206 research outputs found

    Marta Boni, Adrienne Boutang, Barbara Laborde and Lucie Merijeau (eds), Théorème #17, Networking images. Approches interdisciplinaires des images en réseau

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    Does the existence of new media and networks and (consequently) new practices imply new ways of relating to images and other kinds of representation? This may be the central question that defines the core project in the latest issue of French academic journal Théorème. Nevertheless, like all first questions that guide us through a research field or a conceptual elaboration, each word must be considered with critical perspective. The deconstruction of all the concepts presented in this questio..

    François-Emmanuël Boucher, Sylvain David, Maxime Prévost, dirs, Mythologies du superhéros. Histoire, physiologie, géographie, intermédialités

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    À première vue, aborder les superhéros à l’aune de la question du mythe paraît relever de l’évidence. En effet, comme le notent les directeurs de cet ouvrage collectif, ils sont souvent considérés comme les « demi-dieux d’un monde sans Dieu » (p. 5). Ils s’inscriraient alors dans un processus social de sécularisation impliquant, non pas une disparition totale du religieux, de la ritualité et de la valeur édifiante des récits issus de textes sacrés, mais d’une acceptation de la non-transcendan..

    Qu'est-ce que l’identité gamer ?

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    The goal of this text is to show that playing video games is not enough to consider oneself a true gamer. To do that implies a whole set of attitude and discourses about the practice and the constructions of norms of authenticity. Theses norms are based on a double temporality: synchronic (having been there first), and diachronic (to spend a long time gaming); and also on some references which shape the good (and bad) taste in what we can call a gamer subculture, growing with the democratization of the practice. The social construct of this subcultural category is explored here with the analysis of a corpus of interview about geek culture in which the issue of gamer’s identity became central.L’objet de cet article est de démontrer qu’il ne suffit pas de jouer à des jeux vidéo pour se considérer comme gamer. Au contraire, cela passe par tout un ensemble d’attitudes et de discours vis-à-vis de la pratique qui impliquent la mise en place de normes d’authenticité d’un·e vrai·e gamer. Ces normes sont avant tout construites autour d’une double temporalité : synchronique (avoir été là avant) et diachronique (y passer beaucoup de temps), mais aussi de références fondatrices qui forment les bases du bon (et en creux du mauvais) goût dans ce que l’on peut alors qualifier de sous-culture gamer, qui s’est construite au fil de la massification de la pratique. La construction sociale de cette catégorie subculturelle est explorée ici à partir d’un corpus d’entretiens portant de manière générale sur la culture geek, et dans lequel la question de ce qu’est l’identité gamer s’est avérée centrale

    Extending the aridity record of the Southwest Kalahari: current problems and future perspectives

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    An extensive luminescence-based chronological framework has allowed the reconstruction of expansions and contractions of the Kalahari Desert over the last 50 ka. However, this chronology is largely based on near-surface pits and sediment exposures. These are the points on the landscape most prone to reactivation and resetting of the luminescence dating ‘clock’. This is proving to be a limiting feature for extending palaeoenvironmental reconstructions further back in time. One way to obviate this is to sample desert marginal areas that only become active during significant arid phases. An alternative is to find and sample deep stratigraphic exposures. The Mamatwan manganese mine at Hotazel in the SW Kalahari meets both these criteria. Luminescence dating of this site shows the upper sedimentary unit to span at least the last 60 ka with tentative age estimates from underlying cemented aeolian units dating back to the last interglacial and beyond. Results from Mamatwan are comparable to new and previously published data from linear dunes in the SW Kalahari but extend back much further. Analysis of the entire data set of luminescence ages for the SW Kalahari brings out important inferences that suggest that different aeolian forms (1) have been active over different time scales in the past, (2) have different sensitivities to environmental changes and (3) have different time scales over which they record and preserve the palaeoenvironmental record. This implies that future optically stimulated luminescence work and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions must consider both site location and its relationship to desert margins and sediment depositional styles, so that the resolution and duration of the aridity record can be optimally understood

    Mid Holocene vegetation reconstruction from Vanevan peat (south-eastern shore of Lake Sevan, Armenia)

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    International audienceA sediment core has been retrieved from Vanevan peat (south-eastern shore of Lake Sevan, Armenia), which is today disconnected from Lake Sevan thanks to an artificial shallowing of the lake. Based on 5 radiocarbon dates, Vanevan record covers the Mid Holocene (from ca. 7800 to ca. 5100 cal. BP). The Late Holocene is today absent in the peat stratigraphy due to modern peat exploitation by surface mining. This study focuses on a multi-proxy approach including pollen, charcoals, and pollen-inferred climate reconstruction. An open-land, steppic vegetation is recorded up to ca. 7700 cal. BP, followed by a more forested landscape during the Mid Holocene (up to ca. 5700 cal. BP), and ending again with an open-land vegetation (to the end of record, 5100 cal. BP). This vegetation dynamics responds to general climate changes documented in the Near East. Whether human activities are documented since ca. 7500 cal. BP (Late Neolithic) in Vanevan, they remain marginal and probably did not affect the area. Early Holocene dry climate, which caused the steppic environment to be widespread through the Near East, is strongly related to low late spring precipitation (PMay–Jun = 180 mm). Mid Holocene forested landscape and increasing lake-level seem related to late spring precipitation (+28%), which is the main change in estimated climate parameters. This has to be linked with reinforcement of the Westerlies and less active Siberian High, which are inversely involved in the following, dry phase starting at ca. 5700 cal. B

    Precipitation changes in the Mediterranean basin during the Holocene from terrestrial and marine pollen records: a model–data comparison

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    Climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene exhibits strong spatial and temporal variability. The spatial differentiation and temporal variability, as evident from different climate proxy datasets, has remained notoriously difficult for models to reproduce. In light of this complexity, we examine the previously described evidence for (i) opposing northern and southern precipitation regimes during the Holocene across the Mediterranean basin, and (ii) an east-to-west precipitation gradient or dipole during the early Holocene, from a wet eastern Mediterranean to dry western Mediterranean. Using quantitative climate information from marine and terrestrial pollen archives, we focus on two key time intervals, the early to mid-Holocene (8000 to 6000 cal yrs BP) and the late Holocene (4000 to 2000 yrs BP), in order to test the above mentioned hypotheses on a Mediterranean-wide scale. Palynologically derived climate information is compared with the output of regional-scale climate-model simulations for the same time intervals. Quantitative pollen-based precipitation estimates were generated along a longitudinal gradient from the Alboran (West) to the Aegean Sea (East); they are derived from terrestrial pollen records from Greece, Italy and Malta as well as from pollen records obtained from marine cores. Because seasonality represents a key parameter in Mediterranean climates, special attention was given to the reconstruction of season-specific climate information, notably summer and winter precipitation. The reconstructed climatic trends corroborate a previously described north-south partition of precipitation regimes during the Holocene. During the early Holocene, relatively wet conditions occurred in the south-central and eastern Mediterranean region, while drier conditions prevailed from 45° N northwards. These patterns reversed during the late Holocene, with a wetter northern Mediterranean region and drier conditions in the east and south. More sites from the northern part of the Mediterranean basin are needed to further substantiate these observations. With regard to the existence of a west-east precipitation dipole during the Holocene, our pollen-based climate data show that the strength of this dipole is strongly linked to the seasonal parameter reconstructed: Early Holocene summers show a clear east-to-west gradient, with summer precipitation having been highest in the central and eastern Mediterranean and lowest over the western Mediterranean. In contrast, winter precipitation signals are less spatially coherent. A general drying trend occurred from the early to the late Holocene; particularly in the central and eastern Mediterranean. However, summer precipitation in the east remained above modern values, even during the late Holocene interval. Pollen-inferred precipitation estimates were compared to regional-scale climate modelling simulations based on the HadAM3 GCM coupled to the dynamic HadSM3 and the high-resolution regional HadRM3 models. Climate model outputs and pollen-inferred precipitation estimates show remarkably good overall correspondence, although many simulated patterns are of marginal statistical significance. Nevertheless, models weakly support an east to west division in summer precipitation and there are suggestions that the eastern Mediterranean experienced wetter summer and winter conditions during the early Holocene and wetter summer conditions during the late Holocene. The extent to which summer monsoonal precipitation may have existed in the southern and eastern Mediterranean during the mid-Holocene remains an outstanding question; our model, consistent with other global models, does not suggest an extension of the African monsoon into the Mediterranean. Given the difficulty in modelling future climate change in Southern Europe, more simulations based on high resolution global models and very high resolution regional downscaling, perhaps even including transient simulations, are required to fully understand the patterns of change in winter and summer circulation patterns over the Mediterranean regio

    Narcolepsy patients have antibodies that stain distinct cell populations in rat brain and influence sleep patterns.

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    Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder, likely with an autoimmune component. During 2009 and 2010, a link between A(H1N1)pdm09 Pandemrix vaccination and onset of narcolepsy was suggested in Scandinavia. In this study, we searched for autoantibodies related to narcolepsy using a neuroanatomical array: rat brain sections were processed for immunohistochemistry/double labeling using patient sera/cerebrospinal fluid as primary antibodies. Sera from 89 narcoleptic patients, 52 patients with other sleep-related disorders (OSRDs), and 137 healthy controls were examined. Three distinct patterns of immunoreactivity were of particular interest: pattern A, hypothalamic melanin-concentrating hormone and proopiomelanocortin but not hypocretin/orexin neurons; pattern B, GABAergic cortical interneurons; and pattern C, mainly globus pallidus neurons. Altogether, 24 of 89 (27%) narcoleptics exhibited pattern A or B or C. None of the patterns were exclusive for narcolepsy but were also detected in the OSRD group at significantly lower numbers. Also, some healthy controls exhibited these patterns. The antigen of pattern A autoantibodies was identified as the common C-terminal epitope of neuropeptide glutamic acid-isoleucine/alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (NEI/alphaMSH) peptides. Passive transfer experiments on rat showed significant effects of pattern A human IgGs on rapid eye movement and slow-wave sleep time parameters in the inactive phase and EEG theta-power in the active phase. We suggest that NEI/alphaMSH autoantibodies may interfere with the fine regulation of sleep, contributing to the complex pathogenesis of narcolepsy and OSRDs. Also, patterns B and C are potentially interesting, because recent data suggest a relevance of those brain regions/neuron populations in the regulation of sleep/arousal

    Multi vegetation model evaluation of the Green Sahara climate regime

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    During the Quaternary, the Sahara desert was periodically colonized by vegetation, likely because of orbitally induced rainfall increases. However, the estimated hydrological change is not reproduced in climate model simulations, undermining confidence in projections of future rainfall. We evaluated the relationship between the qualitative information on past vegetation coverage and climate for the mid-Holocene using three different dynamic vegetation models. Compared with two available vegetation reconstructions, the models require 500–800 mm of rainfall over 20°–25°N, which is significantly larger than inferred from pollen but largely in agreement with more recent leaf wax biomarker reconstructions. The magnitude of the response also suggests that required rainfall regime of the early to middle Holocene is far from being correctly represented in general circulation models. However, intermodel differences related to moisture stress parameterizations, biases in simulated present-day vegetation, and uncertainties about paleosoil distributions introduce uncertainties, and these are also relevant to Earth system model simulations of African humid periods

    Uptake and Accumulation of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein during Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Guinea Pigs

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    The typical host response to infection of humans and some animals by M. tuberculosis is the accumulation of reactive oxygen species generating inflammatory cells into discrete granulomas, which frequently develop central caseous necrosis. In previous studies we showed that infection of immunologically naïve guinea pigs with M. tuberculosis leads to localized and systemic oxidative stress that results in a significant depletion of serum total antioxidant capacity and the accumulation of malondialdehyde, a bi-product of lipid peroxidation. Here we show that in addition, the generation of excessive reactive oxygen species in vivo resulted in the accumulation of oxidized low density lipoproteins (OxLDL) in pulmonary and extrapulmonary granulomas, serum and lung macrophages collected by bronchoalveolar lavage. Macrophages from immunologically naïve guinea pigs infected with M. tuberculosis also had increased surface expression of the type 1 scavenger receptors CD36 and LOX1, which facilitate the uptake of oxidized host macromolecules including OxLDL. Vaccination of guinea pigs with Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) prior to aerosol challenge reduced the bacterial burden as well as the intracellular accumulation of OxLDL and the expression of macrophage CD36 and LOX1. In vitro loading of guinea pig lung macrophages with OxLDL resulted in enhanced replication of bacilli compared to macrophages loaded with non-oxidized LDL. Overall, this study provides additional evidence of oxidative stress in M. tuberculosis infected guinea pigs and the potential role OxLDL laden macrophages have in supporting intracellular bacilli survival and persistence

    IGFBP3 Colocalizes with and Regulates Hypocretin (Orexin)

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    Background: The sleep disorder narcolepsy is caused by a vast reduction in neurons producing the hypocretin (orexin) neuropeptides. Based on the tight association with HLA, narcolepsy is believed to result from an autoimmune attack, but the cause of hypocretin cell loss is still unknown. We performed gene expression profiling in the hypothalamus to identify novel genes dysregulated in narcolepsy, as these may be the target of autoimmune attack or modulate hypocretin gene expression. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used microarrays to compare the transcriptome in the posterior hypothalamus of (1) narcoleptic versus control postmortem human brains and (2) transgenic mice lacking hypocretin neurons versus wild type mice. Hypocretin was the most downregulated gene in human narcolepsy brains. Among many additional candidates, only one, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3), was downregulated in both human and mouse models and coexpressed in hypocretin neurons. Functional analysis indicated decreased hypocretin messenger RNA and peptide content, and increased sleep in transgenic mice overexpressing human IGFBP3, an effect possibly mediated through decrease