria used for inclusion of scientific publications were : recognized source of research, publications that relate to the topic written in Portuguese and in the last 5 years. Exclusion criteria: duplicate studies in different databases, all articles in a foreign language. Results: when interpreting the data it is possible to create two categories of analysis. Vulnerability of pregnant women during prenatal care; There is little demand for prenatal counseling in primary care. It was concluded that low-risk obstetric consultation nurses still have problems informing pregnant women to seek primary health care during pregnancy to begin prenatal care. Conclusion: Throughout the text, we discuss the most common complaints, such as nausea and vomiting, back pain, edema, among others, and we emphasize the need for a holistic and empathetic approach on the part of nursing professionals. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of education and guidance for pregnant women, providing accurate information about the causes and management strategies for each symptom.Introdução: A gravidez é um período marcado por várias mudanças na vida e no corpo da mulher. O estado fisiológico da gravidez afeta muitos aspectos hemodinâmicos, metabólicos e hormônios necessários para o crescimento requisitos deste processo. Objetivo: analisar a relevância do entendimento sobre a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem no paciente gestante e suas queixas no decorrer da gestação. Metodologia: revisão do tipo integrativa da literatura com abordagem descritiva, tendo a análise de conteúdo como a sua característica primordial, que sintetizou e agrupou os resultados obtidos em pesquisas importantes acerca do tema delineado em artigos anteriores, os critérios usados para inclusão das publicações científicas foram: fonte reconhecidamente da pesquisa, publicações que se relacionam com a temática escrita em português e nos últimos 05 anos. Critérios de exclusão: estudos duplicados nas diferentes bases de dados, todos os artigos de língua estrangeira. Resultados: ao interpretar os dados é possível criar duas categorias de análise. Vulnerabilidade das gestantes no pré-natal; Há pouca procura de aconselhamento pré-natal nos cuidados primários. Concluiu-se que os enfermeiros da consulta obstétrica de baixo risco ainda têm problemas em informar as grávidas para procurarem os cuidados de saúde primários durante a gravidez para iniciarem os cuidados pré-natais. Conclusão: Ao longo do texto, discutimos as queixas mais comuns, como náuseas e vômitos, dores nas costas, edema, entre outras, e enfatizamos a necessidade de uma abordagem holística e empática por parte dos profissionais de enfermagem. Além disso, ressaltamos a importância da educação e orientação às gestantes, fornecendo informações precisas sobre as causas e estratégias de manejo para cada sintoma

    Efeito da enxertia e do nematoide Meloidogyne exigua sobre o crescimento radicular e a produtividade de cafeeiros

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    The State of Rio de Janeiro was once the main coffee producer in Brazil, but the infestation of nematodes (Meloidogyne exigua) has caused the production decline since the nineteenth century. The use of resistant cultivars is the main measure nematode control, and the resistant genotypes can be used both grafted or not. Coffea canephora is nematode resistant and it has a more developed root system compared to C. arabica. In this study, we evaluated the root development and yield of different cultivars of C. arabica grafted (on Apoatã IAC 2258) or not, established in areas infested (CN) by, or free (SN) of M. exigua. The genotypes in the CN area had shorter roots than those in the SN area. The not-grafted Tupi and Catuai red 144 showed thicker roots in the CN area, but they were the thinner when grafted. In the CN area the average yield of six seasons for not-grafted susceptible genotypes was up to 55% less than of those genotypes grafted on IAC Apoatã 2258. In the SN area the grafted genotypes produced 41.2% less than the not-grafted ones. O estado do Rio de Janeiro já se destacou como principal produtor de café do País, tendo a infestação dos nematoides de galhas (Meloidogyne exigua) provocado a decadência da cafeicultura desde o século XIX. O uso de cultivares resistentes é a principal medida de controle dos nematoides, podendo-se usar materiais resistentes em pés- francos ou enxertados. Além de resistência aos nematoides, a espécie Coffea canephora apresenta um sistema radicular mais desenvolvido quando comparado a C. arabica, o que pode contribuir para incremento na produção. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o desenvolvimento radicular e a produtividade de diferentes genótipos de C. arabica em pés -francos e enxertados (sobre IAC Apoatã 2258), numa área isenta (SN) e em outra infestada (CN) por M. exigua. Os genótipos da área CN apresentaram menores valores de comprimento de raiz quando comparados à área SN. Os genótipos em pés- francos Tupi e Catuaí vermelho 144 na área CN apresentaram maiores valores de diâmetro das raízes e menores valores quando enxertados. A produtividade média de seis safras de genótipos em pés- francos suscetíveis a M. exigua produziram até 2,47 vezes menos quando comparada aos genótipos enxertados sobre IAC Apoatã 2258, na área CN e os genótipos, quando enxertados, produziram até 41,2% menos que em pés-francos, na área SN


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    Uma maneira de obtenção de  melhorias na qualidade de vida dos cidadãos é através do  conhecimento sobre vários assuntos em diversas áreas como: ciência, educação, informática e línguas. O principal percurso é a procura da educação de qualidade, onde a forma de ensino aprendizagem seja cada dia mais estimulada, seja com novas metodologias didáticas ou novos instrumentos que auxiliem tal tarefa. Este estudo teve como objetivo averiguar a visão de docentes de Ciências e Biologia da Cidade de Ouricuri – PE em relação ao que a informática pode respaldar de subsídio no ensino destas disciplinas. Para levantamento de dados houve a aplicação de questionários pré-elaborados aos professores, com questões voltadas ao ensino de biologia frente às novas tecnologias computacionais. Os resultados apontam que os docentes constatam que é necessária a atualização nas metodologias de ensino, principalmente no campo de ciências, visto que esta encontra-se em constantes mudanças, para que seja mais acessível à forma de aprendizagem, levando de uma forma geral ao entendimento de que a informática é uma ferramenta importante para viabilizar o detalhamento de disciplinas com tantas diferenciações, como é o caso da Biologia

    Inoculation with the endophytic bacterium Herbaspirillum seropedicae promotes growth, nutrient uptake and photosynthetic efficiency in rice

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    Main conclusion: Higher vacuolar proton pump activity may increase plant energy and nutrient use efficiency and provide the nexus between plant inoculation with Herbaspirillum seropedicae and growth promotion. Abstract: Global change and growing human population are exhausting arable land and resources, including water and fertilizers. We present inoculation with the endophytic plant-growth promoting bacterium (PGPB) Herbaspirillum seropedicae as a strategy for promoting growth, nutrient uptake and photosynthetic efficiency in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Because plant nutrient acquisition is coordinated with photosynthesis and the plant carbon status, we hypothesize that inoculation with H. seropedicae will stimulate proton (H+) pumps, increasing plant growth nutrient uptake and photosynthetic efficiency at low nutrient levels. Plants were inoculated and grown in pots with sterile soil for 90 days. Herbaspirillum seropedicae endophytic colonization was successful and, as hypothesized, inoculation (1) stimulated root vacuolar H+ pumps (vacuolar H+-ATPase and vacuolar H+-PPase), and (2) increased plant growth, nutrient contents and photosynthetic efficiency. The results showed that inoculation with the endophytic bacterium H. seropedicae can promote plant growth, nutrient uptake and photosynthetic efficiency, which will likely result in a more efficient use of resources (nutrients and water) and higher production of nutrient-rich food at reduced economic and environmental costs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biomass and leaf acclimations to ultraviolet solar radiation in juvenile plants of Coffea arabica and C. Canephora

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    E-26/202.323/2017 E-26/202.759/2018 E-26/210.309/2018 E-26/210.037/2020 PV 312959/2019-2 PQ 300996/2016 PVS 00583/20 UID/04129/2020 Funding Information: The authors acknowledge Funda??o Carlos Chagas de Apoio ? Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) (Grants E-26/202.323/2017, WPR; E-26/202.759/2018, E-26/210.309/2018 and E-26/210.037/2020, EC), CNPq (awarded the fellowships: PV 312959/2019-2, MR; PQ 300996/2016, EC), and PVS 00583/20, EC FAPEMA (Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico do Maranh?o), all from Brazil. Support from Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia I.P., Portugal, to J.C.R. through the units UID/04129/2020 (CEF) and UIDP/04035/2020 (GeoBioTec) is also greatly acknowledged. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Despite the negative impacts of increased ultraviolet radiation intensity on plants, these organisms continue to grow and produce under the increased environmental UV levels. We hypothe-sized that ambient UV intensity can generate acclimations in plant growth, leaf morphology, and photochemical functioning in modern genotypes of Coffea arabica and C. canephora. Coffee plants were cultivated for ca. six months in a mini greenhouse under either near ambient (UVam) or reduced (UVre) ultraviolet regimes. At the plant scale, C. canephora was substantially more impacted by UVam when compared to C. arabica, investing more carbon in all juvenile plant components than under UVre. When subjected to UVam, both species showed anatomic adjustments at the leaf scale, such as increases in stomatal density in C. canephora, at the abaxial and adaxial cuticles in both species, and abaxial epidermal thickening in C. arabica, although without apparent impact on the thickness of palisade and spongy parenchyma. Surprisingly, C. arabica showed more efficient energy dissipation mechanism under UVam than C. canephora. UVam promoted elevated protective carotenoid content and a greater use of energy through photochemistry in both species, as reflected in the photochemical quenching increases. This was associated with an altered chlorophyll a/b ratio (significantly only in C. arabica) that likely promoted a greater capability to light energy capture. Therefore, UV levels promoted different modifications between the two Coffea sp. regarding plant biomass production and leaf morphology, including a few photochemical differences between species, suggesting that modifications at plant and leaf scale acted as an acclimation response to actual UV intensity.publishersversionpublishe


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    A qualidade do pescado é um fator limitante para a não proliferação de patologias para o ser humano, existindo atualmente vários agentes patogênicos. O gênero Calyptospora abarca uma variedade de formas patogênicas e parasitárias que podem incidir em peixes, aves e moluscos bivalves. Durante esse estudo foram coletados 38 espécimes de Aspistor quadriscutis (bagre ou bagrebranco) no estuário do município de São Caetano de Odivelas, na microrregião do Salgado. Os peixes foram capturados, transportados ao Laboratório de Pesquisa Carlos Azevedo – LPCA/UFRA, e necropsiados para análise da região hepática. Os lobo hepáticos apresentavam manchas acinzentadas. Retirou-se fragmentos da região para observar a morfologia tecidual e verificar a presença de parasitos. Foram encontrados vacúolos parasitóforos, contendo quatro esporocistos e em cada, dois esporozoítos, como características dos coccídios, gênero Calyptospora. Após, o fígado foi colhido e fixado em Davidson, desidratado em série alcoólica crescente, diafanizado em xilol, impregnado em parafina líquida, incluídos para o posterior corte histológico. Com cortes de 5µ os tecidos foram corados em Ziehl-Neelsen e Hematoxilina&Eosina, e montados em lâmin/lamínula com entellan, para confirmação dos achados patológicos

    Protective Response Mechanisms to Heat Stress in Interaction with High [CO2] Conditions in Coffea spp.

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    This work was supported by national funds from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia through the projects PTDC/AGRPRO/3386/2012, the research units UID/AGR/04129/2013 (LEAF) and UID/GEO/04035/2013 (GeoBioTcc), as well through the grant SFRH/BPD/47563/2008 (AT) co-financed through the POPH program subsidized by the European Social Fund. Brazilian funding from CAPES (grams PDSE: 000427/2014-04, W.P. Rodrigues; 0343/2014-05, MM; 12226/12-2, LM), CNPq and Fapemig (fellowships to FDM, FP, and EC) are also greatly acknowledged.Modeling studies have predicted that coffee crop will be endangered by future global warming, but recent reports highlighted that high [CO2] can mitigate heat impacts on coffee. This work aimed at identifying heat protective mechanisms promoted by CO2 in Coffea arabica (cv. Icatu and IPR108) and Coffea canephora cv. Conilon CL153. Plants were grown at 25/20 degrees C (day/night), under 380 or 700 mu L CO2 L-1, and then gradually submitted to 31/25, 37/30, and 42/34 degrees C. Relevant heat tolerance up to 37/30 degrees C for both [CO2] and all coffee genotypes was observed, likely supported by the maintenance or increase of the pools of several protective molecules (neoxanthin, lutein, carotenes, ohtocopherol, HSP70, raffinose), activities of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR), catalase (CAT), and the upregulated expression of some genes (ELIP, Chaperonin 20). However, at 42/34 degrees C a tolerance threshold was reached, mostly in the 380 -plants and Icatu. Adjustments in raffinose, lutein, beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol and HSP70 pools, and the upregulated expression of genes related to protective (FLIPS, HSP70, Chape 20, and 60) and antioxidant (CAT, CuSOD2, APX Cyt, APX ChI) proteins were largely driven by temperature. However, enhanced [CO2] maintained higher activities of GR (Icatu) and CAT (Icatu and IPR108), kept (or even increased) the Cu,Zn-SOD, APX, and CAT activities, and promoted a greater upregulation of those enzyme genes, as well as those related to HSP70, ELIPs, Chaperonins in CL153, and Icatu. These changes likely favored the maintenance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) at controlled levels and contributed to mitigate of photosystem II photoinhibition at the highest temperature. Overall, our results highlighted the important role of enhanced [CO2] on the coffee crop acclimation and sustainability under predicted future global warming scenarios.publishersversionpublishe

    Comparison of selection traits for effective popcorn (Zea mays L. var. Everta) breeding under water limiting conditions

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    Climate change is expected to intensify water restriction to crops, impacting on the yield potential of crops such as popcorn. This work aimed to evaluate the performance of 10 field cultivated popcorn inbred lines during two growing seasons, under well-watered (WW) and water stressed (WS) (ψsoil≥ -1.5 MPa) conditions. Water stress was applied by withholding irrigation in the phenological phase of male pre-anthesis. Additionally, two contrasting inbred lines, P7 (superior line) and L75 (low performer) were compared for grain yield (GY) and expanded popcorn volume (EPV), selected from previous studies, were tested under greenhouse conditions. In the field, no genotype x water condition x crop season (G×WC×CS) interaction was observed, whereas GY (-51%), EPV (-55%) and leaf greenness (SPAD index) measured 17 days after anthesis (DAA) (> -10%) were highly affected by water limitation. In general, root traits (angles, number, and density) presented G×WC×CS interaction, which did not support their use as selection parameters. In relation to leaf senescence, for both WS and WW conditions, the superior inbred lines maintained a stay-green condition (higher SPAD index) until physiological maturity, but maximum SPAD index values were observed later in WW (48.7 by 14 DAA) than in WS (43.9 by 7 DAA). Under both water conditions, negative associations were observed between SPAD index values 15 and 8 days before anthesis DBA), and GY and EPV (r ≥ -0.69), as well as between SPAD index 7, 17, and 22 DAA, and angles of brace root (AB), number of crown roots (NC) and crown root density (CD), in WS (r ≥ -0.69), and AB and CD, in WW (r ≥ -0.70). Lower NC and CD values may allow further root deepening in WS conditions. Under WS P7 maintained higher net photosynthesis values, stomatal conductance, and transpiration, than L75. Additionally, L75 exhibited a lower (i.e., more negative) carbon isotope composition value than P7 under WS, confirming a lower stomatal aperture in L75. In summary, besides leaf greenness, traits related to leaf photosynthetic status, and stomatal conductance were shown to be good indicators of the agronomic performance of popcorn under water constraint

    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of <em>Mesosphaerum suaveolens</em> (Lamiaceae)

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    Mesosphaerum suaveolens (Lamiaceae) is a medicinal plant commonly used in Brazil for the treatment of diseases related to the digestive tract and respiratory diseases, so we hypothesized that the essential oil of this species may have antibacterial activity. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial and modulatory activity of the essential oil of M. suaveolens as well as to characterize its chemical composition. The identification of the constituents was performed by gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and the antibacterial and modulating activity by the plate microdilution method. We found the oil had sesquiterpene β-caryophyllene as the major component. This compound may account for the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus strains, since the essential oil had a MIC of 64 μg/mL for the standard strain and 256 μg/mL for the multiresistant strain, demonstrated that the oil does not exhibit drug modulating activity. Thus, M. suaveolens oil has bioactive compounds which can be used in the preparation of drugs

    Photosynthetic capacity, leaf respiration and growth in two papaya (Carica papaya) genotypes with different leaf chlorophyll concentrations

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    StudiesGolden genotype of papaya (Carica papaya), named for its yellowish leaves, produces fruits very much appreciated by consumers worldwide. However, its growth and yield are considerably lower than those of other genotypes, such as ‘Sunrise Solo’, which has intensely green leaves. We undertook an investigation with the goal of evaluating key physiological traits that can affect biomass accumulation of both Golden and Sunrise Solo genotypes. Papaya seeds from two different genotypes with contrasting leaf colour ‘Sunrise Solo’ and Golden were grown in greenhouse conditions. Plant growth (plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf area, plant dry weight), leaf gas exchanges, leaf carbon balance, RuBisCO oxygenation and carboxylation rates, nitrogen, as well as chlorophyll concentrations and fluorescence variables were assessed. Although no significant differences were observed for photosynthetic rates between genotypes, the accumulation of small differences in photosynthesis, day after day, over a long period, might contribute to some extend to a higher C-budget in Sunrise Solo, higher leaf area and, thus, to higher productivity. Additionally, we consider that physiological processes other than photosynthesis and leaf respiration can be as well involved in lower growth and yield of Golden. One of these aspects could be related to the higher rates of photorespiration observed in Sunrise Solo, which could improve the rate of N assimilation into organic compounds, such as amino acids, thus contributing to the higher biomass production in Sunrise Solo relative to Golden. Further experiments to evaluate the effects of N metabolism on physiology and growth of Golden are required as it has the potential to limit its yieldinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio