265 research outputs found

    Exoplanet interiors and habitability

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    More than 1000 exoplanets with a radius smaller than twice that of the Earth are currently known, mainly thanks to space missions dedicated to the search of exoplanets. Mass and radius estimates, which are only available for a fraction (∼ 10%) of the exoplanets, provide an indication of the bulk composition and interior structure and show that the diversity in exoplanets is far greater than in the Solar System. Geophysical studies of the interior of exoplanets are key to understanding their formation and evolution, and are also crucial for assessing their potential habitability since interior processes play an essential role in creating and maintaining conditions for water to exist at the surface or in subsurface layers. For lack of detailed observations, investigations of the interior of exoplanets are guided by the more refined knowledge already acquired about the Solar System planets and moons, and are heavily based on theoretical modelling and on studies of the behaviour of materials under the high pressure and temperature conditions in planets. Here we review the physical principles and methods used in modelling the interior and evolution of exoplanets with a rock or water/ice surface layer and identify possible habitats in or on exoplanets

    A generalized bayesian inference method for constraining the interiors of super Earths and sub-Neptunes

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    We aim to present a generalized Bayesian inference method for constraining interiors of super Earths and sub-Neptunes. Our methodology succeeds in quantifying the degeneracy and correlation of structural parameters for high dimensional parameter spaces. Specifically, we identify what constraints can be placed on composition and thickness of core, mantle, ice, ocean, and atmospheric layers given observations of mass, radius, and bulk refractory abundance constraints (Fe, Mg, Si) from observations of the host star's photospheric composition. We employed a full probabilistic Bayesian inference analysis that formally accounts for observational and model uncertainties. Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo technique, we computed joint and marginal posterior probability distributions for all structural parameters of interest. We included state-of-the-art structural models based on self-consistent thermodynamics of core, mantle, high-pressure ice, and liquid water. Furthermore, we tested and compared two different atmospheric models that are tailored for modeling thick and thin atmospheres, respectively. First, we validate our method against Neptune. Second, we apply it to synthetic exoplanets of fixed mass and determine the effect on interior structure and composition when (1) radius, (2) atmospheric model, (3) data uncertainties, (4) semi-major axes, (5) atmospheric composition (i.e., a priori assumption of enriched envelopes versus pure H/He envelopes), and (6) prior distributions are varied. Our main conclusions are: [...]Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597, A37, 17 pages, 11 figure

    Testing Lorentz symmetry with planetary orbital dynamics

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    Planetary ephemerides are a very powerful tool to constrain deviations from the theory of General Relativity using orbital dynamics. The effective field theory framework called the Standard-Model Extension (SME) has been developed in order to systematically parametrize hypothetical violations of Lorentz symmetry (in the Standard Model and in the gravitational sector). In this communication, we use the latest determinations of the supplementary advances of the perihelia and of the nodes obtained by planetary ephemerides analysis to constrain SME coefficients from the pure gravity sector and also from gravity-matter couplings. Our results do not show any deviation from GR and they improve current constraints. Moreover, combinations with existing constraints from Lunar Laser Ranging and from atom interferometry gravimetry allow us to disentangle contributions from the pure gravity sector from the gravity-matter couplings.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Determination of Rare Earth Elements, Sc, Y, Zr, Ba, Hf and Th in Geological Samples by ICP-MS after Tm Addition and Alkaline Fusion

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    International audienceWe present a revised method for the determination of concentrations of rare earth (REE) and other trace elements (Y, Sc, Zr, Ba, Hf, Th) in geological samples. Our analytical procedure involves sample digestion using alkaline fusion (NaOH-Na2O2) after addition of a Tm spike, co-precipitation on iron hydroxides, and measurement by sector field-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS). The procedure was tested successfully for various rock types (i.e., basalt, ultramafic rock, sediment, soil, granite), including rocks with low trace element abundances (sub ng g−1). Results obtained for a series of nine geological reference materials (BIR-1, BCR-2, UB-N, JP-1, AC-E, MA-N, MAG-1, GSMS-2, GSS-4) are in reasonable agreement with published working values

    The tides of Mercury and possible implications for its interior structure

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    The combination of the radio tracking of the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging spacecraft and Earth-based radar measurements of the planet's spin state gives three fundamental quantities for the determination of the interior structure of Mercury: mean density ρ, moment of inertia C, and moment of inertia of the outer solid shell Cm. This work focuses on the additional information that can be gained by a determination of the change in gravitational potential due to planetary tides, as parameterized by the tidal potential Love number k2. We investigate the tidal response for sets of interior models that are compatible with the available constraints (ρ, C, and Cm). We show that the tidal response correlates with the size of the liquid core and the mean density of material below the outer solid shell and that it is affected by the rheology of the outer solid shell of the planet, which depends on its temperature and mineralogy. For a mantle grain size of 1 cm, we calculate that the tidal k2 of Mercury is in the range 0.45 to 0.52. Some of the current models for the interior structure of Mercury are compatible with the existence of a solid FeS layer at the top of the core. Such a layer, if present, would increase the tidal response of the planet

    Lunar Seismology: An Update on Interior Structure Models

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    An international team of researchers gathered, with the support of the Interna- tional Space Science Institute (ISSI), (1) to review seismological investigations of the lunar interior from the Apollo-era and up until the present and (2) to re-assess our level of knowl- edge and uncertainty on the interior structure of the Moon. A companion paper (Nunn et al. in Space Sci. Rev., submitted) reviews and discusses the Apollo lunar seismic data with the aim of creating a new reference seismic data set for future use by the community. In this study, we first review information pertinent to the interior of the Moon that has become available since the Apollo lunar landings, particularly in the past ten years, from orbiting spacecraft, continuing measurements, modeling studies, and laboratory experiments. Fol- lowing this, we discuss and compare a set of recent published models of the lunar interior, including a detailed review of attenuation and scattering properties of the Moon. Common features and discrepancies between models and moonquake locations provide a first esti- mate of the error bars on the various seismic parameters. Eventually, to assess the influence of model parameterisation and error propagation on inverted seismic velocity models, an inversion test is presented where three different parameterisations are considered. For this purpose, we employ the travel time data set gathered in our companion paper (Nunn et al. in Space Sci. Rev., submitted). The error bars of the inverted seismic velocity models demon- strate that the Apollo lunar seismic data mainly constrain the upper- and mid-mantle struc- ture to a depth of ∼1200 km. While variable, there is some indication for an upper mantle low-velocity zone (depth range 100–250 km), which is compatible with a temperature gradi- ◦ent around 1.7 C/km. This upper mantle thermal gradient could be related to the presence of the thermally anomalous region known as the Procellarum Kreep Terrane, which contains a large amount of heat producing elements

    On the relative importance of thermal and chemical buoyancy in regular and impact-induced melting in a Mars-like planet

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    We ran several series of two-dimensional numerical mantle convection simulations representing in idealized form the thermochemical evolution of a Mars-like planet. In order to study the importance of compositional buoyancy of melting mantle, the models were set up in pairs of one including all thermal and compositional contributions to buoyancy and one accounting only for the thermal contributions. In several of the model pairs, single large impacts were introduced as causes of additional strong local anomalies, and their evolution in the framework of the convecting mantle was tracked. The models confirm that the additional buoyancy provided by the depletion of the mantle by regular melting can establish a global stable stratification of the convecting mantle and throttle crust production. Furthermore, the compositional buoyancy is essential in the stabilization and preservation of local compositional anomalies directly beneath the lithosphere and offers a possible explanation for the existence of distinct, long-lived reservoirs in the martian mantle. The detection of such anomalies by geophysical means is probably difficult, however; they are expected to be detected by gravimetry rather than by seismic or heat flow measurements. The results further suggest that the crustal thickness can be locally overestimated by up to ~20 km if impact-induced density anomalies in the mantle are neglected.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure