48 research outputs found
A Search for Cold Dust around Neutron Stars
We present observations of nine radio pulsars using the
Heinrich-Hertz-Telescope at \lambda 0.87mm and the IRAM 30-m telescope at
\lambda 1.2mm in search for a cold dust around these sources. Five of the
program pulsars have been observed for the first time at the mm-wavelengths.
The results are consistent with the absence of circumpulsar disks that would be
massive enough () to support planet formation according to
the scenarios envisioned for solar-type stars, but they do not exclude lower
mass () disks for a wide range of grain sizes. These
conclusions confirm the previously published results and, together with the
current lack of further detections of pulsar planets, they suggest that planet
formation around neutron stars is not a common phenomenon.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in A&
Anomalous scattering of highly dispersed pulsars
We report multifrequency measurements of scatter broadening times for nine
highly dispersed pulsars over a wide frequency range (0.6 -- 4.9 GHz). We find
the scatter broadening times to be larger than expected and to scale with
frequency with an average power-law index of , i.e. significantly
less than that expected from standard theories. Such possible discrepancies
have been predicted very recently by Cordes & Lazio.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
Observations of pulsars at 9 millimetres
The behaviour of the pulsar spectrum at high radio frequencies can provide
decisive information about the nature of the radio emission mechanism. We
report recent observations of a selected sample of pulsars at lambda=9mm (32
GHz) with the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope.Three pulsars, PSR B0144+59, PSR
B0823+26, and PSR B2022+50, were detected for the first time at this frequency.
We confirm the earlier flux density measurements for a sample of six pulsars,
and we are able to place upper flux density limits for another 12 pulsars. We
find that all pulsar spectra have a simple form that can be described using
only three parameters, one of which is the lifetime of short nano-pulses in the
emission region.The study of the transition region from coherent to incoherent
emission needs further and more sensitive observations at even higher radio
frequencies.Comment: to appear in A&A (in press), 7 pages, 3 figure
Orbital variability of the PSR J2051-0827 Binary System
We have carried out high-precision timing measurements of the binary
millisecond pulsar PSR J20510827 with the Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope
of the Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Radioastronomie and with the Lovell 76-m radio
telescope at Jodrell Bank. The 6.5-yrs radio timing measurements have revealed
a significant secular variation of the projected semi-major axis of the pulsar
at a rate of , which is probably caused by the Newtonian spin-orbit coupling in
this binary system leading to a precession of the orbital plane. The required
misalignment of the spin and orbital angular momenta of the companion are
evidence for an asymmetric supernova explosion. We have also confirmed that the
orbital period is currently decreasing at a rate of s s and have measured second and third orbital
period derivatives and ,
which indicate a quasi-cyclic orbital period variation similar to those found
in another eclipsing pulsar system, PSR B1957+20. The observed variation of the
orbital parameters constrains the maximal value of the companion radius to
and implies that the companion is
underfilling its Roche lobe by 50 %. The derived variation in the quadrupole
moment of the companion is probably caused by tidal dissipation similar to the
mechanism proposed for PSR B1957+20. We conclude that the companion is at least
partially non-degenerate, convective and magnetically active.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in A&A, minor change
The effect of HII regions on rotation measure of pulsars
We have obtained new rotation measure for 11 pulsars observed with the
Effelsberg 100-m radio telescope, in the direction of the Perseus arm. Using a
combination of 34 published and the 11 newly measured pulsar rotation measures
we study the magnetic field structure towards the Perseus arm. We find that two
pulsars towards l 149 (Region 1) and four pulsars towards
l (Region 2) lie behind HII regions which seriously affects
the pulsar rotation measures. The rotation measure of PSR J2337+6151 seem to be
affected by its passage through the supernova remnant G114.3+0.3. For Region 1,
we are able to constrain the random component of the magnetic field to
G. For the large-scale component of the Galactic magnetic field we
determine a field strength of G. This average field is constant
on Galactic scales lying within the Galactic longitude range of
l and we find no evidence for large scale field reversal upto
5-6 kpc. We highlight the great importance to include the effects of foreground
emission in any systematic study.Comment: Replaced by the printed version in Astronomy and Astrophysics and
includes erratum and new referenc
High-Precision Timing of 5 Millisecond Pulsars: Space Velocities, Binary Evolution and Equivalence Principles
We present high-precision timing of five millisecond pulsars (MSPs) carried
out for more than seven years; four pulsars are in binary systems and one is
isolated. We are able to measure the pulsars' proper motions and derive an
estimate for their space velocities. The measured two-dimensional velocities
are in the range 70-210 km/s, consistent with those measured for other MSPs. We
also use all the available proper motion information for isolated and binary
MSPs to update the known velocity distribution for these populations. As found
by earlier works, we find that the velocity distribution of binary and isolated
MSPs are indistinguishable with the current data. Four of the pulsars in our
observing program are highly recycled with low-mass white dwarf companions and
we are able to derive accurate binary parameters for these systems. For three
of these binary systems we are able to place initial constraints on the pulsar
masses with best-fit values in the range 1.0-1.6 M_sun. The implications of the
results presented here to our understanding of binary pulsar evolution are
discussed. The updated parameters for the binary systems studied here, together
with recently discovered similar systems, allowed us to update previous limits
on the the violation of the strong equivalence principle through the parameter
|Delta| to 4.6x10^-3 (95% confidence) and the violation of
Lorentz-invariance/momentum-conservation through the parameter |hat{alpha}_3|
to 5.5x10^-20 (95% confidence).Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical
Multiwavelength Constraints on Pulsar Populations in the Galactic Center
The detection of radio pulsars within the central few parsecs of the Galaxy
would provide a unique probe of the gravitational and magneto-ionic
environments in the Galactic Center (GC) and, if close enough to Sgr A*,
precise tests of general relativity in the strong-field regime. While it is
difficult to find pulsars at radio wavelengths because of interstellar
scattering, the payoff from detailed timing of pulsars in the GC warrants a
concerted effort. To motivate pulsar surveys and help define search parameters
for them, we constrain the pulsar number and spatial distribution using a wide
range of multiwavelength measurements. These include the five known radio
pulsars within 15 arcmin of Sgr A*, radio and gamma-ray measurements of diffuse
emission, non-detections in high frequency pulsar surveys of the central
parsec, a catalog of radio point sources from an imaging survey, infrared
observations of massive star populations in the central few parsecs, candidate
pulsar wind nebulae in the inner 20 pc and estimates of the core-collapse
supernova rate based on X-ray measurements. We find that under current
observational constraints, the inner parsec of the Galaxy could harbor as many
as ~10^3 active radio pulsars that are beamed towards Earth. Such a large
population would distort the low-frequency measurements of both the intrinsic
spectrum of Sgr A* and the free-free absorption along the line of sight of Sgr
A*.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, Published in ApJ, Updated to match
published versio
A statistical study of 233 pulsar proper motions
We present and analyse a catalogue of 233 pulsars with proper motion
measurements. The sample contains a wide variety of pulsars including recycled
objects and those associated with globular clusters or supernova remnants.
