222 research outputs found

    The Activization of City Formation Functions in Conditions of Transbording Cooperation (Based on the Example of the Volyn Region)

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    Проаналізовано специфіку транскордонного співробітництва у Волинській області. Розкрито зростання ролі міст і їхніх функцій у загальному соціально-економічному розвитку області в умовах транскордонного співробітництва. Виділено основні пріоритетні напрями розвитку.The specific of transfrontal collaboration is analysed in the Volhyn region. Growth of role of cities and their functions is exposed in general socio-economic development of area in the conditions of transfrontal collaboration. Basic priority directions of development are selected

    The influence of pre-school training system on the functional possibilities of the first graders

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    Здійснено оцінку адаптаційних можливостей молодших школярів, залежно від системи дошкільної підготовки до навчання. Встановлено, що діти, котрі здійснювали підготовку до школи в домашніх умовах, характеризувалися дещо вищими показниками зросту та маси тіла, порівняно з віковими нормами. У вказаній груп діти в більшій мірі відповідали віковим нормам. Серед дітей, котрі мали підготовку до навчання у ДНЗ, є вищою частка осіб з покращеною роботою кровообігу в процесі адаптації до систематичних занять.The functional abilities of primary schoolchildren were evaluated, depending on the system of preschool preparation for study. It was found that children who were preparing for school at home had slightly higher growth and body weights, compared to age norms. Among the children who were preparing to study, the majority of people with improved blood circulation in the process of adaptation to systematic classes were identified

    Pregled lijekova protiv raka koji ciljano djeluju na mikrotubule

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    The entire world is looking for effective cancer therapies whose benefits would outweigh their toxicity. One way to reduce resistance to chemotherapy and its adverse effects is the so called targeted therapy, which targets specific molecules (“molecular targets”) that play a critical role in cancer growth, progression, and metastasis. One such specific target are microtubules. In this review we address the current knowledge about microtubule-targeting agents or drugs (MTAs/MTDs) used in cancer therapy from their synthesis to toxicities. Synthetic and natural MTAs exhibit antitumor activity, and preclinical and clinical studies have shown that their anticancer effectiveness is higher than that of traditional drug therapies. Furthermore, MTAs involve a lower risk of adverse effects such as neurotoxicity and haemotoxicity. Several new generation MTAs are currently being evaluated for clinical use. This review brings updated information on the benefits of MTAs, therapeutic approaches, advantages, and challenges in their research.U cijelome se svijetu traga za djelotvornim liječenjem protiv raka čije bi koristi prevagnule nad štetnim djelovanjem. Jedan od načina da se smanji otpornost na kemoterapiju i njezine štetne učinke svakako je takozvano ciljano liječenje, usmjereno na pojedine molekule (molekulske ciljeve) koje imaju važnu ulogu u rastu, napredovanju i metastaziranju raka. Primjer takvih specifičnih ciljeva su mikrotubuli. U ovom se preglednom radu osvrćemo na najnovije spoznaje o lijekovima koji ciljano djeluju na mikrotubule (engl. microtubule-targeting agents/drugs, krat. MTA/MTD), a rabe se u liječenju raka. Takvi prirodni i sintetizirani lijekovi djeluju protutumorski, a pretklinička istraživanja i klinička ispitivanja pokazuju da je njihova djelotvornost veća nego ona tradicionalnih lijekova. Osim toga, ti lijekovi donose manji rizik od štetnih učinaka poput neurotoksičnosti i hemotoksičnosti. Upravo se klinički ocjenjuju nove generacije nekoliko lijekova koji ciljano djeluju na mikrotubule. Ovdje donosimo najnovije spoznaje o njihovim koristima, pristupima liječenju, prednostima i izazovima u istraživanju

