121 research outputs found

    The multiple dimensions of health and disease of the ecobiopsychosocial being in A monster calls (2016)

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    Connor O'Malley is a 12-year-old boy suffering from caregiver syndrome due to his mother's terminal illness; his fears materialize and come to life in a fantastic way constituting a fearsome monster whose purpose is to bring to light his deepest fears and feelings. Every terminally ill patient, when becoming no longer independent, requires care from caregivers who may ensure their well-being, and in many cases the caregivers are family members. Caregiver Syndrome is a condition caused by the strenuous care of a dependent family member. This syndrome manifests in response to emotional stress and is characterized by both physical and psychological exhaustion. By establishing itself as an ecobiopsychosocial entity, human health is the result of well-being in each sphere, so that, when only one of them is affected, the health of an individual can be affected, as occurs in caregiver syndrome. The caregiver syndrome in Connor is the subject of this article, as are the potential means for its approach.Connor O'Malley es un chico de 12 años que padece del síndrome del cuidador debido a la enfermedad terminal de su madre; sus temores se materializan y cobran vida constituyendo de manera fantástica un temible monstruo que tiene como propósito sacar a la luz sus más profundos temores y sentimientos. Todo paciente con enfermedad terminal al dejar de ser independiente requiere atención de cuidadores que aseguren su bienestar y en muchas ocasiones los cuidadores son miembros de la familia. El síndrome del cuidador es una condición provocada por el cuidado extenuante de un familiar dependiente. Este síndrome se manifiesta en respuesta a un estrés emocional y se caracteriza por el agotamiento tanto físico como psicológico. Al constituirse como una entidad ecobiopsicosocial, la salud humana es resultado del bienestar en cada esfera, de modo que, cuando existe afectación de tan solo una de ellas, la salud de un individuo puede afectarse, como sucede en el síndrome del cuidador. El síndrome del cuidador en Connor es el tema del presente artículo, así como lo son los potenciales medios para su abordaje

    A disease-specific decline of the relative abundance of Bifidobacterium in patients with autoimmune hepatitis

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    BACKGROUND:The pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is poorly understood and little is known about enteric microbiota in AIH. AIM:To investigate disease-specific microbiome alterations in AIH. METHODS:The V1-V2 variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene were sequenced in faecal samples from 347 patients with AIH and controls (AIH n = 72, healthy controls (HC) n = 95, primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) n = 99 and ulcerative colitis (UC) n = 81). RESULTS:Biodiversity (Shannon entropy) was decreased in AIH patients compared to HC (P = 0.016), which was partially reversed by azathioprine (P = 0.011). Regarding between-sample diversity, AIH patients separated from HC, PBC and UC individuals (all P = 0.001). Compared to HC, decreased relative abundance of anaerobic genera such as Faecalibacterium and an increase of Veillonella and the facultative anaerobic genera Streptococcus and Lactobacillus were detected. Importantly, a disease-specific decline of relative abundance of Bifidobacterium was observed in AIH patients. Lack of Bifidobacterium was associated with failure to achieve remission of AIH (P < 0.001). Of potential therapeutic implication, Bifidobacterium abundance correlated with average protein intake (P < 0.001). Random forests classification between AIH and PBC on the microbiome signature yielded an area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.787 in the training cohort, and an AUC of 0.849 in an external validation cohort. CONCLUSION:Disease-specific faecal microbial alterations were identified in patients with AIH. Intestinal dysbiosis in AIH was characterised by a decline of Bifidobacterium, which was associated with increased disease activity. These results point to the contribution of intestinal microbiota to AIH pathogenesis and to novel therapeutic targets

    Prebiotic effects of olive pomace powders in the gut: In vitro evaluation of the inhibition of adhesion of pathogens, prebiotic and antioxidant effects

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    Supplementary data related to this article can be found at https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.106312Olive pomace is a biowaste rich in polyphenols and insoluble dietary fibre with high potential to develop new value chains towards a sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Regarding gut health, olive pomace phenolics and insoluble dietary fibre (after possible fermentation) could act as antioxidants, antimicrobial and prebiotic agents. These potential beneficial effects on the gut were analysed for two powders from olive pomace: liquid-enriched powder (LOPP) - mostly source of phenolics - and pulp-enriched powder (POPP) - main source of insoluble dietary fibre. LOPP and POPP were subjected to an in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion followed by in vitro faecal fermentation. The undigested fraction retained in the colon was analysed regarding its potential antioxidant, antimicrobial and prebiotic effects. LOPP and POPP did not impact the gut microbiota diversity negatively, showing a similar ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes compared to a positive control (FOS). LOPP exhibit a positive (similar to FOS) effect on the Prevotella spp./Bacteroides spp. ratio. Both powders also promoted more the production of short-chain fatty acids (mainly acetate?>?butyrate?>?propionate) than FOS. Both powders showed also significant total phenolic content and oxygen radical absorbance capacity during faecal fermentation until 48?h. Besides that, these powders showed mucin-adhesion inhibition ability against pathogens, principally POPP against Bacillus cereus (22.03?±?2.45%) and Listeria monocytogenes (20.01?±?1.93%). This study demonstrates that olive pomace powders have prebiotic effects on microbiota, including the stimulation of short-chain fatty acids production, potential antioxidant and antimicrobial activity which could improve human gut health.Tˆania I. B. Ribeiro thanks the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal and Association BLC3 – Technology and Innovation Campus, Centre Bio R&D Unit for the PhD Grant SFRH/BDE/108271/2015. This work was supported by National Funds from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal through the project MULTI-BIOREFINERY - SAICTPAC/0040/2015 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 016403). We would also like to thank the scientific collaboration under the FCT project UID/Multi/50016/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lifestyle and geographic insights into the distinct gut microbiota in elderly women from two different geographic locations

