138 research outputs found

    Impact of recession on implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Počátek nového tisíciletí se nesl v duchu vzrůstajícího zájmu podniků o to, aby zastávaly ve společnosti více než jen ekonomickou roli. Tento zájem se jim dařilo naplňovat především prostřednictvím konceptu společenské odpovědnosti firem (CSR). Díky nedávnému poklesu výkonu ekonomiky však došlo k přehodnocení podnikatelských aktivit, koncept CSR nevyjímaje. Tato dizertační práce se zabývá vlivem recese na CSR v podnicích. Jedná se o aktuální téma, jelikož důsledky ekonomické krize stále silně ovlivňují podnikatelský sektor, zejména v oblasti poklesu vzájemné důvěry či v nedostatečném plnění morálních závazků podniků vůči společnosti. Aby bylo možno zmapovat celkový vývoj situace, výzkum byl proveden u tří podniků, které se CSR zabývají dlouhodobě. Prostřednictvím výzkumné metody, kterou byla případová studie, byl zjištěn dopad recese na koncept CSR a také byl nastíněn trend budoucího vývoje. Na základě zjištění byl vyvozen závěr, že ekonomický pokles CSR nezastavil, nýbrž jej nasměroval k vyšší efektivitě. Bylo též prokázáno, že CSR pomohlo podnikům lépe překonat období recese. Recese podniky naučila, jak je CSR důležité nejen pro ně samotné, ale i pro celou společnost.During the last few years, companies have had an increasing interest on playing a more significant role in society, besides their merely economic function. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a relevant concept leading them to do so. However, after the recent economic decline, the business model of most corporations had to be reviewed, including the CSR policy. This dissertation work discusses the impact of recession on CSR. The topic is highly relevant, since the consequences of the economic crisis have still a strong influence on business environment, in the form of a degrading level of trust and a decline of moral commitment to society. In order to evaluate this phenomenon, a research was conducted in three companies that are engaged in long-term CSR. With case study as research method, the impact of recession on CSR has been identified and a trend for future development has been outlined. As one of the main conclusions of this research it was proved, that after the economic decline, rather than dismissed, CSR was re-aimed in a more efficient way. CSR has helped companies to survive better the economic crisis and has taught them, how it can be beneficial not only for business but also for the society.

    Comparison of Academic Development in Catholic versus Non-Catholic Private Secondary Schools

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    Utilizing hierarchical linear models, this study of 144 private schools (72 Catholic and 72 non-Catholic schools) drawn from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 discovered that Catholic school students scored lower in reading than students at non-Catholic private schools. Analysis of internal school characteristics suggested that lower growth in reading achievement might be related in part to lower student morale in Catholic schools. However, we found no significant differences between Catholic and non-Catholic private secondary schools in the development of students' math, history/social studies, and science abilities from eighth to tenth grades. This study also identified important student- and school-level variables such as Catholicism, gender, risk factor, parental involvement, and enrollment size that help to explain the outcomes

    Využití filtrů typu dolní propust při spalování biomasy

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    Quantities measured during biomass combustion experiments are heavily burdened with a considerable noise. Usage of common linear low-pass filters is able to smooth measured time rows but it also introduces typical dynamic delay of filtered data. The article presents comparison of three commonly used linear filters – Butterworth, Bessel and Chebishev. An effort to smooth measured data without introducing dynamic delay led us to use some of less common non-linear filters. The article further presents usage of Threshold and Gaussian weighted average non-linear filters and compares them with the linear ones.Veličiny sledované při experimentech se spalováním biomasy jsou zpravidla významně zatížené silným šumem. Použití běžných lineárních filtrů s dolní propustí sice dokáže vyhladit průběhy měřených veličin, ale zavádí do filtrovaného signálu typické dynamické zpoždění. Tento článek porovnává použití tří běžně používaných lineární filtrů - Butterworthův, Besselův a Čebiševův. Další snaha o vyhlazení měřených dat bez zatížení dynamickým zpožděním vedla autory k použití méně běžných nelineárních filtrů. Článek tedy dále srovnává použití prahového filtru a filtru založeném na Gaussovo křivkou váženém průměru

    Programa gerencial de atención basado en la teoría de la calidad total para disminuir el nivel de quejas en el servicio de administración tributaria de Chiclayo – SATCH, Chiclayo 2010