    4-oxo-N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide: Two Independent Ways to Kill Cancer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The retinoid 4-oxo-N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-oxo-4-HPR) is a polar metabolite of fenretinide (4-HPR) very effective in killing cancer cells of different histotypes, able to inhibit 4-HPR-resistant cell growth and to act synergistically in combination with the parent drug. Unlike 4-HPR and other retinoids, 4-oxo-4-HPR inhibits tubulin polymerization, leading to multipolar spindle formation and mitotic arrest. Here we investigated whether 4-oxo-4-HPR, like 4-HPR, triggered cell death also via reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and whether its antimicrotubule activity was related to a ROS-dependent mechanism in ovarian (A2780), breast (T47D), cervical (HeLa) and neuroblastoma (SK-N-BE) cancer cell lines. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We provided evidence that 4-oxo-4-HPR, besides acting as an antimicrotubule agent, induced apoptosis through a signaling cascade starting from ROS generation and involving endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) activation, and upregulation of the proapoptotic PLAcental Bone morphogenetic protein (PLAB). Through time-course analysis and inhibition of the ROS-related signaling pathway (upstream by vitamin C and downstream by PLAB silencing), we demonstrated that the antimitotic activity of 4-oxo-4-HPR was independent from the oxidative stress induced by the retinoid. In fact, ROS generation occurred earlier than mitotic arrest (within 30 minutes and 2 hours, respectively) and abrogation of the ROS-related signaling pathway did not prevent the 4-oxo-4-HPR-induced mitotic arrest. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data indicate that 4-oxo-4-HPR anticancer activity is due to at least two independent mechanisms and provide an explanation of the ability of 4-oxo-4-HPR to be more potent than the parent drug and to be effective also in 4-HPR-resistant cell lines. In addition, the double mechanism of action could allow 4-oxo-4-HPR to efficiently target tumour and to eventually counteract the development of drug resistance

    A Novel Role for Aquaporin-5 in Enhancing Microtubule Organization and Stability

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    Aquaporin-5 (AQP5) is a water-specific channel located on the apical surface of airway epithelial cells. In addition to regulating transcellular water permeability, AQP5 can regulate paracellular permeability, though the mechanisms by which this occurs have not been determined. Microtubules also regulate paracellular permeability. Here, we report that AQP5 promotes microtubule assembly and helps maintain the assembled microtubule steady state levels with slower turnover dynamics in cells. Specifically, reduced levels of AQP5 correlated with lower levels of assembled microtubules and decreased paracellular permeability. In contrast, overexpression of AQP5 increased assembly of microtubules, with evidence of increased MT stability, and promoted the formation of long straight microtubules in the apical domain of the epithelial cells. These findings indicate that AQP5-mediated regulation of microtubule dynamics modulates airway epithelial barrier properties and epithelial function

    ABC Transporter Pdr10 Regulates the Membrane Microenvironment of Pdr12 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The eukaryotic plasma membrane exhibits both asymmetric distribution of lipids between the inner and the outer leaflet and lateral segregation of membrane components within the plane of the bilayer. In budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), maintenance of leaflet asymmetry requires P-type ATPases, which are proposed to act as inward-directed lipid translocases (Dnf1, Dnf2, and the associated protein Lem3), and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, which are proposed to act as outward-directed lipid translocases (Pdr5 and Yor1). The S. cerevisiae genome encodes two other Pdr5-related ABC transporters: Pdr10 (67% identity) and Pdr15 (75% identity). We report the first analysis of Pdr10 localization and function. A Pdr10-GFP chimera was located in discrete puncta in the plasma membrane and was found in the detergent-resistant membrane fraction. Compared to control cells, a pdr10∆ mutant was resistant to sorbate but hypersensitive to the chitin-binding agent Calcofluor White. Calcofluor sensitivity was attributable to a partial defect in endocytosis of the chitin synthase Chs3, while sorbate resistance was attributable to accumulation of a higher than normal level of the sorbate exporter Pdr12. Epistasis analysis indicated that Pdr10 function requires Pdr5, Pdr12, Lem3, and mature sphingolipids. Strikingly, Pdr12 was shifted to the detergent-resistant membrane fraction in pdr10∆ cells. Pdr10 therefore acts as a negative regulator for incorporation of Pdr12 into detergent-resistant membranes, a novel role for members of the ABC transporter superfamily