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    BACKGROUND: A large number of microorganisms reside within the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the colon, and play important roles in human health and disease. The composition of the human gut microbiota is determined by intrinsic host factors and environmental factors. While investigating environmental factors to promote human health is of great interest, few studies have focused on their effect on the gut microbiota. This study aimed to investigate differences in gut microbiota composition according to lifestyle and geographical area, even in people with similar genetic background. METHODS: We enrolled ten and nine elderly women in their seventies from island and inland areas, respectively. Fecal samples were obtained from individuals, and bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes were analyzed by next-generation sequencing to define the gut microbiota composition. We assessed their diet, which can influence the gut microbial community. We also conducted physical examination and determined the physical activity levels of the subjects. RESULTS: The inland subjects had a significantly higher rectal temperature, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate and a significantly lower physical activity score than the island subjects. Fecal samples from the island group showed a tendency to have greater microbial diversity than those from the inland group. Interestingly, the microbial community composition differed significantly between the two groups. Catenibacterium was enriched in subjects from the island area. Catenibacterium showed a negative correlation with rectal temperature and a positive correlation with the dietary level of animal fat. In contrast, Butyricimonas was enriched in the inland subjects. A positive correlation was found between Butyricimonas and mean arterial pressure. CONCLUSIONS: This study identified differences in the gut microbiota composition between elderly women from different parts of South Korea, and our findings suggest that further studies of the human gut microbiota should evaluate aspects of the living environment

    The microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract of a range-shifting marine herbivorous fish

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    Globally, marine species' distributions are being modified due to rising ocean temperatures. Increasing evidence suggests a circum-global pattern of poleward extensions in the distributions of many tropical herbivorous species, including the ecologically important rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens. Adaptability of a species to such new environments may be heavily influenced by the composition of their gastrointestinal microbe fauna, which is fundamentally important to animal health. Siganus fuscescens thus provides an opportunity to assess the stability of gastrointestinal microbes under varying environmental conditions. The gastrointestinal microbial communities of S. fuscescens were characterized over 2,000 km of Australia's western coast, from tropical to temperate waters, including near its current southern distributional limit. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene demonstrated that each population had a distinct hindgut microbial community, and yet, 20 OTUs occurred consistently in all samples. These OTUs were considered the 'core microbiome' and were highly abundant, composing between 31 and 54% of each population. Furthermore, levels of short chain fatty acids, an indicator of microbial fermentation activity, were similar among tropical and temperate locations. These data suggest that flexibility in the hindgut microbiome may play a role in enabling such herbivores to colonize new environments beyond their existing range

    Interrogation of the perturbed gut microbiota in gouty arthritis patients through in silico metabolic modeling

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    Recent studies have shown perturbed gut microbiota associated with gouty arthritis, a metabolic disease characterized by an imbalance between uric acid production and excretion. To mechanistically investigate altered microbiota metabolism associated with gout disease, 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence data from stool samples of gout patients and healthy controls were computationally analyzed through bacterial community metabolic models. Patient-specific community models constructed with the metagenomics modeling pipeline, mgPipe, were used to perform k-means clustering of samples according to their metabolic capabilities. The clustering analysis generated statistically significant partitioning of samples into a Bacteroides-dominated, high gout cluster and a Faecalibacterium-elevated, low gout cluster. The high gout cluster was predicted to allow elevated synthesis of the amino acids D-alanine and L-alanine and byproducts of branched-chain amino acid catabolism, while the low gout cluster allowed higher production of butyrate, the sulfur-containing amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine, and the L-cysteine catabolic product H2S. By expanding the capabilities of mgPipe to provide taxa-level resolution of metabolite exchange rates, acetate, D-lactate and succinate exchanged from Bacteroides to Faecalibacterium were predicted to enhance butyrate production in the low gout cluster. Model predictions suggested that sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism generally and H2S more specifically could be novel gout disease markers

    Intestinal Short Chain Fatty Acids and their Link with Diet and Human Health

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    The colon is inhabited by a dense population of microorganisms, the so-called gut microbiota, able to ferment carbohydrates and proteins that escape absorption in the small intestine during digestion. This microbiota produces a wide range of metabolites, including short chain fatty acids (SCFA). These compounds are absorbed in the large bowel and are defined as 1-6 carbon volatile fatty acids which can present straight or branched-chain conformation. Their production is influenced by the pattern of food intake and diet-mediated changes in the gut microbiota. SCFA have distinct physiological effects: they contribute to shaping the gut environment, influence the physiology of the colon, they can be used as energy sources by host cells and the intestinal microbiota and they also participate in different host-signalling mechanisms. We summarize the current knowledge about the production of SCFA, including bacterial cross-feedings interactions, and the biological properties of these metabolites with impact on the human healt