474 research outputs found

    African data can bring fresh insights to management and social entrepreneurship studies

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    Ethnic identification shapes managerial practice, write Diane Holt, Ans Kolk, David Littlewood and Miguel Rivera-Santo

    Design effectiveness analysis of a media literacy intervention to reduce violent video games consumption among adolescents: The relevance of lifestyle segmentation

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    Rivera, R. et al., Design effectiveness analysis of a media literacy intervention to reduce violent video games consumption among adolescents, Evaluation Review (40.2) pp. 142-161. Copyright © 2016 (The Authors). Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.Exposure to media violence might have detrimental effects on psychological adjustment and is associated with aggression-related attitudes and behaviors. As a result, many media literacy programs were implemented to tackle that major public health issue. However, there is little evidence about their effectiveness. Evaluating design effectiveness, particularly regarding targeting process, would prevent adverse effects and improve the evaluation of evidence-based media literacy programs. Objectives: The present research examined whether or not different relational lifestyles may explain the different effects of an antiviolence intervention program. Research design: Based on relational and lifestyles theory, the authors designed a randomized controlled trial and applied an analysis of variance 2 (treatment: experimental vs. control) OE 4 (lifestyle classes emerged from data using latent class analysis: communicative vs. autonomous vs. meta-reflexive vs. fractured). Subjects: Seven hundred and thirty-five Italian students distributed in 47 classes participated anonymously in the research (51.3% females). Measures: Participants completed a lifestyle questionnaire as well as their attitudes and behavioral intentions as the dependent measures. Results: The results indicated that the program was effective in changing adolescents' attitudes toward violence. However, behavioral intentions toward consumption of violent video games were moderated by lifestyles. Those with communicative relational lifestyles showed fewer intentions to consume violent video games, while a boomerang effect was found among participants with problematic lifestyles. Conclusion: Adolescents' lifestyles played an important role in influencing the effectiveness of an intervention aimed at changing behavioral intentions toward the consumption of violent video games. For that reason, audience lifestyle segmentation analysis should be considered an essential technique for designing, evaluating, and improving media literacy programsThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the European Union (Grant number JUST/2010/DAP3/AG/1111-30-CE-0397890/00-02) and Intermedia Consulting A.C. (Grant number SSM2011-2013

    Estudio de viabilidad económica del tren de transporte de carbón del Carare

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    Trabajo de gradoEstudiar la viabilidad en términos económicos de la construcción de una vía férrea que conectará las ciudades de Belencito y Vizcaína en el centro del país, mejor conocido como el Tren del Carare, el cual ha sido objeto de estudio desde hace décadas y el deseo de los productores de carbón del país. La implementación de esta vía impulsaría el desarrollo del sector carbonífero de la zona de influencia del proyecto a causa de la reducción en los costos logísticos del transporte del carbón desde las zonas de extracción hasta la disposición final en los puertos de exportación.INTRODUCCIÓN 1 GENERALIDADES 2 MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3 METODOLOGÍA 4 PRODUCTOS A ENTREGAR 5 ENTREGA DE LOS RESULTADOS ESPERADOS E IMPACTOS 6 NUEVAS ÁREAS DE ESTUDIO 7 CONCLUSIONES 8 RECOMENDACIONESEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Profundización financiera y crecimiento económico una aproximación al caso Sudamericano

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la relación existente entre la profundización financiera y el crecimiento económico de una nación. Para dicha evaluación se usó la fórmula propuesta por Robert Solow la cual propone que el crecimiento económico es el resultado de la interacción entre las variables de capital, trabajo y una tercera variable que él denomina el residuo de Solow. Para el caso específico de este estudio se tomaron diferentes indicadores de profundización financiera como residuo. Entre los indicadores usados se encuentran activos bancarios, pasivos líquidos, crédito privado y capitalización bursátil. Todos estos indicadores se tomaron para los países pertenecientes a Sudamérica encontrando una correlación positiva entre los comportamientos de la variación porcentual del Producto interno Bruto y el comportamiento de estas variables.The main objetive of this paper is to analize the relationship between the financial depth and the economical growth. That evaluation had its base in Robert Solow s formula that propose that the financial growth depends on the interaction between the capital, and work variables and a third variable. For that purpose of this paper we took as that third variable some financial depth indicators such as bank assests, liquid liabilities, private credit and market capitalization. Those indicators were taken from the countries of South America founding that the correlation between them and the variation on the GDP is positive.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Influência da Cultura Organizacional Mediada pelo Assédio Moral na Satisfação no Trabalho

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    Este artigo investigou a relação entre cultura organizacional, a partir de Cameron e Quinn (2006), assédio moral, na perspectiva de Leymann (1990, 1996), e satisfação, a partir da abordagem de Spector (2006), além do efeito mediador do assédio moral entre cultura e satisfação no trabalho, que é a lacuna que este trabalho procura preencher. Os dados foram coletados de trabalhadores de empresas das cidades de Salvador e Feira de Santana, na Bahia, entre os meses de agosto e dezembro de 2016. Obtiveram-se 912 questionários respondidos, analisados por meio de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os principais resultados indicam: (a) as culturas clã e adhocrática são preditoras do assédio moral negativamente, e a cultura mercado influencia-o positivamente, (b) o assédio moral como mediador entre cultura e satisfação possui efeitos significativos em todos os tipos culturais. A principal contribuição é a identificação do efeito do assédio moral na relação entre cultura organizacional e satisfação. Do ponto de vista gerencial, sugere-se que ações visando à satisfação devam considerar culturas que minimizem o assédio moral, além da atenção especial para este fenômeno, já que ele é capaz de minimizar os efeitos positivos da cultura sobre a satisfação

    The Diversity of Planetary Systems Architectures: Contrasting Theory with Observations

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    We develop a semi-analytical model for computing planetary system formation with the aim of explaining the observed diversity of planetary systems architectures and relate this primordial diversity with the initial properties of the disc where they were born. We adopt different initial conditions based on recent results in protoplanetary discs observations, to generate a variety of planetary systems and analyze them statistically. We explore the relevance of the mass and size of the disc, its metallicity, the mass of the central star and the time-scale of gaseous disc dissipation, in defining the architecture of the planetary system. We also test different values of some key parameters of our model, to find out which factors best reproduce the diverse sample of observed planetary systems. According to this, we predict which systems are the most common in the solar neighbourhood. Our results show that planetary systems with only terrestrial planets are the most common, being the only planetary systems formed when considering low metallicity discs and which also represent the best environment for the developing of rocky, potentially habitable planets. We also found that planetary systems like our own are not rare in the solar neighbourhood, being its formation favoured in massive discs where there is not a large accumulation of solids in the inner region of the disc. Regarding the planetary systems that harbor hot and warm Jupiter planets, we found that this systems are born in very massive, metal-rich discs. Also a fast migration rate is required in order to form these systems. According to our results, most of the hot and warm Jupiter systems are composed by only one giant planet, which is also a tendency of the current observational data.Comment: MNRAS in pres

    NeuroBoricuas: a novel approach for incorporating neuroscience education in schools of Puerto Rico

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    [EN] Puerto Rico is in dire need of transforming its education system to counter the current economic recession and ensure a future with talented Puerto Ricans at the forefront of scientific research and technology development.  Here we present a group of neuroscientists and educators, the NeuroBoricuas, committed to revolutionize the scientific culture of Puerto Rico by incorporating neuroscience research training and inquiry-based activities in public and private schools. We carry out our vision through diverse methods, such as community outreach activities, where we promote neuroscience literacy using diverse learning activities. In parallel, we are designing a neuroscience course and textbook with educators to be implemented in schools. We also established neuroscience laboratories in K-12 schools and trained science teachers to manage such laboratories, using equipment from the company “Backyard Brains”. These laboratory experiences are integrated into the academic curriculum in high schools and the equipment is also available for students interested in designing their independent research projects. Lastly, we are expanding a network of committed scientists who partner with educators to help nurture future neuroscientists early in their academic endeavors. Here, we describe our trajectory and our approach to transform scientific education in Puerto Rico.We thank Dr. Gregory J. Quirk, Dr. Daniel Colon-Ramos and Dr. Mark Miller for their support. We thank Tim Marzullo, from Backyard Brains, for supporting NeuroBoricuas. We also thank Palabreria, Digi-Serv and Puerto Rico 4.0 for their constant support. We thank all the NeuroBoricuas that selflessly work hard for a better Puerto Rico. This work has been supported by generous donations from the Puerto Rican people, a grant from the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus’ Chancellor’s office, and the Grass Foundation.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Bravo-Rivera, C.; Díaz-Ríos, M.; Aldarondo-Hernández, A.; Santos-Vera, B.; Ramos-Medina, L.; De Jesús-Burgos, M.; Bravo-Rivera, H.... (2018). NeuroBoricuas: a novel approach for incorporating neuroscience education in schools of Puerto Rico. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1447-1455. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8223OCS1447145

    Commitment to Work and its Relationship with Organizational Culture Mediated by Satisfaction

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    Purpose – The objective of this study is to analyze the mediating effect of satisfaction on the relationship between organizational culture and commitment at work. Design/methodology/approach – This paper adopts a quantitative and descriptive approach, applying an online questionnaire to employees of a public development bank operating in the Northeast of Brazil. The analysis method involved the use of structural equations modeling. Findings – The main results indicate that job satisfaction plays an important role in employee commitment, mediating the positive influence of organizational culture on commitment to work in its affective, instrumental, and normative dimensions in adhocratic cultures, and on affective commitment in clan cultures. They also indicate that satisfaction is a direct predictor of organizational commitment in the same way it mediates the relationship between culture and commitment. Originality/value – This paper contributes to increasing the theoretical knowledge about the relationships established between culture, satisfaction, and commitment. For the area of people management, this knowledge can favor organizational performance, allowing managers to act more accurately in each of these constructs

    Oviposición de Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) (Diptera: Tephritidae) sobre frutos de Spondias purpurea L. (Sapindales: Anacardiaceae)

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    El complejo del género Anastrepha spp. está formado por especies de importancia económica que infestan una amplia variedad de frutas en la región tropical y subtropical. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir el comportamiento y ciclo biológico asociado al ataque de Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) sobre la especie Spondias purpurea L. Se realizaron observaciones biológicas en Alto de la Arena, corregimiento de Veladero, distrito de Tolé, provincia de Chiriquí, Panamá, donde se recolectaron un total de 12 frutos de Spondias purpurea L., se llevaron al laboratorio y se anotaron los datos del ciclo biológico y de comportamiento diariamente. Se determinó que el ciclo biológico de Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) tiene duración aproximada de 30 a 32 días en el laboratorio; el estado inmaduro de pupa es el estadio que presentó mayor mortalidad, posiblemente debido a las condiciones ambientales del laboratorio, que podrían estar influyendo en el inicio de este estadio de forma prematura o tardía. Se considera que el momento oportuno para tomar medidas de control sobre esta plaga en los diferentes cultivos frutales es durante la salida de las larvas los frutos, cuando son más vulnerables para el ataque de enemigos naturales o controles biológicos

    Aprendizagem Organizacional e suas Modalidades: Desenvolvendo a Habilidade Interpessoal nos Programas Trainees

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    O objetivo deste artigo é identificar quais modalidades de aprendizagem organizacional mais influenciam o desenvolvimento da habilidade interpessoal em novos gestores. As modalidades de aprendizagem organizacional identificadas na literatura incluem treinamento tradicional, leitura de textos, acesso a banco de dados, comunidades de prática, mentoria, treinamento on-the-job e interações casuais. A partir de uma metodologia quantitativa, foram desenvolvidas e validadas estatisticamente a Escala de Modalidades em Aprendizagem Organizacional (EMA) e uma escala para mensurar a habilidade interpessoal, aplicadas a trainees e ex-trainees de empresas com atuação no Brasil. A partir do uso de análise fatorial exploratória e regressão multivariada, os resultados indicam que a modalidade mentoria é a principal responsável pelo desenvolvimento da habilidade interpessoal, a qual ocorre em caráter formal e informal nesse contexto.