11 research outputs found

    Ohio History 2012

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    https://kent-islandora.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/node/10130/OH-v119-thumb.jpgOHIO HISTORY Contents for Volume 119, 2012 Streetcar Politics and Reform Government in Cleveland, 1880–1909 Robert Bionaz ...... 5 Cleveland’s Iron Ore Merchants and the Lake Superior Iron Ore Trade, 1855–1900 Terry S. Reynolds ...... 30 The Role of the Business Press in the Commercial Life of Cincinnati, 1831–1912 Bradford W. Scharlott ...... 61 The Flexibility of Freedom: Slavery and Servitude in Early Ohio James J. Gigantino II ......&nbsp;89 “Industry, Enterprize and Energy”: Caleb Atwater and the Meaning of Ohio Shawn Selby ...... 101 &nbsp; Book Reviews 119 </ul