After taking the most precise proper motions for those pulsars for which
multiple measurements are available, the majority of the proper motions (58%)
are derived from pulsar timing methods, 41% using interferometers and the
remaining 1% using optical telescopes. Many of the 1-D and 2-D speeds
(referring to speeds measured in one coordinate only and the magnitudes of the
transverse velocities respectively) derived from these measurements are
somewhat lower than earlier estimates because of the use of the most recent
electron density model in determining pulsar distances. The mean 1-D speeds for
the normal and recycled pulsars are 152(10) and 54(6) km/s respectively. The
corresponding mean 2-D speeds are 246(22) and 87(13) km/s. PSRs B2011+38 and
B2224+64 have the highest inferred 2-D speeds of ~1600 km/s. We study the mean
speeds for different subsamples and find that, in general, they agree with
previous results. Applying a novel deconvolution technique to the sample of 73
pulsars with characteristic ages less than 3 Myr, we find the mean 3-D pulsar
birth velocity to be 400(40) km/s. The distribution of velocities is well
described by a Maxwellian distribution with 1-D rms sigma=265 km/s. There is no
evidence for a bimodal velocity distribution. The proper motions for PSRs
B1830-08 and B2334+61 are consistent with their proposed associations with the
supernova remnants W41 and G114.3+0.3 respectively.Comment: 20 pages, accepted by MNRA
The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set:Mass and Geometric Measurements of Binary Millisecond Pulsars
We analyze 24 binary radio pulsars in the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) nine-year data set. We make 14 significant measurements of the Shapiro delay, including new detections in four pulsar-binary systems (PSRs J0613−0200, J2017+0603, J2302+4442, and J2317+1439), and derive estimates of the binary-component masses and orbital inclination for these MSP-binary systems. We find a wide range of binary pulsar masses, with values as low as for PSR J1918−0642 and as high as for PSR J1614−2230 (both 68.3% credibility). We make an improved measurement of the Shapiro timing delay in the PSR J1918−0642 and J2043+1711 systems, measuring the pulsar mass in the latter system to be (68.3% credibility) for the first time. We measure secular variations of one or more orbital elements in many systems, and use these measurements to further constrain our estimates of the pulsar and companion masses whenever possible. In particular, we used the observed Shapiro delay and periastron advance due to relativistic gravity in the PSR J1903+0327 system to derive a pulsar mass of (68.3% credibility). We discuss the implications that our mass measurements have on the overall neutron-star mass distribution, and on the "mass/orbital-period" correlation due to extended mass transfer
The NANOGrav Nine-year Data Set:Astrometric Measurements of 37 Millisecond Pulsars
Using the nine-year radio-pulsar timing data set from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav), collected at Arecibo Observatory and the Green Bank Telescope, we have measured the positions, proper motions, and parallaxes for 37 millisecond pulsars. We report twelve significant parallax measurements and distance measurements, and eighteen lower limits on distance. We compare these measurements to distances predicted by the NE2001 interstellar electron density model and find them to be in general agreement. We use measured orbital-decay rates and spin-down rates to confirm two of the parallax distances and to place distance upper limits on other sources; these distance limits agree with the parallax distances with one exception, PSR. J1024-0719, which we discuss at length. Using the proper motions of the 37 NANOGrav pulsars in combination with other published measurements, we calculate the velocity dispersion of the millisecond pulsar population in Galactocentric coordinates. We find the radial, azimuthal, and perpendicular dispersions to be 46, 40, and 24 km s(-1), respectively, in a model that allows for high-velocity outliers; or 81, 58, and 62 km s(-1) for the full population. These velocity dispersions are far smaller than those of the canonical pulsar population, and are similar to older Galactic disk populations. This suggests that millisecond pulsar velocities are largely attributable to their being an old population rather than being artifacts of their birth and evolution as neutron star binary systems. The components of these velocity dispersions follow similar proportions to other Galactic populations, suggesting that our results are not biased by selection effects