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    En una necesidad latente en las entidades públicas para el cumplimiento de la función social que compete como estado, la aplicación técnica de un programa Gerencial orientada a la efectividad en la realización y servicios que den satisfacción a las necesidades y expectativas del usuario final de los bienes y servicios es decir de la comunidad .Este programa contribuye a mejorar el desempeño institucional dada la aplicación del ciclo del proceso administrativo o ciclo de funciones gerenciales interrelacionadas. Generar el cambio cultural institucional considerando el empoderamiento como una contribución a la generación de compromiso de las personas en la participación y contribución al logro de los resultados esperados, garantizar la continuidad y sostenibilidad de proyectos y modelo gerencial para realizar un cambio en el servidor público hacia la vocación del servicio. Considerar al ciudadano como el principal en la función pública, aplicación de los conceptos administrativos y gerenciales el ejercicio de la función pública como es el caso del Servicio de Administración tributaria de Chiclayo de manera articulada y considerando el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable, vigente y cambio de un enfoque funcional a un enfoque por procesos y sistémico. Ante esta situación es importante revisar y fortalecer el programa gerencial basado en la teoría de Calidad Total, como un espacio valido de contribución al cumplimiento da la Misión Visión y Objetivos de la función Social que le compete como estado.Tesi

    Identification of Periostin as a Critical Marker of Progression/Reversal of Hypertensive Nephropathy

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    Progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major health issue due to persistent accumulation of extracellular matrix in the injured kidney. However, our current understanding of fibrosis is limited, therapeutic options are lacking, and progressive degradation of renal function prevails in CKD patients. Uncovering novel therapeutic targets is therefore necessary

    Restoration of Podocyte Structure and Improvement of Chronic Renal Disease in Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Renin

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    Proteinuria is a major marker of the decline of renal function and an important risk factor of coronary heart disease. Elevated proteinuria is associated to the disruption of slit-diaphragm and loss of podocyte foot processes, structural alterations that are considered irreversible. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether proteinuria can be reversed and to identify the structural modifications and the gene/protein regulation associated to this reversal.We used a novel transgenic strain of mouse (RenTg) that overexpresses renin at a constant high level. At the age of 12-month, RenTg mice showed established lesions typical of chronic renal disease such as peri-vascular and periglomerular inflammation, glomerular ischemia, glomerulosclerosis, mesangial expansion and tubular dilation. Ultrastructural analysis indicated abnormal heterogeneity of basement membrane thickness and disappearance of podocyte foot processes. These structural alterations were accompanied by decreased expressions of proteins specific of podocyte (nephrin, podocin), or tubular epithelial cell (E-cadherin and megalin) integrity. In addition, since TGFbeta is considered the major pro-fibrotic agent in renal disease and since exogenous administration of BMP7 is reported to antagonize the TGFbeta-induced phenotype changes in kidney, we have screened the expressions of several genes belonging in the TGFbeta/BMP superfamily. We found that the endogenous inhibitors of BMPs such as noggin and Usag-1 were several-fold activated inhibiting the action of BMPs and thus reinforcing the deleterious action of TGFbeta.Treatment with an AT1 receptor antagonist, at dose that did not decrease arterial pressure, gradually reduced albuminuria. This decrease was accompanied by re-expression of podocin, nephrin, E-cadherin and megalin, and reappearance of podocyte foot processes. In addition, expressions of noggin and Usag-1 were markedly decreased, permitting thus activation of the beneficial action of BMPs.These findings show that proteinuria and alterations in the expression of proteins involved in the integrity and function of glomerular and renal epithelial phenotype are reversible events when the local action of angiotensin II is blocked, and provide hope that chronic renal disease can be efficiently treated

    Galacto-Oligosaccharides : production, properties, applications, and significance as prebiotics

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    Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) have now been definitely established as prebiotic ingredients after in vitro and animal and human in vivo studies. Currently, GOS are produced by glycoside hydrolases (GH) using lactose as substrate. Converting lactose into GOS by GH results in mixtures containing GOS of different degrees of polymerization (DP), unreacted lactose, and monomeric sugars (glucose and galactose). Recent and future developments in the production of GOS aim at delivering purer and more efficient mixtures. To produce high-GOS-content mixtures, GH should not only have good ability to catalyze the transgalactosylation reaction relative to hydrolysis, but also have low affinity for the GOS formed relative to the affinity for lactose. In this article, several microbial GH, proposed for the synthesis of GOS, are hierarchized according to the referred performance indicators. In addition, strategies for process improvement are discussed. Besides the differences in purity of GOS mixtures, differences in the position of the glycosidic linkages occur, because different enzymes have different regiochemical selectivity. Depending on oligosaccharide composition, GOS products will vary in terms of prebiotic activity, as well as other physiological effects. This review focuses on GOS production from synthesis to purification processes. Physicochemical characteristics, physiological effects, and applications of these prebiotic ingredients are summarized. Regulatory aspects of GOS-containing food products are also highlighted with emphasis on the current process of health claims evaluation in Europe.Agência da Inovação-Progama IDEIA (Portugal)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT