38 research outputs found

    The Use and Misuse of Fiduciary Duties: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Standard of Review

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    This Article provides a crucial corrective to the “corporate social responsibility” debate, which concerns whether corporations have the obligation to protect or serve the interests of groups other than their shareholders, like employees or customers (often called “stakeholders”). Scholars on one side of the debate have repeatedly presumed that corporate directors’ fiduciary duties to shareholders play an important role in protecting shareholders from decisions that favor stakeholders at their expense. Scholars on the other side agree that fiduciary duties provide meaningful protection against unfavorable conduct but argue that directors should also owe fiduciary duties to stakeholders so they may be similarly protected. This Article argues that this shared premise is mistaken: Fiduciary duties in practice play almost no role in director decisions to favor one corporate group over another. The Article first explains that courts and scholars rarely note the difference between two distinct definitions of the duty of loyalty—one broad and one narrow— and argues that only the broader definition would allow this duty to have any impact on directors’ distribution of corporate resources. Under this narrow definition, fiduciary duties to shareholders prevent directors from acting in their own self-interest, but not from acting in the interests of stakeholders at shareholders’ expense. The Article then argues that Delaware law enforces only the narrow definition of loyalty due to its default judicial standard of review, the business judgment rule, which largely eliminates shareholders’ ability to protect themselves from directors’ decisions that favor other stakeholders. Finally, given this is true for shareholders, the Article argues it would likewise be true for employees (or any other stakeholders), were they to be owed fiduciary duties by directors. Because fiduciary duties do not protect against such unfavorable conduct, the Article concludes it is a mistake to debate to whom directors should owe fiduciary duties. Advocates for shareholder or stakeholder protection should therefore focus on other mechanisms to obtain it

    Changes in physicochemical properties at different development stages of Hexachlamys edulis fruit, an underutilized South American species

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    The aim of this work was to study the evolution of fruit size and weight together with the soluble solid and total titratable acidity contents during development of Hexachlamys edulis fruit. Also, the patterns of accumulation of chlorophylls, carotenoids, phenols and antioxidant activity were analysed to define the optimal time for harvesting to obtain maximum nutraceutical characteristics. Fruits were harvested from H. edulis plants growing at the experimental field of the University of Morón (Moreno, Buenos Aires, 34°35′4.98″ SL, 58°48′52.09″ WL, 14 m.a.s.l.). Fresh fruit weight was significantly higher in Medium ripe, Ripe and Overripe fruits (40.1, 39.6 and 38.5 g, respectively) than in Unripe fruits (19.5 g). Soluble solids/total titratable acidity was significantly higher in Overripe fruits (7.3) than in Unripe, Medium ripe and Ripe fruits (3.7–4.5). Total polyphenols were maximum in Unripe fruits (905.8 mg tannic acid/100 g fresh fruit weight) decreasing during the fruit development (426.2–130.4 mg tannic acid/100 g fresh fruit weight). Also, DPPH radical scavenging activity was significantly higher in Unripe fruits (75.7%) compared with Medium ripe, Ripe and Overripe fruits (64.1–17.0%). Positive and significant correlations were observed between total polyphenol content and DPPH radical scavenging activity at each extract concentration (r = 0.74, 0.87, 0.74 and 0.60 for 1.25; 2.50; 5.00 and 12.50 mg/mL, respectively). Total carotenoid content increased during fruit development while at the same time decreased chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll b is the main chlorophyll found. Chromatographic analysis showed that lutein is the main carotenoid found in H. edulis fruits, followed by β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene. As shown by the chromatograms at 280 nm, the concentration of biophenols and the complexity of the biophenol profile decreases during fruit development. Levels of polyphenols and pigments together with the antioxidant activity allow us to consider H. edulis fruit as a functional food.Fil: Arena, Miriam Elisabet. Universidad de Moron. Facultad de Agronomia y Ciencias Agroalimentarias. Laboratorio de Investigaciones En Fisiología Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Povilonis, Ignacio. Universidad de Moron. Facultad de Agronomia y Ciencias Agroalimentarias. Laboratorio de Investigaciones En Fisiología Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Borroni, Maria Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Constenla, Diana Teresita. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; ArgentinaFil: Radice, Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Moron. Facultad de Agronomia y Ciencias Agroalimentarias. Laboratorio de Investigaciones En Fisiología Vegetal; Argentin

    Influencia de cultivos de cobertura en parámetros físicos del suelo: Resistencia a la penetración de raíces, densidad aparente e infiltración del agua

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    Un buen uso del recurso suelo debe mantener la viabilidad del sistema a través del desarrollo de una cobertura completa con rastrojos o barbechos vivos, abundante desarrollo de raíces, y un suficiente aporte de material orgánico. Esto es de fundamental importancia dentro del principal paradigma de producción agrícola argentina, la siembra directa. En el campo experimental de INTA Castelar sobre un Argiudol vértico se llevó a cabo un ensayo comparativo de cultivos de cobertura frente a un barbecho tradicional, cuantificando los parámetros físicos de densidad aparente, resistencia a la penetración radicular e infiltración. Se utilizó un diseño estadístico en bloques completos aleatorizados, con tres repeticiones y cinco tratamientos 1) Centeno (Hordeum vulgare), 2) Trigo (Triticum aestivum), 3) Vicia (Vicia sativa), 4) Consociación Trigo/Vicia y 5) Testigo. En planteos agrícolas bajo siembra directa (SD), en el primer año de rotación, bajo un Argiudol vértico del norte de la provincia de Buenos Aires, para las condiciones planteadas en este ensayo, la metodología utilizada y los parámetros físicos analizados se concluye que la inclusión de CC en la rotación agrícola no produce mejoras verificables de las propiedades físicas del suelo en un corto plazo. Sin embargo, se demostró que existen tendencias en la mejora de las variables medidas.A good use of the soil resource should maintain the viability of the system through the development of a complete coverage with stubble and / or live fallows, abundant development of roots, and a sufficient supply of organic material. This is of fundamental importance within the main paradigm of agricultural production Argentina, direct sowing. In the experimental field of INTA Castelar on a vertic Argiudol, a comparative test of cover crops against a traditional fallow was carried out, quantifying the physical parameters of apparent density, resistance to root penetration and infiltration. A statistical design in randomized complete blocks was used, with three repetitions and five treatments 1) Rye (Hordeum vulgare), 2) Wheat (Triticum aestivum), 3) Vicia (Vicia sativa), 4) Consociation Wheat / Vicia and 5) Control. In agricultural plans under no till, in the first year of rotation, under a vertical Argiudol of the north of the province of Buenos Aires, for the conditions proposed in this essay, the methodology used and the physical parameters analyzed concludes that the inclusion of CC in Agricultural rotation does not produce verifiable improvements in the physical properties of the soil in the short term. However, it was shown that there are trends in the improvement of the measured variables.Fil: Povilonis, Ignacio. Universidad de Morón. Facultad de Agronomía y Ciencias Agroalimentarias; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Eiza, Maximiliano Joaquín. Universidad de Morón. Facultad de Agronomía y Ciencias Agroalimentarias; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Buenos Aires Sur. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Carfagno, Patricia Fabiana. Universidad de Morón. Facultad de Agronomía y Ciencias Agroalimentarias; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación de Recursos Naturales. Instituto de Suelos; Argentin

    CaracterizaciĂłn FĂ­sico-QuĂ­mica de diversos frutos subutilizados de Argentina para su valoraciĂłn como alimentos funcionales

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    Argentina es un país con una importante diversidad biológica, en donde su gran variedad de climas permite obtener una flora muy bien diversificada, contando con alrededor de 10 mil especies de plantas. La búsqueda de nuevas alternativas productivas, de nuevos productos con valor nutracéutico destacado, de antioxidantes naturales obtenidos de frutos no tradicionales y subutilizados es de interés a nivel mundial, teniendo una demanda creciente de los consumidores los que están dispuestos a pagar precios superiores con respecto a las frutas tradicionales.En Argentina existen frutos subutilizados nativos del tipo de los berries, como los de calafate (Berberis microphylla G. Forst.), maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz, parrilla (Ribes magellanicum L.), chaura (Gaultheria mucronata L. f. Hook), sauco (Sambucus spp.) entre otros y frutos del tipo de las drupas como el mango (Mangifera indica), pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) y durazno del monte o ubujay (Hexachlamys edulis O. Berg Kausel & D. Legrand) entre otros. Si bien algunos de estos frutos han sido referidos con destacado valor funcional por nuestro grupo de trabajo, en otros como el sauco, ubujay y pitanga se encuentran escasos antecedentes sobre el tema, siendo ésta una nueva propuesta de estudio en la UM. El Objetivo General es la caracterización físico-química de algunos frutos subutilizados de la Argentina de pitanga, sauco y ubujay para su valoración como alimentos funcionales y su posterior uso sustentable para la diversificación de la actividad agropecuaria. Los Objetivos Particulares son la caracterización de los frutos en diferentes estados de madurez de parámetro físicos como tamaño, peso, contenido de humedad, número y peso de las semillas, y la caracterización química como sólidos solubles, acidez total titulable, fenoles totales, flavonoides, antocianinas, carotenoides, actividad antioxidante para la valoración nutracéutica de los frutos

    Genomic microbial epidemiology is needed to comprehend the global problem of antibiotic resistance and to improve pathogen diagnosis

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    Contamination of waste effluent from hospitals and intensive food animal production with antimicrobial residues is an immense global problem. Antimicrobial residues exert selection pressures that influence the acquisition of antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes in diverse microbial populations. Despite these concerns there is only a limited understanding of how antimicrobial residues contribute to the global problem of antimicrobial resistance. Furthermore, rapid detection of emerging bacterial pathogens and strains with resistance to more than one antibiotic class remains a challenge. A comprehensive, sequence-based genomic epidemiological surveillance model that captures essential microbial metadata is needed, both to improve surveillance for antimicrobial resistance and to monitor pathogen evolution. Escherichia coli is an important pathogen causing both intestinal [intestinal pathogenic E. coli (IPEC)] and extraintestinal [extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC)] disease in humans and food animals. ExPEC are the most frequently isolated Gram negative pathogen affecting human health, linked to food production practices and are often resistant to multiple antibiotics. Cattle are a known reservoir of IPEC but they are not recognized as a source of ExPEC that impact human or animal health. In contrast, poultry are a recognized source of multiple antibiotic resistant ExPEC, while swine have received comparatively less attention in this regard. Here, we review what is known about ExPEC in swine and how pig production contributes to the problem of antibiotic resistance

    Emerging broad-spectrum resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii : Mechanisms and epidemiology

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    Neurol network resistence to tranformations

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    Neurol Network Resistence to Tranformations One of the widely studied problems of computer vision is the discovery of similarities and differences between the two images. Neural networks, which is trained by large amounts of data, are also used in this area. Neural networks can solve this problem faster compared to other solutions. Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) face the problem of positioning in places inaccessible to satellite signals. To solve this problem, cameras in drones can be used to take photos of which are compared with a topographic map using a trained neural network. The photos taken may not match the topographic map as they will be distorted by the camera lens and the shooting angle. Therefore, in this thesis, possible image distortions are simulated and a study of the effects of distortions on a trained neural network model is performed

    Kai kurie žmogaus vystymosi šimtmetinės tendencijos aspektai

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    Secular trend of human development is displayed as acceleration of development in childhood, as prolongation of life and its active period in particular, as changes in human pathology. Secular trend is distinctly revealed among population of Lithuanian SSR. Improvement of nutrition and decrease of sickness rate, as a result of positive changes in social environment, are pointed as factors of secular trend. Secular trend manifestations are evaluated as a complex of environmental modifications that may fluctuate in the plasticity limits of heredity. Secular trend is extending, since there in a great reserve for progress in a field of human physical appearance. Regarding to possibilities, presented by science, secular trend would have to lead to the optimal modifications of human organism.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami žmogaus vystymosi šimtmetinės tendencijos – žmogaus augimo ir brendimo tempų, sergamumo, amžiaus trukmės pakitimų visumos – svarbiausi bruožai. Teigiama, kad būdingiausias šios tendencijos bruožas yra akceleracija – vaikų vystymosi pagreitėjimas. Kitas šimtmetinės tendencijos bruožas yra žmogaus aktyviojo amžiaus – darbingumo, lytinės funkcijos periodo, sportinės praktikos laiko – pailgėjimas. Nagrinėjama, ar šis reiškinys yra tik fenotipinė variacija (nepaveldimos savybės), ar genotipinė mutacija (paveldimos naujos savybės), ar abi kartu. Aptariama šimtmetinę tendenciją lemiantys faktoriai: neorganinės gamtinės aplinkos kitimai, biotiniai, organiniai biologiniai, genetiniai veiksniai, mityba, medicinos mokslo, higienos pažanga, fizinis lavinimas, migracija, šeimos struktūra, visuomeninė santvarka, klasinė priklausomybė, profesija ir kita. Daroma išvada, kad žmogaus vystymosi šimtmetinė tendencija ateityje turi vesti prie optimalių organizmo modifikacijų

    The Use and Misuse of Fiduciary Duties: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Standard of Review

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    This Article provides a crucial corrective to the “corporate social responsibility” debate, which concerns whether corporations have the obligation to protect or serve the interests of groups other than their shareholders, like employees or customers (often called “stakeholders”). Scholars on one side of the debate have repeatedly presumed that corporate directors’ fiduciary duties to shareholders play an important role in protecting shareholders from decisions that favor stakeholders at their expense. Scholars on the other side agree that fiduciary duties provide meaningful protection against unfavorable conduct but argue that directors should also owe fiduciary duties to stakeholders so they may be similarly protected. This Article argues that this shared premise is mistaken: Fiduciary duties in practice play almost no role in director decisions to favor one corporate group over another. The Article first explains that courts and scholars rarely note the difference between two distinct definitions of the duty of loyalty—one broad and one narrow— and argues that only the broader definition would allow this duty to have any impact on directors’ distribution of corporate resources. Under this narrow definition, fiduciary duties to shareholders prevent directors from acting in their own self-interest, but not from acting in the interests of stakeholders at shareholders’ expense. The Article then argues that Delaware law enforces only the narrow definition of loyalty due to its default judicial standard of review, the business judgment rule, which largely eliminates shareholders’ ability to protect themselves from directors’ decisions that favor other stakeholders. Finally, given this is true for shareholders, the Article argues it would likewise be true for employees (or any other stakeholders), were they to be owed fiduciary duties by directors. Because fiduciary duties do not protect against such unfavorable conduct, the Article concludes it is a mistake to debate to whom directors should owe fiduciary duties. Advocates for shareholder or stakeholder protection should therefore focus on other mechanisms to obtain it