67 research outputs found

    A Bootstrapping architecture for time expression recognition in unlabelled corpora via syntactic-semantic patterns

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    In this paper we describe a semi-supervised approach to the extraction of time expression mentions in large unlabelled corpora based on bootstrapping. Bootstrapping techniques rely on a relatively small amount of initial human-supplied examples (termed “seeds”) of the type of entity or concept to be learned, in order to capture an initial set of patterns or rules from the unlabelled text that extract the supplied data. In turn, the learned patterns are employed to find new potential examples, and the process is repeated to grow the set of patterns and (optionally) the set of examples. In order to prevent the learned pattern set from producing spurious results, it becomes essential to implement a ranking and selection procedure to filter out “bad” patterns and, depending on the case, new candidate examples. Therefore, the type of patterns employed (knowledge representation) as well as the ranking and selection procedure are paramount to the quality of the results. We present a complete bootstrapping algorithm for recognition of time expressions, with a special emphasis on the type of patterns used (a combination of semantic and morpho- syntantic elements) and the ranking and selection criteria. Bootstrap- ping techniques have been previously employed with limited success for several NLP problems, both of recognition and classification, but their application to time expression recognition is, to the best of our knowledge, novel. As of this writing, the described architecture is in the final stages of implementation, with experimention and evalution being already underway.Postprint (published version

    SVMs for the temporal expression chunking problem

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    This technical report provides a description of the Temporal Expression Chunking problem, which consists in finding the mentions of temporal expressions in free text documents, and reports on the results obtained using SVM classifiers to tackle this task. We first define the task in detail, then present a brief survey of relevant literature, state our approach and finally present the results of several experiments. These include a comparison of the correct recognition rate achieved using different polynomial kernel degrees, sets of features, and sizes of the context window. We use 5-fold cross-validation on the ACE 2005 corpus for training and for testing.Postprint (published version

    Inductive logic programming and its application to the temporal expression chunking problem

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    This document first introduces general notions about ILP (inductive logic programming), including a basic vocabulary of ILP, a typology of ILP systems and a description of the main techniques in ILP. It discusses the application of one particular ILP system, FOIL, to the problem of chunking (segmenting) time expressions occurring in natural language text. We employ a propositional knowledge representation that considers features of the individual tokens plus the tokens in a context window of limited size. We trained three rule-based classifiers with FOIL to learn to recognize time expressions using IOB tags, using annotated data from the ACE 2005 corpus. The evaluation methodology and the results of our experiments are reported in this document.Postprint (published version

    Las colonias de menores en el municipio de Crevillent durante la Guerra Civil

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    El siguiente trabajo es fruto de una investigación en torno a las colonias de menores instaladas en el municipio de Crevillent durante la guerra civil española. La primera parte se centra en las colonias de niños refugiados de Torre Inés y Villa Rosa, de las que se aportan novedades significativas como la ubicación de estos edificios, la procedencia de los menores evacuados, así como un inventario que recoge todos los bienes existentes de la primera de las colonias. La segunda parte, más novedosa y desconocida, nos habla de la colonia granja de Los Molinos, especialmente destacada debido al papel fundamental desempeñado por la activista británica Francesca Wilson en su fundación y desarrollo. Sus memorias proporcionan una visión completa de este proyecto en el que los cuáqueros tuvieron una participación esencial. En definitiva, un estudio local basado en fuentes documentales, fotografías y testimonios que más allá de enriquecer nuestro conocimiento del pasado, también pretende preservar la memoria colectiva y honrar a quienes dedicaron esfuerzos significativos en tiempos de guerra.The following article is the result of a research project on the children’s colonies set up in the village of Crevillent during the Spanish Civil War. The first part focuses on the refugee children’s colonies of Torre Inés and Villa Rosa, providing significant new information such as the location of these buildings, the origin of the children who were evacuated, as well as an inventory of all the existing goods in the first of the colonies. The second part, which is more novel and unknown, deals with Los Molinos farm colony, which is particularly noteworthy due to the fundamental role played by the British activist Francesca Wilson in its foundation and development. Her memoirs provide a comprehensive overview of this project in which Quakers played an essential part. In short, this is a local study based on documentary sources, photographs and testimonies that, beyond enriching our knowledge of the past, also aims to preserve the collective memory and honour those who dedicated significant efforts in times of war

    Neural Network Models for Language Acquisition: A Brief Survey

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    Abstract. Since the outbreak of connectionist modelling in the mid eighties, several problems in natural language processing have been tackled by employing neural network-based techniques. Neural network's biological plausibility oers a promising framework in which the computational treatment of language may be linked to other disciplines such as cognitive science and psychology. With this brief survey, we set out to explore the landscape of articial neural models for the acquisition of language that have been proposed in the research literature

    Exploring the Needs and Preferences for a Diabetes Self-Management Program in Hispanics Living in the Central Valley of California

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    Diabetes mellitus type 2 is an ever increasing threat to the health of people living in the United States, especially those of Hispanic ethnicity. This ethnic group is disproportionately afflicted with the chronic condition and is also more likely than non-Hispanic whites to suffer from serious complications of diabetes. This project examines this growing problem among Hispanics living in the Central Valley of California by exploring how best to structure diabetes self-management education in a network of community health centers. The Social Cognitive Theory provides a theoretical basis for investigation into motivation for diabetes self-management. This needs assessment specifically explored data on barriers to diabetes care, patient education preferences, and existing diabetes knowledge by asking subjects to complete two low-literacy bilingual surveys. Ninety-four completed survey packets from two health center locations were received. Data analysis revealed that the sample was relatively homogenous demographically. Education preferences showed strong support for individual education sessions with certified diabetes educators or patients’ regular medical providers, preferably Hispanic individuals. The need for diabetes education is supported by an average score of roughly 50% correct on the diabetes knowledge surveys. Recommendations resulting from this data center on utilizing diabetes educators within the health centers

    El Jaciment de Sant Llorenç de Boada-el Graell (Vic, Osona): un exemple de diacronia de poblament a la plana de Vic

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    La intervenció arqueològica efectuada en el jaciment de Sant Llorenç de Boada-El Graell, al municipi de Vic, es va dur a terme com a conseqüència de la urbanització d'una Àrea Residencial Estratègica (ARE) promoguda per Incasol (Institut Català del Sòl). L'actuació arqueològica es va encarregar a l'empresa Arkeolik s.c.p. 1, sota la direcció de Jordi Alsina Martin, incorporant-se un mes més tard la segona directora, Mònica Oliva Poveda. L'excavació del jaciment es va iniciar el 19 de novembre del 2007 amb caràcter d'urgència, atès el gran nombre d'estructures que s'anaven localitzant en l'obra i, finalment, va quedar interrompuda el 20 de febrer del 2008 per ordre de Incasol, que també va paralitzar l'execució de l'ARE

    Graphical simulator of mathematical algorithms (GraSMA)

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    Our goal is to develop an interactive software GraSMA that illustrates the execution of mathematical algorithms in the context of numerical methods. We want to create a working tool for teachers and learning tool for students. To achieve it we only use free software (as it is the Open Source software). The strategy followed was to extend the original algorithm code, implemented in Octave, with inspector instructions, recording in a XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file everything that happened during the execution. Subsequently, the XML file is parsed by a Java application that graphically represents the mathematic objects and their behaviour during execution. In this paper, we report the procedures followed, the difficulties encountered and the first results we achieved

    On the origin of the O and B-type stars with high velocities II Runaway stars and pulsars ejected from the nearby young stellar groups

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    We use milli-arcsecond accuracy astrometry (proper motions and parallaxes) from Hipparcos and from radio observations to retrace the orbits of 56 runaway stars and nine compact objects with distances less than 700 pc, to identify the parent stellar group. It is possible to deduce the specific formation scenario with near certainty for two cases. (i) We find that the runaway star zeta Ophiuchi and the pulsar PSR J1932+1059 originated about 1 Myr ago in a supernova explosion in a binary in the Upper Scorpius subgroup of the Sco OB2 association. The pulsar received a kick velocity of about 350 km/s in this event, which dissociated the binary, and gave zeta Oph its large space velocity. (ii) Blaauw & Morgan and Gies & Bolton already postulated a common origin for the runaway-pair AE Aur and mu Col, possibly involving the massive highly-eccentric binary iota Ori, based on their equal and opposite velocities. We demonstrate that these three objects indeed occupied a very small volume \sim 2.5Myr ago, and show that they were ejected from the nascent Trapezium cluster. We identify the parent group for two more pulsars: both likely originate in the 50 Myr old association Per OB3, which contains the open cluster alpha Persei. At least 21 of the 56 runaway stars in our sample can be linked to the nearby associations and young open clusters. These include the classical runaways 53 Arietis (Ori OB1), xi Persei (Per OB2), and lambda Cephei (Cep OB3), and fifteen new identifications, amongst which a pair of stars running away in opposite directions from the region containing the lambda Ori cluster. Other currently nearby runaways and pulsars originated beyond 700 pc, where our knowledge of the parent groups is very incomplete.Comment: Accepted for publication in the A&A. 29 pages, 19 figure

    Socio-cultural, historical, political and economic dimensions of health and medicine

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    Health is one of the most important areas of human development and, along with quality of life, occupies a prominent place in the academic world, being studied from various theoretical perspectives and from different scientific disciplines. These studies try to explain, from the micro to the macro, what it means and what elements are involved in the health of individuals in particular and of society in general. However, given the diversity of perspectives, there is no consensus on the definition of health. At the beginning, the study of health focused on biomedical research into disease. This approach has shown its limits in understanding health in its most complete dimension, as defined by the World Health Organization as early as 1946 : “ health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ” ( preamble to the WHO Constitution, 1946 ). This “ positive ” orientation of health is later taken up as a universal human right ( Declaration of Human Rights, art. 25 ), being considered today not only a right, but also a value in itself, an aspiration and a social demand....Peer reviewe